Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 290: Preparation for attack

Jiang Fei frowned and remained silent.

Ye Qingxuan went on to explain: "A group of uncooperative candidates, there is no tacit understanding at all when you are in emergency. If you look for five all-rounders, I am afraid that in the end, they will fall apart because of their own opinions. Instead, it is better Let me find a team that can be trusted, and use this as the core to conquer Wulin Holy Land. "

Jiang Feiran looked at Ye Qingxuan and said slowly, "Never ..."

"No one has ever engaged in team battles?" Ye Qingxuan took Jiang Feiran's words with a smile, "That's because the people you were looking for were fighting each other before, and you didn't trust your teammates at all. Under the conditions, of course, it is more suitable to choose all-round talents, because among the five candidates, if there is luck, some people will survive, but the probability is really not too high ... "

"Then in your opinion, who should be your candidates?"

"A defensive warrior who is responsible for attacking and attracting the attention of the enemy, an attacking warrior who is responsible for damage output and can kill in one hit, a doctor who can treat the rescue, and a person who can find a safe area and can arrange and remove traps Assassin, another is a clear-minded all-rounder who can take on various responsibilities, plus a commander ... "Ye Qingxuan, who has experienced countless copies of the game for many years in the past, has his own opinion on team selection.

In Ye Qingxuan's mind, if he organized an excellent team of five people, it was composed of Ruhua, Duan Sanshi, Meng Yuanzhang, Jiang Shuihan and himself.

Among these five people, Meng Yuanzhang will scout the way, and Ruhua will be the main force mt. And Ye Qingxuan output as violence, Duan Sanshi is responsible for logistics and medical treatment, and Jiang Shuihan is responsible for battle command and assistance ... This five-member squad is perfect, the division of labor is clear enough to cope with various unexpected situations, and the team members can also be completely complete. Trust, you can be united when fighting, and have a great chance of winning.

Jiang Fei looked at Ye Qingxuan in amazement, thought for a while, and nodded: "Sure enough ... makes sense ... but we only have three places now. Then ..."

"Then I will abandon the doctor and the attacking warrior. These two roles I can assume. The defensive warrior and the professional scouting talent are indispensable."

Now it is necessary to make a choice among the five people, then the three roles of the doctor, output and command Ye Qingxuan can be shouldered. But scouts and mt must be served by professional people. Because these two roles require the person to have sufficient concentration. While the other three characters need a sufficient overall view, Ye Qingxuan asked himself that when he focused on eliminating the trap, he could not see the six roads, listen to all directions, and he could not deal with other conflicts while focusing on the enemy. Event. Therefore, these two roles must be dedicated, while other roles can be managed by themselves. In other words, in the end, it would be better for the three to be Meng Yuanzhang, Ruhua and Ye Qingxuan, and three to serve.

However, Jiang Fei obviously had his own concerns. After pondering for a long time, he slowly said, "You made a lot of sense, but this time, three people chose you, including you, and you already have two candidates. One is you. The other has also decided that ... it cannot be replaced! I can only promise you that the last person can be chosen by you ... "

At this time, it was Ye Qingxuan's turn.

Blame himself for the people who provoke the "Yi Jian Shan Zhuang", Jiang Fei only traded that precious place for Feng Yige in his early days to ensure his own safety.

Most unfortunately, this effort was meaningless. Ye Qingxuan got rid of the suspicion of the murderer, but his status as a "commander" was enough to save himself. There was no need for Feng Yige to take the lead to stop "One Sword." Villa ".

Some people may have questions, why did Jiang Fei not use the status of "military ambassador" to stop "Yijian Shanzhuang"?

In fact, this is very simple. Lingyun Palace is one of the two super martial arts in Wulin. Although its status is detached, it cannot do anything contrary to common sense, especially when it comes to the selection of the "bringer", which is related to the rise and decline of martial arts in the entire Shenwu continent It is even more difficult to go it alone, and must be responsible for the entire martial arts. Just imagine, if the "military envoy" selected by Lingyun Palace is a notorious character, how would the entire martial arts treat this matter? What kind of speech will the famous factions who have lost their qualifications to serve as "military envoys" hurt the Lingyun Palace?

Therefore, if Ye Qingxuan still bears the criminals of the murderer, his status as an "assistant" will only lead to more trouble and provocation, which will be extremely detrimental to him. The title of "Enable" is enough to prevent him from any troubles, and even to make him shine in the whole martial arts.

But now, Ye Qingxuan thought that the wonderful idea was shattered in the face of reality, but fortunately, he still has a place to use, which is better than nothing, and if this person chooses to use it properly, it is better than thousands of troops ...

"I don't know what kind of character Jiang Xianzi chose? Can he cooperate with us perfectly?"

"There is absolutely no problem. He is a family member, but he has no pride in family members. He is the gentlest person I have ever met. This person is knowledgeable, insightful, and highly skilled at martial arts. He once lived alone in the wild in the south. Two years, so I think he is an excellent candidate for this operation. According to Ye Gongzi, he is a very strong core character, a generalist and commander of the team ... Hehe, in fact, I choose Ye Gongzi , Just to provide him with some assistance, because in addition to these advantages, he also has a small disadvantage that requires customer service ... "

Ye Qingxuan, who was hit hard by "I'm a supporting role," asked numbly, "What's the disadvantage?"

Jiang Feiran looked at Ye Qingxuan, who was forbearing and swearing and swearing impulsively, and smiled ...

"He is blind ..."

In the courtyard where Ye Qingxuan and others lived.

Outside, there are Qingyunguan's disciples, except the fixed post. There are also mobile posts, which are constantly inspected in groups of two ...

Everyone in the room was a ridiculous expression, looking at Ye Qingxuan with a depressed face.

Just now Ye Qingxuan recounted Jiang Feiran's words to everyone, and as a result everyone was made a little stupid.

In such an important event, Jiang Fei actually chose a blind man, and before that, there was an idea that Ye Qingxuan beat this person. This is really a speechless thing.

In the end, the "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu took the lead to say, "I have never heard of such a blind young master on the rivers and lakes. How did this Jiang Fei find such a superb? He, he ... … Can you take care of yourself is a question. Can you still play the holy land on behalf of the martial arts? Is Lingyun Palace confused this time? "

In a conversation with Jiang Feiran before. Ye Qingxuan was told that in the past five hundred years, except for Li Muchan's victory and return, there were hundreds of times left. Limited number of times. At most, the participants should leave. That was the case for the teacher Jingyi, but as a condition. The Jiupin treasures are still basically there, and have become the loot of other foreign masters. It can be said that there are hundreds of Jiupin treasures that were handed over to the Wulin Holy Land by the Lingyun Palace, almost on the ground of the Shenwu continent. The babies are all emptied. It is said that one of them lost the treasure of the magic soldier level, and the loss was heavy.

Ye Qingxuan said helplessly: "This event Jiang Fei is extremely persistent and cannot be changed. If you want to watch me come back alive, it's best to help me come up with an idea now and see who follows me. Let's die together ... "

Huangfu Taiming said: "Everyone wants to go, the key is who is more suitable to go ..."

"It depends on the purpose of the seventh brother!" Zhan Yu said, "If you want to save your life, I think Lao Meng, the chicken thief, is the most suitable. If you want to compete with foreign language masters, then the old five is like a flower. The most suitable candidate, among other people, the oldest eight is smart enough, and the third one can save his life, and he can go ... if I do n’t have good legs and feet, I can also go ... ”

Everyone heard Qi Qi nodded and said yes.

Jiang Shuihan said at this time: "Seven brothers attacked fiercely, facing some innate masters, they have a chance to kill them, so I feel that with an anti-cricket top in front, let the old seven choose the opportunity to kill the killer, is the most Appropriate tactics. So this is the most suitable candidate ... "

This idea was accepted by everyone and coincided with Ye Qingxuan's idea.

The eyes of all the people fell on the monk like a flower.

There are some confused flowers, he did not notice the eyes of the crowd. At each party, he kept his mouth shut and lethargic. Anyway, he just had to carry out the idea and use his mind. He doesn't matter.

"Hey, brother, don't sleep, and ask for your opinion?" Meng Yuanji kicked his flowery calf.

Ruhua sat up and asked, "What's wrong? The meeting has ended? Eat, eat!"

"Eat your uncle!" Meng Yuanxi scolded violently.

The crowd burst out laughing.

Wan Guotai smiled and patted Ruhua on the shoulder, and asked, "Fifth brother, it's not time to eat. Everyone asks you if you want to go to Wulin Holy Land with Lao Qi ..."

As soon as Hua Hua's eyes brightened, "Can I go too? How many fights?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed: "Except fighting, there is nothing else there ... But if you want to go, everything must be listened to me, I let you do it, you can do it, if there is a disobedience, it will not make us both You have to die, how about it? Are you going? "

"Go, why not?" Ruhua shouted excitedly. "As long as there is a fight, don't listen to you, just let me be your grandson!"

The crowd laughed again.

"Okay, that's the way it is! I went to see how powerful the masters of other continents were with the fifth child, and let them know our name ... It is still half a year before the competition. Hey-everyone else is busy ... "

It's really busy, and the most important thing now is to retake the Kunwu Mountain ancestors ...

After half a month.


Dazhai's "town three mountains" Yue Xin ushered in the most glorious days of his life.

Wei Nantian, a dragon from the south, Bai Deng'ao from a white horse with a silver gun, Xu Chang from the Iron Mountain God, Li Yanlong from Yijian Mountain Villa, the gods and wonderful monks among the four great monks at the Great Zen Temple, Jiang Feiran from Lingyun Palace ... ...

These names, which have always existed in the legends, appear in front of themselves in real one by one. How can he not make him inexplicable?

he himself. It is said that the man in the green forest who is the king of Zhanshan is actually some ordinary people who have no choice but to hide in Tibet for a few days. This time, watching thousands of martial arts masters settled in his own small village, Yue Xin felt that his face had gone through hundreds of layers of gold, both excited and heavy.

The real people of Lingxu have already arrived here ten days ago, welcoming the masses who came to help, and the strength and unyielding attitude of real people of Lingxu have won the favor of everyone, and at the same time, they dare not despise the slightest.

Wei Xiaotian proposed this charity move. Shen Jian and wonderful show monks seconded things. Unexpectedly, Li Yanlong of "One Sword Villa" also expressed his willingness to take the shot himself to help Qingyunguan recapture his ancestral home. This hand of the old fox is indeed clever. Even if Ye Qingxuan grows stronger in the future. I'm afraid there is no reason to ask Li Yanlong for justice.

Ye Qingxuan had previously explored the truth and truth on Kunwu Mountain. With the help of so many masters, where do we still need to negotiate, as long as the time is set. Just rely on strength to crush the past.

Therefore, in the past half a month, congenital masters have been busy getting close to each other and adding affection. This time it helped Qingyunguan, and naturally, in the future, it will be necessary to use the recovered Kunwu Mountain.

The low-level disciples are also fighting hard and preparing for battle.

The main force preparing to attack Kunwu Mountain this time is also the 3,000 disciples of Nanlong Mountain Villa. These people have always been battle-hardened divisions who fought against the Tan people. They attacked the magic gate forces on Kunwu Mountain, so it is safer to use these people.

There are more than five hundred warriors participating in the competition. They are all young people who come to admire Zhan Yu and Ye Qingxuan. Some of them want to show their faces in front of many innate masters and see if they can take advantage of it ... ...

Ye Qingxuan was the busiest these days before the war. In addition to practicing a few martial arts with his brother, he was a disciple of martial arts who directed him one by one.

Of course, for more than ten days, they couldn't master the new martial arts they just acquired, but the war soon, let them master the formation and swordsmanship completely, and correct the errors in swordsmanship.

call out--

A serpentine gold thread flickered in the air, with a sound, the gold thread penetrated deeply into the trunk, leaving only a little golden tail exposed outside the trunk. .

Zheng Yunbiao laughed extremely arrogantly. He has completely mastered more than a dozen methods of firing the [Golden Snake Cone], and the rest is only a matter of time and time.

Zheng Yunbiao seemed to hang Lang Dang, but he took the martial arts seriously. In this period of time, not only was he completely proficient in [Jin She Shou palm], but also he was not detached from his body. Strange changes.

Zheng Yunbiao saw the envious expressions of the brothers and brothers, and he was even more energetic. He waved his left hand, and the two gold wires juxtaposed and shot fast, seemingly flying towards the enemy's throat and lower abdomen, but after flying half the distance The direction of the gold thread suddenly changed, from side-by-side to the side-by-side, suddenly, it became an attack line that attacked the left and right chests of the enemy, and at the same time got into the trunk to hide!

Many brothers and sisters took a breath of air.

Zheng Yunbiao didn't wait for everyone to exhale in this breath, then his right hand shook, and four winding gold threads shuttled through the air at a high speed, and then hurled in the air, converged to a point, slammed, and four gold threads exploded into numbers A golden line shrouded a large area, like a golden rain shuttle, and the sound of a knock on the trunk sounded, and the large tree as the target penetrated numerous holes ...

The breathing of the fellow teachers and brothers suddenly stopped, one by one flushed, and they could not stare at the horse-like tree trunk in disbelief for a long time.

Zheng Yunbiao shook his head unnaturally and said, "Sorry brothers, I have only practiced this trick" Golden Snake Ranbu "for half a month, and I haven't mastered it. Otherwise, it should be one-handed eight darts. There are sixty-four gold threads, the range of which is expanded several times than this. There is no problem in piercing a dozen or twenty people ... Well, my internal force is still not powerful enough, otherwise the golden snake cone is enough to penetrate the trunk, and it is even more effective against the enemy. Several people, powerful ... "

The design of the golden snake cone itself is a treasure. Naturally, it has its unbelievable advantages. Each golden snake cone is made up of several small golden snakes. When it hits the aggregation point, it can be volleyed into several small snakes. Enemies are invincible and easily take their lives!

Zheng Yunbiao has not yet reached such a point at this time. Four darts in one hand is the limit, but it is still staggering.

Zheng Yunbiao's arrogant hidden weapon method made everyone hate it to the extreme. Qiu Yun really screamed and jumped out abruptly, yelling: "tmd, San Biaozi is arrogant with us, hammer him-"

Zheng Yunbiao's mother slammed her head and rattled behind her. There were more than 20 disciples of Qingyunguan chasing after them ...

Ye Qingxuan was on the terrace of a loft in the distance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and looked at the disciples under the door with a smile, very proud.

These disciples are all very good in heart. Although they have different personalities, they can be diligent and hard along the martial arts. This is very rare. Seeing that the most uneasy three biaozis will be able to bring [the golden snake] within a few days. Cone Method] To such an extent, Ye Qingxuan can be assured of these disciples.

Looking down at Gui Huisheng kneeling behind him, he smiled in his heart, lifted him up, and said softly, "Okay, okay, knowing that you are focused on martial arts, I have asked your three uncles to go to his master, Relying on the reputation of Yixian, it is easy to go to Changbai Jianzong for a 'Taiqing Bath Jingwan'. With this elixir, it is enough for you to wash the essence and reshape the meridians ... but you have to practice me every day [Tai Chi Pei Yuan Gong] taught to you, this set of exercises already has the magical function of training meridians, which is most suitable for your shallow foundation.

In addition ... your hands also need to be treated. Before your third uncle can heal your hands for you, you do n’t even need any martial arts, just practice the internal skills ... the internal skills, you can practice [Jinjing Liuli Ju] with your uncle Wan, in addition, I will pass you this [King Kong is not bad body]. In the future, you must study hard and practice hard, and you will not miss the chance between you and me! "

"Thank you Godfather for your help!" Gui Xiesheng once again thanked Xie En with his tears, finally wandering through his life, and finally came to an end ... (To be continued ...)

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