
The sky was dark, and gray clouds were like shadows, covering the wasteland. Big raindrops fell on the ground, corroding everything like sulfuric acid, making the ground make a squeaking sound.

One of the most common climates in the wasteland is radioactive acid rain.

At the same time, this is also one of the things that scavengers fear most. When encountering such radioactive acid rain in the wild, they can only seek shelter to escape. But the most terrifying thing is that the duration of this acid rain varies.

The longest it can last is a month.

Garbage dump, underground shelter 72.

The water purification system was completely scrapped a month ago, but relying on regular water supply from surrounding shelters, Underground Vault 72 still maintained order and even became more prosperous.

"Can you use air cannons to destroy acid rain clouds?"

On this day, Enzo asked a scientist in the studio converted from an underground bar.

"Yes, my lord."

A scientist with golden eyes, Allen pondered for a moment and said: "When I was still in the organization, I once saw an air cannon. With just one blow, it shattered an acid rain cloud and caused an acid rain in advance. Down."

"However, crushing the acid rain cloud is not without cost."

"The winged monsters living in the acid rain clouds launched a crazy attack on us, and it took a lot of energy to destroy them."

Alan replied thoughtfully.

It has been two months since he returned from the dungeon. Enzo relied on the chip to control 100,000 zombies, as well as hundreds of scientists and soldiers. After learning the information about the [Starscream] organization, he brought them all back to the garbage dump.

Enzo comes to the aquamarine world with the goal of conquering this plane.

Therefore, it is important to form your own force. With the help of 100,000 zombies, 58 Destroyer robots, and a large number of scientists, Enzo quickly carried out a thorough cleanup of the garbage dump.

At the same time, he also has a new goal.

There are still many difficulties in the plan to repair the Star Island Floating City, so Enzo decided to build a base of his own based on the garbage dump.

As a result, the tower base project came into being.

"How are things going at the base?" Enzo asked.

"Everything went very smoothly."

Allen thought for a moment and said, "According to your plan, we will use the previous master of the garbage dump, Clark's shelter, as the basis, and expand to the twelve surrounding shelters. If we go quickly, it will take at most half a year." Finish."

"Half a year? It's still too slow."

Enzo frowned slightly and couldn't help but shook his head.

To build a base based on the garbage dump, Enzo first chose the place where Clark once ruled the garbage dump. It had been abandoned for many years since Clark's death, but it had been cleared by Enzo.

After that, with that shelter as the core, it expanded to the surrounding areas.

As long as all twelve shelters are opened, a base similar to a dungeon can be formed. Moreover, Enzo also plans to establish forces on the surface to form an area similar to a fortress.

After all this is completed, Enzo will launch the floating city plan.

But now, the plan has just begun.

"I really miss the power of witchcraft!"

Enzo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. There were countless difficulties in establishing a base in the Aquamarine World. Without the power of witchcraft, he could only use the most basic methods to build the base.

But if you are in the wizarding world, you don't have to worry about this.

A powerful wizard can summon a large number of puppets with a wave of his hand. It is easy to rely on the puppets to build a city or dig a foundation. They don't even need to rest.

Just like in the original war ghost world, Enzo built the wizard tower.

"Things at the base take time, and now, the more important thing is to investigate the information about the Starscream organization." Enzo stared at Allen next to him, who shook his head with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, my lord."

Allen spread his palms helplessly and said, "I can't help with this matter. When I joined the Starscream organization, they implanted a chip in my brain, and many memories seemed to have been forcibly erased."

"I didn't even know the process of implanting that chip into the brain."

The scientists and soldiers brought back from the Twisted Forest each have T-shaped chips implanted in their heads. This chip stores a large amount of data and can make an ordinary person become a scientist in a short time. However, this kind of forcibly given memory , and also turned Allen and others into robot-like existences.

In a sense, this is also a type of mechanical transformation.

"Okay, you go back first." Enzo waved his hand.

Allen bowed slightly, and then left the room. Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he came to the center of the room. A computer projected onto the wall, and lines of information and pictures were arranged accordingly.


Looking at the Starscream logo on the light screen projection, Enzo thought for a moment. This mysterious organization possesses extremely powerful technology, and is even more powerful than the Government of Hope, which is regarded as the highest authority by mankind.

Enzo had a hunch in his heart that this organization would be one of the biggest obstacles to his conquering the world.

"Hope government, floating city."

Immediately afterwards, Enzo looked to the side and saw a world map. This was also the information obtained from the T-type central control chip. The world map was downloaded into the chip given to every scientist by the Starscream Organization.

Moreover, it is still the latest version.

On the semi-3D map, the directions of floating cities are marked. There were originally a hundred floating cities, but now there are only 75 left. In the past few decades, 25 floating cities have fallen to the earth for unknown reasons.

And even the remaining floating cities have various problems.

"What is the reason that causes the Starscream Organization to have such a strong hatred for the Hope Government and try every means to make the floating city crash?" Enzo stroked his chin, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

According to the information obtained from the chips of members of the Starscream organization.

This organization is in a state of hostility with the Hope Government and has been secretly at war with each other. It is almost certain that the crash of Star Island Floating City was caused by Starscream, the gold-level hunter who stole the core of Orain and later joined Red Spider. Spider organization.

Invading the satellite network system allowed Enzo to obtain a lot of information.

But at the same time, he also had more doubts. The Starscream organization behaved mysteriously, and members of different levels had different levels of chips installed in their brains. Scientists like Allen only had some basic information in their minds at most.

As for more advanced information, such as why Starscream wants to go against the Hope government and why he wants the floating city to crash, there is no answer.

"What a pity." Enzo shook his head.

After Alice sensed the chip invasion, the Starscream organization detonated the device on her body, causing the R-type chip in Alice's mind to self-destruct, otherwise Enzo would definitely be able to obtain more information.

As for why the scientists with T-chips did not receive the same treatment as Alice, Enzo speculated that it was because the information they had was too superficial and therefore not worthy of intensive protection.

"The current aquamarine world."

"The known forces are: Starscream Organization, Government of Hope, and Floating City."

"The behavior of the Starscream organization is extreme, and its purpose is unknown, but it has very powerful technological capabilities, including destroyer robots, central control chips, and even mecha warriors that can be remotely controlled."

"And the government of hope is the authority for the survivors of the last days of humanity."

“The force formed by the alliance of the remaining 75 floating cities originally aimed to use the floating cities as the basis to retain the fire of human civilization. However, as the floating cities continue to crash due to various reasons, I hope the government has set its sights underground again. "

"Perhaps, regaining the Guardian Fortress is a signal."

"I hope the government will no longer focus all its energy on the floating city, but instead invest some of its resources in the wasteland to establish power on the ground as the last retreat for the people in the sky after the floating city crashes."

"Although once they fall to the ground, the people in the sky will eventually be radiated and change into people in the wasteland, but this is better than the floating city crashing and everyone falling to death."

Enzo's eyes flickered, thinking about the situation in the sea blue world.

"If I want to complete the conquest of this world, the most basic step is to establish a force. Building a base with the garbage dump as the core is only the first step. After the base of the garbage dump is completed, we can expand externally."

"I originally thought that the biggest obstacles to conquering the Aquamarine World were radiation, mutant beasts and zombies. Now it seems that the Starscream Organization is the real threat."

“I really don’t know how this organization came to be.”

“When the apocalypse came, the countries in the Aquamarine World gathered the power of all mankind and only built a hundred floating cities to retain the fire of mankind. However, the Starscream Organization has developed such a powerful technological level. It is really surprising. "

Hope Conquest is the highest authority for the survivors of humanity.

But at the technological level, Starscream is even more powerful. Just multiple types of central control chips have cross-epochal significance, and can even affect the situation in which humans fight zombies and mutant beasts.

In the decades since the end of the world, the biggest threat to mankind, besides radiation, has been various mutant beasts and zombies. Now, the Starscream organization has actually developed a chip that can control zombies.

Moreover, judging from the behavior of the Starscream organization in controlling 100,000 zombies to attack the dungeon in the Twisted Forest, the value of Type I chips should be extremely low, so they regard zombies as cannon fodder.

"Chip, can we use the satellite network system to search for the specific location of other members of the Starscream organization?" Suddenly, Enzo asked in his heart.

"The mission is being created..."

"No signals related to other members of the Starscream organization have been found yet, and there are no abnormal signals in the surrounding area."

Soon, the chip gave the answer.

Enzo sighed slightly in his heart, and was not surprised by this. He had tried many times before, but the results were like today.

Although the soul chip in his hand has been upgraded many times.

But it is not omnipotent. If a member emitting the signal of the Starscream Organization is found within a certain range, it may be sensed, but if it exceeds the range, such a signal cannot be scanned.

"In this case, we can only wait and see what happens."

Enzo shook his head slightly. If people from the Starscream organization didn't show up on their own initiative, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. He might as well concentrate on the matter at hand and build a base in the garbage dump.

"Enzo, something happened!"

At this time, a rapid knock on the door suddenly sounded, and Enzo raised his eyebrows. There were 100,000 zombies under his control surrounding the garbage dump. Even if the mecha warrior army in the floating city wanted to attack, they would have to spend some energy. , what could happen?

Uriah walked in quickly.

"What's wrong?" Enzo asked calmly.

"I just got the news that the Lighthouse Floating City has crashed!" After Yulea came in, he didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point: "According to the information brought back by the pioneers, the Lighthouse Floating City was attacked by a group of strange forces, causing the floating city to collapse." The empty city fell to the earth.”

"The Lighthouse Floating City was attacked?" Enzo's heart moved.

At first, he thought of the Starscream Organization. Only this organization had the ability and motivation to attack the Floating City and cause the Lighthouse Floating City to fall to the ground. However, he did not know the purpose of their actions.

The so-called pioneers are actually the Demon Knights.

Those scavengers who have taken magic potions and practiced the knight's breathing method are now as strong as bronze scavengers. When combined with firearms and machinery, their combat effectiveness is extremely outstanding.

Therefore, they were all sent out by Enzo.

The garbage dump is guarded by 100,000 zombies and destroyers. There is no need for the Demon Knights to act as protectors. Let them go to the outside world and serve as explorers, allowing the garbage dump to obtain more information.

For example, right now, there is news about the crash of the lighthouse floating city.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face, thoughts fluctuated in his mind, and the news of another floating city crashing spread. Without even thinking about it, he knew what kind of impact it would have on the world.

There are only 74 floating cities left that are regarded as hope by mankind.

"So... what are the casualties in the Lighthouse Floating City?" After a while, Enzo asked.

"That's not very clear."

Uriah shook his head and said, "The explorers used the transmitter to send the message back to the base, and they also found out that the lighthouse floating city fell to the earth. I don't know what happened specifically."

Enzo pondered for a moment and said, "What's going on with the Guardian Fortress?"

As the floating cities crashed one after another, the remaining floating cities formed the Hope Government as an alliance. When the news came that the Lighthouse Floating City was on the verge of crashing, the Hope Government had already prepared a way out for them, but they did not expect that it would take so long. In time, the lighthouse floating city has fallen to the earth.

Even without any evidence, you can guess that the Starscream organization must be involved in the crash of the Lighthouse Floating City.

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