"Come, kill me." Thanos ignored the others, and put on an attitude of non-resistance at all, and said with an extremely contemptuous expression: "Since I can't realize my ideal, I choose to die."

"You are a pure person." He Xi signaled Yan and Lu Xiaoqi to stand behind him, walked forward a few steps and used wormhole transport technology to get a sofa, sat down and glared at Lu Xiaoqi who wanted to squeeze in a seat, ready Only then did he look at Thanos, and said in a calm tone, "It's just a little stupid."

Thanos just let out a "heh", without changing the contempt on his face.

"You know Master Gu Yi, right?" He Xi said cynically, "She got detachment from us."

"Detachment? It's escape." Thanos' disdain became more obvious, and he said: "You can travel through the world, and even smuggle into a new universe, which is the same as a wanderer's ability that I know. Then your world or universe Has it been destroyed?"

"No, it's not. It's just that our universe is not peaceful. Even if we don't understand the universe we are in, it may be a long time later, or it may be when we come here now, and it will be destroyed by an enemy we cannot resist." He Xi Looking at Thanos, he asked, "Can you understand me?"

"Do I need to understand?" Thanos thought he was bound to die, and wanted to die with more dignity, he said, "I will answer all your questions, and you will end me?"

"Let's talk about this later." He Xi was not evasive, and said: "According to our analysis and calculation, I don't know who you listened to to gather six infinity gems and use their combined ability, you have been deceived gone."

Thanos didn't believe Hexi's words at all.

"I know you don't believe me." Hexi looked at Lu Xiaoqi with just a look, waiting for Lu Xiaoqi to take out a laptop, enter some information into it, and throw it to Thanos, saying: "If you know science, you can Go and see for yourself. If you don’t understand, call that Ebony Maw, he won’t deceive you.”

Thanos has no idea what this development is all about.

As the overlord of one party, Thanos certainly understands science, but there will be emphasis on specialization.He found that he could only understand part of it, so he thought for a while and called Ebony Throat over. Listening to Ebony Throat's explanation, the more he listened, the more he frowned, and he was suppressing his fury.

Elsewhere something else is going on.

Holy Kaisa asked Lu Xiao to use the private system to give the boost, including Liang Bing and Karl, weaving and building a space wall together, separating the two camps who were screaming and waiting for the battle.

This is for the members of the army who are desperately waiting to fight to the death. They hit the space wall and are a little confused.

The Wakanda king touched the space wall, called his sister over, and studied how to crack it.

The Chitauri army on the other side obeyed Thanos' orders very much, and stayed quietly when they were blocked.

"You tell me this, what do you want to do?" Thanos didn't know how to carry out psychological construction, gradually calmed down, and at the same time had the desire to survive, and asked: "You must have your own goals, and I can also It can be done."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not like Karl, as long as I'm strong, I dare to use it." Is Hexi mocking Karl?It doesn't look like it.She set out her own conditions and said: "We can send you back to your original world, which is the world when you came over through the quantum channel. In return, you will collect the resources we want for 2000 years."

Thanos didn't think about anything, and replied, "Yes."

"Don't agree so quickly, it seems very insincere." Before Hexi finished speaking, she continued: "After a long time, no matter what time it is, as long as he needs it, you need to obey the command unconditionally."

"I understand." Thanos looked at Lu Xiaoqi, his eyes were unusually deep, and said: "He is the key, your king, your will, it's just... what does he want to do?"

Do not ask.

Lu Xiaoqi doesn't know what his ultimate goal is now, and has always been taking one step at a time.

At this time, Gu Yi broke through the ground and was only ten meters away from the side.

Stephen Strange, who was separated by the space wall, couldn't help being stunned when he saw Gu Yi.

Not only Stephen Strange, but the sorcerers from Karma Taj were all stunned, and then became very excited.

Gu Yi didn't come out to surprise anyone, she said, "Can Stephen Strange come over?"

Stephen Strange found a dark door opening beside him. Since he saw Carol Danvers getting into the arms of Lord Earth, he didn't want to go in at all until he saw Gu Yi's encouragement. Smiling, gritted his teeth and walked in.

"Don't ask." Gu said to Stephen Strange who came over, then looked at Lu Xiaoqi, and said, "Promise me that one day in the future, he will become one of us."

and many more!

Lu Xiaoqi's brain is not enough, especially when these big guys come out for a while, they really can't react.

"You can break through the cosmic membrane at will and go to one new world after another." Gu Yi said with an extremely positive expression: "You can interfere, but you don't. It is enough to prove your character. There is a sentence on our side' The saying that with great power comes great responsibility', one day in the future you will not only bring happiness to the people around you, but also benefit more universes or worlds."

"Stop making trouble." Lu Xiaoqi waved his hands, and said with a dumbfounding expression: "I don't have those thoughts. How do other people care about it? I have a lot of troubles on my own."

Gu Yi concluded with great certainty: "This is just you today, not the future you."

what's today and what's to come.

Lu Xiaoqi has no interest at all in traveling through so many universes or worlds to pursue grand plans and hegemony, he just wants to live happily and happily with these women who are bound by him.

"Mage." Stephen Strange had too many doubts, and he didn't mention the rest in advance. One had to be clarified. He asked, "Is it because I played with time again and again, and screwed it up?"

"I warned you a long time ago, don't play with time." Gu Yi smiled wryly for a long time, pulled Stephen Strange aside, and said: "Every time you play with time will cause unpredictable consequences, even if it is only for If you are manipulating time with an apple, don’t you know that it’s not just the apple that’s being affected, but the whole world.”

Stephen Strange was stunned, and his whole body became a little bad.

Hexi was talking with Thanos.

Holy Kaisa is also talking with Karl, Pan Zhen, and Liang Bing.

Lu Xiaoqi brought Yan and Leina to the other side.

Two armies separated by a space wall.

Chitauri has strict discipline on his side, and he will not run around quietly.

The multi-party side is much worse.

Hei Shushu no longer yelled "Di Dong Bai" at every turn. They whispered to each other for romance, and even walked around because they wanted to find acquaintances.

The interstellar pirates have repeatedly tried to shoot at the space wall, and there are people behind them who are driving a machine and digging in the ground, looking very busy.

The troops from Asgard are much better, they still stand in tight formations, but they also talk.

The mages repeatedly tried to open the space markers, but they were able to open one side but could not connect to the other side. They concluded that the space inside was cut off, and they met a more powerful mage.

"Yan." Lu Xiaoqi already knew that he could no longer play deep, nor could he accept it passively. He needed to show an aggressive attitude, and said, "No matter what you think or think of me. I..."

"Don't talk." Yan didn't know what expression to look for, so he chose the expressionless expression he was best at, and said: "Some things will happen, no matter what, but I can't accept it now!"

"Don't be like this, it's not good to engage in a cold war." It's not that Lu Xiaoqi likes to be passive, it's because he really doesn't know how to take the initiative, and he doesn't have a unique skill to seduce girls, so he said with a wry smile: "Yes, yes, I am not a pure person , but... I am who I am, not shirking responsibility or something, saying that I don’t want to be too hypocritical, it’s because I’m too greedy.”

"Don't be so bloody." Reina said heartlessly.

It seems that Lu Xiaoqi told Leina more than once that there are only probabilities in the long river of time, not established facts.

Yan really wanted to strangle Reina to death, he was almost out of control.

Lu Xiaoqi was thinking very seriously, and would subconsciously glance at Yan with an angry face, would it really be useful to think like that?


Typhoon day, power outage, coded by mobile phone (I am not used to it, it took 6 hours for one chapter), please forgive me for typos (although the author still has it after proofreading once, it needs to be proofread three or four times).

Chapter 405: Things Gods of Science and Technology Should Do.

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