Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 448: Bailian counterattack


Li Daotian was smashed into the ground by Ye Qingxuan and shattered into a flame. The ground glowed red again, and the flames condensed again. Li Daotian with blood on his lips once again stared at the two fighting in the air with fearful eyes, and fully adjusted his breath. strength.

The palm of Ye Qingxuan's hand not only made him suffer a lot of internal injuries, but also broke his body away from the fire, making him feel fear in his heart.

Even if the high temperature of the "body out of fire" is not taken into account, the general boxing sword cannot hurt the "body out of fire" in the slightest, which is called physical attack immunity.

However, Ye Qingxuan ’s move [Changing the Dragon's Eighteen Palms] faintly carried the strange shock of tearing the space, allowing his body to be realized, and he was stunned by the force of half a palm, which shocked the internal organs and was seriously injured. And that strength condenses in the body, making his powerful self-healing ability difficult to achieve good results.

Li Daotian strongly suppressed the injured splanchnic meridians, and must recover within the time that Zhu Wusheng was able to persist, so that the two talents could win together.

It is clear that Ye Qingxuan's strength is almost the same as that of the two, but the boy is tricky and cunning, and can always use all favorable conditions to let the two flee.

It's a good time today. If he is not left, I am afraid there will be no chance in the future!

Ye Qingxuan did not die, Li Daotian was troubled.

Gritting his teeth, Li Daotian turned his palm into a flame, inserted it into the body stiffly, and cut the incineration of the flesh and blood internal organs affected by Ye Qingxuan's "Taiyi Zhenqi". Using the flame as a knife, he was incinerated, and half of his right lung was turned into charred embers. He was thrown out of his body.


With the flames exploding, Li Daotian finally unaffectedly cast "the body away from the fire" again, and replaced it with an ordinary person who was already dead or unable to move, and quickly repaired under the flame of the fire.


Li Daotian didn't wait for the wound to heal, so he flew up and went straight to Ye Qingxuan to kill.

"Stop it, don't mess!"

Jian Zhengming waved his hands and shouted loudly.

The west gate of Luzhou City was in a mess at this moment, and Jian Zhengming stood on the top of a bullock cart, directing the only three congenital masters around him, trying his best to control the situation.

The original eight guards died after a big battle, leaving only three of them.

But in the face of thousands of defeated casual soldiers, and tens of thousands of relatives, only Wu Gang's masters and less than a thousand gangs could not stop this confusion.

The red-eyed gang members were originally members of the rebel alliance, but the leaders of these people have already died, and the dragons have no heads. At the time of flight, many people began to burn and plunder, intending to fatten themselves and escape. Ascension.

At the moment of simplicity and urgency, a red shadow burst out obliquely, with a scent of incense, shot into the chaotic crowd, sounded sharply, snorted twice, and four rebel robbers seized by opportunity. Already in a different place!

"Jade Girl" Ren Linglong Qiao's face was shaky, she shook her two swords and screamed, "All those who don't listen to the callers will not be pardoned!"

Hula ...

With Ren Linglong's drinking order, more than 30 bald white monk robe monks masters were thrown behind them. Everyone was congenital, and they rushed to the robbers who were robbed in the fire without a word. His head fell to the ground.

Not only that, but some panicked people were also cut to the ground.

The wind sounded behind him, and Jian Zhengming suddenly discovered that "Golden Boy" Zhou Guangcheng had already stood by his side.

Zhou Guangcheng on the carriage stood high, carrying a long sword, with a cold face, glanced across Jianzheng's face, and finally threatened to look at the factions and gangs in a mess below.

"All gangsters, stop fighting immediately and gather in front of me! Those who can't breathe three times, kill!"

Zhou Guangcheng's order was even more murderous.

"Gather, gather, gather!"

The more than thirty Bailian demon monks shouted in unison, and the majesty was soaring. Those who were afraid of being killed helped everyone to assemble and dared not arrogantly.

Tens of thousands of gang members and people stood honestly in front of the carriage, and soon the entire street was blocked.

Glancing at Jian Zhengming beside him coldly, Jian Zhengming kept his smiles busy, respectfully jumped out of the ox cart, and gave up the place to give orders.

"Golden Jade Girl" is a red man in front of Maitreya. Even if there is the support of "King Wu" Holden behind Jian Zhengming, they dare not give them face.

"White Lotus Buddha Order-"

Zhou Guangcheng shouted loudly, "Look! I have a" Mile "in front of me. I am waiting for the White Lotus to dedicate themselves to 'Mile' and help the Buddha to occupy Luzhou City. All the resisters will be torn apart by me. If there is a disobedient person, kill! After death, the soul falls into Abi Hell, and eternal life must not be born! And for the consecrated Maitreya, the soul rises into the 'vacuum hometown' and enjoys eternal happiness! "

"Jade Girl" Ren Linglong shook her arm and shouted, "No birth Maitreya, vacuum hometown-"

Finally, shouting the slogan "White Lotus", tens of thousands of Bailian followers shouted:

"Miles without birth, vacuum hometown--"

"Miles without birth, vacuum hometown--"

"Miles without birth, vacuum hometown--"


A simple Buddhist decree made those fanatical Bailian believers flush their eyes, and even the less fanatical believers returned to the city under the surveillance of more than thirty Bailian demon monks and many fanatical believers.

Their goal, of course, is the gate occupied by the other two forces.

"Up the roof and occupy the sides of the street!"

Guo Yunfei, who has been following the movements of the Bailian Church closely, got the information from the Bailian Church as soon as possible, communicated with Mijiang and others a little bit, and then began to command the Jinyi Guards to make a defense strategy.

At this time, Mijiang was pale, and consumed half of his breath, gasping and saying, "The enemy is coming, and we can't fight for a long time. Let's withdraw from Luzhou City."

Guo Yunfei glanced at the crowd of people at the gate of the city and shook his head: "It is okay to lose the city of Luzhou, but it is absolutely inevitable if the Bailians are allowed to attack and kill the people. We are here, Bailianism. All of the men and women of Wuhe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are enough to withstand a moment and let the people move. "

Mi Jiang shook his head again and again: "Oh, my brother Guo, whoever dared to eat and drink here, regardless of the boundary of the third city of Luzhou City, can there be any ordinary people. Now you look at them helpless, if it is in the wild, When they saw you rich and powerful, they were afraid to carry a knife for robberies. Such a tricker, save him!

"Amitabha." The Sankong monk mouth Xuan Buddhism next to it, said: "Save one's life to win a seven-level floating slaughter. Moreover, the Bailian cult has to be eliminated, and these people cannot be trapped in the southern Wu land, otherwise the disaster will become more prosperous in the future! "

Mi Jiang was flaming, but he did not dare to make any difference to the two Jinyiwei old men.

At this time, Wang Dong and Li Hao rushed over with more than 20 men.

Li Hao's face was iron-blue, before he approached, he shouted: "The people of the White Lotus religion are killing us! Within three miles, get ready!"

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