Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 327: In the front yard

The "Little Eagle King" exhibition hall is extremely simple.

Zhan Yu's romantic personality before his life was naturally disliked by the plain. Except for those who wear filial piety and filial piety, black and white are used very little, but bright colors are used very much, centered on the magpie in the main hall. It is full of flowers, which almost makes it an ocean of flowers.

The three Eagle Claw orchids that Eagle King's favorite are gifts from Zhan Yu, and they are placed next to Ling Ling.

All the people in the rivers and lakes in Wuling Prefecture came to mourn, but the King of Eagles did not worship publicly because of his son's dislike of liveliness. He just set up a seat in the front yard to entertain the guests from all directions.

The large front yard is large enough to accommodate thousands of people, but it is still overcrowded at this moment. Only people with heads and faces on rivers and lakes are eligible to occupy seats. Most people can only occupy a standing position in the crowded courtyard.

In the messy courtyard, everyone has a solemn face, for fear of destroying the heavy atmosphere here, but just talking down the sound of discussion is enough to make it a lobby of the tavern.

"Hey, it's still the king of the eagle. Look at it. Even the top-ranked baiguangpai Guangqing faction, Mr. Xuanjing, can't sit in the top ten seats."

"What's more, even the first-class Hengshan Gate, Liang Pakong's arrogant old man, has no place to sit. Hey, this old man holds his own identity and sits forward. As a result, he sees that there are few Sansheng Island in the future. The owner of the island could only give up the seat with a charming look. Mr. Xuanjing was self-aware and did not dare to occupy the front ... "

"No, what is the occasion? The funeral of the son of the eagle king can be seen by all kinds of great people ... these are the four major forces today, all have rituals, even the same as the eagle king. Li Daotian sent a long-masked deputy leader, Cheng Yi, to the scene! "

"You say, why isn't the King of Eagles worshipping in such a big scene?"

"Shh, don't say it, haven't you heard of it?"

"What did you hear?"

"Golden Eagle is coming back!"

"What? The golden eagle? The king of the little eagle died unexplained, and he said that he was the golden eagle behind him. How dare he come back?"

"No! This is not allowed in the back office, waiting for the Golden Eagle to explain, if the explanation is wrong, hum ..."


"I'm afraid there are more than 800 swordsmen waiting for him in the back hall ..."

Whoops ...

The front hall, which is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people, and the courtyard of thousands of people, almost everyone is scrambling to talk about it. Everyone is mysterious and asks what the truth is.

Twelve Flying Eagles of the Twelve Flying Eagles, none of them stayed in front of the church, but Zhong Li Shangxian was responsible for welcoming them.

Although seemingly magnificent and exquisite on the surface, everyone laughed in private and talked about the generals of Zhenbei and Jiangnan Dynasty who were on par with the Eagle King. The chief executive.

Quite a few gossips drifted into Zhong Li Shangxian's ears from time to time, but he remained calm and sorrowful as usual, and performed a good three-pointer from a lost nephew, which was moving.

In the backyard, in the small square in front of the Lingtang, several of the twelve flying eagles have arrived, standing in a row, staring at the lonely and helpless figure in the Lingtang.

The person headed by it is the sturdy copper eagle. Even if the twelve flying eagles are all momentary talents, the copper eagle still has a sense of standing out from the crowd.

Gently glanced at the other brothers, the copper eagle finally focused on the residual eagle, sighed, and whispered, "Twelve sisters, you said ... Where is the second child now? The brother for so many years did not expect him to do such things ... "

Residual eagle was indifferent, he didn't talk back coldly, and didn't even look at the copper eagle.

The next old blood eagle Shen Shen said: "Brother Tong, brothers for so many years, what kind of person is the second brother? Do you not see it? It was obviously framed by people, how would the second brother love the woman Wei Caidie? ? "

"What's wrong with Caidie?" Angry Eagle put her herder hat on his side, and said with no fear: "There must be some misunderstanding here, Caidie is not like that!"

Tongying laughed in his heart, but still nodded in agreement: "After all, it's Brother Wei's daughter. You eighth, please leave a little morality."

The blood eagle blushed and said in shame, "It's not that I didn't leave words. The woman had always been three and four. She had seduced the second brother before. She also seduced the 13th brother. Right, and the second son of the Xiahou family. It's not clear ... "

"Asshole!" Angry Eagle looked so blue and couldn't help anger. "You are not allowed to talk nonsense, now Caidie is my woman, you are her, do you still have my seventh brother in my eyes?"

The angry eagle yelled like this, and the blood eagle suddenly became furious, and his voice rose up and shouted, "You only jerk, you forgot your friends, you lost your eyes with that bitch, and even the second brother was hurt by the outsider. I think you should wash Brainwashed ... "

"What did you say?" The angry eagle was so angry that he waved his hand and passed it.

The blood eagle took a backhand, and it turned into a claw!

The two recoiled with two words, and they fought in an instant.

The surrounding brothers did not dare to speak. Seeing that the two really started to work in front of the hall, they rushed forward, and when the shadows were flying, they hugged the two with their fingers and claws, but they were very angry. With real kung fu, when everyone was busy, they couldn't be separated for a while.

The original sorrowful eagle in the heart was angered by the anti-objective scene of the brothers in front of her. When she was about to drink and scold, the copper eagle that was ignited by the wind suddenly screamed forward, holding two arms in each hand, fiercely. To the ground!


The vigor shot, the copper eagle withstood the combined force of the two claws for a while, right above the chest and abdomen, and the copper eagle face did not have a fear of color, and even a cold hum, it was easily resolved. The strength of the brothers secretly whispered.

"Enough! They are all my brothers, and I don't see what time it is at this time, but I'm actually here. Are there any masters in my eyes, or any younger brother who treats Xue injustice?"

The copper eagle slammed the crowd first, deterring the audience with momentum, and for a time no one really dared to say one more word ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ one after another looked at the old back in the hall.

The copper eagle's mouth unwittingly revealed a smug smile, raising its eyes, but it was encountering the saucy smile of the residual eagle, and quickly put away the smile and turned serious.

The angry eagle and blood eagle trembled, and took a few steps forward, kneeling before the spirit.

"The child is not good, please respect and punish him!"

The King of Eagles, who hasn't spoken for a long time, sighed slightly and said indifferently: "It's nothing, I'm an old teacher, I can't care much about you, you are not children, and you don't need to ask me everything. I'm tired, go in and rest Come on, you go. When the golden eagle arrives, come back to me .... The bronze eagle is the biggest here, and the hall will take care of you. "

After that, the back of the eagle king that was a few decades old and suddenly disappeared into the inner hall.

.. m.

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