Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 256: Flowery win

Such a move by the flower, the martial arts team immediately exclaimed, this move is too fierce, although many people can use the weapon to slash the sword and sword, but such a huge slash, really It is unimaginable.

The brothers exclaimed, and Ye Qingxuan also made a fist with a violent fist. This "breaking the sky" in the "Nine Days and Nine Places Convenient Shovel" method was used by the flower-like furnace, and it was not clear that the flower was only used in less than It took only a few months to learn it. This is how the martial arts genius can do it, and all aspects of quality are in place. As long as you are familiar with martial arts, you are basically at the level of entering the room.

At this time, with the rise of the monk Ruhua, these "Shaolin Seventy-two Stunts" finally began to dominate the world. It also surprised these monks in the Great Zen Temple, and finally knew that there was another set of Buddhist monastic masterpieces in the world that could fight against the "first gate in the world" chamber.

The huge razor stalk immediately came to his eyes. Zong Xuan's eyes flashed, his right red shovel was full of qi, and his left hand was pressed against the back of the knife. Finally at this moment, he showed his hidden strength, mixed with golden light, and his upper clothes suddenly shattered and scattered, revealing a seemingly thin appearance, but in fact an extremely strong body ...

In the flash of Jin Mang, Zong Xuan pressed his red sword in his hands and slammed his power outwards. At the same time, his body was tilted upside down, and the powerful knife was abruptly deviated a few inches away. Xuan exhausted all his efforts, and finally changed the path of Dao Mang before Dao Mang struck his body, rubbing his body to cut the air, and Zong Xuan landed a few steps back. Standing unstable. And that knife-mang fell to the crowd without stopping ...


This is not a great event. Hundreds of warriors were killed when they saw them. Most of them were too late to react. They could only close their eyes and wait for death!

Just then, 铮 ——

With a light groan, a white and cold meniscus appeared, and the Yingbai Jianqi, which was several times smaller than the sun, was cut diagonally on its body, and the two collided together in front of the crowd. The golden razor was suddenly stopped, and for a few seconds, there was a burst of sizzling sounds ...

At this abnormal time, the person who shot was actually a stand-alone Li Daozong. It was noticed that Li Daozong shot. There were only three people in the audience. One was a great monk, the other was the hidden Luo Jingli in the crowd, and the other was the right angle. Ye Qingxuan facing Li Daozong ...

At the moment when the monk Ruhua broke this amazing sword, the "Little Sword God" was already mentally prepared, and he didn't think that Zong Xuan could take the explosive blow. As soon as he reached out his hand, the attendant standing next to Li Daozong handed the sword he held in his arms. Li Daozong didn't turn his head back, as if he already knew where the sword was. He drew a sword in his hand and threw it forward, and then Ji Lang gave the sword a scabbard. Li Daozong still kept his hands on the back and looked at the lively posture, as if just His sword has nothing to do with him.

It was just that with his sword thrown out, the half-moon-shaped sword-shaped urn had slammed into the front of the golden dagger, stagnantly blocking the upcoming murder caused by the dagger.


Ye Qingxuan shook his head slowly, and said in his heart: Little sword god, little sword god, you still look down on the heroes of the world ...

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, the dagger trembled, and the golden light flashed back, pushing the silver-colored sword ridge back several meters away. Among them, the martial arts person drew a sound of air-conditioning. , All over the ground ...

"Silver and white swords are irresistible. Let's run ..."

In this voice, it is undoubtedly giving Li Daozong a big mouth. At this time, with Li Daozong's pride, he will not shoot a second sword if he is killed. If possible, he does not want to admit that the first sword was also his shot. of……

The dignified master of "One Sword Villa", the apprentice of Li Muchan and the nephew of "The First Sword in the World", even the sword cymbals under one sword were scattered by the opponent's sword, which was a laughable and generous mistake.

Is this the only "sightless" sword god? Even the intensity of the other side's knife awn can't be seen, this is simply the same level as the primary school graduate.

Li Daozong's complexion was red and white, and the hands behind him were trembling, apparently angry. Although his anger was several times smaller than that of the opponent, according to Li Daozong's calculations, this sword should be enough to destroy the opponent's swordmang, because the true qi he used was from the platinum platinum attribute of Li Muzen. It is a well-deserved purple-level exercise. He did not expect that even such a high level of true qi can not resist under the sword of the opponent. Is the internal strength of the opponent comparable to that of my Li family?

Don't even say that, this really made Li Daozong guess. The monk's flower-like work method is the purple-level work method that is almost the same as this [platinum] attribute work method. The property is worse than [platinum], both of which are basically the same level of product, the degree of solidity is comparable, and Li Daozong's vain attempt to offset the flowery breath with a number of times less than the other side is simply delusional.

After consuming nearly a quarter of the size of the huge sword, the sword of Li Daozong was attacked and attacked in one fell swoop, but because of the resistance of Li Daozong's inverted sword, a congenital master still arrived. Here, the five support forks in the hands slammed upwards, and a violent burst of energy burst out. When a loud noise, with a thick fine iron gas, blasted this daomang into the air and dissipated in the sky. In.

"A certain‘ Iron Mountain God ’Xu Chang is here. You do n’t have to panic and continue to watch the theater—”

With the arrival of the "Iron Mountain God" Xu Chang, this sudden crisis finally resolved. With the sound of the sounds of clothing and clothes breaking through, the "arm arm" Yang Bozhan, "iron foot fairy" Liu Daozhen, and "white horse silver gun" Bai Deng'ao, together with the "Iron Mountain God" Xu Chang, jumped to the four sides of Biwutai to prevent Biwutai from happening again.

But even so, the soldiers around him were frightened with sweat, and hurriedly retreated to get away from here, so as not to hit the pond fish and lose their lives.

The competition on the field can no longer attract Ye Qingxuan's slightest attention. The advantage of Ruhua is extremely obvious, and although he is large, he doesn't have the stupid feeling. He looks like a bear but is better than ape. His physical fitness and reaction are both Tough and strong, Zong Xuan is not enough to threaten Ruhua's victory even though he has exerted beyond his imagination.

What made Ye Qingxuan think at this moment was the impression that Zong Xuan had just erupted. Not only Ye Qingxuan, but Jiang Shuihan on the side also looked at it in a timely manner. The two eyes met, and they immediately understood that the other party found something suspicious. This Zong Xuan turned out to use the same techniques as Wan Guotai, all from the [Jin Jing Liu Li Jue] derived from the demon religion.

There are two possibilities in front of everyone. One of them is Zong Xuan, like Wan Guotai, who accidentally obtained the "Poor Girl's Weaving Clothes Picture". The other is that Zong Xuan itself is a demon. Those who teach may be one of the "eighteen stars", or other masters who may be secretly cultivated by the devil.

No matter which of these two possibilities is, Zong Xuan's intentional approach to one of his people is definitely not a sympathy, it is entirely possible that there is another plot.

This made the two people have to beware of this hidden Zong Xuan again.

He looked at Li Daozong with pale face again. The young master is now acting like a okay person, I'm afraid I've scolded Ruhua countless times in my heart.

At this point, Ruhua on the stage has fully deployed the [Fuji Magic Wand Method], and the entire Biwutai has been shrouded by the sucking force brought by its staff method. Zong Xuan ’s sword method has been completely unable to perform, and the speed is increasing. The slower it is, the more attracted by the stick's suction, the closer it is to the flower. If he completely enters the attack range of the Shuimo Zen stick at this time, I am afraid that he will lose the spot immediately.

Zong Xuan was miserable at this time. He only felt that the red sword in his hand was getting heavier and his legs were filled with lead. His body style and speed were more than three times slower than before. At this time, there was only one monk on the opposite side. Counterattack, it is difficult to adapt, I am afraid that I immediately lost the spot, rather than embarrassed at that time, it is not as good as the initiative to admit defeat now, it also looks a bit brighter.

With this in mind, Zong Xuan slammed the knife on the ground, stabbed the blade into the depth of the ground, and shouted, "Master, stop!"

After Ruhua heard this, her brows frowned, and she reluctantly closed up her moves, stood proudly on the contest table, smashed the scepter with a hand, and asked, "You are a bird, and the family is hitting Xingtou, and you You want to be a bird? "

Zong Xuan hated, thinking that this bald donkey's mouth is really hateful. Sooner or later, I will rip up your stinky mouth. Now let ’s take a note of today ’s hatred, and let me overcast your brothers ... ...

Zong Xuan's face remained unchanged, with a smile on his face, and Gongshou said: "The master martial arts is world-wide, Zong is really incomparable. At this moment, he takes the initiative to admit his loss and invites the master to show mercy ..."

Warriors from around the world made a loud noise ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What? do not fight? "

"No fight, that Zongxuan won't win, it's boring to fight ..."

"This monk is awesome. You see, Biwutai has been cut down by him a whole level!"

"Good guy, that's great, that Zong Xuan is also good, playing well!"

"Good fight, good fight, great ..."


The warriors around were glad to see a battle of dragons and tigers.

Zong Xuan secretly was proud, and said, "It's pretty good. Anyway, I have improved my reputation. This set of yellow martial arts called" Mandarin Golden Sword "is already the highest deep martial arts skill I can get. Relying on this set of martial arts skills to get the current evaluation, I can be considered satisfied. (To be continued ...)

ps: three more basic three.

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