Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 755: Wudang visit Juntian Realm!

Journey to the Heavens from Evernight Chapter 755 Wudang Visits Juntian Realm!

As time went by, the heavens and worlds gradually calmed down.

Originally, the heavens and myriad worlds shouldn't be so peaceful, but many Hunyuan sages have issued a decree.

Naturally, the heavens and worlds can only calm down, but everyone knows that this is just the calm before the storm.

Many fairy families visited relatives and friends one after another, and started to connect with each other, for fear that if they were not careful at that time, they would become cannon fodder.

But it is a pity that many Taoist sects now seal the mountains, and those who walk in the heavens and worlds walk in the heavens and worlds.

So many immortal families set their sights on the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm, on the head of that Heavenly Emperor, after all, he is also a Heavenly Emperor.

The immortals who know the history of the Emperor of Heaven, although they don't think that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven can compete with the Hunyuan Saints, they can safely transition to the next Pangu Era no matter what.

Although the witch clan has been covering up what happened in the Netherworld, but where is there an impenetrable wall in this huge heaven and world?

Since those martial arts practitioners in the next Pangu Era can appear in the Netherworld, they can naturally appear in many great worlds.

But many immortal families really dare not bind themselves to Jiejiao now. After all, what Jiejiao did not long ago can really scare many immortal families.

As a result, many fairy families once again started to stir up cold food, planning to rush to Youjian Taoist Temple, but it was already too late to come to Youjian Taoist Temple at this time.

In the huge Juntian Realm, at the majestic Tianmen, there are already many formations, no matter how powerful your cultivation is, you are not allowed to enter the Juntian Realm.

If you can't enter Juntian Realm, you can't talk about entering Youjian Taoist Temple, so many immortals have to stay outside the Juntian Realm's Tianmen, waiting for the Juntian Realm's Tianmen to reopen.

After all, this Master Su's reputation is much better than Jiejiao's.

The Holy Mother of Wudang who came from afar, looked at the immortal family who were waiting hundreds of millions of miles away from the Tianmen of the Juntian Realm, and said involuntarily: "These people really only care about the present, and they have completely forgotten how to offend this Su Zhenren in the first place. gone."

Then a flying sword passed on the letter, flew out from the sleeve of the Wudang Virgin, and went straight to Juntian Realm.

Although the Tianmen Formation of the Juntian Realm is tyrannical, with the innate spiritual treasure as the basis, she will naturally be unable to break through the formation for a while, and of course she can't break it either.

Once the Great Formation of the Great Heaven Realm is broken, it will undoubtedly be slapping that Su Zhenren in the face, and her Su Junior Brother is extremely good-looking.

The flying sword passed on the letter and entered Juntian Realm leisurely.

Su Xuan, who was fishing in a certain place in Juntian Realm, looked at the streamer of light flying across the sky in Juntian Realm, and said helplessly: "Trouble is coming after all, but now some things are beyond my control. It's decided."

Since his Wudang senior sister came here as the leader of Jiejiao, he naturally wanted to meet her.

No, I'm afraid he, Wudang Senior Sister, won't leave either, right?

The great formation of Tianmen in Juntian Realm opened an opening quietly.

The Holy Mother of Wudang was overjoyed, and then went straight to Juntian Realm.

Seeing this, many immortals thought that the heavenly gate of Juntian Realm had been opened, and they all wanted to enter this Juntian Realm to worship that Master Su who had a Taoist temple, but what was surprising was that.

When these immortal families rushed to the Tianmen of Juntian Realm, the Tianmen formation remained the same, and many immortal families wanted to enter Juntian Realm, but their gates were blocked outside.

There was a sound of moaning and sighing one after another.

And within Juntian Realm.

The Holy Mother of Wudang also found Su Xuan's location at the first time. The Holy Mother of Wudang came to the big lake, looked at Su Xuan and said, "It's been a long time, Junior Brother Su!"

Su Xuan, who was holding a fishing rod, smiled calmly and said, "Senior Sister Wudang has indeed been gone for a long time, but I didn't expect that Senior Sister Wudang would not enjoy blessings in the upper Qing Heaven Realm, but why did she come to my backcountry instead?"

He really didn't expect that his Wudang senior sister would be able to sit up again after retiring from the position of Jiejiao leader in the past.

You must know that in the eyes of many immortals, the position of the leader of Jiejiao is none other than Duobao. Could it be that his third uncle has changed his mind?

The Holy Mother of Wudang stood by the side of the Daze, and said: "To be able to ascend again, to cut off the position of the leader of the sect, I have to thank Junior Brother Su."

If it wasn't for her teacher, I hope she will come to Youjian Taoist Temple to convince her, Junior Brother Su, that the seal of the leader of the sect might not be on her.

Everyone in the heavens and all realms knows that the seat of the leader of Jiejiao is the private land of her elder brother Duobao.

Su Xuandan asked: "Oh, Senior Sister Wudang, how do you say that!"

The Holy Mother of Wudang said indifferently: "Junior Brother Su, since we've talked about this, I'm just covering it up. I don't know what Junior Brother Su thinks about the current Jujiao?"

She knew very well that trying to persuade her, Junior Brother Su, to stand on the side of Jiejiao would be tantamount to wishful thinking.

But she still came, as for whether it will be successful?

That's not something she can decide. All she can do is to do her best and obey the destiny.

Su Xuan looked at his Wudang senior sister, and said with a smile: "Wudang senior sister, this is a lobbyist for the third senior uncle. I said why Wudang senior sister re-entered the position of the leader of Jiejiao, so that's the case. ah!

After all, since Senior Sister Wudang asked, I naturally wanted to let Senior Sister Wudang know the mystery clearly.

It has to be said that the current situation of cutting off teaching is very bad. Many immortal families are fighting, or in other words, they are flattering and killing.

Didn't our master not care about so much when he was the leader of Taoism? The more you manage, the more mistakes you will make. Wudang Senior Sister can do everything without doing anything. "

If it were another Interceptor disciple, he would naturally not waste so much talk. After all, it is something that everyone can see, but some Interceptor disciples just pretended not to know anything.

The Holy Mother of Wudang heard the words and said: "This is the reason why I came here to visit Junior Brother Su. I think Junior Brother Su is very clear about the current situation of Jiejiao. I hope that Junior Brother Su will help you if you can get out of the predicament. "

Her family knows her affairs, and she knows the current situation of Jujiao very clearly. The only way for her to do now is to win over her, Junior Brother Su.

If her teacher hadn't acted too aggressively back then, Jiejiao wouldn't be facing the current situation.

Su Xuan put the fishing rod in his hand, looked at him, Wudang Senior Sister, and asked: "Help me with all my strength, how can Wudang Senior Sister help you with all your strength? My teacher once said, I have three treasures, one is called compassion, and the other is called compassion." Thrift, the third is not daring to be the first in the world.

Senior Sister Wudang stopped teaching the current situation to be the first in the world. This is not a situation that anyone can save. Only in this way can we turn the tide. "

His family's teachers didn't dare to be the first in the world, but his third uncle was pushed to the position of daring to be the first in the world by his master and many immortal families.

Since that position has been pushed up, if he wants to step down, he will naturally have to pay a very heavy price. Although his nuwa master seems to want to do it, he will do it.

But in fact, there is great wisdom!

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked at Daze helplessly, and said, "Junior Brother Su, you are thinking too simply. How could my teacher close the mountain at this juncture and give back the seat of the Taoist leader? Since that seat Is it that easy to get off when you sit on it?"

Undoubtedly, if she, Junior Brother Su, followed the method, although Jiejiao could survive the catastrophe safely, at least she would have to be hurt, and maybe she would have to pay a very heavy price.

But they are intercepting teaching, not explaining teaching!

Cutting out a chance of life is the doctrine they teach. In this crisis, will the church retreat? Will the interception disciples retreat?


Su Xuan sighed and roared, and said: "Senior sister Wudang, I am just a direct descendant of my personal teaching, and I have already handed over the position of master of Taoist temple to Long Ji, and I am too weak to recover from the situation of cutting off the teaching."

The current situation has already involved the Hunyuan Saint, and it is no longer something he can decide.

In the current situation, his words, deeds, and deeds will be infinitely magnified. Who made him the direct successor of the human sect, the former Taoist leader?

The Holy Mother of Wudang stood up and bowed to Su Xuan, saying: "Junior education is at stake, do you still want Junior Brother Su to teach me?"

Su Xuan hurriedly replied: "Senior Sister Wudang, why are you bothering? The current situation of Jujiao cannot be reversed by you alone."

Since cutting off teaching is for the sake of the world, it is natural to pay a corresponding price. In the heavens and myriad worlds, there has never been anything that only takes advantage of the light without paying a price.

The Holy Mother of Wudang said helplessly: "I joined the Jiejiao in the past and worshiped the teacher as my teacher. I expected such a day to come. The Jiejiao shouldn't be lonely like this."

The situation of the interception has long been a mess. If there is no external force to stir it up, it will definitely break out at a certain point in the future. For the sake of the interception, what do her personal gains and losses matter?

Su Xuan said helplessly: "Although the situation of Jiejiao is extremely dangerous, doesn't the Jiejiao also have a large number of disciples in the High Heaven Realm? Although most of them are outer disciples, at least they are all in the orthodox High Heaven Realm of the Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Wudang Senior Sister's way to break the situation lies in the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm, but the Third Senior Uncle made this Heavenly Emperor lose all face!

Therefore, Wudang Senior Sister, you old man can only bypass His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, otherwise everything will be over. "

You must know that the altar of conferring gods and the list of conferring gods are still in the hands of his second senior uncle. Once His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor gets angry and begs into the hands of his second senior uncle, his second senior uncle may not stand up. On the side of Jiejiao.

After hearing this, the Holy Mother of Wudang bowed again and said, "Thank you, Junior Brother Su, for letting me know that it's not too late. I'll go to the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm right now."

This method was once mentioned by a certain interception disciple, but it was quickly rejected, but unexpectedly she, Junior Brother Su, brought it up again. It seems that there is no other way except this method.

After Wudang the Virgin turned into a rainbow light and went away.

Empress Nuwa, who had been chatting with Mo Shanshan, suddenly appeared on the bank of the big lake, and asked: "Nephew Su, you have made suggestions for Jiejiao, haven't you experienced any setbacks in Jiejiao?"

She often thought about stopping teaching many things back then, but who would have thought of stopping teaching, so ineffective?

Su Xuan looked at her magnificent Nuwa Martial Uncle, and said calmly: "Nuwa Martial Uncle, you can do everything by doing nothing. After becoming a senior sister, you can also think of those disciples who are in the Lingxiao Heaven Realm. I just made this matter a little earlier.

Uncle Nuwa, don't you feel that the heavens and myriad worlds have been too peaceful recently? The heels are too tight, but they will hit themselves. "

On the surface, the situation in the heavens and the world seems to be calm, but behind the scenes? It's all rolling, it won't work if it goes on like this!

Nuwa said indifferently: "But if you let Jiejiao break the game early, aren't you afraid that Jiejiao will directly win all?"

No one can say for sure about the change of the Pan Gu era, but what is certain is that the winner will take all.

Although the situation of Jiejiao is not very good, judging from the cards, Jiejiao still has the confidence to take over all the heavens and worlds. Jiejiao Wanxian's coming to court is not a joke.

The big merchants who were supported by Jiejiao back then dared not to take her seriously, it was because of Jiejiao's aura!

Su Xuan said calmly: "Uncle Nuwa can do everything by doing Tongtian, he is an old man who wins and takes all. Does it affect our earning profits? It can be said that it has no effect, and it is not necessary To bear the firepower of many immortal families, why not do it?"

This is the delicacy of the small body, but the body is too large, and it is difficult to turn after all.

On some matters, Youjian Dao Temple can be resolved by him with a single word, but his third uncle can't decide to stop the teaching with a single word.

Now he has to suspect that the position of the leader of Taoism is something that his master used to deceive people.

From him to his Nuwa Martial Uncle, and then to his Third Martial Uncle, they have all been tricked by the position of the Taoist leader!

Nu Wa said helplessly: "This is the end of the matter, and it is useless for me to say more, Nephew Su Zhi, you can do it yourself, remember to act properly.

But remember, with your current identity, once you move, many immortals will watch your actions and move. "

All her nephews and nephews have finished their work, so what else can she say?

Could it be that she is catching up with Wudang now and pulling Wudang back, she, a Hunyuan saint, still needs some face.

Then Nuwa left.

At this time, the waves in this big lake suddenly became rough, and the fishing rod that Su Xuan had put down for a long time was also shaking non-stop.

Su Xuan picked up the fishing rod and looked at the struggling big fish, and said: "This is indeed a very painful thing, but only short-term pain will not cause long-term pain. This fish knows this truth, but it is a pity that there are many The Xian family is indeed in the middle of the game, and has been bewildered."

After a while, the big fish broke free from the hook made of ordinary iron, but the big fish was seriously injured, but luckily it survived.

But I just don't know whether his third uncle's Jiejiao can survive the change of Pangu era safely.



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