Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 475: Evil strategy

Ye Qingxuan runs the body of the "Guaiguai" Xing Aotian with the health system of "Changchun Gong".

The majestic old man with a white-faced sword-eyebrow and his nose turned wrinkled with anger and woke up from a coma.


With a lion's arm swinging, a mighty attack came, Ye Qingxuan jumped lightly and ducked away.

"Master!" "Master ..."

"Big brother!" Xing Yan and others had long expected the Buddha to be released, and they all called in unison, and more people rushed up and hugged the old man firmly.

"Huh?" When Xun Aotian looked, his gaze swept across the disciples' faces, and he nodded at Xing Yan, and finally set his eyes on Ye Qingxuan, scanning up and down, and sneered: "The kid is a little bit funny, You are the little leaves of the Kunwu school, aren't you? They are thinner. "

After shaking his arms, the three or four disciples who hugged him flew together and landed on the ground.

I heard about the explosive temper of Xun Aotian early, and it was true for the first time.

Ye Qingxuan took up the gesture and respected the younger generation and said respectfully, "The younger Ye Qingxuan, has met the elder seniors and said hello to the elders on behalf of the teacher."

"I'm not familiar with him, and I can't say hello. Kekeke ..." Xing Aotian really spoke without thinking, and ordinary people thought he was extremely proud, but I don't know if this is his poor expression, and he is even more disgusted with his head and brain. It is because of his character that his person seems crude, but his character is true and true, but he is a rare and frank person.

Xing Yan and others were embarrassed and smiled at Ye Qingxuan with an apology.

Where does Ye Qingxuan get angry for this, but feel that this old true feelings are true, it is very kind.

"Since the predecessor was unharmed, the younger generation was relieved. However, the predecessor was severely injured. I am afraid that it will not be easy to work with people in a short time, and I must redouble my cultivation and never be angry."

When Xun Aotian waved his hand, he said, "I see, hey." After lying, he lay in bed and stopped moving.

Although Xing Aotian seemed to be a mighty dragon, in fact his injuries were extremely serious. Ye Qingxuandu's past suffocation only made him awake and he could use his own power to heal his injuries, but a few words of time would not be consumed. Less vitality makes him feel tired, and proactively lie down to avoid being unconscious again.

Ye Qingxuan rushed to the front line and took the opportunity to spend some life-saving breath. Xing Aotian's pale complexion suddenly improved, and he could not help but secretly praise Ye Qingxuan for being a man, and he did not let a good and strong one be ugly.

Hahaha ...

Guihai Yizhen laughed at the door of the room, stepped into the room, and laughed: "This is the first time I've seen a cannon so obedient, and it didn't provoke curse when pressed on the bed!"

After Guihai Yizhen entered the house, he squinted his eyes toward Xun Aotian, waiting for Xun Aotian to refute his face, facing Yi Qingxuan and saying, "This time the people in the magic gate appear, what are you going to do next? ? "

Xing Aotian's eyes narrowed, looking to Xing Yan, Xing Yan rushed forward to explain everything that happened before.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and said, "It is better that we go out and say that we must not affect the seniors' rest ..."

"Speak here." Xun Aotian angered: "Speaking a word behind me, I will greet his eighteenth generation ancestors! Keke ..."

Ye Qingxuan immediately raised his hand to surrender and laughed: "It's here, I'm talking here." After thinking about it carefully, Fang said: "After all, there is a martial arts league standing by Vimala, and Jiang Duanxian will not sit by the door of the magic gate. Ignore. At present, the most urgent task is to clean up the three cults, especially in the case of worship of the fire and the destruction of the peace, and we must try our best to level the Bailian religion, avoid the integration of the three cults, and avoid the merger of cults , Threatening the world. "

"Well said, I agree." As soon as the words fell, Xun Aotian agreed immediately.

Qin Congyang laughed bitterly and said, "Brother Xing Xing is happy."

Xing Aotian's eyes crossed, "What's the matter? Do you have other opinions?"

Qin Congyang waved his hands quickly and said, "I have no opinion. When I didn't speak."

Gui Haiyi really ignored Xing Aotian's thoughts, but frowned and thought, "How about the specific thing, what are you going to do?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled slowly and said slowly: "Since the magic gate wants to come dark, then I don't know. I will let all secret agents in the world provide the magic gate information, and at the same time, organize an assassination team to make the magic gate master Eliminate them one by one. Unless they hide in the old woods in the mountains for the rest of their lives, don't expect to see the sun the next day. "

"Feasibility." Xun Aotian patted his thigh and praised, "If it weren't for this grandson's undercover attack, how could the old man plant such a big heel."

Gui Haiyizhen nodded cautiously and said, "You are saying very well, but this is a conspiracy. The imperial conspiracy requires the cooperation of the King of the Eagle and the court to defeat the Wu dynasty with the army, and unite the world. The old man will also take advantage of it. This opportunity, together with the Dragon King Navy, flattened Weizhou in one fell swoop and resolved the overseas crisis. "

"It's so good." Ye Qingxuan heard the great joy. It can be said that with these two means of light and darkness, the world will be unified, and the rest is to do everything in its power to fight the magic gate.

"That being the case, Xiao Ke will not stay here, and immediately contact the imperial forces to launch a final blow against Wu." Ye Qingxuan bowed a gift and said goodbye to several seniors.

Guihai Yizhen nodded and said, "It's not too late, make preparations early."

Qin Congyang said: "I will assist the owner of the Guihai Pavilion here, and the ships of the Longyang Club will return soon."

Xing Yan said: "Be careful all the way here, pay attention to the ambush."

Xing Aotian: "Hoo, hoo ..."

Everyone looked at each other and laughed dumbly.

Xing Aotian was severely injured. At this time, sleep was initiated by self-repair ability. This sleep only took a few days, and the injury could be stabilized after waking up.

"Seniors, Ye Ziye has left."


"These are the treasures in the Bronze Dragon Tower?" Yuan crazy eyes stared at Venus, glanced over the hills of gold and silver jewelry, and then ecstatically flipped through a book of martial arts that had been lost for thousands of years.

"It really is a long-lost secret of martial arts. How many are there? One thousand? Ten thousand?" Yuan Kuang asked excitedly.

With these cheats, I do n’t know how many sectarian gatekeepers who have passed down the millennia for thousands of years will come to vassal, and at the cost of allegiance to the Kowloon Palace, they will gain the magical power lost within the faction.

It can be said that the move of Li Muru's surrender will push the Kowloon Palace to the supreme throne of Wulin, replacing Fengyi Pavilion and Lingyun Palace, and becoming the first aloof martial arts in Wulin.

"There are 3,652 volumes in total," Li Muru replied.

"Are you all?" Yuan Kuang asked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This ......... "Li Muru was embarrassed." Lee swears that I am the only one here. "

"Camel Dragon" Sha Feng snorted coldly: "Where did the fairy dragon go? The Supreme Dragon Sword?"

As soon as this word was spoken, the other dragons showed their attention.

Li Muru's face was embarrassed, and he slowly replied, "Brother Xianlong ... I was retreating with a sword, I don't know where to go."

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly cold.

"Hahahaha ..." Yan Gongzhan of "Good Dragon" laughed and said indifferently: "The Bronze Dragon Pagoda was originally a relic of the Ao clan. Do a great job! "

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