"What the hell?" Ge Xiaolun was actually exposed to the triangle for the first time. He was nervous but he didn't feel attacked. He didn't know that the attack he encountered immediately after landing was caught by Lu Xiaoqi, and he cursed: "Crap!" We are bastards? You are a bastard with a big head! No, it is worse than a bastard!"

Lu Xiaoqi and Ge Xiaolun both have angel genes and blue star human genes.

For the triangular body with a brain application degree of 70%, they have the ability to read information by seeing it, that is, how sound the information can be depends on themselves, and also depends on the strength of the firewall of the object to be read.

[Start the dark plane combat platform.

Start a rehabilitation center for the elderly.

Load Kesha Knowledge Treasure, Skyblade series, and Sky-based series.


The augmentation system has been launched.

Analyze the target, the current triangular wisdom body!


Lu Xiaoqi looked at the data like flowing water, and raised his hand to the triangle in the distance in 100 years, trying to block the attack wave invisible to the naked eye with a space wall.

"I can't stop it!" Lu Xiaoqi pulled Ge Xiaolun into a flash, and before he could stabilize his body, he raised the Raging Flame Sword that was summoned at the same time as the flashing just now, launched the programmed Raging Flame Bomber, and said: "Lun'er , to collect combat data."

The flame bombardment hit the triangle, but there was no explosion, and it disappeared strangely.

The situation is that the first time they came over, Lu Xiaoqi was fighting against the triangle that appeared in computing power.

The triangle body was in a motionless state at first, but now it made body movements like swimming in water, and made a sound: "Rebaba, mottled blue, general."


What a lousy name!

Lu Xiaoqi would never call out this name!

"Lei what? Which ba? Dad?" Ge Xiaolun didn't join the confrontation of computing power. He was trying to build an anti-void force field and envelop the opponent in it. Maybe it was to delay time, and he said nonsense, "Your triangular body takes The name is really not very good, even if you dare to choose such a name, aren’t you afraid of being beaten to death when you go out?”

That is to say, in such serious and dangerous moments and occasions, otherwise Lu Xiaoqi would really be unable to control his laughter.

"Bah, general." Re Baba's limbs moved faster, and three phantoms of triangles appeared behind him, probably passing through some passage soon, and said, "Angel, you must be killed."

"Xiao Lun!" Lu Xiaoqi will not let go of such a good opportunity, and must record the movement of the triangle in detail, shouting: "take over for me for a while!"

"Huh?" Although Ge Xiaolun hadn't reacted yet, he was already doing it, and the next second his face turned purple, and he said at an unprecedented speed: "Master Qi, hurry up, you won't last 10 minutes! "

The current Ge Xiaolun has improved, but the level is not too high, Daxiongxin is not a complete version, and there is no super-computing blessing.

They have done related experiments before, and Ge Xiaolun actually has no problem fighting against Ba Dongdong, especially after using the Daxiong Core, after two or three minutes of computing power confrontation, entering the anti-void forbidden mode can handle Ba Dongdong.

10 minutes is too much for Lu Xiaoqi.He collected the data on how the three additional triangles arrived, and he could also scan the galaxy to locate the female angel warrior.

"Xiao Lun, you must hold on!"

Before Lu Xiaoqi could finish speaking, he disappeared on the spot.

hold on?

That must hold on!

Ge Xiaolun panicked for a few tenths of a second, trying to concentrate on the fight, but with the addition of three triangles, the time he could hold was reduced from 10 minutes to less than 3 minutes.

Lu Xiaoqi on the other side was very busy, one flash at a time to find the immobile Miss Angel and use the traction to form a mechanical bond.He found that many angel sisters entered a state of downtime, and it was clear what caused it.

While Lu Xiaoqi was looking for Miss Angel, Triangle didn't just watch.

They changed from a gathered state to a dispersed state, but the inexplicable blurred movement required a "warm-up" time, so there was a time difference.

Fortunately, there seems to be only one general-level triangle on the Proxima Centauri side, and the rest are all soldier-level.

What level has the combat effectiveness, any race or civilization is such a concept.

Lu Xiaoqi didn't struggle against the soldier-level triangular body, and he picked up fourteen of them one after another. They were all put on a layer of flare furnace from Lieyang's side, then anti-void, and then a space wall shattering blow.

"Master Qi, I can't hold it anymore!" Ge Xiaolun found that his computing power was being suppressed rapidly, and quickly said in the communication channel: "They seem to be connecting to increase their computing power. I really can't hold it anymore!"

Lu Xiaoqi is also facing the same situation.

The triangular body can connect the brain domain between individuals without borrowing external tools, so as to enhance the computing power of a certain individual.

It is equivalent to saying that each triangle can actually be used as a carrier to play a function similar to a shipboard system.

This is terrifying!

Each triangle has the function of the shipboard system, isn't that the way of computing groups of the three series of Tianblade, Tianji, and Apocalypse of Angel Civilization!

The more critical the moment, Lu Xiaoqi knew that he had to be calmer. Only by remaining calm could he respond rationally. Once he panicked, he would obviously be able to save himself, but he would lose the ability to save himself.

"Three seconds!" After Lu Xiaoqi finished speaking, he disappeared in place, and sent the found Miss Angel back to Tianren No. [-]. He didn't even have time to look around, and immediately returned to Ge Xiaolun's side, joining in the calculation power confrontation. , Said: "Ray what?"

"Rebaba." Its face was a flat wall with three round holes, and its voice was of the same tone, saying: "hybrid, angel, unknown, powerful, non-war."

Lu Xiaoqi, who had no worries, became angry when he heard the name full of taking advantage of others, and became even more angry when he heard the mention of hybrids.

【Enter the final judgment mode!



Target Rebaba.

Into a logical endless loop!


Launch Final Verdict! 】

Ge Xiaolun was stunned again, and the big sword was borrowed out of control again, and he watched enviously as it grew bigger and then inserted it.

"Let's go!" Lu Xiaoqi saw that the big sword was inserted but there was no blood coming out, and instantly opened a worm bridge station to recover the big sword, dragged Ge Xiaolun to run, and after landing again, he regained his senses and said: "I didn't kill you!" .”

Not to mention how embarrassing it is, but it doesn't look very high-spirited.

Just as Lu Xiaoqi and Ge Xiaolun stood firm, there were muffled noises around them.

The sound came from the female angel warriors saluting. They faced Lu Xiaoqi and Ge Xiaolun, raised their right arms and struck on their breastplates.

Of the group of female angel warriors sent back by Lu Xiaoqi before, the seven who were disconnected were placed in the square below. They didn't seem to have any trauma, and their faces were still beautiful with their eyes closed.

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