Inside the Rabid Porcupine Forest.

As soon as Tang Shuang entered the dungeon, he took out a large shield from behind and stood in front of Liu An with a bang.

"An An, let me protect you!

Liu An stretched out his hand and pulled Tang Shuangpa behind him, "Just follow me, don't get too far, and block Xiaoman if it is in danger.

"Xiaoman, you sneak into my shadow.

The two agreed.

Liu Man's small figure instantly merged into Liu An's shadow, and he couldn't see it at all.

Only if you look closely, you can see clearly that Liu An's shadow is a little surging and distorted.

Liu An looked slightly surprised.

Tang Shuang seemed to have seen it long ago, and just followed Liu An silently.

Liu An raised his hand and gave a few pretentious compliments.

The next moment, the phantom rot frost mist emerged.

As a natural poisonous body, Liu An has complete control over the poisonous body "Nine Twenty"


He spread the poisonous mist around.

But there was a vacuum around them.

Liu An shouted, "Follow me!

Tang Shuang carried the big shield and ran bang bang bang.

Liu An looked back, and his head was covered with black lines, "Aren't you going to put away your shield and run?

Tang Shuang wondered, "Put down the shield, how can I protect you?"

Liu An was furious, "Where did you learn all this mess?"

As soon as he turned his head, he hugged Tang Shuang's slender and round thighs, and lifted Tang Shuang directly.

"Also protect me, the violent porcupine will bow to you and you will be gone.

"Go to the Black Bat Cave in a while, and then hold your shield to protect Xiaoman."

The Black Bat Cave is dense with bats, and Liu An needs to maintain a poisonous fog vacuum around several people.

In other words, there is no poisonous fog around the few people.

So I am afraid that there will be fish that slip through the net and threaten Liuman.

Tang Shuang was carried by Liu An like a pig, but showed a happy expression, "An An, you hug me.

Liu An was suddenly speechless.

He must admit that Tang Shuang is worthy of the title of Colonel Flower.

He looks so good-looking and has a good figure, but he has a dog's brain.

He looks good, with a dog brain, no wonder he has awakened the big shield.

But the big guard is also a big shield, and he is not so stupid.

With a level 26 attribute, there is not much difference between carrying Tang Shuang and carrying a feather.

Liu An ran fast.

Soon, a furious porcupine appeared in the distance.

This behemoth.

The whole body was covered with thorns, and a pair of fangs, like two horns, pierced out of the mouth.

It looks very sharp.

The entire body shape, deeply embodies what is called a ferocious beast.

The moment he saw Liu An, he rushed over fiercely.

Shaking the mountain for a while.

This scene shocked Tang Shuang and Liu Man for no reason.

Although Tang Shuang was startled at first, when he saw the porcupine rushing over, he continued to struggle, "An An, it rushes over!!

"Put me down, I'll stop it!!

"Be honest with me." Liu An was so angry that he slapped Tang Shuang on the thigh, and instantly went down with a mouthful of numb milk.

Tang Shuang was also honest all of a sudden.

At the same time as he was completely anesthetized, his face instantly turned crimson.

"An An, you are a little anxious, my sister is still watching

Liu An ignored her, and continued to charge against the porcupine.

Seeing that there were still ten meters before they collided, Tang Shuang and Liu Man were both nervous to the limit.

Tang Shuang couldn't move, but Liu Man had already taken out the dagger.

But the next moment.

Under the shocked gazes of Tang Shuang and Liu Man, the wild boar rushing in front of him with extreme ferocity died instantly the moment he touched the poisonous mist.

He fell down with a bang, his feet turned to the sky, and dragged on the ground for a distance.

A ditch was dragged on the ground.

[Blood volume—1500]

[Kill the violent porcupine, experience value +333]

[Obtaining materials, the thorns of the violent porcupine*3]

Liu Man and Tang Shuang were stunned at the same time.


"Spike!? 35

"How fierce! One thousand and five blood! 35

"What kind of damage is this?"

Tang Shuang covered her head, remembering the scene where she let Liu An breastfeed herself, and shrank her head again.

The porcupine with 1500 health couldn't hold it, so she was reincarnated immediately.

And then, Liu An kept going.

As the news spread, many porcupines rushed out from all directions and went straight to Liu An.

But without exception, as long as it is close to Liu An, the porcupine will die suddenly, with its legs upside down.

[Blood volume—1500]

[Kill the violent porcupine, experience value +533]

[Obtaining materials, the thorns of the violent porcupine*3]

【HP – 1500】

[Kill the violent porcupine, experience value +533]

[Obtaining materials, the thorns of the violent porcupine*3]

Because it is a super-level brush, the experience value is much higher than normal...

A huge amount of experience points keeps pouring in.

Experience tips instantly refresh the screen!

And it's still updating!

This scene made Liu Man and Tang Shuang, who had never done dungeons before and only heard from the teacher saying how difficult it was to do dungeons, directly refreshed their cognition.

"This... this speed, too fast!

"Brother, what kind of new skill is this poisonous mist of yours?"

"Those big pigs will die when they meet them!! Oh my god, our teacher said that this kind of giant beast is very difficult to deal with. If we form a team, it will take a long time to fight one.

"Here, they died as soon as they touched your poisonous mist?

Liu An was noncommittal, "Otherwise, how do you think I upgraded?"

In a blink of an eye, Liu An carried Tang Shuang and Liu Man to the place where the Rampage Porcupine King was.

Still snoring loudly.

Parting the grass, a giant pig like a hill in front was lying on its side in the forest, whirling asleep.

The spikes on his body, layer upon layer, are extremely hard, like a terrifying armor.

The whole body, indeed, exudes a metallic gray, which looks like indestructible metal.

It looks like a giant steel behemoth.

And by his side 5.2, there are dozens of violent porcupines!

Both Tang Shuang were stunned.

"Wow, so big! 35

"Looks so fierce! 99

"This is, the porcupine king! This is the boss?"

"If our teacher knew about this, I'm afraid we would be crazy. 35

"What she taught is useless.

As Liu An approached the Furious Porcupine King, he said, "She is teaching a basic class, you are all eight-pattern professionals, and you will be level 20 for a while, so of course you won't need it.

Tang Shuang said worriedly, "There are a lot of porcupines here, is your poison fog enough?"

Liu An looked at the porcupine king.

Still 2500 blood volume.

He was in a bit of trouble, and now the damage of the illusionary frost fog has reached 3,000.

There is no way to stimulate the porcupine king, let the porcupine king summon more companions.

Forget it, in seconds,

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