Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 428: First meeting with Bodhi Patriarch

The blessed land of Huaguo Mountain, the top of Huaguo Mountain.

When Luo Yuntou and Su Xuan's group stepped on the top of Huaguo Mountain, they saw clearly the Bodhi Patriarch who was behaving strangely in the middle of Huaguo Mountain, and they were puzzled for a while.

When he saw this Bodhi Patriarch, Su Xuan believed in the rumor that this Bodhi Patriarch was Zhunti, but now it seems that this rumor is not very reliable.

Compared with the current Zhunti Zhenren, the second leader of the 800 sects of the Western religion, this Bodhi Patriarch is obviously less paranoid about revitalizing the Western land.

Zhuang Zhou opened his sleepy eyes, looked at Patriarch Bodhi flying towards the top of the mountain, and said, "That's right, this is Patriarch Bodhi. Seventy-six thousand years ago, in the long river of time and space, I saw This Patriarch Bodhi, back then, Patriarch Bodhi also walked away with an innate spiritual root that I had been searching for for many years, so I can recognize this Patriarch Bodhi even if it turns into ashes."

Speaking of the past, Zhuang Zhou should not be intimidated or annoyed, that is his innate spiritual root!

Even among practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, an innate spiritual root is extremely rare.

Su Xuan looked at the Bodhi Patriarch who had already flown to the top of Huaguo Mountain, and couldn't help asking: "Is this Bodhi Patriarch really Zhunti Daoist?"

Yun Xiao said with a smile: "Even if the Bodhi Patriarch is not Zhunti Daoist, since most immortals think that Bodhi Patriarch is Zhunti Daoist, then even if Bodhi Patriarch is not Zhunti Daoist, he must be Zhunti Daoist."

Because no matter how many excuses, it is not enough for Zhunti Daoist to play the role of Bodhi Patriarch in person. If you play too much Zhunti Daoist, you will naturally become Bodhi Patriarch, but Bodhi Patriarch is still Bodhi Patriarch.


"It's really dark!"

Such an approach is tantamount to killing this Patriarch Bodhi. Even if the second leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion uses the identity of Patriarch Bodhi to commit countless sins, he will definitely be punished in the end. It is placed on the head of Bodhi Patriarch.

"I Have a Book of Ghosts and Gods"

"Poverty Bodhi, I have met fellow Taoists!"

After arriving at the top of Huaguo Mountain, Patriarch Bodhi greeted the coming Taoist immortals.

Whether it is the fairy family that explains the teaching, the fairy family that cuts off the teaching, or the fairy family that people teach, they have all arrived now. The scene where the immortals gathered together.

After the two parties greeted each other, Patriarch Bodhi led Su Xuan and his party to the area where the Heaven-Mending God Stone was placed.

One side is three feet six feet five inches high, and there is a two-foot-four God-Mending Stone in the garden, standing quietly on the top of Huaguo Mountain, receiving the wind and sun, and absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

The strength of his spiritual energy is far superior to that of ordinary practitioners in the realm of celestial beings. With several spiritual energy vortexes, he directly said that the spiritual energy on Huaguo Mountain was completely exhausted.

Su Xuan looked at the Heaven-Mending Divine Stone, and said: "Senior Bodhi, is this Heaven-Mending Divine Stone like this from the beginning? If it was like this from the beginning, then you have to set up a formation. Are you planning to find more Heavenly Emperor Spiritual Objects, so that this Heaven-Mending Divine Stone can be conceived like the innate gods and demons?"

The congenital gods and demons were born to control a certain avenue. As soon as they were born, they had the cultivation base of the Da Luo Jinxian realm at the lowest level. Those few people, even the current ancestor Hongjun, have to go around.

If it wasn't for the Great God Pan Gu who split these innate gods and demons into ashes with an axe, I am afraid that the current practitioners will still live under the **** of innate gods and demons.

Therefore, monkeys who want to return to the innate gods and demons will naturally not become the gods of war in the sect, let alone the gods of war in the Taoist sect. For the heavens and the world, another innate gods and demons will be a disaster.

Patriarch Bodhi said helplessly: "It's only in recent years that it has become like this. But if we don't find spiritual objects from heaven and earth for this Lord to devour, I'm afraid this Lord will die long ago. I have no choice but to do this."

How about accepting a good apprentice?

His own family property has been lost a lot. If he really waited until this monkey was born, he would have already owed a whole lot of debt.

Sensing the aura mixed with the Heaven-Mending God Stone, Nuwa sneered and said, "The innate gods and demons who have died want to wake up quietly, but unfortunately they met Ben Gong, so let's go back to the past and be honestly slapped by Pangu." !"

"The Qiankun Cauldron, now!"

I saw a small tripod with worm script and bird seal engraved all over it flying out of Nuwa's hand. After flying out, the small tripod rose in the wind, and it didn't stop until it covered the whole piece of heaven-replenishing stone.

Then the real fire of Samadhi burned fiercely under the cauldron, and the heaven-replenishing stone in the Qiankun cauldron also made a crackling sound, and many stone skins flew out of the Qiankun cauldron continuously with the passage of time.

Yun Xiao also noticed the abnormality at this moment, she looked at the stone skins scattered around the Qiankun Cauldron, and said: "I didn't expect these dead innate gods and demons to use this method to hide their true spirits in the stone skins of the Heaven-Mending God Stone Among them, if the monkey really comes out, it will definitely be taken away by the true spirit of the innate gods and demons, and at that time, even if it is against the long river of time and space, it may not be able to detect the abnormality."

The fact that the stone monkey was not born is the cause, and the stone monkey that has already been born is the result. It is the cause and effect of an innate **** and demon. I guess most of the immortals will think that what they see is the cause and effect of the stone monkey. After all, the stone monkey itself is the complement. The Heavenly God Stone is the avenue used to imprison the innate gods and demons.

Su Xuan pondered: "What about now? No one knows the mystery of the innate gods and demons. I mean, what if, what if the stone monkey has believed in the dream made by the innate gods and demons? The innate creatures that have not yet been born are the most Simple, but also the most persistent, once you believe in it, you will never doubt it."

If you believe in it, you will not doubt it. From this point of view, the unborn innate soul is indeed Shi Chizi's heart.

Nu Wa said calmly: "It's okay? When refining the Heaven-Mending Divine and performing the repairing of the sky, I vaguely anticipated what will happen today, so this innate **** and demon who wants to make trouble, just To be able to go back to the past, to be smashed many times by the Great God Pan Gu again."

If it is not discovered, naturally it can only be allowed to develop, but since it is discovered, this crisis should naturally be eliminated invisible.

Otherwise, the immortals who want the innate gods and demons to reappear will definitely regret it when they see the innate gods and demons with their own eyes.

Because all immortals who have seen innate gods and demons may not be willing to see living innate gods and demons in the heavens and worlds again.

Zhao Gongming suddenly asked: "But from now on, this monkey probably has no hope of aspiring to become Da Luo."

His sister Yunxiao saw it very clearly, but he saw it equally clearly. How could the methods of innate gods and demons be so simple?

Even the methods used by Daluo Jinxian realm practitioners are not so simple.



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