Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 295: Kunwu rise

The attacker's sword is like a cloud of fog, and the entire body is hidden in the mist, without any trace. Feng Qingyan's feet are like roots, and long swords are like leaves, like a towering tree, standing still on the ground, blocking the clouds. Attack ...

Ding Ding Ding Ding ...

The sound of dense long swords clashing into one, and at least two forty swords are fought by both sides in an instant!

Feng Qingyan sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the sword technique in his hand changed. The straight and hard sword suddenly became soft like wicker, wrapped in the opponent's fast-swinging sword, and the strangely long "drunk Yinyue" sword body. Went upward along the opponent's sword, first on the opponent's right wrist Shenmen acupoint, the opponent immediately could not hold the sword, fell off his hands, the clouds disappeared!

Feng Qingyan's long sword slammed upward again, with a scream, the other side showed his body, screamed with both hands over his right eye, but was blinded by Feng Qingyan's sword ...

Feng Qingyan shook his hand, and the long sword entangled by "Drunk Yinyue" was broken into several pieces by him. In the sound of jingle, it fell all over the ground!

"Good thief--"

With a swift drink, accompanied by the sound of clothing breaking through the air, the figure was heavy. At a moment, more than a dozen people flew out from the crowd, grabbing the seriously injured disciple of Jianmen in the sky, in case the Kunwu faction continued to attack. .

It's a pity that Feng Qingyan, who was on the opposite side, sneered ridiculously, looking at the characters who were close to the enemy, didn't mean to shoot again.

Suo Lang said, "Drunk Yinyue" returned to the sheath!

Feng Qingyan turned around and returned as he did not see these martial arts figures. After passing by Yun Zhu, he reached out and patted his shoulder as a sign of encouragement. He was loose and unprepared, but he did not show up in the slightest. The martial arts figures in the eyes are just so angry that the troublemakers who appear to be real are drowsy and staring at the opposite Kunwu disciples.

One of the old men in their fifties came out of the crowd and said deeply: "Well, you bulls are so nasty to shoot, so you are a child of the Tao. Today the old man is going to take a shot to teach you those bullies who are bullying ... ... "

The old man took a few steps forward, and he was so imposing that he—

A violent gas rushed all around, and the martial arts soldiers who were watching the bust more than ten meters away were blown straight by this, and the tightly closed wall of humans leaned back collectively, almost blowing people down. This time we can see how deep the internal force of the old man.

Congenital Strong! ?

I didn't expect this innate power to appear so soon ...

The crowd burst into surprise, and at the same time, there was a lot of discussion. It seems that the Kunwu faction has attracted very powerful people, even the innate masters ...

Lu Qingzheng looked up and down, and then couldn't help but smile, and said lightly: "Who am I? It turned out to be Jingzhou's rampant 'Tieguai' teacher Sangnan Songsang. Oh, teacher Sang did a massacre in Jingzhou. Being chased by the imperial court was so desperate that it was unexpected to be able to come here to fight for justice, it was really unexpected ... "

The soldiers in the surrounding area suddenly made an uproar, why is this the Jingzhou thief "Iron Cane" Sang Nansong? Burning and killing robbers in the middle of the day will suddenly turn into surnames and helpers? This is something no one can believe.

At this moment, everyone in the crowd has confirmed that this group of people is not a debt collector at all, nor is it an inconspicuous martial arts warrior, but it is the old grudge of the Kunwu sect. While they are opening the mountain, they go up the mountain. An upset enemy.

The old man's face changed suddenly, and he was horrified: "You, how do you ..."

Lu Qingzheng sneered: "Ms. Sang is really a noble person who forgets things. Before March, I and Jianyi met with Mr. Sang when I was looking for Master Bi, and sincerely asked for two tricks. Mr. Sang took care of him and offered a To Tieguai, that's the best ten-year-old fine iron. It happened to be back to the furnace to build a few good swords with my disciples ... Why can't Teacher Sang remember? "

Sang Nansong's face was iron-blue at once, mixed with cold sweat, "You, you, you, the man in the masked couple? Are you a Kunwu disciple?"

"Some things in the world are so coincident, aren't they?" Lu Qingzheng said lightly.

It turned out that in the process of Lu Qingzheng's couple leaving Nanlong Mountain Villa in search of Feng Qingyan before March, they accidentally encountered the desperate Sang Nansong to rob a dart board that transported goods, which happened to be an old friend of Qingyunguan. The mountain dart board is responsible for the **** of Fang Zhenshan who has a side. Lu Qingzheng and his wife will naturally not stand idly by, but they have important issues and do not want to tell the old one with Fang Zhenshan. Therefore, they masked the rescue dart team directly. Innate master Sang Nansong lost a pair of iron crutches under the "Jade Girl's Heart Sword Technique", and even the pair of iron crutches in his hands were lost, becoming the spoils of the Lu Qingzheng couple.

After that, Song Nansong was bought by him and he went to Kunwu Mountain to make troubles, but San Nansong never expected that he would encounter one of the two people at the time. He was very distressed and secretly regretted that he should not take over this. The dirty work is only five thousand two hundred dollars. If you don't have a good life, you have to explain here ...

But at this time, it is obviously too late to retreat. The money that has been collected has already been collected. Even if you do n’t do it, you ca n’t retreat. The thing behind the master is to take one of the three elders in the sky. I regret that I must offend Changkong Zhaojian, offending this giant, I am afraid that it is even more terrible than offending the Kunwu faction that has just emerged.

Thinking of this, Sang Nansong stretched his heart and said: Anyway, he is not the only one behind him. Even if Lao Tzu is a protagonist, there will be someone to take care of it. Lao Tzu took the opportunity again ...

Sang Nansong laughed for a long time and said, "Is this Taoist afraid of admitting the wrong person? Then it is not Sang Nansong, but the surname Bai, who is in Baijia Village, Xielong County, Yongchang County, Yunzhou, if you do n’t believe it , You can go and inquire about it, and don't be here to trap good people with your own private structure ... "

Sang Nansong's mother's surname was Bai, and she naturally knew this area. Because there were only people from Kunwu's side here, she was gagging and confused.

Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, the crowd around them was buzzing.

Seeing his denial, Lu Qing just chuckled and said slowly: "Since Teacher Sang has forgotten his name, does he need a couple to discuss it again or again, maybe Teacher Sang can remember Are these things happening? "

When Sang Nansong heard his face froze, he lost his voice: "Do you want to bully more people than others?" But when he said this, he immediately felt wrong. The crowd around him was booing, and the people behind him were even more ashamed. Color.

Is it fair for an inborn strong to work with an acquired martial artist?

In the martial arts theory, an innate strong against an acquired master is almost a sweeping situation. Regardless of the number of acquired masters, it is almost impossible to break the guardian's suffocation of the innate strong, unless there is a large array of Luohan That way, it can combine the strength of all people, otherwise the day after tomorrow against the congenital is almost an unsolvable defeat.

Regardless of whether the person is surnamed Sang or Bai, it is an innate power after all. At this time, it is so weak to face an acquired master. It is really unexpected ...

This ... maybe ... too much, right?

The martial arts hissed all around, and Song Nansong's face became blood red.

As Sang Nansong retreated, a Buddhist chant came, and a wonderful monk, one of the four great monks at the Great Zen Temple, appeared at the gate of the hall with the special **** of the court, Liu He.

Most of the martial arts soldiers around were young people. They didn't know the deities of the Great Zen Temple. They just watched the monk Junxiu look like a woman.

Miaoxiu monk's eyes drooped, without sorrow and joy, and he said calmly: "As Kunwu reopens the mountain door, should you honor the guests and make noisy?"

Someone in the crowd behind Sang Nansong yelled, "Who is the monk, dare to stand up for Qingyunguan !?"

When Miao Xiu's eyes went out of sight, he instantly captured the talking people in the crowd, and said indifferently, "The poor monk Dachen Temple is wonderful!"


The crowd around them immediately exploded--

Sihaige announced the time when the Kunwu faction reopened the mountain gate, but it did not announce who came to observe the ceremony. I did not expect that there was a wonderful show of one of the four great monks at the Great Zen Temple. This face is big enough, and it is undoubtedly also Announcing the friendly relationship between the Dazhou Temple in Zhongzhou and Kunwu Mountain in Yunzhou, many people who want to find trouble with Kunwu are discouraged.

The more than a dozen people who stood out from the Xinyue group were disillusioned, and regretted their own ups and downs. I never thought that this Qingyun concept would be so extensive in communication that even the monks of the Great Zen Temple could invite them.

Liu He, who has n’t been silent next to the monk, whispered for a moment, the slender eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly spoke to Sang Nansong on the court, "Bold thief Sang Nansong, the court wanted you for a long time. How dare you show up here without waiting? "

Liu He spoke the official tone, and Sang Nansong stunned and asked, "Who are you?"

Liu He grinned aloud, saying, "Yu He, the ombudsman's supervisor in Yunzhou, is also Ye. If the rats are not convinced, the two elders in the sky behind you according to Jianmen still recognize the miscellaneous family. Do you believe them?"

Sang Nansong turned around in horror, seeing that the two in the crowd were pale and silent, and immediately knew that the feminine man was right.

At this moment, Liu He looked at the horrified faces on the other side with great satisfaction, and said arrogantly, "Kunwu reopening the mountain gate is an event decided by the emperor. Waiting for trouble to come, is it dissatisfaction with the Holy Spirit, and It is here to collude with these important criminals wanted by the court. Isn't it because the intention is to rebel? "

The dozen or so masters were instantly scarlet, and scolded the ignorance of taking photos of Jianmen in the sky, so that everyone became a protagonist and accompanied him to offend the court.

These people are the masters or masters of the martial arts in Yunzhou, attached to the wings of Zhaomen in the sky. This time was convened by Changkong Zhaojian to destroy the Kunwu faction, but Qu Guihong, one of the four chief elders of Changkong, was second only to Ling Zhaokong, and remembered that Qingyunguan had a long aerial photo before. Jianmen's face, so I want to die at this moment in front of the world's heroes.

What is beyond everyone's expectation is that although the foundation of Kunwu Mountain is thin, but the friendship is thick enough, even with the support of the backing such as the court and the Great Zen Temple, although the sky is the first school in Yunzhou, it also has Not dare to offend these two huge forces at the same time, and the situation has become what it is now.

At this moment, one of the crowd suddenly wow, spitting blood. It was the man who had previously spoken and asked the goddess Miaoxiu.

Everyone was shocked.

Obviously, this martial arts can be ranked among the top three among the crowd. As the deacon-level elder "Crossing the Cloud Sword" of Suo Ranfeng, according to Jianmen, he has vomited blood and was injured.

Only Miao Xiu knew that after the other party said what he was asking himself, he tried his best to find the mobile phone meeting, but from the beginning to the end he couldn't find a chance to shoot. The words drank shattered the meridians, and the internal strength that was inexhaustible in the body was forced back, and the time for resistance was still not consumed. Therefore, blood had to be sprayed to reduce the pressure in the veins, otherwise It will be the result of blood rupture, and that is really bad.

But at this time, the elder elder Jianzhao Jianmen, who was extremely skillful at the time of being named, suddenly spit blood and was injured. However, the group of masters organized by Changkong Zhaojian was unknown, but the fear in his heart was born, and one after another Retreating thoughts.

The monk of the Great Zen Temple once again said, "Kunwu Ye Qingxuan has become the" Muslim "decided by the Lingyun Palace. If friends continue to stay in trouble, I am afraid that they will eventually become the enemy of the martial arts in the world ..."


This sentence of the monk Miao Xiu is tantamount to a flat mine explosion, which ignites the nerves of everyone.

The Kunwu faction's disciples were actually selected by the Lingyun Palace and became the "assume" of the current Shenwu continent. This news is even more shocking than the Kunwu faction's reopening of the mountain gate.

Becoming a "military envoy" will at least be protected for more than two years, and it will be the entire martial arts. No matter whether it is the common protection of the underworld or white path, whoever fights against the Kunwu sect during this period will undoubtedly become the enemy of martial arts immediately.

This news is not only a huge blow to Changkong Zhaojian Gate, but also a stimulant for young people who come to study, which greatly inspired their enthusiasm to join Kunwu.

Being able to be selected as a "military envoy" is definitely the best talent of the younger generation, and it is also an idol of the young people in the world. To be able to cultivate such a disciple, the Kunwu faction is destined to be one of the most outstanding martial arts. Being able to become such a great martial disciple is definitely something worth showing off and promising.

One of those more than a dozen people suddenly laughed and said loudly, "I never thought that the disciples of Kunwushan turned out to be the 'bustors' selected by the Lingyun Palace. What happened today seems to be a misunderstanding. The matter in front of me was bewildered, and I misunderstood fellow Kunwu. I also asked you to have a lot of haihan. Afterwards, I would definitely come to the door to confess my guilt. At this time, he left ... "

"Wait," when seeing more than a dozen people in a hurry, they will retreat. How can Liu Hejiao's indulgent people allow them to come and talk in front of themselves, say and go, and yell: "You A few want to go, but this Sonam Song is a court guilty and must stay ... "

Sang Nansong's face changed greatly, and he was about to speak. The person who had just spoken turned sharply, and a sword pierced his throat. Sang Nansong immediately hated and hurriedly evaded. A deacon-level elder "Dingxiang Sword" Jiang Zheng, the most powerful among the crowd, Sang Nansong rushed to resist, but unexpectedly, another person came behind him in the palm of his hand, right in the back, after a bite of blood, In front of "Ding Xiang Sword", Jiang Zheng's sword has passed through his throat. Sang Nansong's eyes looked at Jiang Zheng, who had received the sword cruelly. The resentment in his heart skyrocketed, but he had no strength, even saying a word Don't come out and fall to the ground.

Sang Nansong bought for others, came forward, but unexpectedly was not killed by the people of Kunwushan, but died in the hands of his own people, the Qu Qu in his heart could not even say that, so he died!

His experience is seen in the eyes of many martial arts masters who have also been summoned by the sky to see Jianmen, and can not help but feel the sadness of rabbits and foxes. Rabbits and dogs cook and birds do their best to hide, but then the rabbit is not dead. It's really rare for a dog to kill his ruthless face. The practice of taking photos of Jianmen in the sky left an indelible impression in the hearts of these affiliated martial arts. "Changing photos of Jianmen in the sky is not enough to rely on" has become the voice of many small martial arts factions.

A sneak attack on Sang Nansong behind him gave him a spit of blood, which was a spit of blood before the "through the sword" Suo Ranfeng, immediately after this one hand, coughing several times, affecting the injury in the body.

Sang Nansong's purchase by Changkong Zhaojian Gate must not be leaked out. The monitoring of Yunzhou by the Imperial Attendant made Liu He himself quite prejudiced against Changkong Zhaojian Gate. It would be difficult for him to go up the mountain last time. If he mastered them, Requisitioning evidence of the imperial court fate, the sky can not be tossed off by the court?

Since Sonam won't go, the best result is to die here!

At this moment, when Song Nansong died, Jiang Zheng immediately bowed his arms and said to Liu He, "I am the ambassador to Qiyu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't expect that here was the mix of Song Nansong's most vicious people. At that time, the evil thief had laid down the law, and handed it over to the ambassador. I waited no longer to disturb the Kunwu ritual, so I left and said goodbye ... "

After talking about raising Niu Dakui, who fell to the ground and comatose, holding some asthmatic peaks, Suo Ran, more than a dozen people retired ashamed, and the debt collectors of the more than 200 people snorted, scattered and clean, watching the battle all around The warriors even clamored and applauded the Kunwu faction constantly.

One can be regarded as an emerging martial art, and it has made the old martial arts in Yunzhou look ashamed. This is really envious of many young martial arts. It is secretly that this Kunwu sect has absolute potential for development. At this time, do not join, and wait any longer. Time?

Dangdang ...

Three beeps, the Kunwu Patriarch's Ceremony ended ...

A clear howling sounded through the sky, and the voice of the sky fairy said, "The Kunwu sacrifice to the ancestors is over, the Kunwu mountain gate is officially reopened, those who are willing to martial arts, those who are interested in helping the righteous, and those who want to eliminate evil Those who are good, those who are fit and fit ... can enter my gate! "

The end of the sentence, thousands of people applauded loudly, and the sound of the sky shook for a moment ... (To be continued.)

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