Chopper looked at the

broken barrel and said suspiciously, "The wine flew out and turned into light and disappeared

?" Hatsune looked at the sky and said, "It's so beautiful, I want to see it again!"

Zoro smiled and said, "This can't be the curse of the sea god, right?"

"I hope it's just a prank." Robin thought for a moment, then continued, "Otherwise, our ship may be targeted by some people next.

Usopp said in horror, "Is this a trap, our position is already being targeted?

Chopper jumped on the lion's head, took the binoculars and looked left and right, and said, "I didn't see any suspicious people."

Nami felt that the air pressure was normal, and the movement of the clouds was also getting faster, and knew that the weather was about to change, so she immediately said, "Everyone take their places, we're going to run southeast!The storm is coming, just 5 minutes later!"

Luffy believed Nami very much, and immediately asked, "Nami, where is the course?"

Nami replied, "Straight ahead at two o'clock!".

As soon as the sails were opened, dark clouds covered the sky, and suddenly lightning and thunder roared and the wind blew fiercely, and it rained heavily.

Nami clutched the railing tightly to stabilize her body, and said, "No, it's completely against the wind!, it will be blown back

!" Frankie turned her head and reminded with a confident smile, "Hey, is this the only strength of this ship?"

Nami immediately came to her senses when she heard this, and said, "Everyone put away the sails, it's time to use the outer wheel

!" After everyone cooperated to pull up the mainsail and the auxiliary sail, they immediately shouted to Nami, "The mainsail and auxiliary sail have been put away!"

Nami immediately shouted

, "Frankie, it's okay!" and Frankie smiled and said, "Okay! Now it's the Soldier's Dockyard system!" and then flicked the device on the rudder and tuned to Channel Zero.

"Coke engine, outer steamer

Sunshine! rush!" Two outer ships extended from both sides of the Wanli Sunshine, and under the drive of Coke, they began to spin wildly

! Soon the Wanli Sunshine rushed out of the storm, but the sky was still dark, and there was still a thick fog

around it! Nami looked at the sky and said, "Okay, finally rushed out!" Zoro

looked around and said. It's not night yet!The fog is thick all around, and

it's dark and creepy!" Nami said, "It's that we've entered that sea area, and I'm not ready yet!"

Lin Mo said, "Look at the situation here, it's the sea area that Granny Cokoro said."

Hatsune rode on Lin Mo's neck and said excitedly, "Brother, then we can go on an adventure right away!" Lin

Mo is very helpless now, since Hatsune was lifted by him once, he feels that this is very fun, and he rides on Lin Mo's neck at every turn, holding his head!

Whenever Lin Mo refuses, she finds Nami pitifully and asks her for help, and now the whole ship spoils her to the sky.

Nami is on this boat, and it belongs to the existence of superimposed infinite buffs! Lin Mo doesn't dare to mess with it! He can only obediently play the role of a daddy, he originally wanted to get a helper out, but now it seems that he has made himself a burden!

Looking at Hatsune, who is full of adventure and doesn't know what it means to be afraid, Lin Mo has a headache. He didn't worry about Hatsune's safety, he was afraid that she would be too capable of causing trouble

! Hatsune didn't know if this guy had an overlord Se Linmo, but he was not weak when he saw and heard it, and what was even more enviable was that he was born with a top-level armed color domineering, and she still ate the Thunder Fruit, and others didn't even have the door to hurt her!

Usopp said, "Are you going to get to Fish-Man Island so soon?"

Luffy covered his eyes with a straw hat and smiled weirdly. "No! before that, you'll have to pass through a haunted

sea!" Frankie also smiled weirdly and said, "That's right! Don't take it lightly! This sea area is the famous magic triangle! No matter what, you will disappear mysteriously

!" Hatsune smiled and said, "I want to see what ghosts are like sooner

!" Usopp heard what everyone said, and asked in a panic, "What are you kidding!" Why does everyone look like they know, I haven't heard of such a thing!

" Luffy laughed and said, "It was Granny Kokoro who told us, I heard that there are living skeletons here!"

Usopp instantly stiffened and said tremblingly, "Alive...... A living skeleton!

" "That's what you thought of yourself, don't you scare him anymore!" Sanji then lit a match, lit up his face, and smiled eerily. "Listen, Usopp. It is said that more than a hundred ships mysteriously disappear here every year, and there are ghost ships carrying the dead roaming around. Usopp

hugged his head and shouted, "Oh! Don't! Why didn't

you tell me about this earlier!" Sanji said with a gloomy face, "What can you do if you tell you?

!" Usopp said in a panic, "Ah! Of course I am preparing! I will arm myself with demon slaying tools!"

Chopper instantly hugged Usopp's thigh and said with a crying voice, "Usopp! borrow it from me!"

Usopp covered his ears in fear and said tremblingly, "This is the song of the evil spirits, don't listen to it! Plug your ears! You will be cursed, the evil spirits will talk to you, you must not pay attention! If you answer, you will be dragged into the sea! The evil spirits are leading people on the road!"

Chopper cried out, "Don't." Ah

, Robin looked at the approaching ghost ship and said with a solemn expression, "Who could be on this ship?"

Sauron pulled out his sword and said, "If the enemy is to cut him." At

this time, the huge sailing ship finally approached.

A skeleton on the ship took a leisurely sip of tea, and then sang, "Burns' wine...... This sent it to ......"

as the ghost ship slowly moved away from the Sunshine. Luffy said excitedly, "Did you see that just now?

!The skeleton is singing!" Usopp and Chopper saw Luffy like this, and instantly understood what Luffy wanted to do

!Usopp was so frightened that he hurriedly said, "Idiot! How can a skeleton sing! It's an auditory hallucination, it's an auditory hallucination

!" Chopper also nodded quickly, echoing "That's right!

Luffy turned his head to look at the others and said, "You heard it too!" Hatsune

nodded excitedly and said"Well, I heard that too

!" Luffy's eyes turned into stars and said, "Go, let's go immediately! Sure enough, there are living skeletons

!" Sanji grabbed Luffy by the collar

and said, "Slow! Don't worry! Luffy!" Zoro took out a small wooden skewer and said, "Come on, let's draw lots to decide, who will get on that ship with Luffy!"

Usopp said frantically, "Why! Whoever wants to go can go!".

Nami said in the same frenzy, "yes!

Zoro looked to the side and said helplessly, "Are you really willing to do this?"

Then the three people around Zoro found that the others were standing by the side of the boat, ready to rush onto the ghost ship

! Hatsune rode on Lin Mo's neck and shouted, "Go adventure! Go adventure!"

Zoro turned to leave, and Chopper, Usopphe immediately hugged Sauron's thigh! Chopper

begged, "Please let me draw lots!".

Nami also

said, "I'll smoke, I'll draw!I'm willing to smoke!" Luffy turned his head and looked at a few

people and said, "I'll just go alone! If I don't hurry up, the boat will go away!" Sanji immediately said, "This can't be done

!" Zoro raised the wooden stick in his hand and said, "Anyway, let's draw! There must be two people with him, take care of Luffy, don't let her come nonsense!"

"The lottery result, it was Sanji and Nami who accompanied Luffy on the boat!


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