Even if Lin Bai fought the Steppenwolf with them, he didn't think he could rest assured that he, a black man who appeared out of nowhere, would be able to rest assured just by helping them fight.

After all, the technology in the Justice League world is not bad at all, especially cloning technology and the like, the people of the Justice League are not stupid, especially Batman,

Besides, what Lin Bai wants to do with this blood is really similar to cloning, can this be said outside?


Lin Bai suddenly had a terrible thought in his heart.

Thinking about it, the expression on his face became more terrifying, like a Gotham-style villain who just came out of Arkham, as if he was brought into some terrible plot

Otherwise kill them all

"Ha ha"

Lin Baiqian smiled and shook his head, his expression gradually returned to normal

I'm not in the chaotic and evil camp, so what's the point of hanging up the World Destroyer sign?


"Master, as long as you get close to the target for a certain distance to the original code, you can directly analyze the rules. Except for a little time, you don't necessarily need a blood sample."

As if feeling Lin Bai's rich inner drama, the neutral voice in his mind calmly explained to Lin Bai,

Then some knowledge was transferred to Lin Bai's brain by the original code, which is why Lin Bai just got the original code and was not familiar with many specific abilities of the original code,

The blood analysis and rule analysis of the original code are two abilities. The former only needs blood and the time is very short, the latter needs a little time, and not only the blood, even the speed force of the Flash and the ability of Cyborg can be analyzed and copied , the closer the better

"Then it seems that our plan has to be a little ahead of schedule."

After hearing the explanation from the original scriptures, Lin Bai regained his cold expression and muttered softly, turning his gaze to the sky,

Fierce flames ignited all over his body, it was the flames of the sun, the super high temperature distorted the surrounding air,

The branded black suit worth tens of thousands of dollars on his body was instantly burned into nothingness by the super high temperature. The golden armor of the sun was also on his body at this moment. own magic

People around saw this and fled in all directions in horror. Obviously, the people in Gotham City are quite skilled in this kind of situation, and the speed and efficiency of running away are much faster than ordinary people.

In an instant, the entire street was emptied into silence,

Lin Bai jumped up directly, and the propulsion brought by the sun's fire instantly made him break through several times the speed of sound, making a sound resounding in the sky, and leaving a long white mark that disappeared into the distance

At this time, Batman is not in Gotham City, but has already boarded the plane to find Aquaman, but it doesn't matter, they will meet sooner or later

country, london

A terrorist attack is taking place in a church in London at the moment,

A small terrorist group is carrying bombs and taking hostages, and is going to blow up the entire four neighborhoods around here,

But unfortunately, their ideas are doomed to fail, because here is Diana, the daughter of Zeus, who has one of the ceilings of the Justice League's combat power.

Sneak into the church, tie up a watchman with a mantra lock to collect information, go straight into the room where the terrorist is, and eliminate most of the combat power in just a few seconds

And throw the bomb that has entered the countdown and is about to explode into the sky,


The bomb made a loud noise in the sky, bursting out with powerful shock waves and flames, but because it exploded in the sky, it did not cause too much damage to the people and buildings on the ground

As the bomb was about to explode, Diana, who was eager to deal with the bomb, hadn't solved the boss of the terrorist organization yet.

Seeing that things were out of control, he raised the rifle in his hand and was about to kill all the hostages in this room.

But at this moment,

A sword-like sharpshooter made of red light with a somewhat glass texture descended from the sky and penetrated the dome of the church, directly cutting off the arm of the terrorist holding the rifle.

The blood pressure of the arteries pumped the blood from the man's wound for an extremely long distance and sprayed it into the crowd of hostages. Many people's faces were covered with the terrorist's warm blood.

After cutting off the terrorist's arm, the light and shadow of the sharp gun shattered like real glass, scattered all over the place, and then turned into bits and pieces of energy

The terrorist who lost his arm fell to the ground and writhed in intense pain, his veins popping out, his face flushed, and he roared ferociously,

This is just the spear shadow condensed by Lin Bai releasing his own magic power, but the spear head of this spear shadow is much larger, so it looks very similar to a big sword.

Lin Bai even took a lot of force specially, only to let the light and shadow have a sharp cutting ability, otherwise the powerful energy contained in the lightning gun would explode directly after it landed on the ground,

Complete the terrorist's purpose on the spot,

Kill the hostages and blow up four blocks around here

In fact, Lin Bai can be more precise, the gun shadow can directly cut the terrorist in half from the beginning,

But considering that there were children present, in order not to leave a shadow in their hearts, Lin Bai was a little merciful and moved a little distance,

I'm so kind,

Lin Bai thought so in his heart.

Chapter 5: Untitled


Looking at the bloody side in front of them, the children in the hostage group screamed in horror, wiping the blood that had just been pumped to their faces by blood pressure in fear,

Trying hard to huddle with the people nearby, trying to find some sense of security, avoiding the sight of the howling terrorist on the ground.

Diana also came to this room at this moment, the blood on the ground naturally wouldn't affect her, she didn't even look at the terrorist

Instead, he carefully felt the remaining power in the air, frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something, then raised his head and looked towards the dome, as if he wanted to see something through the dome

screen transition

Big Ben,

The most iconic building in the country is equivalent to the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Forbidden City in Shengjing

Lin Bai is at the top of Big Ben at the same moment, overlooking the whole of London, overlooking many buildings with human history and art atmosphere,

so beautiful

Lin Bai sighed in his heart, after watching the bloody and barbaric ancient times for a long time, watching these now will really have a different feeling

This is Ming

This may be the greatness of human beings. Those dinosaurs may be larger than humans and have more fighting power than humans.

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