But Lin Bai was able to see through the character and essence of this girl with his own knowledge of the poor. This is a girl who still has kindness and humanity in her heart in such a troubled world. Some "seeds" survived.

As for whether she is really qualified and able to lead people, it doesn't matter much, because she is the first girl who is quite clear that Lin Bai met here, and Lin Bai said that if she has it, she will have it.

It was a language that Saya had never seen before, but Saya could clearly understand the meaning of every word Lin Bai said.

But she couldn't understand exactly what Lin Bai meant by the big boat. A big boat?

This is the closest understanding that Saya can achieve in her mind, because for them in this era, large ships have not yet appeared.

Joan of Arc can completely wipe out all creatures on this planet in an instant. This is the authority of the ruler of every star area, but this is not the cleaning method Lin Bai wants.

He is going to start a flood, a flood that will cover the entire continent enough to wipe out everything.

This is not a superfluous move. The flood can not only clean up all the creatures on the ground, but also clean up all the traces, buildings, people and memories left by these creatures.

And the rest of them can start all over again on this new continent.

Chapter 41: Wolf Boy

Saya doesn't know what the big cleansing is, but what she knows is that it must not be a good word, and she will know what to do if she is smart.

Lin Bai didn't give her too much explanation and help, but Joan of Arc gave her an ability.

Apocalypse, a super intuition like the sixth sense, will tell her where to go without encountering danger, and where to go is the right way, even when she is hungry, the apocalypse will lead her to find food, For example, animals that died unexpectedly.

This is Joan's ability. Like Lin Bai, she has an inherent skill. She can give this skill to anyone. Of course, she will not lose this ability herself. This is the power of the original scriptures.

Saya, who has the ability to enlighten, will be the favored person of fate. As long as she is not stupid enough to deliberately disobey the guidance of enlightenment, then she will be the safest person in the world.

In fact, she might be the luckiest person in the world even if she didn't have the revelation.

Because she met Lin Bai, she directly obtained the "qualification" to survive in the coming cleansing.

Including the next ten years, those who met Saya and were recognized by Saya are also lucky, because they also obtained the "qualification" to survive the purge.

But getting the qualification is one thing, and being able to survive is another. How many people are willing to believe Saya's words and follow her to the distant horizon to find the Noah's Ark that sounds so illusory?

Lin Bai brought Joan of Arc to the extreme west of this continent.

Similar to the earth, there is also a large plateau in the west, but this plateau cannot escape the great flood that Lin Bai will cause.

This time the great flood will be absolute coverage and destruction!

Of course, there is no Noah's Ark here, so Lin Bai needs to build one on site. It doesn't need much high-tech content. Lin Bai obtained a lot of high-tech in Zhenglian World, especially some vehicles. type of technology.

There are a lot of vehicle technology in Batman's Batcave.

And the Noah's Ark created by Lin Bai is even simpler, it doesn't need any weapons, it only needs a shell.

Although it is called a boat, Lin Bai actually intends to make it a fully airtight vessel like a submarine.

After all, in the kind of flood that Lin Bai envisioned, if the ship was not completely airtight, it could not stop the attack of huge waves.

Since it is sealed, it must be equipped with an internal oxygen supply system, and if it wants to withstand water pressure, it must be equipped with special armor.

Moreover, a pressure control device and a temperature maintenance device must be installed inside. If there is no air conditioner, it may be suffocated underwater.

In addition, the excretory system must be well done, and the toilet can be used underwater. Lin Bai does not want these future human ancestors to be covered in shit after coming out of Noah's Ark.

That picture is so beautiful, I dare not think about it.

Lin Bai didn't want the ark to move, and he didn't turn on the power system, but locked it firmly on the ground, so that if the tide receded in the future, they would land directly on the ground.

If the ark was allowed to move, it might have washed into the deep sea directly after the tide receded. Lin Bai did not believe that this group of primitive people would know how to control a submarine.

After that, optical invisibility needs to be installed on the outside, which will only appear when Saya appears.

At the same time, because the flood may last for more than a month, Lin Bai also installed a substance conversion device in the ark, which can convert the free substances from the outside into edible food and water.

and many more.

The excretion device is directly discharged into the seawater, so with this material conversion device, it is self-sufficient?

cough cough.

The problem is not very big. After being transformed by the substance transformation device, the form of the substance has been changed, and it is completely different from the original substance, so don't worry about it.

There is also a bathroom. Lin Bai has a cleanliness habit. Even though this ark may only be a disposable item, he doesn't want a group of people who don't take a bath to stay in it for more than a month, let alone a sealed environment.

The taste is gone and the picture is gone.

The ark is very big, at least it can accommodate thousands of people, which is a basic number for the reproduction of a race, but can Xiaosha Ya find so many people?

Lin Bai didn't know, but he wasn't worried at all. Humans can have as many as they want, and it's really not enough for him to add a little bit.

The original Lin Bai was too lazy to design a boxy group case like a matchbox, but Joan couldn't stand it anymore and forced a little modification, changing it to a streamlined appearance like a whale, which looks Much more beautiful.

Saya obeyed Lin Bai's words and walked westward. In the past few months, whenever she was hungry, a certain strange intuition would always lead her to find some beasts that fell to death or died suddenly for her to fill up. abdomen.

But in the past few months, Saya has not seen anyone. The endless loneliness erodes Saya's heart. She begins to miss her family and miss her parents and grandparents.

But unfortunately, I will never see him again.

Thinking of this, Saya is always a little bit disappointed, but she is optimistic. Maybe this is what Lin Bai likes about her. She can always adjust her emotions quickly and has a tough heart.

But soon, when she wondered if she was the only one left in this world, she saw someone.

Or like a person.

It was a boy who was a few years older than her, wearing an animal skin skirt, and was lying in front of an animal's corpse, leaning forward and drinking blood without using his hands.

After discovering Saya, he even grinned at her, because the blood around his mouth, including his teeth, which was devouring the internal organs of animals just now, looked very bloody and terrifying.

The two extremely conspicuous canine teeth felt that they could easily pierce Saya's neck and kill her instantly.

It was a beast, a beast in human skin.

Saya was very scared, and very frightened, but that strange intuition guided her to keep moving forward, constantly moving forward.

Gradually approaching the "beast", the closer the "beast", the more confused the expression of the "beast", he tilted his head and looked at Saya with some doubts.

He didn't think that this seemingly non-aggressive life, much weaker than himself, would pose any threat to him.

He was a little curious, wondering where this strange-looking two-legged hairless monkey had the guts to approach him.

Afterwards, Saya stood in front of the beast boy, and subconsciously grabbed the boy's palm, and the two palms faced each other and slowly lifted them up.

The boy shrank his pupils when he saw it. He looked at Saya and then at the palms of the two people who were close together. For some reason, he jumped up happily, looking very happy.

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