"Oh, oh!" Ge Xiaolun continued to work, had a buffer time, organized his words, and said: "I have thought a lot, and it is true that only the strong can guarantee autonomy. You endured the humiliation, I, I...I said so at the time It's ugly, I want to apologize to you, I'm sorry."

"I have long forgotten what has passed." Du Qiangwei really didn't take it to heart. Her goal has always been very clear, to become stronger and stronger, so strong that she can control her destiny and change anything she wants to change.She said to Ge Xiaolun seriously: "We live in a bad era, but it is also a beautiful era. Since we have stepped onto the stage because of our respective genetic models, how can we not try our best to make ourselves stronger and ensure that every time Can the show be perfect?"

Ge Xiaolun didn't say a word, only gritted his teeth secretly and told himself, work hard, work hard, work hard!

"Xiao Lun, we don't have 1 years, not even 1000 years to become stronger." Du Qiangwei repeatedly heard that some gods planned to make Ge Xiaolun grow up in 1000 or even 1 years, and felt deeply dissatisfied. Agreeing, said: "A hundred years is a long time for us, and we don't even have ten years."

Pluto's worm bridge was activated, and their super genes were awakened one after another.

Qiangwei Du is actually the group whose genes were awakened earlier.

Du Kao forced Du Qiangwei, who was a little girl on the street, to conceal her identity and join the army. She trained for about two years, and was transferred to the Super Seminary until the gluttonous invasion.

Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, Liu Chuang, etc. A group of super genetic fighters, their super genes were awakened only after the activation of Pluto's Big Worm Bridge.

Two years was just for Du Qiangwei to learn how to use the genes in her body. When she started fighting with Taotie, she still couldn't count small animals through miniature wormholes.

What now?Du Qiangwei only studied with Liang Bing for three or four months, and her progress was beyond her own imagination.

"You have to follow Xiao Qi closely." Du Qiangwei was very aware of the importance of having a good master, so she said very seriously: "Xiao Lun, listen to me, and follow Xiao Qi closely. You have to be thick-skinned. Ask Yan or Hexi any questions, if they are willing to teach you, just study hard and don't miss any chance to become stronger!"

"Isn't it okay for Zhixin?" Ge Xiaolun was very apprehensive towards Hexi, and after contacting Yan many times, he found that she was indifferent to him, and only Zhixin was easy to get along with.He was very conflicted and said: "Is it okay to burn your heart? Okay, okay, I... I will follow Lord Qi closely, and if there is a chance... I will seize every opportunity to learn."

Two hours passed without knowing it.

Waiting for Ge Xiaolun to find that he has nothing to do, no joy at all, on the contrary, he knows that he will lose the time alone with Du Qiangwei again, and is extremely reluctant.

"I have one more thing to tell you." Du Qiangwei has always had a cold attitude, which has not changed since the beginning, and said: "Liangbing is right about one thing, don't have any feelings for me." Fantasies, I... am not aiming at you, I have no interest in the relationship between men and women. So, can you understand?"

Ge Xiaolun was stunned.

Du Qiangwei didn't give Ge Xiaolun a chance to speak, she opened the miniature wormhole and walked in.

It wasn't until the miniature wormhole was closed that Ge Xiaolun raised his arm and reached out to grab something, his face and expression kept changing, and he murmured: "It's really like what Master Qi said, that Qiangwei was bent? "

Fortunately, Du Qiangwei didn't announce that she has a boyfriend she likes, otherwise Ge Xiaolun would not be just like this.

In just two hours, a huge palace has been built.

If you have been to the Merlot Heavenly Court, and you are lucky enough to be able to enter the core area, you will find that the layout is almost exactly the same as the Parliament Hall, that is, the main color of the Merlot Heavenly Court is jade white with red, and this building built with dark matter. It is a black jade tone.

It is almost exactly the same, but there is only one throne on the Melo Heavenly Court.Here, however, three platforms were built, with at least one throne placed on them.There are also some seats on the left and right sides and behind the throne, which are used to provide important people from the same camp to sit.

In addition to the three platforms, there is a large open indoor square in the middle, and the circular wall is surrounded by rows of seats.

There is a circular patio left on the dome of the meeting hall, and the dim yellow sunlight shines in from there, and it falls on the platform prepared for Karl's side in an unbiased manner.

"It's so dark and ugly." He Xi raised his hand to collect a light-colored ball, threw it out with a wave, and said, "Since it's an imitation, it's more similar."

The ball hit the center and showed signs of dissolution, and then other colors were rendered from that point to the periphery.

In less than 2 minutes, the main body of the building turned into the jade-white color that angels like, and some floors were even covered with red carpets with gilt patterns and patterns, and long flags hung upside down on some walls.

The most important thing is that the banner of King Tianji was hung behind Hexi's throne, and the banner of King Tianblade was hung behind Yan.

The location scheduled for Lv Xiaoqi is a very characteristic banner of the atrium.

For Ge Xiaolun, who represents Blue Star, this is a flag with a Blue Star pattern on it.

Except that the flags that appear behind are real substances, the other colors are actually a kind of holographic projection.

For example, if you really walk over to lift up the carpet, you can't touch any carpet at all, it's just a visual effect.

Lie Yang's seat is on the same platform as the angel's, and behind Pan Zhen and Leina's seats are three-legged Lie Yang birds.

Liang Bing, who was alone on a platform, looked a little dazed, with a very obvious reminiscence, and a deeply hidden nostalgia.

Seeing movement on the platform where He Xi was, Liang Bing raised his hand and lowered a flag behind him, and the pattern was the dress he wore when he was Morgana.

After that, none of the three bigwigs spoke again.

Hexi is reading a book.

Liang Bing made a projection screen and the virtual keyboard kept typing something.

Pan Zhen was resting with his eyes closed.

Big guys can sit for years without talking or moving, while young people don't have that concentration at all.

Lu Xiaoqi was placed on Hexi's left, which happened to be Yan's right.

One was reading a book and obviously didn't want to talk to anyone.

The other closed his eyes and didn't know what he was calculating.

Lu Xiaoqi thought for a while and then stood up, went to the back and found a place to sit down, next to her was a young lady called Yitian.

"If you can sit in the front, why do you want to come over?" Leng was not far from where Lu Xiaoqi was, so he asked a question first but changed the subject, and asked, "I need to ask you something about the Void Engine."

"Let's talk." Lu Xiaoqi personally helped Leng install the Void Engine. He is probably the No.1 one who installed the Void Engine besides the Dead Song Academy camp. How could he not study it for such a long time.He listened to Leng's question and said: "It's not surprising that you find this. We usually absorb the energy of the dark plane for our own use, but we can draw energy from the so-called void because of the relationship with the Void Engine. But! I suggest Don't absorb energy from the void if it's not necessary!"

"What, is it corroded or blackened?" After using Leng, there was no similar discovery, and after thinking about it, he asked: "Or... will it be positioned in some way?"

"The possibility of positioning is very high. It's either a void creature or Karl." Lu Xiaoqi frowned when he spoke, looked up at the position of the dome, and said, "A fleet is coming."

Ge Xiaolun, who was sitting blankly in his position, also raised his head at the same time. His galactic force gene type is very sensitive to energy fluctuations. Not only did he notice the jumping energy fluctuations after the induction device was turned on, but he also felt huge individual energy fluctuations.

The so-called individual energy fluctuations are actually a manifestation of the strong, and it is at least a third-generation god who can do this.

What should the bosses do or continue to do, even if they were paying attention to the arrival of the fleet, they didn't respond.

"It's the combined fleet of Yiren, Dorgo and Leiter." Leng just read the information with his insightful eyes, ordered Yunyan, and said, "Go and arrange it."

What came was the three major civilizations under the order of justice, all of which had entered the level of the age of god-making.

Yunyan went out by walking, and only when she was out of the door did she spread her wings and head towards the fleet group in the sky.

Soon, a group of Shenhe bodies with different looks and even obvious racial characteristics came in under the guidance of Yunyan.

They walked to the bottom of the stairs of the platform, stamped their feet, and saluted with civilized etiquette, first greeting Hexi, and then greeting Yan.

They wanted to send greetings to Lu Xiaofa, but they saw an empty seat.

Next, teams arrived one after another.

They may have only one vehicle, or they may bring a fleet, and some even have no transportation.

The arriving team is led by at least one third-generation super genetic warrior, and they choose different objects to greet and greet. Most of them are not even qualified to find a seat on the platform, so they can only go to the circular row of seats .

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