“I will burn you to ashes.”

The amethyst giant beast looked down at Su Liang and spoke fiercely.

“Burn to ashes? But I am already in ash form.”

Hearing the words of the amethyst giant beast, Su Liang struck out with a sword in his right hand, stretched out his left hand covered with red ashes, rubbed the tip of his nose, and uttered something

『Purple Flame Domain』!

The purple flame spread from the body of the amethyst behemoth, and in an instant, the dark purple flame covered the entire amethyst mine – the veins. boom!!!!

In this purple flame field, Su Liang’s blood volume was constantly decreasing.

There are many types of domain skills.

The domain of the Amethyst Behemoth is different from that of the Spider Queen and the Frost Dragon. The latter’s domains are purely attribute additions or weakenings.

The former lacks attribute weakening, but the field also comes with uninterrupted damage.

While the domain is open, as long as you don’t leave the domain, this damage is unavoidable!

You can only resist these injuries.

Fortunately –

Su Liang possesses the fire resistance of the treasure”Molten Core”. In addition, he has devoured the flesh and blood of many fire bosses, and his fire resistance has reached a good level.

Not too panicked.

Su Liang’s attack continued. The amethyst behemoth ignored it and continued to raise its hand.

『Amethyst Shield』!

A shield composed of amethyst appears on the body of the amethyst behemoth. The shield value of this shield is as much as 100% of the amethyst behemoth’s health.

That is… a shield worth 6.24 billion!

See it!

Su Liang’s expression remained unchanged and he continued to attack with his sword.

Standing dozens of meters away, the terrifying God-killing Sword Qi kept hitting the amethyst shield.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Smooth Hands” of”Empty Hands”, and stealing and obtaining:”Amethyst Punch” (skill)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Smooth Hand” of”Empty Hands” and stealing it to obtain:”Mysterious Amethyst” (Special)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Smoothly Leading the Sheep” of”Empty Hands” and stealing:”Blazing Amethyst Belt” (Equipment)……】

Until now… he has also stolen three or four things, even a piece of Yashen equipment.

“Roar, you despicable little ant thief, let me die!”

Things and skills were stolen. The purple flames in the eyes of the amethyst giant beast surged out of anger. It roared and rushed towards Su Liang.

『Crystal Collision』!

Tap tap tap!!!

Wherever the giant beast steps, amethyst bulges out, unstoppable!

“Your boss talks so much nonsense!”

Su Liang curled his lips helplessly.

At this moment, many skills have improved. With a flash, the attack exploded!

『instant sting』!

『Shadow Continuous Slash』!

『Blood-devouring Thorn』……

Countless sword shadows filled the air.

Following that, there were countless bright sword lights!


Su Liang relied on his killing instinct to dodge skills and fight while hiding.

Occasionally, he will be attacked by the amethyst giant beast, which will directly reduce his health, but the second attack will basically not hit him.

After a while, he sucked it back in again.

Just make sure you don’t get hit by two attacks in a row and you’ll be fine. boom–!

Soon, the amethyst shield was blasted through

『”Amethyst Absorption”!

The amethyst behemoth stepped on the ground unreasonably. The energy in the amethyst ore was quickly lost, and it was instantly full of blood.


Su Liang raised the corners of his mouth slightly. The further he hit him, the less afraid he became. because!

His passive”God-Killing Combo” has layers of combos that are constantly being stacked.

Su Liang was waiting for an opportunity…

As the amethyst behemoth’s blood volume slowly dropped.


Right now!

Su Liang’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not slack off. Instead, he showed a cautious look and became more serious.

The blood volume was around 20%, which is the most terrifying time for the BOSS!

After a few thrusts with the sword… the blood volume of the amethyst giant beast also dropped to 20%


“Despicable little thief, your death has come. With this move, you will have nowhere to escape.……”

The amethyst giant beast looked up to the sky and roared, venting the anger in its heart.

This little thief dared to steal its amethyst fragments and skills. He is unforgivable!

『Purple Flame·Crystal Core Explosion』! can be seen!

A huge amethyst several hundred meters tall flew out from the body of the amethyst beast.

The purple flame inside this giant amethyst is swaying crazily, and the temperature is rising rapidly, as if it is about to explode at any time!

Even the surrounding temperature has risen to a terrifying level.

If this move continues… except for the amethyst behemoth, everything will be annihilated!

“Do you still want to release it?”

·· ········Asking for flowers·· ·······

The corner of Su Liang’s mouth rose confidently and he sarcastically said

『Taboo·Momentary Terror』!

A moment!

Su Liang’s health bar plummeted by 99.99%, with only the last trace of blood left.

But at the same time!

In Su Liang’s ash form, a terrifying aura erupted, reaching a certain extreme, and even air waves appeared.

The attack and attack speed are instantly increased by a hundred times!!!

Adding the layers of the God-killing combo, the attack power is more than a hundred times higher!


The amethyst giant beast let out a roar and bursts of sound waves, trying to take advantage of this moment to kill Su Liang.

『The beast roars!

When the sound wave hits, Su Liang responds calmly

『God of war is unyielding』!

……. 0

……. 0

A golden light fell, and within 5 seconds, Su Liang’s blood volume dropped to the lowest level of 1 point!

『Death, instant death and death!”

Su Liang raised his sword with his backhand and knocked the amethyst beast hundreds of meters into the air.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

He was holding a flaming sword and stabbed violently at the amethyst behemoth that was knocked away from all directions.

The terrifying red sword light filled the sky.

The Amethyst Behemoth’s health quickly dropped to 7%.

All this happens in an instant!

After the thrust is completed, exit from the ash form and put away the Great Sword of Fire.


Su Liang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, turned his back to the BOSS, snapped his fingers, and spoke coldly.

The words fell.


A devastating black sword light exploded at the heart of the crystal giant beast!

Kill! Boom!!

The amethyst beast disappeared with disbelief, and its body shattered into countless pieces of smoke and dust.

The huge amethyst exploded and dissipated!

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive”Military Hands” passive”Stealing the Sheep”, and stealing and obtaining:”Purple Flame·Crystal Core Explosion” (skill)! ]

Before the kill prompt popped up, a prompt sounded first.

Su Liang, who was showing off, couldn’t help but be startled, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

This last blow… actually stole the ultimate move of the sub-god BOSS Amethyst Behemoth! Shishi.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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