Under the lantern of General Anglerfish, Guo Sheng and the others gradually reached the bottom of the sea.

In the distance, they all saw a huge and splendid palace on the bottom of the sea.

"Dragon Palace!"

The first time they saw it from afar, they were shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

The beauty of the Dragon Palace surpasses any architecture in the real world.

This is a building that does not belong to mortals, and naturally it shocks mortals.

With shock, they came to the Dragon Palace under the leadership of General Xuan: "Okay, I'll send you here." "

"When I leave, I'll take you away again. In the Dragon Palace, you don't need to worry, the master's Dragon Palace has unpredictable abilities, which can allow you to survive without hindrance. "

In the ears of Guo Sheng and the others, the deep voice of General Zhen sounded.

Then, the 'lantern' in the hand of the general suddenly went out, and the light that had been guarding them disappeared all at once.

However, they still did not feel uncomfortable.

Even, they have the exact same feeling as on the ground.

Even the previous feeling of weightlessness disappeared at this time.

Even though there is water all around me, I don't feel the slightest resistance and buoyancy of water, as if I am standing on the ground in normal times, without any discomfort.

This feeling is very peculiar and magical.

Guo Sheng couldn't help but jump on the ground, feeling the same gravity as on the ground, and feeling the magic of the Dragon Palace from the bottom of his heart.

Turning his head, Guo Sheng found that Zhang Shun and the others, who were also like him at this time, were obviously surprised, and they were all like dirt buns, and a pair of eyes was no longer enough.

Every time I look at it, it is a shock from the heart.

Although it looked like a dirt bun, they didn't dare to overstep it, and they still followed behind General Shrimp and Crab honestly.

They can look around, but they don't dare to run around.

Under the leadership of General Shrimp and Crab, they crossed the magnificent coral formations, crossed the Crystal Temple, and on the way, opened their eyes again.

In their opinion, the lighting beads that can be seen everywhere in this Dragon Palace are priceless treasures in the real world, but they are placed everywhere as if they are worthless, so that the whole thing is bright.

In addition, they also met the mussel girl and the guinea woman.

Soon, under their leadership, they had a classic image that did not need to be introduced by General Shrimp and Crab, and they recognized it at a glance.

"Prime Minister Turtle!"

Guo Sheng blurted out, and when he saw the appearance of Prime Minister Gui, the name came to his heart.

"Prime Minister Turtle, we've already brought people here. General Shrimp and Crab said to Prime Minister Turtle.

"Hmm. Prime Minister Turtle nodded, and a very humane smile appeared on his turtle-like face: "Welcome to the Dragon Palace." "

"It's an honor, it's an honor. Several people hurriedly said.

Prime Minister Turtle smiled, the smile on the turtle face could make people feel cordial: "The network of the Dragon Palace, please leave it to you." "

"Wrap it up on us!" Hearing this, Guo Sheng was packing tickets.

He felt that his trip was worth it just by what he saw with his eyes.

At the same time, Guo Sheng secretly thought that no matter what, he would do a good job of this project.

"If you need anything, just ask it up, and our Dragon Palace will try to cooperate. Prime Minister Turtle said.

They are not delayed at the moment.

This time, Zhang Shun took Guo Sheng down with him, just to check it on the spot, and then adjust the prepared plan, thinking about how to install the network in the depths of the ocean.

····· Ask for flowers0·····

In fact, the real installation of the network is not difficult.

The main difficulty is that all kinds of equipment cannot enter the seabed.

And with the help of the water tribes in the Dragon Palace, their biggest problem no longer exists.

Therefore, this project is not difficult, Guo Sheng's heart quickly had a full plan, and it was determined.

After determining the plan, Guo Sheng no longer had pressure in his heart, but became curious.


"Here, is it really the Dragon Palace of the Dragon Totem?"

With his back to Prime Minister Gui, Guo Sheng couldn't help but ask Zhang Shun.

The dragon totem has become famous in the world, and in the hearts of the people of Shenzhou, it has become their own 'spiritual totem'.

Guo Sheng is also one of them, so at this time, in the Dragon Palace, he can't hold back his curiosity.

"Yes, this is the Dragon Palace of the Dragon Totem. Zhang Shun replied in a deep voice.

"Then Major Zhang, have you ever seen the dragon totem with your own eyes?" Guo Sheng asked in a low voice.

"I only saw it a long time ago in the waters of Nanyu Island. Zhang Shun shook his head and said.

Guo Sheng said with some excitement: "Then you say, is the dragon totem in the Dragon Palace now, can we meet him?"

"Don't think about what you don't have, we just have to do our best to get the job done. Zhang Shun said.

At this time, Prime Minister Gui suddenly turned his head, and there seemed to be a smile on his face: "You will be able to see the master." "

"My master has summoned you, come with me. "

(It's late again, I'm sorry, but it's a little hard.) f)_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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