Jiu Shen [God of Wine]

Chapter 84: Suzaku becomes

When the white light on Ji Dong's body first appeared, it was like a mist, but at this moment, this layer of mist seemed to become a substance, just like water and milk, blending on the surface of his skin, shining with the light of 氤氲. It was like plating a layer of liquid jade on the outside of his body.

This layer of milky white liquid wriggled slightly on Ji Dong's skin, as if he were a part of his body.

, Zhaorong, do you feel it? Zhu Rong suddenly asked his wife.

Yin Zhaorong nodded, how could he not feel it. The element of fire in the air has been evacuated.

He is not absorbing, it seems to be swallowing. What is this white layer on his body? I can be sure that this is by no means any bad magic power, but a very magical energy, as if it was itself fused with the small moving body, and now appears by the magic power of his upcoming breakthrough of the three crowns, the air Bingdinghuoyuan in the ... It's just sucked out by it. Frye groaned next to him: "This white thing has been creeping, it seems to be alive. I can feel that its fire property is extremely pure, but it is neither yang fire nor yin fire. What kind of fire is this? "After listening to Fury's words, Yin Zhaorong's mind suddenly flashed, and he was surprised:" Is this the legendary, chaotic fire? " Old man, do you remember the chaos fire that my elder brother said? "Zhu Rong nodded his head. The shock in his eyes was stronger than Yin Zhaorong. How could he not remember it. Master said that when the heavens and the earth were first formed, the five elements were not yin and yang, but for chaos. After the chaos started, it became square For Yin and Yang. Yang is on top and Yin is on bottom. Gradually created our world. Chaos is the most powerful source. Could it be said that Ji Dong ’s ultimate double fires merged into each other, and turned into chaos fire? ”Yin Zhaorong shook his head again and again, no, this is impossible. How terrifying is the fire of chaos. Even if my elder brother and I performed the super kill combination, we wouldn't release it. The eldest brother said that when chaos emerges, nothing can be beaten. It is beyond the existence of super nirvana. … Xiaodongdong is only three crowns. How is it possible to master this power? However, the properties of this layer of white light on him are really close to chaos.

There is only one possibility, that is, when he helped Suzaku to incubate the children, the two extreme fires produced a certain change, which was produced by the help of Suzaku.

This is not the fire of chaos. However, it is very likely to be very similar to the inner power of the origin of chaos. Even so, it is already very impressive. If this white light can be used by small movements. Once he cultivates to my magic in the future, he will be invincible in the world. If you truly master the chaos of fire, it is God. "Dixin Lake.

Standing on the geocentric rock platform, the flames seemed a little lost. Since Ji Dong left, she has been standing here without moving more than half. And everything about Ji Dong is always under her watch.

"Chaotic prototype. With the help of the solar energy of eclipse extreme yin, combined with the magic power of Suzaku's extreme yang, and then through the reconciliation of his ultimate dual-fire source of yin and yang corona, a chaotic prototype appeared? Xiao Jidong, may one day, you really can Do you have the power to protect me? I ca n’t take care of this much. Since you already have the prototype of chaos, how can I let it disperse with time. Your master only knows that this is the source of chaos, but not even It ’s the Suzaku mutant inner armor hidden in you that ca n’t keep this rudiment of the chaotic fire. It wo n’t take long before it will dissipate itself. Although this chaotic prototype has already given you great benefits, the yin and yang double fires have been since then. In the future, there will be no imbalance, but this is not enough. This opportunity, even in a million years, may not appear once. Let me help you, keep these prototypes, and plant this one in your body. Seeds. "While talking, the flames' eyes suddenly lit up, centered on her body, an extremely special temperament suddenly bloomed. If Ao An is the will of the two great kings, then the flaming temperament is ethereal.

The entire core lake world has undergone tremendous changes in an instant, including the magma lake itself, and the entire space is instantly divided into two colors. The flame's body is blue on the left and red on the right. That huge element of Bingding's double fire was completely separated by flames in an instant. This hand alone has surpassed Suzaku's ability to instantly flood Binghuo with heaven and earth.

Blue and red, Ding Huo and Cing Huo changed at the same time, and suddenly became black and gold, but the square where the flames stood did not receive the light of piety in the eyes of u, and the flames folded their hands together in themselves Chest, the great chaos, you gave me the power to defeat the two kings, you let me have the magic power to shock the world. Let me use your power to shape the chaos on earth.哧 sounded softly, a little white flame, quietly jumping above the fingers of the flames.

Although that white flame is only a few inches tall, but when it appeared, it has become the center of all the extreme flames in the world of the core lake. The black and black flames spun around the flame on their own. .

This little white flame is also the real secret of the flame, the secret of defeating the two kings. Infiltrated in the magma of the core with the red lotus body to practice countless years. Even if she had mastered the ultimate power of flame, it would not be possible to defeat the two kings who were at the pinnacle of yang fire and yin fire respectively. She is able to… ... destroy the two great kings of the proud shore in this world of geocentricity, and bring the geocentric back to peace and peace. By virtue of this, it is the origin of all fires, the fire of chaos. This is also the flame's natal fire. For her, this little white flame is equivalent to the role of the original Yin and Yang crown on Ji Dong. As long as it is not extinguished, even if the natal red lotus is destroyed, the flames can still live forever in this geocentric world.

It is also white, but the white flame is so pure. The white light on Ji Dong's body is already magical enough, but the real chaotic fire of flame is pure and pure, and it surrounds the ethereal exclusive to flame. gas. It itself is like a huge vortex, quietly swallowing the ultimate double fire in the earth-centered world as its own fuel.

Before today, Blaze never thought of passing his chaotic fire to Ji Dong. Although his position in her heart is getting more and more important, this chaotic fire does not mean that it can be taught even if it is a flame. It's impossible to try it yourself. The strengths of the two great kings are all wiped out in front of this chaotic fire, and their souls do not exist. All that remains is that memory and a little will. When it was passed to Ji Dong, it would only bring him to death.

But now it ’s different, Ji Dong has

The prototype of chaos, his body seemed to become a container capable of carrying the fire of chaos. Only if he truly possesses the fire of chaos, this container can always be maintained, and this n chaotic fire is nurtured and nourished. After completing this process, how many years it took for Flame to remember. I just vaguely remember that the light and dark continents were not what they are now.

Gently blow a breath to the chaotic fire, a little white Martian flew away, separated from the body of the chaotic fire, suddenly, the flame of the flames that was so high, suddenly became dim, she 'S body was also trembling slightly, and all the fire elements in the Earth Lake were swallowed insanely. That inch of chaos fire gradually returned to normal.

,go with. "Flame waved gently, and a piece of red lotus petals enveloped the white light and quietly disappeared."

I do n’t know anything about Ji Ji from the outside world. The white light has always appeared on the surface of his skin and has no contact with the magic inside him. He was now figuring out why he could blend magic and ideas so easily. As early as facing the wind and frost of the ice and snow dragon, he has already been recognized by the will of the two kings. They share a common pride. The ultimate double fire is the magic inherited by the two kings. This is the source of Ji Dong's cultivation. Just ask, will the two kings' own magical power not agree with their will? Ji Dong ’s idea has already merged with the idea of ​​the two kings. When he hit the two crowns, he experienced danger. However, the impact of the three crowns became natural, and it did n’t take much effort. The idea of ​​combining the two kings It is perfectly combined with the ultimate double fire from Yin to Yang.

The five coronal stars condensed and finally turned into a cluster of black-gold two-color flames, quietly imprinted on the third coronal peak, leaving only a faint half of the coronal star in the middle of Ji Dong's two-color yin-yang crown. The three crowns broke through, and the final branding has been completed.

At the moment when the three crowns were branded, the energy of the white liquid on the surface of Ji Dong ’s skin was suddenly surging, and the instantaneous strong energy burst out in the blink of an eye. The whole room was covered with light. A layer of white gloss.

The white light appeared fast, and the contraction was also extremely zhu Zhurong. Yin Zhaorong and Furui only felt that there was a piece of white in front of their eyes. The next time, the white has condensed behind Ji Dong and turned into a Suzaku form. At this time, What they didn't see was that behind Ji Dong, a tiny red lotus bloomed quietly in the air, and a faint white light spit out from the petals quietly, and suddenly disappeared into Ji Dong vest.

The outside world can't see it, but Ji Ji's own induction is indeed extremely intense. He was immersed in the full integration of magic power, and his cheerful thoughts solidified instantly, and all he could feel was white. As if at this moment, his thoughts have become the core of heaven and earth, and his thoughts spread instantly. Although it is only the short film, it is in this film ... Ji Ji ’s white thought is vague. Let him feel the infinite wave of elements. The two attribute fire elements that could only be felt at this time have become ten elements with all attributes.

The white phoenix dot floating behind Ji Dong also solidified in mid-air. It was originally a phantom, and suddenly there were two more golden lights in his eyes, as if he were alive. Before Zhu Rong and his wife could see clearly, the white phoenix had crashed into Ji Dong's body, and in the dense white light, Ji Dong's skin had undergone earth-shaking changes.

A thin layer of white armor emerged from under his skin, covering the whole body in an instant. Each piece of nail leaf looks like a feather of a Suzaku, pure white, without a trace of impurities, with a temperament that only belongs to chaos. Cover every part of Ji Dong's body. Even his face was completely covered, as if wearing a white mask. The clothes he wore on him suddenly disappeared, and the thin white armor completely clung to his skin, and a layer of white light loomed from the nail leaf.

Ji Dong ’s body shape did not change because of the appearance of this white armor. It can be seen that this white armor itself is extremely thin, but just after this white armor covers his body, in the eyes of the three people Ji Dong has completely changed.

At this time, he was like a flawless beautiful jade, without half a flaw, the body that had not yet fully developed also showed angular muscle lines, full of power and beauty. In the middle of the chest, I could vaguely see the size of a soy bean, as if the bright light of the diamond version was shining, and a little white light immersed in the gem made Zhu Rong's three people appear to be lost. From that little white light, they seemed to see the end, an indescribable feeling. It's like the end of all power.

At this moment, suddenly, two tears of cloth came from behind Ji Dong, and two huge white wings suddenly stretched out. Fuli Li, who had seen Suzaku ... found that this appeared behind Ji Dong The two wings are almost identical to the wings of Suzaku, but they are slightly smaller. The color is not golden red but the strange white ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Both wings spread behind Ji Dong at the same time, the wingspan reaches an amazing Four meters, when it is slowly contracting, Ji Ji has moved the whole back completely, and when the raised wing peaks are closed, even his head is protected from behind.

Every feather on that white wing was filled with that strange white light, which was not only the change that Suzaku brought to Ji Dong, but it was not entirely from the power of Suzaku. Inner armor appendage, phoenix wings relax, Suzaku becomes.

At the moment when Suzaku became complete, Xu Baiguang's rising inch of Suzaku's inner armor spread like an explosion. When the white light spread out of Ji's body for one meter, it became colorless. But the pure energy exploded, and the white light at the center of Ji Dong ’s chest corresponding to the yin and yang vortices at this time, a slight flame, a white flame, a chaotic flame rose quietly.

Suzaku changed, this is the change Suzaku brought to Ji Dong, did you guess?

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