Standing in the doorway, Bogrorod breathed in and out, in and out.

After going back and forth for a long time, I finally felt a little relieved.

"Ah." Bogrod sighed meaninglessly, "Why should I talk to a person without any artistic ability!"

But thinking about the Ministry of Magic's decree...

Wizards can really cause trouble for people!

Bogrod thought so.

He was about to leave. He didn't know how long this client would stay, but according to what he meant, he might be here to sort out his family's property, which would take a long time. After all, wizards don't know how to learn accounting and can calculate accounts. That is the origin of family education.

Bogrod, who didn't want to waste so much time on one person at all, was about to turn around and leave. At this time, the fire dragon, which had shrunk out of fear, let out a low roar again, as if he was on guard for something.

"Okay, big guy, I'm not in the mood to pay attention to you." Bogrod shouted angrily, "What are you calling, just stay still!"

The fire dragon whimpered, dragging the heavy shackles, and wanted to go deeper into the cave.

The old goblin pouted, not in the mood to torment this stupid dragon today, but...

He looked at the vault on the side, which was the Lestrange family's vault. He remembered that when he came to check in the morning, there was something strange there...

At this moment, Bogrod felt a strong desire rising in his heart.

Why do those wizards possess so much wealth!

Why did they take away the treasure from the goblin!

Deposit money, withdraw money, deposit money, withdraw money...

Damn it! This is to use their gold coins to induce the fairies to work!

What a...dirty and despicable method!

All the treasures in the vault should belong to me!

Bogrod's breathing became a little heavier, treasure, treasure, treasure!

"That should be mine! Mine!" The old goblin's expression became ferocious, and a little red light appeared in his narrowed eyes, "Just open the door, that's it!"

Constantly giving himself hints, maybe the hints were given by others, Bogrod couldn't wait to get the treasure behind the vault door!

The things placed in the goblin's treasure house should belong to the goblin!

I am responsible for these vaults, so it is only natural that the contents should be entrusted to me!

He threw himself at the wooden door. Relying on the credibility he had accumulated through years of work and without the company of guests, Bogrod excitedly opened the wooden door that made him eager to move.

Glittering gold coins were piled up to the dome. Pearls, gems, daggers, crowns, and many other treasures were looming in the sea of ​​gold coins.

"Is the Lestrange family... actually so rich?" This was Bogrod's last thought, because the next moment, the waves crashed down and submerged his young body.

The green ghost walked out of the sea of ​​gold coins, one step, two steps, three steps...

The old man naturally doesn't have any skateboard shoes, but his condition is not good at this time. His soul body rolling like smoke is covered with traces of blisters, his eyes are as red as blood, his expression is ferocious, and anger lingers in his chest, as if It will explode in the next second.

Hua Hua Hua——


The sound of the soldering iron coming into contact with the flesh continued to sound, and more and more gold coins fell to the ground with his footsteps, like a powerful alchemist who brought gold. Pieces after pieces of gold were sprinkled on the ground where Voldemort walked. gold.

The power of the copying spell is evident.

It only takes one individual to proliferate indefinitely without any means of containment. Considering the bad nature of the Lestrange family, they would rather see the painful and inescapable look on someone's face after someone comes to steal the treasure from the vault.

Voldemort took a deep breath. If he didn't have a soul, he might have been suffocated to death in the vault, damn the Lestrange family! Their spell actually has the property of doubling the spiritual effect!

"Roar--" A low roar interrupted his thoughts, with a hint of cautious warning. Voldemort narrowed his eyes, and then noticed the huge fire dragon at the door, which was more intimidating than practical.

The fire dragon with cloudy eyes was stared at like this. Although he couldn't see it, he could still feel a pressure coming from him.

I'm going to die!

Ukrainian Iron Belly opened his eyes that were completely useless. If he had not been taken away from the dragon's nest, he would be fighting with his brothers and sisters in the vast desert over a little bit of food, right?

Why was he taken away when he was still an egg?

How careless, mother.

Countless thoughts hit the fire dragon's soul, and it made a whimpering sound. As a simple-minded dragon, so many thoughts made it feel that its brain was not enough, and those thoughts did not belong to it!

"Hmph, this dragon is almost dying of old age. It's such a waste of resources." In a daze, Tiebeli seemed to hear a hoarse and gloomy voice say.

I'm really sorry that I'm so old.

The Ukrainian Iron Belly was left with this thought and could no longer think about it.

"Although he is an old dragon, he is still a fire dragon." Voldemort breathed a sigh of relief. As a remnant soul, he has been in a state of being attacked after waking up. Even if he is as strong as Voldemort's body soul, he will still be harmed, let alone someone like him. The remnant soul of a mere ten years ago.

After absorbing the soul of the old dragon, Voldemort twisted his neck and finally understood the situation at this time.

"...Has the grimoire also been lost?" Voldemort was very angry. The reason he dared to appear in front of Dumbledore was now lost.

Unlike any alchemical item, the Grimoire is something that must be held in the hand before it can be used. It is a medium.

The magic on it is special magic that cannot be used without coming into contact with the Grimoire. It is different from any existing magic system.

Of course, it is very powerful and not easy to learn. The only problem is that if the book is lost, even a top student will not be able to use those magics again.

Unless you have a book cover, because that is the only thing known to be kept inside the body without being discovered.

At this time, Voldemort thought of the young man who was tortured mad by the cover of the Grimoire in St. Mongol.

Because that kind of madness is not in line with Voldemort's aesthetics. After all, even if you are a crazy person, you cannot expect to become that kind of complete madman.

He is a wizard with the lofty ideal of "eternal life"!

Therefore, the Dark Lord just took away the pages of the magic book and left the cover to the Ravenclaw boy.

Now he regretted it a little.

Although the side effects are a bit strong, if you can continue to use powerful magic, this price is not unacceptable...

Moreover, after his raid, Dumbledore was really dead.

Even if the curse on his body has disappeared with the death of his body and soul, and he has used magic uncontrollably for a long time, Dumbledore's current body will be praised even if he can wake up from a coma, let alone another battle of that intensity. Therapist Mungo is awesome.

Hmm, so it doesn't matter even if you're completely crazy?

The immature Lord Voldemort was heart-pounding.

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