Journey to the witch world

Chapter 487 Seizing Divine Power

Nainil, who was originally just the King of Evil, had completely lost himself at the moment when the God of Disaster came, and his body was about to collapse, but before that, he could exert power far beyond that of a third-level life form. strength.

In the ancient times of the wizarding world, when the gods ruled the earth.

The gods of the major systems compete with each other for belief, but there are also agreed-upon rules, that is, under normal circumstances, divine wars are not allowed, because the power of the gods is too powerful, and divine wars will cause great damage to the world.

It is precisely for this reason that during the war between the gods, when two gods hate each other, they will use the method of [divine descent] to divide part of their own power and descend on the believers to fight.

"I admit, wizard civilization is very powerful!"

After completely transforming into the form of a tentacle monster, the God of Disaster looked like a big flesh ball with eyes covered on his body. He said in a harsh voice: "However, before you become a wizard of all spirits, it does not mean that you can fight against the gods." .”

After saying that, the God of Disaster waved his tentacles.

It looks like an octopus monster, and as its tentacles continue to wave, the black mist that fills the Solu Plain seems to gather at the Mandi tribe, and the pressure of the gods turns into a giant hand to capture it.

Enzo narrowed his eyes and had a solemn expression on his face.

The overwhelming black mist came like a tornado. Even with the Phantom Crow technique, it was impossible to completely resist this attack. Enzo thought, and a shadow automatically covered his face.

Artifact, shadow disguise!

Compared to the Night Sword of Luciles, the goddess of the night, it is obviously a shadow disguise symbolizing the authority of the Shadow God, and is more suitable for Enzo. With the death of the Shadow God, this artifact has completely belonged to him.

In the sky, a huge palm of black mist came.

On the same spot, Enzo's figure suddenly disappeared and merged with the shadows on the ground. This was not a method of witchcraft, but the power of an artifact. Even the God of Disaster in the distance was a little surprised.

Because, at this moment, he even found that he could not feel Enzo's presence.

"The power of wizards is far beyond your imagination."

Immediately afterwards, in another area, Enzo emerged from the shadows, looking at the God of Disaster calmly, his eyes shining slightly.

After God descended, the evil king became even more powerful.

In a sense, this body has become the avatar of the God of Disaster, carrying at least one-tenth of the power of the God of Disaster. It seems to be only one step away from breaking through the boundaries of third-level life forms.

If it was Enzo in his heyday, he would naturally have nothing to fear.

However, now he is in a strange world of war ghosts, with only 80% of his strength restored. If he wants to forcefully fight the tentacle monster, even if he can kill the opponent, he will have to pay a certain price.

"Hmph! Ridiculous guy."

Not far away, the God of Disaster made a harsh voice and said hoarsely, "If I were not worried about that guy interfering, I would come in my true form and seize your body directly. There is no need to waste so much time."

The guy mentioned by the God of Disaster is naturally the God of Bloodkiller.

Enzo sneered, and the luster in his eyes flickered slightly. Fighting the God of Disaster in the descending state of a god might cause him to suffer certain losses, but Enzo had a plan for this.

"Crow of Calamity, Zoffie!" Enzo called softly.

Divine descent is an ability that every god with believers can master. After Enzo discovered the King of Disaster, he already knew that he might face the coming of the power of the God of Disaster.

"It seems that the plan is going well!" Enzo's lips raised.

When fighting against the God of Disaster, his biggest trump card is the Crow of Disaster. As a life form derived from a trace of divine power from the God of Disaster, Zoffi, the Crow of Disaster, has reached the level of a demigod.

It has the ability to absorb the power of black mist.

Judging from this characteristic, the Crow of Disaster can also devour divine power. In a sense, it has great restraint on the God of Disaster. If the opponent comes in person, Enzo may find it difficult.

But now, the Crow of Disaster is facing only part of the power of the God of Disaster!


Purple feathers bloomed in the sky, and Zofi, the crow of disaster, appeared. The aura was almost the same as that of the God of Disaster, which made the God of Disaster feel a little uneasy, but also very confused.

"This breath. Why is it like this?"

The tentacles of the tentacle monster danced all over its body and said in confusion: "It obviously carries a lot of power of the black mist, but it is not an evil beast or an evil creature. Instead, it is very close to my original power."

Enzo sneered, his eyes twinkling slightly.

It was Enzo's plan to use the Crow of Disaster to deal with the God of Disaster. It was also by taking advantage of the information gap between the opponent and himself that Enzo could surprise him and summon Zoffie to deal with the God of Disaster.

"Hmph! Never mind."

Then, the tentacle monster shook his head and whispered, "No matter what, you have to die here today. Since this little bird has the power of black mist, all you need to do is convert it into an evil beast."

"A third-level evil beast can already be called the King of Evil Beasts!"

Even as the only two indigenous gods in the War Ghost World, the God of Disaster cannot create the third-level evil king without restraint. According to normal circumstances, there will only be one evil king in the world every Black Mist Season. The king is born.

And whenever an evil king is born, the blood-killing god will feel it.

In order to prevent the God of Disaster from becoming more powerful, after the Black Mist Season ends, the Blood-killing God will immediately issue an oracle to the War Ghost Clan, asking them to hunt evil beasts and evil creatures as much as possible. Reduce the power of the God of Disaster.

Under this situation, after thousands of years have passed, there are only about a hundred evil kings or evil beast kings controlled by the God of Disaster.

Therefore, an evil beast king is also a very precious subordinate to him.

"Want to transform Zophy into the Evil Beast King?"

There was a strange look on Enzo's face, and the luster in his eyes flickered slightly. The Crow of Disaster had already flown up, like a purple stream of light.


Not far away, the God of Disaster in the form of a tentacle monster, the eyes on the surface of the body burst out with light at the same time, and the black mist that filled the Solu Plain seemed to become more intense at this moment.


The ground cracked into ditches, and strands of ethereal matter condensed by the black mist rushed towards the Crow of Disaster at the same time, at an extremely fast speed, blocking all retreats around the Crow of Disaster.

"Become my slave!" the God of Disaster said loudly.

The next moment, the endless black mist surged toward the Disaster Crow like water, and the powerful energy seemed to reverse Zoffi's life form.

Suddenly, the voice of the God of Disaster suddenly stopped.

Because he was surprised to find that after swallowing a large amount of black mist power, Zuo Fei did not transform into an evil beast. Instead, the purple feathers on his body became more vivid, as brilliant as a layer of flowing light.

“It’s so delicious!”

In mid-air, the Disaster Crow made a happy sound, and a pair of completely purple pupils stared at the tentacle monster not far away, revealing a trace of greed.

The next moment, it swooped away like an eagle.

The God of Disaster instinctively felt a hint of uneasiness, and immediately waved his tentacles to prepare for a counterattack. However, when the tentacles struck at the Crow of Disaster, Zoffi nimbly dodged it, and took advantage of the situation to reach out a claw of the bird, and slashed through it like a sharp blade. .


The purple light flashed away, and a tentacle was torn apart.

The black tentacles that fell on the ground struggled crazily and turned into black mist in a moment. It seemed that they were about to merge with the tentacle monster again, but they were blocked by Zuo Fei.

I saw the crow of disaster opening its beak and devouring it greedily.

The tentacles that turned into the form of black mist were immediately swallowed by Zuofi. This energy is the origin of the God of Disaster and is more delicious than the power of black mist. The refreshing feeling made Zuofi scream in joy.

"You actually swallowed my power?" The God of Disaster was shocked.

As an indigenous god of the war ghost world, the God of Disaster clearly understands that his authority symbolizes disaster and evil. His divine power has a strong ability to infect wild beasts, so he can infect wild beasts.

With the power of a plague, the God of Disaster is invincible.

As long as any creature is contaminated by his divine power, it will undergo different transformations. Even the blood-killing god would not dare to touch it easily. However, the little bird in front of him actually swallowed his own divine power.

This undoubtedly surprised the God of Disaster.

At the same time, in the heart of the God of Disaster, some bad inference quietly emerged, and the tentacles floating around him shrank.

"Did you just see it now?"

Enzo sneered, shook his head and said, "What a pity, it's too late!"

After saying that, he waved the magic wand in his hand.

In the sky, masses of flames burned, and in an instant they turned into fireballs and rained down, forming a shower of meteors and fire.


The Dark Fire and Fire Technique is only a first-level witchcraft, but when it is continuously performed in the hands of the third-level wizard Enzo, it reaches the level of a second-level witchcraft, which is very similar to another second-level witchcraft [Hell Fire Rock].

The ground was hit by fire meteors and collapsed everywhere.

Within the attack range of the Fire Meteor, the God of Disaster immediately waved his tentacles, trying to resist the spell attack, but as he controlled the black mist, the eyes of the Crow of Disaster not far away suddenly lit up.

Zoffi opened his beak, and the invisible suction force was like a whirlpool.

The God of Disaster was like a deflated rubber ball, and the divine power in his body began to pour out, turning into a spring-like energy, all pouring into the mouth of Zoffi, the Crow of Disaster.

Devour talent, activate!

Everything is going according to Enzo's plan. The God of Disaster descends with one-tenth of his divine power, which may allow the original King of Evil to exert a combat power that far exceeds that of a third-level life form.

But at the same time, this is also a risk for him.

The Crow of Disaster can swallow the power of the black mist, and it can also swallow the divine power of the God of Disaster. If the opponent's body comes, Zoffi will naturally be helpless, but now it only has one-tenth of the divine power.

The current behavior of the God of Disaster is like digging his own grave.

"Damn it! Stop it!"

Feeling the divine power in this body, which was swallowed by Zoffi uncontrollably, the God of Disaster became furious and threatened, "Stop this bird immediately, otherwise I will make you pay the price of death!"

Enzo's face was expressionless and his heart was unmoved.

The threat of the God of Disaster is meaningless to him. The plan that has been made cannot be changed by a few words from the other party, not to mention that the current opportunity is also very rare.

The God of Disaster didn't know about Zoffi's existence, so he used his divine power.

The lack of intelligence caused him to fall into Enzo's trap, but if the God of Disaster is on guard next time, he will naturally not take action easily.

Not far away, the tentacle monster screamed.

The tentacles wrapped in black mist on the body began to wither quickly, and the eyes of the God of Disaster also left black tears. The outpouring of energy was as uncontrollable as a flood.

In a moment, Zuofi had absorbed a large amount of disaster power.

As a life form formed by the fusion of the magic power of the phantom crow and the divine power of disaster, the crow of disaster has a very strong devouring talent. It is precisely because of this talent that it can devour the voodoo god 100% when it is lost in the continent. divinity, and use it to advance to the third level of life form.

The originally huge body of the tentacle monster floating in mid-air has shrunk and shriveled up, its eyes have been closed, and fine cracks have appeared on its surface, which seems to represent a precursor to the collapse of this body.

"Damn wizard, just wait, I won't let you go!"

When he was dying, the God of Disaster left harsh words, but Enzo was not interested. He waved his wand casually, and a fire meteor fell from the sky, hitting the tentacle monster directly, smashing the body into a puddle of rotten flesh.

In place, Enzo slowly closed his eyes.

In the sky, shadowy crows looked down at the Mandy tribe. Enzo opened his eyes only when he was sure that there were no evil creatures or evil beasts around, and the aura of the God of Disaster had completely disappeared.

"Everything goes well!" Enzo raised the corners of his lips.

At this time, the Crow of Disaster Zoffi looked very happy after devouring one-tenth of the power of the God of Disaster. Black mist was faintly exuding between the purple feathers, as if flying in the clouds.

"I lost one-tenth of my divine power."

On the same spot, Enzo's eyes flashed and he thought, "I believe that after today, the God of Disaster will be weak for a long time. At least during this year's Black Mist Season, he will not be able to make any more moves."

"However, I can continue to use the Black Mist Season."

Then, Enzo waved, and the crow of disaster flew into his palm, with a pair of pupils glowing purple.

"Chip, scan!" Enzo ordered in his mind.

Using the scanning function of the chip, Enzo began to check the status of the Crow of Disaster. After absorbing one-tenth of the power of the God of Disaster, Zoffie gathered a huge amount of energy in his body, which seemed to be indigestible for a while.

Enzo wasn't worried about this.

The nature of the Crow of Calamity is almost the same as that of the God of Calamity, and after devouring one-tenth of the power of the God of Calamity, although Zoffi was not promoted to a god, it was given more abilities.

And these abilities are all related to the evil ghost clan!

The power of black mist can create evil creatures and evil beasts, but if it is transformed by the Crow of Disaster, it can also be the source of the birth of the evil ghost clan. After the Crow of Disaster absorbs the divine power of disaster, it can naturally give the evil ghost clan more power. Multiple attributes.

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