Chu Lingxu fought with the Three Dragons. All this happened between the electric light and flint. The males present were not fully awakened. This round was completely over. What remained was only deep shock.

Weng Xiaofei, the third-ranked "Smiling Dragon" of the Kowloon Palace, has even broken through the deified realm!

Although this is appalling, it is inevitable under careful consideration.

Because from the beginning of the Kowloon Palace, the enshrined enshrinement is a superb character who returns to the virtual realm and is only a step away from the deified realm.

Such a peerless figure cultivating in the Kowloon Palace is Lu Weishuang, the youngest "Hanlong" at the time, and there are nearly a hundred years. As for the first three dragons, they are more important than the two masters, such as the Zen Master and the Devil Against Heaven. People a hundred years ago are still far away.

Speaking of which, the martial arts talents of any of these characters are not worse than those of the adversary or Luo breaking the enemy, but the speed of the magic gate is advancing rapidly, but for hundreds of years of condensing, some people break through the deified realm. Accepted results.

What everyone was surprised was that the third-ranked "Smiling Dragon" Weng Xiaofei broke through the deification, and the second-ranked "Good Dragon" Yan Gong Exhibition and the first-ranked "Golden Dragon" Jiang Broken Strings will reach what level How about it?

For thousands of years, those who have been able to rely on the method of the right path and have reached the divine realm in an orderly way, are the three in the Kowloon Palace.

It can be said that these three people in the Kowloon Palace are completely the most outstanding figures in the whole river and lake for thousands of years.

With a little thought, the people in the rivers and lakes who were not worthy of the sudden rise of the rivers and lakes suddenly sweated and finally thought of the horror of the Kowloon Palace.

In contrast, Chu Lingxu, the successor of the Kunwu School, has one of the "five great treasures of Shenwu" and "Jiutiantongxuanyuyu", which is not so scary.

But this is just an evaluation of ordinary people. In the eyes of many people, it looks a bit strange.

Mr. Xuanjing of the Guangqing school trembled uncontrollably at the corner of his eyebrows; Liang Bagong, who was arrogantly holding a white beard, directly broke several beautiful beasts; Constantly meditating on the Buddha, only to suppress the boiling blood in my heart ...

This Chu Ling Xu is absolutely very human!

Is he really "reincarnated"?

From the day he gained fame in Yunzhou and re-established Kunwu Mountain Gate, until this moment he was able to face the rigid three dragons without falling into the wind, but it only took a few years to break.

Its speed of entry and breakthrough is beyond ordinary people's perception.

The difficulties and obstacles that the Buddha and the warrior broke through in the realm simply disappeared in the face of Chu Lingxu, which is simply incredible.

According to rumors, this Chu Lingxu spent a hundred years in the state of great success the day after tomorrow, opening up the meridian coefficient of the whole body, and raising him for 100 years with the supreme power of Taoism ...

Is it related to his speeding up?

But who on the rivers and lakes is not looking forward to the early "famous achievements" and "juvenile pride", how many people can willingly spend hundreds of years in the realm of the day after tomorrow, struggling physically and mentally?

It's just such tenacity that is already shocking and terrifying. For ordinary people, not to mention consummate polishing, is whether you can let yourself live beyond 100 years old the day after tomorrow.

Mr. Xuanjing, who also came from Daomen and was deeply aware of the suffering of Daomen's approach, looked at Chu Lingxu for a long time, finally sighed helplessly in the bottom of his heart, completely convinced.

At this time, Sanlong had not entered the outer hall, so he was blocked by Chu Ling's weakness, begging for the head of a peacock.

When Chu Lingxu said this, everyone could not help but look around in surprise.

Xianlong ancestor even sneered, and said in a yin voice: "Here you are! Why, humming, deaf child, I heard that there is a lot of collusion between Guipai and Momen Peacock, isn't it true?"

There was a lot of talk around the crowd.

Chu Ling said coldly: "I Kunwu faction collusion with the magic gate? Thanks to your collusion Fengyi Pavilion, the old loach who turned to the magic gate speaks out. I Kunwu faction destroys the gate because of the magic gate, does not have the hatred of the magic gate Wear the sky together, after the re-establishment of the mountain gate, the people of the world will remember it, will anyone believe your devil? "

Zhu Yang laughed three times and asked, "Why do you ask me for the head of a peacock?"

"Because he is my friend!" Chu Lingxu's words immediately caused a sound of exclamation and horror.

"Oops, Chu is in charge. Don't talk nonsense!"

"Well, it turned out that the Kunwu faction also came and went with the Momen eyebrows, and they really lost their right face ..."

"Isn't this collusion with the magic gate?"

But Chu Lingxu was not afraid, with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "Although Mr. Peacock was born in the Demon Gate, he had already established a different heart, and he did nothing evil, even more so than some of the so-called famous schools. It ’s a bright day. The Kunwu faction has been fighting with the magic gate for many years, and many times rely on the help of Mr. Peacock to survive under the suppression of many powerful enemies. These heroes have great credit for the entire martial arts, Lingyun Pavilion He even planned to recognize the identity of Baihua Valley and make it a decent and decent person. Today, he did n’t want to be killed by others such as Seoul ... If you do n’t give me an account of Kunwu today, you in Kowloon Palace would not want to leave here half a step! "

"Do you dare !?" Weng Xiaofei was full of anger, and suddenly he growled.

"Don't you dare?" Chu Lingxu was also sad and indifferent, and never gave up on the ground to take a step forward, staring at Sanlong with anger, at any time there was a risk of doing it again.

The people here did not expect the situation to turn sharply, and before the Wulin Conference was convened, the two forces in it were going to work hard. Is this time the Wulin Alliance is destined to end in failure?

At the moment when the two sides were at arm's length, and they were about to fight again, a sigh came from behind the audience, and the eagle king said with a weary voice: "Everyone is about to bleed blood, so why are you moving?" The tired, lethargic old King of Eagles slowly walked out of the back hall, glanced over both sides, and finally focused on the head of the peacock. The voice couldn't help but sorrow. My friend, when I saw my friend's death, I was extremely distressed, but the enemy of the martial arts, Vimai Tiantian, was patrolling in the dark, and we must not mess around ... "

Chu Ling stood cold without a word, standing still.

Weng Xiaofei looked at each other and saw the smile under his eyes.

For their group, the action this time was called worship, but it was actually a gathering of many martial arts people to announce the death of the peacock, and at the same time to show the strength and fame of the Kowloon Palace.

Although the appearance of Chu Lingxu ~ ~ has weakened this momentum, but generally achieved its purpose.

After the bereavement of the eagle king, it was even decadent, but in the truth, it was also unexpected, and the original alertness to the eagle king was suddenly seven points weaker.

Weng Xiaofei laughed, and said with arrogance: "What about the Eagle King?"

The King of Eagles smiled slightly and said, "How about sending it to my husband? After all, it is my best friend and so on, so let him be safe."

"Okay." Sanlong glanced at each other and laughed in unison.

In front of the eyes, the peacock's head was again decorated and handed over to the eagle king.

At this time, Zhong Li Shangxian, who hadn't seen him for a long time, just hurried to him, and whispered in the ear of the Eagle King, "The Golden Eagle's riding team has reached thirty miles away ..."

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