Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 329: Gathering

The Golden Eagle did not arrive, nor did the guests leave.

The son of the Eagle King did not worship in public, but representatives of several major forces were almost all present.

Chu Lingxu brought two second-generation disciples, Tie Qingshi and He Qingzhu, and Zhan Yu's brothers came to Duan Sanshi, Ruhua Monk, and Meng Yuanzhang.

As soon as they arrived, they immediately became the focus of attention.

There are many people who come to see the ceremony, but there are also a lot of cold-faced characters. Among them, the Central Plains Baidao School, which is dominated by the Youlong Gang, is the majority.

Regarding the Kunwu faction, which has risen in Wulin and has the strength of the top ten martial arts in a few years, all major martial arts in the world are full of complex emotions of envy and jealousy.

It's no wonder that with the rise of the Kunwu faction, many of the Daoists who were attached to Fengyige's Majesty at that time were all repeatedly rubbed against the ground by this daemon.

Almost all of the top ten martial arts have had a relationship with this Kunwu sect. No matter whether it is an ally or an enemy, there is nothing good to eat.

It is simply the No. 1 broom star martial art in the world.

Chu Lingxu hit the plain white robe, and stepped onto the seat like a fairy. Shuai Tianfan, who was also in the top three seats, also stood up and insisted on the junior ceremony.

Chu Ling nodded with a smile, closed his eyes and raised his mind after sitting, no longer said a word.

Such a mysterious state is even more mysterious.

Mr. Xuan Jing, the head of the Guangqing school, who is also a Taoist school, couldn't help but hummed and muttered a phrase, "It's a mystery."

Chu Lingxu and his party sat high on the table, while the three Duan Sanshi brothers were invited by Zhong Li Shangxian to the inner hall to gather with the flying eagles.

As righteous brothers, several of them are considered relatives.

As soon as the three of them left, a sudden noise came out of the outer courtyard. Before they could react, the screams continued, and then two of them volleyed into the air, two "pongs" and fell. With his feet facing the sky, he fainted and passed.


The guests in the outer courtyard were close to the gate, and the tide broke apart, leaving a large space near the gate.

At this time, the people who can enter the hospital are already outstanding figures in the martial arts, and their eyesight is extraordinary. It has been seen that the servants who are doing everything in the outer courtyard at this time are the famous "Yanzhou Eighteenth" by Zhong Li Shangxian. ride".

Although these eighteen masters are only masters of the innate realm, they are good at joint attack and are not afraid of death. They are rare soldiers in the world, and they are the masters of ordinary middle and small martial arts. Unexpectedly, such a family member was shocked by someone on the spot.

Not only did the comer have high martial arts strength, he also clearly challenged the Eagle King faction, especially when he was shot during the funeral of others, it was too arrogant.

For a while, everyone looked at each other with dissatisfaction.

Someone came up and took the two men who were knocked down.

The wind broke, and a big man in a blue robe flew into the courtyard, and yelled, "Who dares to come here?"

As the principal of the front yard, Zhong Li Shangxian just sent Duan Sanshi and other people into the room. There was no one in the outside. The blue robe man was just a housekeeper in Zhongli Shangxian Mansion. He was also famous on the rivers and lakes. Called "the shadowless hand" Zheng Liang, but the realm is nothing but congenital late.

A cold hum came from outside the gate.

A figure walked into the courtyard under the attention of everyone.

The comer is about fifty years old. He is born with big ears, awkward and ancient face, short jaws, short beards, a big mouth and a fork cracking in dissatisfaction, and his huge nose is straight, as if filled with "the evil of ancient times". Majestic.

The man did not speak, but his mouth opened with a burst of immense laughter: "The wind heard the death of the eagle king. I waited for the Kowloon Palace to come and pay my respects and gave Zhan Xiongfei the face. He did not come to meet him. It is the way to send guests to stop me waiting. "

The laughter was accompanied by a rough voice, just like Jiuyun Cloud Thunder, the hall trembled so violently towards the falling dust. The most weird thing was that the laughter continued. Even after the words were spoken, the laughter still echoed between the beams. Only then did it slowly dissipate, revealing each other's powerful internal strength.

The heroes were stunned in astonishment, and when they were thinking about who was coming, the figure flashed, and the two of them appeared behind him.


There was a sound of cold air at the scene.

Although the front characters are face-to-face, the two behind them are already outstanding figures on the rivers and lakes.

A scholar with a tall, thin body and a pale yellow face, who looks like a chronic illness, is the "sick dragon" Zhu Yang of the Kowloon Palace, while the other person is one size larger than everyone, but a bald old monk. But his eyes are round and convex like Zhang Fei's leopard eyes, his eyes are fierce, his finger bones are three times that of ordinary people, and his majestic power makes him just make a fist, and pops in the air. He is the leader of the Xianlong Cave family. He has recently joined the Jiulong Palace and became the ancestor of Xianlong, who was a substitute for "Hanlong" Lu Weishuang.

As for the headed person, he is even more arrogant than the immortal dragon ancestors. Many senior martial arts people have already guessed his identity. It is one of the three dragons in the Kowloon Palace. "Smiling Dragon" Weng Xiaofei undoubtedly.

The appearance of these characters immediately shocked the heroes.

The three entered the outer courtyard with their heads raised, and they were already crowded. At this time, in order to make way for the three, they vacated a large space and became close to each other. There was some momentum in the Spring Festival Railway Station.

Although the three were powerful, there was still no fear at the scene and they stood in front.

"Shadowless Hand" Zheng Liang pressed his inner heart, took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and stood in front of the three of them. He said, "Three seniors are not only attending the ceremony, but please wait a moment here, The festival has not yet started ... "

"Where is Zhan Xiongfei?" "Smiling Dragon" Weng Xiaofei faced with arrogance, raised his chin, and said lightly: "On behalf of the doorkeeper of Tianyumen is my righteous brother, in terms of seniority, Zhan Xiongfei is still my teacher and nephew. Here Can't speak to you, let him come out and see me! "

Zheng Liang frowned, and said busyly: "The King of Eagles is upset ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is still resting, here is under the control of General Zhongli, the owner of the house, why not ask the owner to come out ..."


The ancestor of Xianlong gave a cold hum, and at the same time his thumb flicked and gave a bang. Zheng Liang, the "shadowless hand," just felt that there was a hammer in his head and a buzz, the whole person flew out and landed After groaning in pain, he couldn't get up for a long time.

Weng Xiaofei sneered and said loudly: "The exhibitor junior was victimized by the evil spirits of the magic gate. I specifically killed the evil spirit of the magic gate in Kowloon Palace to sacrifice the son of the eagle king. What are you waiting for? Me? Let Zhan Xiong fly out! "

Xianlong's ancestor held out a square sandalwood box, Shi Shiran opened it, drew a head from his hair, and shouted at the heroes around him: "Look at me, who is this?"

The men took a closer look, and many people were instantly sluggish, and some even screamed, "Kong ... Kong Kong ... Peacock !?"

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