Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 236: The Imminent Execution

For the next two days, Seireitei was calm and there was no commotion.

Because of Aizen's death, Old Man Shan announced that Seireitei had entered a special wartime state. Although he knew what happened, this order was not revoked and was still carried out.

The entire Seireitei is in a state of extreme martial law.

Therefore, the three of Ishida Uryu didn't dare to run around at this time, and stayed in the fourth team.

"Arnold, Mr. Hanatarou, the situation of the 4th team is indeed a bit strange. The sequelae caused by excessive force appeared. Now Ishida Uryu is not in a good condition. He is lying on the hospital bed. Yamada Hanatarou is looking after him This character is rather cowardly, but Kaidō is very good at healing.

He also heard what happened in Seireitei, so he felt very strange at this time.

I am very confused about the situation of the fourth division.

One of the captains of Gotei 13 may have died due to a travel accident. "197"

Then why, the Fourth Division's attitude towards those who have the status of travel accidents has not changed in any way?

It stands to reason that Seireitei Gotei 13 should now be eager to tear them apart.

But, no, how the members of the 4th squad treated them before is still how they are treated now.

Nothing has changed because of Aizen.

"In the fourth team, everyone believes in Vice Captain Liuyun. As long as the vice captain does something, then it is right. The members of the fourth team believe in it unconditionally.

"Just stay here quietly."

"As long as you are in the fourth team, you will be fine."

"Also, even if you are another travel companion, you didn't do what happened to Aizen, did you?

"Mr. Ishida, Mr. Sado and Ms. Inoue, you were all in the sight of Master Rangiku last night, and you have never left, and you have been in the fourth team since then. "It is impossible to be the murderer." Yamada Hanatarou said gently.

This guy has always had a very cowardly character, no matter who he talks to, he is cautious and submissive.

This kind of character Liuyun can't stand it anymore.

After all, he is the younger brother of his friend, so Liuyun trained him a lot.

Although he still hasn't changed his cowardly personality, at least he will be submissive when talking to others, but his voice is relatively soft.

Now this appearance is the final result of Liuyun's training.

Liuyun found that this guy was born with such a personality, and he couldn't change it at all. It was impossible to make this guy stand up, so he gave up and let him maintain his current state. up.

"Although I have seen the incredibleness of the fourth team before, I am still very shocked to hear the words of you, a member of the fourth team." Ishida Uryu had heard it from Liuyun before. Similar words, but Ishida Uryu was still very shocked when he heard Yamada Hanatarou, one of the parties, admitted, and was shocked by Liuyun's status in the fourth team.

Liuyun holds much more weight in the hearts of the members of the 4th division than the Seireitei to whom Shinigami should be loyal, due to Gotei 13.

Even if something unfavorable and related to Liuyun happened in Gotei 13, the members of the 4th squad still turned to Liuyun.


"Mr. Ishida, your situation is not very good."

"After two days of treatment, I found that the Reiatsu in your body is gradually weakening, and it is an irreversible situation.

"If you continue like this, within half a month, your Reiatsu will completely disappear and become a Common." Hanatarou nodded slightly, then said worriedly.

"Did you notice my physical condition just through the treatment you gave me?"

"Mr. Hanatarou, your medical ability is really strong." Ishida Uryu sighed slightly.

"Hey hey, don't look at me like this, I'm the one with the strongest healing ability in the 4th squad apart from the captain and vice-captain." Being praised like this, Hanatarou immediately scratched his head


"Mr. Ishida, I think you can ask Vice Captain Liuyun in this situation."

"If Vice Captain Liuyun takes action, your situation can definitely be cured." After the embarrassment, Hanatarou's expression became serious, and he suggested to Ishida Uryu.

"No, no, Shinigami shouldn't be able to handle my situation."

"I'll figure it out myself." Ishida Uryu shook his head, rejecting Hanatarou's kindness.

As for Liuyun in Hanatarou's mouth, Liuyun at this time is watching Aizen's every move.

Aizen, this guy, has been looking for information in the corridor of the Great Spirit Book for the past two days, and he doesn't wait for a rest.

And just now, this guy seemed to have found the information he wanted. After returning to the central underground meeting room and explaining to Ichimaru Gin, he ran to a small experimental bench for research.

Liuyun can't see anything from the initial research yet, but Liu Wei can guess what Aizen is researching at this time.

The medium for extracting soul and foreign matter, a technology developed by Kisuke Puyuan a long time ago, has been included in the corridor of the Great Spirit Book....

This thing is the perfect, non-harmful technique for extracting items from Shinigami or Common spirit bodies.

Aizen, from the very beginning, did not pin his hopes on the Knock King, but prepared to take out the semi-finished Hōgyoku from Rukia Kuchiki's body by himself.

"Should be executed tomorrow, this order is probably on the way now!!!" Watching Aizen's action of separating the spirit particles and extracting the medium of the spirit particles [Liu Wei muttered softly]

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, Liuyun revoked the monitoring, and then waved his hand again, releasing a monitoring Kidō again.

It's just that this time it's not Aizen who is monitoring, but Ichigo.

"Still fighting?" Looking at the fierce battle between Ichigo and Zangetsu in the picture, Liuyun frowned slightly.

Ichigo in the original book seems to have been playing for three days, why did I train Ichigo so strong, this kid still spent the same amount of time?

"Um, forgot, this is not the real Bankai, but Zangetsu is consolidating the power of his Quincy into a single power avatar, transforming it into a half-Bankai like Abarai Renji's Baboon King Zabimaru Ichigo uses."

"The power of the void is being gradually liberated, and it is manifested on Hollow, while the power of Shinigami is completely suppressed by Zangetsu, and it has not been leaked at all."

"Ichigo's current Zanpakutō is not the real Zanpakutō either, it is the embodiment of the power of the Quincy.

"This kid, the battle is more mature."

"In this way, the reason why it took two days to finish it is entirely because of 3.2 because Zangetsu is feeding this kid with moves to improve his fighting skills?"

"Well, that's true."

"Although I have discussed with him before, in the final analysis, it was only a way of discussing among Common people at that time, not the Extraordinary battle of today. After all, it cannot be compared."

"Uncle Zangetsu, as Yuhabach from thousands of years ago, his fighting skills may not be much weaker than mine. With him, he is much stronger than Kisuke Kamanhara before. It is normal for him to improve."

"In the current situation, as long as Zangetsu wants, he can give the power of the Quincy to Ichigo at any time."

"It seems that Ganju should be notified in advance to let Zangetsu understand the changes in the situation. Don't continue to feed the move, and directly give the power to Ichigo, and then let Ichigo recharge his energy, otherwise it will not be the peak after all when he comes back covered in bandages. status."

Thinking of this, Liuyun took out his magic messenger and slapped Shiba Ganjiu. .

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