Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 708: : The fallen **** (owed

I don't know how long this sleep has passed. In short, for Yiningweier, this sleep made him extremely satisfied. It's like a baby sleeping in the arms of his parents, full of security and happiness. This feeling is strange, but for Yiningville, it appears to be a matter of course. He subconsciously treated this seemingly absurd feeling, but took it for granted.

When he opened his eyes, he subconsciously looked at the puddle beside him, but where did the puddle come from? In the same place, only a pink mound stayed.

Yiningweier was surprised. He got up and began to look around the pink mound, even moving forward to touch it with his hands. He got a fleshy texture, which made him very strange. Moreover, not only did the puddle disappear, but it was replaced by the fleshy touch. Even where he was standing was the same. The curious Yiningville flew up in the sky, and when he looked down from a high ground, he found that the pink mound had once again turned into a puddle.

The sights are all endless mountains; such a special change makes this place full of secrets. Yiningville flew in the air and flew forward. However, when his body flew to the destination and landed in the air, he found an amazing scene. Where is the endless mountain range at the foot, in fact, is a beautiful woman!

Her body is so huge, lying on the ground like an endless mountain range. And the pink mound is obviously the breast tou of the giantess. The absurd feeling floated, and Yiningweil began to look at the giantess. She was beautiful, with black hair, closed eyes, and no breath from her body. There are still several incredibly huge wounds all over his body, and the blood has drained away, but the feeling given to Yiningville is still the same as when he was just injured.

In this mysterious giantess, Yiningweier also felt a sense of admiration. A special emotion that seemed to be connected by blood poured into his heart, and when he saw this giantess, he couldn't help but feel longing and sorrow. When he looked at the giantess's chest, he unexpectedly saw a water mark that had dried up on her chest, and the puzzled Yiningville stepped forward and sniffed it carefully. He smelled a fragrant scent, and he also noticed a huge vitality that was still lingering there.

"This is milk..."

At this moment, Yiningweier understood what the milky water he had just drunk was. The vitality and special power in it were completely the milk left by the long-dead giantess. Since he was born until now, he has never drunk breast milk, so his body has been maintained in the state of a baby. However, when he drank all the milk left by the giantess, his body grew naturally. When he knew the truth, no matter what, a very strange feeling arose in his heart.

The big snake was injured because the vitality escaped from the milk was cured. And he was able to grow up because he drank milk! As for whether the sun **** Ra was born from the **** lotus, whether he drank the milk of this giantess, Yiningweil couldn't do anything about it. Because this is not recorded in the myth of the legend. How did Rashen grow from a newborn baby to adult size. However, his own growth was personally witnessed and experienced by him.

All this is not an illusion.

However, at this moment, he found that the giantess at his feet turned into a male in an instant! This means that this mighty fallen **** is a hermaphroditic existence.


Among the Egyptian mythology, the only legend is that the father **** of Ra, Nunn is a hermaphroditic existence. And La's real name is also from Nunn. However, I never thought that this powerful **** would have already fallen. The power remaining in the body is re-bred by the **** lotus, and then produces milk, which serves as the milk for feeding offspring. This is the instinct of life. After being ‘pregnant’ and ‘bearing a child’, the body’s instinct stimulates Nunn’s residual power and turns it into milk that can provide growth and nutrition for the offspring.

And Yiningweier only thrived after drinking this milk.

"Now, I have drunk all of this milk, so if the big snake is injured, will it recover so quickly?" Yiningweier expressed his curiousity.

The battle between the serpent and the gods was earth-shaking. Although it was able to swallow the sun every time, under the blow of the gods, it would still be forced to spit out the sun swallowed in its abdomen every time. As a result, between heaven and earth, day and night continue to alternate! Now that the life source that can provide the serpent to recover quickly is cut off and dried up, will the serpent quickly recover in the battle with the gods?

Yiningweier didn't know, he didn't know that it was because of his own reasons that the milk was urged again. Still, this milk has existed for a long time, but because of his reasons, Nunn's body has the ability to induce milk again under the instinctive stimulation. Everything, Yiningweier still has no way of understanding, or that he has limited understanding.

Whether it is the vast sea of ​​chaos, the gods of Egypt, or the serpent living in the sea of ​​chaos, or the mysterious, powerful and dead **** in front of you. All of this has long been clear, and there are secrets in this huge chaotic multiverse. Yiningweil looked at the lying **** again. She/he turned into a female again at this time, and most of her long black hair was pressed under her. Long eyelashes, exquisite facial features, like a sleeping beauty, fall asleep soundly.

However, those huge and hideous wounds on his body told Yiningville that all this was an illusion. The powerful **** in front of him has been dead for a long time.

The wounds left on her body still carry a trace of frightening power until now! This power is so and it is impossible to verify how long the deity in front of me has fallen. But even so, the power remaining from the wound of the deity still makes People feel scared.

How strong this power peak period is, and what kind of strong its owner is, it is full of admiration. However, the power remaining in the lying corpse in front of her was incomparable with the power remaining in the wound on her body. And even such a powerful **** fell for it.

What happened in this world, this chaotic universe? Yiningville's heart is full of curiosity, and there are too many secrets and secrets waiting for him to dig and explore. However, this kind of secrets and secrets, as he gradually approached and gradually understood. The truth and answers that I have learned are so shocking and terrifying.

At the same time, the thirst and desire for strength has become stronger. If his power at this moment is strong enough, then perhaps he has the qualifications to see the secrets and secrets.

And now, he is still too weak.

Too much to understand and explore, sometimes it may not be a good thing for yourself!

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