Sparks flashed a few times at the head of the Void Warrior carrying the sword in both hands, and then a puff of smoke came out, and then he was stabbed to the end by the big sword, and was completely cut into a pile of scrap iron.

After finishing the work, Ge Xiaolun looked around and laughed happily when he saw an angel giving him a thumbs up.

"Look at Xiao Lun's appearance, does it look like a mountain cannon?" Liu Chuang stepped on a fireship that was undergoing a series of explosions, kicked off and flew out, and continued to say to Xin Zhao beside him, "Laughing like a Like two idiots."

"How can you say that?" Xin Zhao thought for a while and said, "Lun'er has improved a lot. It's just...that's a really silly smile."

Lu Xiaoqi found another Void Warrior in a short period of time, and recovered it with almost no effort and no twists and turns.

The joint fleet of Taotie and Julang has completely collapsed, and all the ships that can still move are thinking of leaving the battlefield.

Looking at the original number of nearly thirty Grand Cross ships, more than twenty ships were entered by angel warriors and became a pile of garbage floating in the starry sky.

The protective cover of the Grand Cross is a barrier of light energy. Simply put, it extracts star energy to maintain the protective cover.

On the battlefield, there is Lena, a goddess who specializes in stellar energy, and a Skyblade Seven, the highest technology crystallization of Merlot Heaven.

Boosting Reina's computing power with the Skyblade Seven, she can cut off the bridge between the Grand Cross and the stars.

Then Moi targetedly invaded the central control system of the Grand Cross, and lifted the light energy barrier of the Grand Cross one at a time, and the angel warriors were able to enter.

"Twenty-six vanguard soldiers and two guards were damaged in the battle?" Lu Xiaoqi returned to Tianren No. 26 and checked the battle damage ratio for the first time. He knew that there would be casualties in the war, but he still felt sad.He suppressed his sorrow and asked, "Where is the next wave of enemies?"

The result is that more than 6000 large warships and more than [-] individual combat vehicles were destroyed.

Moy showed a very indifferent attitude towards the death of his sisters.

As a member of the most powerful angelic civilization in the known universe, they are also serving angels in Melo's Heavenly Court. For thousands of years, they have earned the title of being the strongest in the known universe. If there is a war, there will be sacrifices, and casualties are inevitable.

"It's a jump away from us." Moy kept an eye on the movements of the surrounding enemy forces at all times, and said, "The enemies coming this time will be different, and they will no longer be purely space-level starships."

Lu Xiaoqi nodded to show that he understood, but his mind drifted to another battlefield.

There, what Yan had to deal with were at least two third-generation gods, and a large group of second-generation gods.


The update of the author's bacteria is really not small. The total of three chapters per day is about [-] words, which is more diligent than most of the peers.

In addition, today's fifth update, after this chapter, there will be another chapter at 7:12 am, 16:19 noon, [-]:[-] pm, and [-]:[-] pm.

Super confident vote!

PS: Only two chapters are owed.

Chapter 255: The Pain of Angel Civilization

The celestial surface of a moon of a gaseous planet in the sky.

Hiko sat alone on a rock.She knows that after entering a certain distance, the boat of desire will definitely scan it, and someone from the other side will definitely come over.

The Desire Boat is actually the first civilization vehicle of the Angel Civilization, built by the first god of the Angel Civilization, that is, Hua Que.

As the first god of the angelic civilization, Hua Que led the angels into a prosperous age and entered an era where there is no shortage of materials.

To put it simply, the living space of the angel civilization has been expanded again and again under the leadership of Hua Que, and the resources will naturally increase as the territory becomes larger, and the available resources have also increased again and again, which has strengthened the strength of the angel civilization.

In the era when Hua Que led the rise of angels, almost all resources were concentrated on him.

At that time, the angelic civilization was just a small character nesting in the galaxy. The entire civilization had only one god, Hua Que, and there were not many second-generation fighters with super genes, and even the first-generation super gene fighters were very rare.

After an angel became the overlord of a certain star field, the strength of civilization benefited more angels, and more super fighters appeared in the new generation, and only then did angels have a higher glory as a civilization.

Hua Que let Hua Ye inherit the position of King of Angels, but Angel Civilization gave up and continued to expand outwards, entering an era of extreme luxury.

Under the leadership of Hua Ye, the elite angels at that time no longer had the desire to compete for hegemony. What they were thinking about was how to live a better life. They were as comfortable as they could be in their small lives, and they were absolutely not frugal if they could be luxurious.

Since most of Angel's resources are still used to strengthen Hua Ye, few resources are used on a group of Hua Ye's diehards. As a result, the high-end combat power is led by Hua Ye, but they are not generals. The force is used to continue to make the angelic civilization more brilliant, and it is used to do evil and suppress internally.

Maybe it's boring without a goal... or a happy life without a plan?Hua Ye thought for a while and came up with a Heavenly Palace Order, turning pleasure into a planned and purposeful high-end product.

Of course, the so-called order of Tiangong is to take the leader of Tiancheng, that is, Hua Ye, the new king of angels, as the top class, and let his group of diehards enjoy the privileges of the second echelon.

Under the order of Tiangong, the angelic civilization not only stopped its external expansion, but even caused serious internal exploitation.

On the one hand, available resources are constantly being consumed, and new resources are not obtained.

On the other hand, it has come up with a set of policies to suppress women.

For example, the Tiangong order stipulates that female angels can only be vassals of male angels, do not allow female angels to enjoy resource allocation rights, restrict female angels from becoming second-generation super genetic warriors, and restrict female angels from living longer than a thousand years.

The major civilizations at that time admired Hua Ye very much. They were still afraid that the angel civilization would continue to expand. After seeing Hua Ye stop expanding, they began to indulge in extravagance. They even imposed all kinds of restrictions on women in this civilization. happy.

Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.

The problem is that the oppressed side needs a spark, a commander worthy of being followed.

The upheaval of angelic civilization happened when Hua Ye oppressed Melo. He not only used troops against Melo, but also kidnapped Kaisha.

Keisha, who escaped from Tiancheng, returned to Melo to raise her troops, triggering the resistance of female angels against male angels in one fell swoop, and the war between men and women belonging to the same race began.

There are many female angels who raised troops to respond to Kaisha. The representative ones are Kaisha’s younger sister Liang Bing and her best friend Hexi. They fought against the male angels who came to attack and suppress them in three galaxies. The war lasted hundreds of thousands... …for thousands of years.

This gender war of the same race is actually the beginning of the tragedy of angels as a race, and the ending is destined to be a tragedy.

Too many stories happened in the middle...

It may be that a certain male angel had to kill his own mother, wife, sisters and daughters at the behest of Celestial City.

It could also be that a female angel had to kill her own father, husband, brother, and son.

It is more likely that a certain male angel or female angel does not want to kill a relative or friend, and his or her choice is to hide and go away.

The upper limit of the scientific and technological level of Angel civilization at that time was the second-generation divine body, and the number of third-generation super genetic warriors was considered an absolute elite level. The number of second-generation super genetic warriors was not large, and the first-generation super genetic warriors had not yet been popularized.

Thousands of years of confrontation have caused the population of the Angel civilization to drop sharply. I don't know how many living planets have been completely destroyed, and the ecological environment is no longer suitable for survival.

The war has been escalated again and again, because the relationship of mutual confrontation has led to the explosive development of science and technology, and more and more new weapons have been put into the battlefield. The representative ones are the Skyblade Battleship, Space-Based Battleship and Apocalypse Battleship on the side of female angels. .

Because of the technology supported by the shipboard system, the female angels ushered in their own kings, they are Tianblade King Kaisha, Tianqi Wang Liangbing and Tianji Wang Hexi.

Up to this stage, although female angels are still at a disadvantage in terms of high-end combat power, for example, none of the three kings can match Hua Ye, who has a second-generation divine body.

However, the female angels choose the equal distribution of resources, and the number of super genetic warriors of the generation far exceeds the male angels of the Heavenly Palace Order.

At that time, Hexi was first promoted from a super genetic warrior to a generation of gods, and then Kaisha and Liangbing were also promoted successively because of Hexi's technology sharing.

They believe that the time has come for a full-scale counteroffensive, to end a war that has been going on for thousands of years.

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