In terms of quantity, it should be the value of tens of trillions of blue stars?

The friends didn't know it before, or they didn't have a concept.

They listened to so many angels repeatedly emphasizing the consumption of resources by making gods, and their gratitude and favorability towards the Lieyang civilization are steadily rising.

"Miss Leina has a good head!" Rui Mengmeng was grateful, she couldn't imagine how many billions of those resources were converted into soft girl coins.She asked Qiangwei Du who was standing next to her: "We can't repay, right?"

Du Qiangwei nodded with a stiff face.

Only children will believe that people other than their parents will have free love and sacrifices for them. A few more mature people are thinking about what Lieyang Civilization has paid so much, and what they want to get in return.

"Hurry up and make a decision!" Leng was quite impatient, and urged Lu Xiaoqi, saying, "It's okay for you. If they can increase their knowledge, it's already very good."

Yan immediately "poofed" and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The rest of the angels were also laughing, they had never seen such coldness before.

"What are you laughing at?" Leng Shi glared at a large group of angels viciously, and when he looked at Lu Xiaoqi with a displeased expression, he said, "If it weren't for you who could take us all over the universe and save time, you wouldn't come to find me. you."

"Fifty-five, do you mean the total resources?" Lu Xiaoqi looked innocent, and without waiting to speak coldly, he said: "Then it's a deal!"

"Hack you to death!" Leng almost couldn't help summoning the sword of flames and slashed at him with a sword.She shouted: "It's [-]% of my share!"

"My child, I can give you my share." Yan looked at Lu Xiaoqi with a smile, and after finishing speaking seductively, he even blinked at Lu Xiaoqi, and continued: "I just need you to promise me that you can talk to me at any time." requests from any location."

Lu Xiaoqi shook his head directly.He knew Yan's identity, the sacred left wing of the most powerful civilization in the known universe, and the prince of the angelic civilization.

How easy can it be to make a request with such a status?

"I won't go against your wishes, and I won't hurt the world." Yan still smiled and said, "Have you agreed?"

The little friends of the Xiongbing Company, they couldn't get in the conversation from the beginning to the end.

Xin Zhao looked at so many angel ladies who were full of enthusiasm for Lu Xiaoqi, and the envious expression on his face never stopped.

"Master Qi is Master Qi." Xin Zhao did not hide his jealousy, and said to Liu Chuang beside him, "They just threw themselves on Master Qi and devoured Master Qi alive."

Liu Chuang nodded and said, "There is no comparison between people. I have discovered this a long time ago."

"You also have an angel staring at you all the time." Xin Zhao touched Liu Chuang on the shoulder, gave a hint with his eyes, and said, "It's the angel with the red dot on his forehead. After she found you, she looked at you more than Kai Lord more than twelve times."

Liu Chuang had discovered it earlier, and after being teased by Xin Zhao, he plucked up his courage and walked towards the angel, saying carelessly, "Hello!"

Lingxi was the only one with a cinnabar mark on her forehead among the angels. She looked at Liu Chuang who was greeting her in a daze, then pursed her lips and responded softly: "Hello."

Liu Chuang asked with a confused expression: "Is there a flower on my face or something, just keep looking at it?"

"No, it's not..." Lingxi thought for a while, and said softly: "I have seen your video, and I think you are amazing."

"Oh my god! Big sister, you are right!" Liu Chuang was immediately happy, patted his chest, and said: "Brother Chuang has no other skills, just one word, reckless; two words are, head Iron; the three words are: Biaohuhu."

Most of Lingxi didn't understand, she had a cute face.She has a question, why is she already a hundred years old, and Liu Chuang seems to be only 30 years old, how can she become a girl and the other party a brother?

Lu Xiaoqi was still haggling with Yan and Leng.

Liu Chuang is hooking up... Uh, no.He seems to be able to chat with Lingxi very well.

Qilin and He Weilan didn't know how to chat with an angel named Zhui.

Although most of the friends can only be spectators watching the show, Xin Zhao does not want to be one of them.

"Exhale, inhale... Xinye, you can do it! Xinye, you are full of guts!" Xin Zhao cheered himself up first, with what he thought was the best smile on his face, and summoned up his courage to walk towards a seemingly very handsome man. The easy-talking angel greeted, "I've been paying attention to you for a long time."

It was Moy who was greeted. She turned her head to look at the confident Xin Zhao, waved her hand and said, "Don't talk to me. You are not my ideal protection object."

"Ah...?" Xin Zhao's mind seemed to have suffered a critical blow of more than [-] points of damage, and he asked with a dull face, "Why?" After speaking, he came to his senses and said awkwardly, "I just want to... "

"Don't even think about it." Moy paused, looked Xin Zhao up and down, and said, "Don't even think about it."

Xin Zhao's originally puffed chest immediately collapsed, his back was hunched, and his hands were almost drooping to the ground.He staggered to the edge of the deck, stepped on the ground, his body tilted, and he fell into the sea...

Chapter 1 and Three: Dole Civilization

Ducao, who seems to be quite at odds with Angel, would not refuse to obtain additional resources.

As the person involved, Lu Xiaoqi, under a premise that he didn't realize it, he swore before that he was not a miner, and he turned into thinking about how to get more resources.

This Tianhe Battle touched Lu Xiaoqi a lot.

After Leina was deliberately targeted, she could continue to fight with the support of the divine body, and even serve as the main combat force.

If the rest of the friends were shot by Shenshenwu, they would be disabled for several months or even longer if they didn't die.

Lan Xing can't always rely on others, even if that person is Sister Lena.

No matter how powerful Reina is, there will be a day when she will leave.After all, she is the reserve god of Lieyang Civilization. In addition to playing in Blue Star, growing up in the war is also one of them.

"So, Pan Zhen had long expected that a war would break out in Blue Star." Yan sat across from Lu Xiaoqi with his legs crossed.There was a faint smile on her face all the time, her head was raised at a thirty-degree angle, and she looked at Lu Xiaoqi and continued, "Haven't you guys thought about it?"

"Think about it." Lu Xiaoqi really couldn't control his eyes, and would glance at those long legs from time to time.He said, "Everyone takes what they need."

Yan didn't expect to get this answer, and asked in surprise: "What?"

"Those people in De Nuo chose the earth to spread genes. Isn't the outbreak of a high-level war on Blue Star doomed from the very beginning?" Lu Xiaoqi just didn't like to think about some problems, and he could always deduce some answers when he felt some pulses. : "For Blue Star, no matter what Lieyang Civilization wants to gain, they are our benefactors."

Yan let out a "呲", without concealing his appreciation, and said, "Child, knowing kindness and repaying it is a virtue commonly recognized by the known universe. I like you more and more."

To be liked by such a beautiful angel with such an easy-going personality, Lu Xiaoqi thought he should feel happy and honored.

They are no longer in Blue Star, and they came to a civilization called Dole.

Not on Dole, the main star of the Dole people, which is a life planet in a remote outer galaxy.

This is the first time for the little friends from Blue Star to see what ostentation is. I saw with my own eyes that the Dole people know that the angel is coming, and the hula la is just outside the warning distance of the beacon (star gate) left by the angel. The super spaceships are all here, lined up neatly waiting for inspection.

The angel's enthusiasm for the Dole people is very flat.

They didn't deliberately pretend not to care, as if they had experienced it too many times, and they were completely used to it. They sent an angel to top the tank as if they were thundering, and the rest flew directly to the destination, and they didn't want to go to any welcoming ceremony at all.

The friends thought that collecting resources was like being a miner, not digging with a shovel in person, and they should take out engineering equipment from the arsenal, but it turned out that they lacked imagination.

Angel's resource collection method is very simple, just scan for a while when you arrive at the location.

If it is a planetary belt, they will immediately summon the sword of flames, either a burst of cutting through the air, or a bombardment of flames, it is simply rude and direct!

It's a planet (planet of life), and they played operations that all their friends, including Lu Xiaoqi, couldn't understand.

For example, it will still carry out a burst of flame bombing on the surface of the planet, exposing the ore deposits nakedly, and throwing out guys who look like nanoworms with a wave of the hand, and then use the genetic computing cloud to perform micro-operations to pick out the resources you want.

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