Job Change For All: I Summon The Boss Army!

Chapter 115 Approaching The Teleportation Altar

"What a strong spatial fluctuation!"

Several people jumped down from the back of the dragon one after another.

Ruan Chengzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the misty sky, his tone extremely fearful.

Spatial fluctuations originate from the six looming time-space rifts above the isolated island. In the endless fog that confuses vision, there are clearly countless dark red lightning bolts as thick as thumbs beating.

"There are indeed creatures coming across the galaxy."

Lu Tian felt it, and spoke in a deep voice.

“Brother Lu Tian, ​​what should we do now?”

"The guy behind the rift won't show up until some time ago, let's deal with other things first."

"Uh," Ruan Chengzhi was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly he was speechless, "Brother Lu Tian, ​​don't you want to prepare in advance?"

"A total of six space-time rifts, there should be at least six powerful alien creatures descending later..."

Ruan Chengzhi felt the terrifying aura emanating from the rift in time and space, and there was a creepy feeling for the first time.

That sense of oppression is even more terrifying than the evil god of darkness that descended on the city a few days ago!

He felt as if facing any aura, he was like a lone boat in a storm, and would be swallowed by an unrivaled torrent at any moment!

"No preparation required."

Lu Tian's faint voice sounded, making Ruan Chengzhi swallow the words that came to his lips.

He immediately raised his foot and walked towards the center of the island.

The aura in the space-time rift is very strong, but only relative to Ruan Chengzhi and others.

For Lu Tian, ​​it was still far away.

Seeing this, Ruan Chengzhi and Yuna and his party looked at each other and followed silently.


This isolated island is not big, the bare island is full of weathered rocks, there are no buildings or vegetation, and of course, there are no creatures.

After a while.

Lu Tian and the others came to the center of the island.

"There is no problem with the coordinates, and there are no other islands around..."

Lu Tian groaned.

Looking around, he frowned.

The surrounding fog had little effect on him, as far as he could see, he didn't see what he expected.

The pyramid teleportation altar he had seen before was at least tens of meters high. If there was a pyramid here, such a huge building would definitely not be able to escape his insight.

And it's not one, but five, it's impossible to have no trace at all.

As for whether the information provided by those cultists is true...

It's good to say that people are about to die, and the coordinates should be fine.

"Could it be inside?"

Suddenly, Lu Tian looked at the hard ground under his feet.

The isolated island is about a thousand meters above the sea level. It stands to reason that it is possible to make a fuss about it. It is not impossible to build a base or something.

"Lu Tian, ​​the arrogance incarnate is hiding around here now!"

Seeing that Lu Tian seemed a little frowning, Yuno, who had followed all the way, trotted closer, and spoke very affirmatively.

After these few days of getting along, she thought she knew Lu Tian well enough to be considered a half friend.

So when facing each other, he was not as cautious as he was at the beginning.

"It's just that the exact location can't be determined yet. Could it be under the sea?"

"No," Lu Tian shook his head upon hearing this, "it should be under the island."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was ready to split the entire island with one kick.

But at this moment.


A violent engine roar suddenly came from the sea, Lu Tian stopped his movements, looked over, and saw several speedboats approaching from the coast.

There are many professionals on it, but most of them are young people, basically around level 100. Presumably, it should be the rest of the hunting team from Kyoto that Naiji mentioned.

With such a low level, coming here is tantamount to death.

Lu Tian looked away after taking a look, and his feet suddenly collapsed.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

Starting from under his feet, a huge crack that penetrated the surface of the entire island appeared in an instant, spreading rapidly in all directions like a spider's web.

The next moment.

"Crack - crack -"

The ground intertwined with cracks suddenly collapsed, and everyone fell towards the interior of the hollow island along with the gravel.

The slime, who was waiting to turn into a giant dragon, rushed over with wings outstretched, and after catching everyone firmly, he soared towards the inside of the unique island.


The earth-shattering vibrations that occurred here reached above the sea in an instant.

A group of professionals who were coming on a yacht immediately stopped the galloping yacht and stared at the phantom of the disintegrated island in the mist, with a look of horror on their faces.

"Oh my god, such a huge island collapsed, could it be made by the incarnation of arrogance?!"

Someone exclaimed.

"There is no one in this ghost place, and there should be only the embodiment of arrogance, but it can cause such a commotion, has it completely recovered its strength?"

"Then aren't we going to die now?!"

A group of professionals stared wide-eyed, as if aware of the danger.


After a few breaths.

More than half of the yachts turned around directly and headed towards the coastline at a faster speed than when they came.

However, there are also many guys who are not afraid of death to stay.

These people are basically the same as Yuno, they were born in a prominent family in Kyoto, and they all have powerful servants and bodyguards.

The opportunity to be admitted to Kyushu Theological Institute is too rare, even if the probability of success is less than one in ten thousand, you still have to give it a try.


The engine started up again, and a group of young professionals with hot eyes drove the yacht and continued to rush towards the gradually collapsing isolated island.



The interior of the island.

The giant dragon suddenly fell to the ground, trampling cracks on the scarlet ground.

The hurricane brought up waves of dust, and it blew towards the people on the dragon's back, making them unable to open their eyes.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

The slime shrunk sharply, and finally became the size of a basketball. It jumped up and down on the ground, and cheered at Lu Tian who was in midair with his mouth open, as if asking for credit.

Lu Tian landed and rubbed the slime's head... It can also be said to be its body. The slime is in the shape of a ball, and the body is the head.

Everyone followed suit and landed safely.

The inner space of the island seems to have a unique energy field, which isolates the penetration of the fog in the sky.

Makes everyone see everything around them clearly.

Here is a flat open area.

There are signs of artificial construction, the most central location, and stone stairs leading to the lower level.

"There is still such a scene on the island?!"

Seeing this scene, Ruan Chengzhi said in disbelief.

It seems that this place should have been under construction for a long time.

As the general manager of the city-state outside the river, the capital of Annan, he had never heard any news about illegal construction on the island before.

You must know that the coast of the sea area has always been patrolled by Annan officials and the Chinese League garrison.

"What kind of force has such great energy, can make such a movement under the eyes of a group of high-level professionals..."

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