Seeing that he couldn't look any more, Lu Xiaoqi stepped back far away, and turned off the perception system for that direction.

Of course they came back to the New City of Angels.

There are no idlers in the huge city of angels, and there are also a group of Shenhe bodies brought by Lu Xiaoqi from the super god universe.

One exception is that Holy Keisha was also a secretary and assistant during her celebrity days.

The Chinese named Caiwei has been transformed into an angel.

It may be that Holy Kaisa has only such an eye-catching Shenhe body in the Marvel Universe. Caiwei has become the level of the second-generation super genetic warrior in a short period of time. The combat power is unknown.

"Are you always there?"

"Yes, yes."

"Isn't that boring?"

"No way. Well, can you step back a little?"


"There was no smell before. Now that you are close, you smell so good."


Lu Xiaoqi didn't know where to start complaining.


On earth what kind of fragrance it is.

A lady angel will have her own statement without repetition at all.

It seems that what kind of taste they like, that is, what kind of taste they will have.

"Here I can receive information from Earth. I can usually watch TV, and I can fly back to Earth if I want to do anything. I won't feel bored."

"I'll ask, and you can answer if you can."

"Queen Keisha has no relevant restrictions. I don't know what can and cannot be answered."

"For example, is there a training cabin in the New City of Angels, is there a lot of female angels lying in the training cabin, and so on."

"I don't know if I should answer."

Lu Xiaoqi understood.

That is, there is a training cabin!

Putting aside responsibilities, restrictions, or other names, Holy Keisha lives a more casual life, and no longer has to stop doing what she wants to do because of something.

If one day, a group of strange female angels appeared in the New City of Angels, and they claimed to have participated in the battle of the raging sea, and even participated in the first physical war, Lu Xiaoqi would not be surprised.

"I won't embarrass you anymore."


"I can actually link to New City of Angels myself, and I want to know what can be obtained directly from the core database."

"Like This……"

Caiwei didn't really know who Lu Xiaoqi was, let alone the fact that the Holy Kaisa had no defense against Lu Xiaoqi.

Lu Xiaoqi linked to New City of Angels, and found that he really has the operating authority.

If there are even operating permissions, even if there are some restrictions, they must be limited to those that the Holy Kaisa does not want Lu Xiaoqi to know.

It is one thing to have authority, and it is not Lu Xiaoqi's style to do something carelessly. He applied to the holy Kaisha, and got a reply of "you don't need to tell me what you want to do".

This is trust?

Or...doesn't matter?

Actually it's the same.

Once a certain person doesn't care what he does to anyone, it is the greatest trust in itself.

Lu Xiaoqi searched in a targeted manner, and naturally found the information he wanted very quickly.

New City of Angels has a training cabin, and in the densely packed training cabins, some body regeneration is being carried out from scratch. Some regenerated bodies that are almost completed can be identified, and each face is different.

There is another indescribable thing involved here.

Since it is a regeneration technology from scratch, there must not be a piece of cloth, and it must be in the state of red fruit.

In fact, Hongguoguo depends on what it is.

Could it be that the mother's body is required not only to give birth to a baby's body, but also to have the function of producing clothes!

Do you want to bring it or not? Do you want to ban it?

For other occupations, do you want to cancel those occupations because you will see indescribable positions?

With a research mentality, Lu Xiaoqi didn't have any dirty thoughts, and called out the female angel who was about to be trained to conduct detailed research.

The data that can be seen show that the work created by using regeneration technology, after she becomes a finished product, she will enter the level of the second-generation super genetic warrior, that is, use the consciousness access technology to inject the consciousness of the original owner of the body, and she can also simply It is called the endowment of the soul to complete the resurrection, and it will immediately become the level of the angel guard.

There are as many as [-] training cabins, and the data in each is different. It can be imagined that they are angels who have existed before. They will come out of the darkness and follow the holy Kaisha to complete a new battle.

"Compared to Liang Bing's resurrection mode, Kaisha's technique is much less evil." Lu Xiaoqi has come to Hexi's side again, and said: "The demon's resurrection is too rough and has great restrictions. "

Liang Bing curled his lips, and said unhappily: "Just because you are a demon, you will reject it?"

"That's not what I meant." Lu Xiaoqi thought for a while and said, "In short, the devil looks ugly."

This is why demons need to wear masks.

The earlier the demons were resurrected and did not die again, the more wrinkled their skin was, looking like tree bark, how could it be so beautiful?

For example, the recently revived demons, such as those who were originally Blue Star super genetic fighters, their resurrection is to become the image of Kunsa's Kamigawa body.

It all goes without saying that Liang Bing's resurrection technology is also making progress again and again, otherwise, who would deliberately make it ugly if it looks better?

Something seems wrong?

Maybe Liang Bing is the one who makes it look ugly on purpose.

"I just know that I'm right." Liang Bing was very proud, and said, "I've never been hypocritical, and I will definitely express what I think in my heart, so I won't worry about anything."

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