Job Change For All: I Summon The Boss Army!

Chapter 121 The Pessimistic Future

"In addition to this, there are other news coming from all over the mainland."

Seeing everyone, Ye Shaoqing looked a little dignified.

Clearing his throat, he spoke again.

"Longjiang City City Lord's Mansion once sent a text message that an old man from the God Killing Group encountered a very powerful alien creature in the Frost Desperation of the dungeon, and the other party may not be restricted by the dungeon, and can leave the dungeon space at any time..."

"However, there is no news of the invasion of powerful alien creatures in China. That guy may have escaped into the void, or he may be hiding in a corner, waiting for an opportunity..."

"How powerful is it?"

Listening to Ye Shaoqing's report, a middle-aged woman with sharp eyes spoke in a deep voice on the left side of the conference room.

"The sub-devil god, the ancestor of the succubus from the demon world, level 630, extremely tenacious vitality, but because of its mediocre destructive power, it is not defined as a destructive boss by the system."

"It's really strong!"

When the middle-aged woman heard this, her eyes narrowed suddenly.

A sub-demon god with a level of more than 600 is definitely the top among the top powerhouses in Blue Star.

But if it's just like this, dispatching a few core members of the God Killing Group should be able to solve the problem.

"That's not the point, there should be far more than one powerful alien creature from the devil world this time!"

"How did you see it?!"

"The old man of the God Killing Group who fought against the ancestor of the succubus said so, there should be a few existences of the same level who will also cross the border. It is not clear what the purpose of these guys is, but..."

Ye Shaoqing paused, then turned to look at the old man in the center, thinking about how to tell the explosive news he knew.

Because once this news comes out, it may cause a lot of panic!

You have to think about it.

"go on."

Seeing this, the old man signaled Ye Shaoqing to continue, sitting upright, his expression finally changed slightly.

No matter which of the two news that came out of the other party's mouth just now, it will have a very far-reaching impact on the Huameng or the entire continent.

And it seems that what I'm going to say next will be even more shocking.

"Commander, and colleagues, in fact, things related to alien creatures are far more than that."

"Lately, there have been frequent occurrences of terrifying creatures from other worlds in the Beacon Country and the Freedom Federation. Everything may be related to the exposure of the so-called junction!"

The name of the junction was learned by Ye Shaoqing from the two interstellar hunters in the sub-star of the Cybertron star field.

At first, he felt that the other party might be alarmist.

But judging from the various emergencies that have occurred in various countries in the world recently.

It may well be true!

"What's the meaning?"

"The blue star, that is, the blue planet we humans live on, should have some kind of special substance or will soon exist."

"This special substance is called the crown of the stars by all the races in the Star Sea. It is the product of the will of the stars. It can be understood as the energy of the Star Sea. Those who get it will be endowed with unimaginable extraordinary power!"

"What is extraordinary?"

The old man asked a question that everyone present was very interested in.

"One thought can explode a star, just one thought can control the fate of all mankind!"


Everyone gasped when they heard the words.

If this Nima is really like this, then it can't be called extraordinary. This is already a means that only gods in legends can have!

Although it is very mysterious.

But everyone including the old man surprisingly didn't feel that Ye Shaoqing was talking nonsense or exaggerating.

Ye Shaoqing's temperament is very familiar to everyone in the meeting, a typical conservative, very strict in speaking and doing things.

Certainly not aimlessly.

That being said, there is a basis for it.

"A hundred years ago, the Blue Star drastically changed the Heavenly God's Stone, and then countless professionals were born, and the world began to develop rapidly... Everything may not be accidental."

When everyone was shocked, Ye Shaoqing continued without stopping.

"The reason why we can recuperate and develop silently for more than a hundred years is because the coordinates of Blue Star in the sea of ​​stars were forcibly erased and covered up by some existence or force."

"Now that the coordinates of the blue star are gradually exposed, all kinds of powerful creatures in the entire starry sky will take action one after another. However, in the early days, these guys should hide under the night to peek at this world, coveting the crown of stars that can make people rule the sea of ​​stars. .”

"But judging from the various signs happening around the world, there may be many powerful beings from different worlds who have already begun to attack."

After Ye Shaoqing finished speaking, he called up several documents and projected them into the air in front of everyone present.

He specifically counted all the reported incidents of alien creatures that have appeared on Blue Star so far.

Most of them have popped up suddenly in the recent period, not only the Chinese League, but also the Beacon Country and the Freedom Federation.

Moreover, it is also closely related to cult organizations that are increasingly active in various places.

As long as there are existences in the star sea who claim to have some strength, they will definitely not be able to resist the temptation brought by the crown of stars.

Either directly send strong people to test, or use unknown means to confuse some human beings and act as an outpost for their arrival.

Everyone looked at the series of situations described in detail in the document, and while being horrified, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

"According to what you said, the existence like the ancestor of the succubus is those so-called outer gods?"

The old man in the central position asked lightly.

If there is only this level of existence, Blue Star may not have the strength to fight.

You know, just in China, there should be many strong people who can fight alone, let alone the whole continent, or even the whole world.

If these high-level professionals join forces, their strength will be further improved.

Even though these BOSS appear in groups, the professionals are a bit stretched to deal with them, but they will never be hanged or can only watch helplessly without being powerless!

"It's not," Ye Shaoqing just shook his head, and under the gaze of the astonished and puzzled eyes, he expressed his guess.

"The existence of the ancestor of the succubus should be just a pawn for the outer gods to test each other. The outer god who really appeared on the blue star may only be the world boss that appeared around Tianyan City before!"

Quiet, the entire conference room suddenly became extremely silent.

Everyone was frightened by this guess!

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the final destination of human beings in the future will either be reduced to the slaves raised by the outer gods, or disappear completely? !

The star sea is so vast, and no one knows how many existences in it are as strong as the world boss.

But what is certain is that as long as dozens of such existences appear on Blue Star at the same time, the entire human defense line will be lost overnight!

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