Special Forces of Infinite Travel
Page 298
“何妨高人,何必现身一见,如此藏头露尾未免有损阁下声誉吧!” 石依依却是呵呵一笑:“这一位你还没有资格见他。即便地府阎罗王在他面前都不够格,你一个区区鬼王算老几!!” 鬼王眼瞳收缩,虽然他不尽信石依依的话,但也知道暗中自然自己不是对手。而且这姑娘也不弱啊! 鬼王沙哑着声音开口问道:“你究竟是什么人?” “就你一小鬼也配知道姑奶奶的名号?再吃我一剑!凤舞九天,有凤来仪!”石依依全身内力瞬间化为火红色,疯狂弥漫而出,让其看上去就犹如一轮火红太阳一般。 “唳——” 一声响彻云霄的凤鸣声,石依依直接带着无边气势一剑向鬼王刺去,这一剑仿佛有着刺裂苍穹的能力。 鬼王大惊,双手挡在身前,爆吼一声,天色都有一瞬间的暗淡,周边直接多出无所鬼手形成一道道仿佛。 但在凤凰火焰的灼烧下,森罗鬼手消融殆尽。根本抵挡不了片刻。这一剑直接从鬼王的胸口穿过。石依依再次出现的时候,人已经背对这鬼王在这其身后了。剑尖上一滴滴鲜血低落而下。 鬼王噗通一声倒在地上再无声息。但石依依却是转过头来说道:“现在给姑奶奶滚回地狱去。若下次再碰见你,必将你打的魂飞魄散!” 一道虚幻人影从尸体上漂浮而起,连连道谢:“多谢,多谢,我以后再也不会在人间胡闹了。多谢不杀之恩!” 鬼王离开了,石依依返回原来的位置再次看向丞相:“你的依仗已经被我打跑了,你还有什么依仗呢?来人,拖出去斩了!” “是,是!”这一次见识了石依依的真正本事,所有人都不敢再有怠慢,立刻就有好几个士兵出列将其押了出去。而丞相在看到鬼王倒下之后,整个人也都是痴痴呆呆的。不知所云! 最大的刺头被杀。所以官员全部都战战兢兢。不敢再有谁站出来。石依环顾一圈满意的点点头:“这里已经被打坏了。现在从新找一处办公地点!” 在国王的带领下,满朝文武全部来到了一个不错的偏殿。石依依毫不客气的坐在主位上开口对国王说道:“国王,现在我们要上脑国家大事。你可以回去休息了!” 国王颇感尴尬,尴尬的笑了笑:“说的也是,那就劳烦总统阁下了!” 送走了国王,石依依这才向众文武说道:“国家人口是多少,可耕种土地有多少,产量如何。所有官员信息,国库还有多少钱,各项开支情况给我写清楚了。这些基础的信息我希望明天早上能交到我手里来!” 军队也是一样,谁有军官的信息,军队总人数,马匹数量,制式武器,军费开支这些全部明天早上交给我,知道了吗?” “是!” “是!” “好,散会!” 回到家中后,石依依高兴的拉着父母两人:“我今天表现的不错吧。那个鬼王都不是我的对手勒!” 王昭君宠溺的点了一下她的额头:“你啊,这是不知天高地厚。那鬼王若不是因为忌惮你父亲的存在,你可不一定打得过他。再怎么说他也都已经是半仙之体,在往上一步就是真正的鬼仙!而你现在也不过才大宗师境界。不过你的招式练的很纯熟,发挥出了百分之两百的威力。” “嘻嘻,我当然知道是爹爹吓跑了他啊。但我打的也不错嘛!” 石磊也是满意的点点头:“的确非常不错,真正的重伤了他。不过接下来你可有想好怎么治理这个国家呢?” 石依依点点头:“我都已经想好了。一个国家最重要的是武力,然后是财富!武力暂且不说,而这财富问题这个国家也是很贫穷的。所以首先要让国家稳定下来就是让更多的人吃上饭。 第一就是建立商路和和别国通商,第二将隐形入口解放出来,开垦土地。想让人人都有饭吃。至少不能再有这么多的乞丐,甚至每天都冻死饿死。” 石磊不做点评:“你直接觉得可行就去做吧!有什么事情也可以找你娘一起商量。爹爹以后还有自己的事情要做。如果遇见危险,可通过玉牌联系。” “爹爹,你要去哪里?” “放心吧,我不会有事的,每隔半月我便会回来一趟!” 石磊离开了。他第一站来到了灵台方寸山,斜月三星洞!看着这里破败的模样,回首往昔在这里学道的那些年,犹如在昨日! “师父,你真的离开了吗?你又会去哪里呢?”他的问题在这里注定不会有人回答他。 来到后山,那颗菩提树依然耸立再次。高入云端。石磊恭敬的一拜靠在说教轻声说道:“师父,还有不到20年时间悟空就要出来了。这一次大闹天宫,你觉得我们成功的几率有多大!” 石磊随即摇摇头:“微乎其微。天庭的地位岂能是那么好轻易撼动的。也许真的又要委屈悟空受那500年的苦楚。而我将会用这500年时间一统人间。让天道再次将领人族手中。成为新一代人皇!” 离开方寸山,石磊再次来到的地方竟然是翠云山芭蕉洞。敲响门环便在外面等候起来。 门被缓缓打开,一漂亮女子走出问道:“你是何人,敲门可有什么事?” 石磊笑着问道:“这里应该就是牛兄弟的家吧!就说他老朋友石磊来了。请他见一面。” “你找老牛啊,等着吧!”此女看来脾气并不好啊!而且石磊直接来到这里找牛魔王,自然知道这位女子就是罗刹女,也就是铁扇公主了。 她的法宝可就是芭蕉扇,而这里被称为芭蕉洞。自然就知道这个洞府的主人是铁扇公主而不是牛魔王。但是两人结婚后,牛魔王就顺理成章的成了这里的主人咯! 片刻之后一个高大身影,头上还长着一对牛角和牛鼻风风火火的跑了出来:“是哪个要找俺老牛!!” “牛兄弟,多年不见,别来无恙啊!!” 牛魔王看见石磊一愣:“嚯,原来是你这小子。今天怎么有空来找你牛哥玩啊!” 本来当初排辈是石磊排在了前面。但牛魔王却一点都不愿意。论身份他可是堂堂盖世妖王,石磊不过是一个普普通通的肉类小子。 论年纪,他不知比石磊打上几千岁。自然不愿意称呼石磊和孙悟空为兄。所以一直叫石磊为小子,叫孙悟空为孙猴子。 闲来无事,看来牛兄弟这里看看咯。听说你还娶了一个漂亮妻子。当真艳福不浅啊! 牛魔王有些愧疚,但嘴里还说说道:“石磊,你今日前来可是怪我们当时不出手帮忙?但你可知那不是我们不想办,而是根本帮不了、你以为那满天神佛都是都是不堪一击吗?真正高手出手。我们也不能违抗不是。” 石磊点点头:“我理解,既然这样,那我便不再打扰了!” 得到了自己想要知道的答案,石磊便离开了这里。在这个世界上妖族还是没落的挺厉害的啊。竟然六大妖王硬生生的被吓退了回去! 第三站傲来国花果山!来都这里的目的就是为了练兵。然后夺取傲来国的指挥权!石磊自然没有真身出马,而是分出一道化身去收编了傲来国。傲来国虽然和大汉相比依然弱小。但其国家实力绝对比西昌要好太多了。 这个化身可不一般。因为这是一个神话世界。一个没有实力的化身要之无用。傲来国中绝对有仙师坐镇。不可能如同西昌国那般简单。 所以这个化身拥有实力一半的法力修为。相信在凡间足够应付一切需求了。 西昌国这边发展也是一切正常。在石依依的高压下,感觉整个国家再也没有了以前的迟钝,都开始运转了起来。 西昌国入口数量80万,国土面积50万平方千米。可耕种土地达到30万平方千米。当然现在播种的土地却是太少了,近六成土地都是良田。这30万平方千米养活80万人口其实是没有问题的。 据石依依估计,西昌隐形入口至少还有二30万。那也就100多万。其实这些土地也差不多可以养活这么多人的。 但现在这些上好良田却大部分都荒废在了那里。原因就是地主剥削!买卖土地。然后地主的土地就越来越多。农民就成了佃户,但地主收取的租子却是越来越多。这导致很多人靠剩下粮食根本没办法生活。只有远走他乡讨生活了。 而这些地主特别可恶,情愿让地荒废了,也不会便宜租出去。即便你是一个好地主想要低价出租,但在大环境的影响下,根本容不得你那样做。那样你就会成为地主阶级的异类,异类就只有被打倒的命运! “八成!”石依依听到手下报上来的数字吓的惊呼了出来:“他们简直就是谋财害命。他们就是一群吃人不吐骨头的恶魔!这样的恶魔必须清除!” 八成,这就是那些地主收取的租子。你想想,你一年辛辛苦苦种下的享受收获过后,自家只能留下两成。要上交八成给地主。 这简直就是不要人活的节奏啊!特别是那些拖家带口的根本没办法在这样的情况下生存下去! “对了,我让你成立的锦衣卫如何了?”石依依坐在主位上,身前是一位黑衣蒙面人,这人其实是一只妖怪。被石依依发现的时候这家伙正躲在御膳房偷吃东西。他就是一个猎鹰成的精! “回主上,锦衣卫已经招募了80多人。还有我四个好兄弟。他们的本体分别是,狼,狐狸,猫头鹰和乌鸦” “很好,以后你们的本体就是你们的代号!猎鹰你作证朝廷,给我监管好京都的所有官员。他们四个分别负责东西南北四个方向的官员!若有违法乱纪的一并捉拿归案!” “是,主上!” 解决了官员的检查问题,现在主要就是想想该怎么解决土地问题。根据爹爹一切讲过的案例,就只有两个办法可以解决这个问题。第一个就是土地税。有多少土地就交多少税,那样那些有土地的人一定将要交更多的税。土地越多交税越多。 但这样治标不治本!相信实施下去会有不小的变化。但不能根治啊! 那就只有采取第二种办法了。土地国有化。这样基本就可以杜绝土地买卖。虽然这样改革的阻力会很大。但治标又治本。 “在绝对的实力面前,一切都是纸老虎!”石依依嘴角微微弯起一抹弧度。 次日在朝堂上石依依便开口说道:“近端时间,我将国内的大体情况了解了一遍。我们的良田虽然不多,但本来也可以满足国内需求。但是却被地主收买土地。造成农民无地可种,八成的税租让百姓走投无路。不要和我说你们不知道。那么现在就来说说你们有什么解决之法吧!” “这” 朝中官员相继无言。他们其实基本上也都是地主中的一员。今天没想到一来就谈论这样敏感的话题。这让他们怎么说?难道还自己断送自己财路的道理嘛? 看见台下官员这幅样子,石依依不屑冷哼一声:“简直就是一群败类,一群国家蛀虫还有脸站在朝堂之上讨论国家大事。而且你们也都蠢的无可救药。杀鸡取卵的道理难道你们不懂吗?” 台下所有人还是没有人发言。石依依骂了一通也消了不少的气,轻笑说道:“既然你们都不说话。那我就来说说我的解决之道了。将所有土地全部收为国有。土地发放到你们手上,你们只有使用权,没有买卖权。具体事项我会下发文件到你们手中!” “不可啊。这么荒蔑的旨意不可实行啊。” “对啊,土地历来都是民众所有。若是国有化,恐生民怨。” “为了江山社稷。这条旨意不可下啊、一旦百姓哗变,江山不保啊!”
Chapter 436: Shi Yiyi Puts Down the Rebellion
“为了江山社稷。这条旨意不可下啊、一旦百姓哗变,江山不保啊!” 果然,听了石依依的话后,这些家伙再也坐不住了。一个个纷纷开始反对出声。还说的有模有样的。全都是一副忧国忧民,为江山社稷考虑的姿态。 石依依冷笑:“民众?现在还有多少土地在民众手中?至于那些剥削民众的地主,那些吃人不吐骨头的恶魔,我恨不得全部抄家。哼!” “至于有些人,要么家产全部充公,要么就给我主动一点。若谁敢在我面前偷奸耍滑,试试看!” 就这样在石依依的高压下,土地改革完全开动了起来。所以的土地进行的轰轰烈烈。但是阻力也自然是非常之大。 每天都能看见有官员,富人,地主等被拉拉出来游街示众,甚至是被斩首不再少数。很多人在这一次的变革中出尽了幺蛾子。石依依对这些全部严查严办,觉悟丝毫心慈手软! 你要是配合,那就只是收走你的土地,要是不配合,那最起码的就是家产充公,若你实在要作死,石依依也没有办法! “报!常将军叛变了。裹挟百姓三万之众!现在直奔金都而来。”正在上朝会时,一名传令官慌慌张张的闯了进来,一出口就是这样的重磅消息! 下方百官全部都是一阵惊呼。石依依却是冷眼扫过所有人,他明显能够感觉到有人那脸色有着隐隐的笑容和得意! 常将军,是西昌国的一员大将军。统领两万五千军队常年驻守在女儿国边境,陪的就是防止女儿国的报复! 这一次很显然有朝中官员和他勾结,想要里应外合解决掉石依依这个祸患! 这个国家总兵力也才8万人。都城总共也就两万军队而言。对方正规军两万五,裹挟百姓多达三万。双方兵力还是有些大! 但郭将军起兵这事,石依依在昨日就得到了锦衣卫的传报了。她今日教室想看看究竟是谁,竟然敢勾结驻守边关的将军。 现在基本上知道后,石依依也就懒得管他们了。这些官员只有锦衣卫去处理。石依依立即下令:“全军出击!” 石依依亲自带领一万军队出发。前往平叛。王昭君这位做母亲的自然不会放心的跟了上来! 每过一地,石依依都严令军队不得扰民。若有违反军规者杀无赦!同时也会派出之前培训说书人在各个地方摆摊说书,自然这里说的不是书,而是朝廷政策的好处。特别是这一次的土地国有政策的好处。 那常将军能够裹挟三万百姓有些的确有威逼的,但大部分都是受他欺骗,欺负百姓对政策的不了解。将对百姓的危害无限夸大。说什么这些土地以后若全部归于国家,这是抢他们赖以生存的田地。若是没有了田地,以后他们如何生活云云。 反正就是尽可能的将石依依妖魔化。她就是一个霍乱天下的妖女。而他常将军将会带领百姓推翻石依依的残暴统治。 所以现在在民间的风向是越来越对石依依不利。在石磊的教育下,石依依自然知道舆论攻势的恐怖。三人成虎,说的多了不是真的也将变成真的! 舆论反击战必须要打!紧急招募说书人,还有那些秀才,只要是读过书的都可以。交给他们一篇手稿让他们自己看,不懂就问。一天,整整训练了一天时间。虽然看似有些短。但是这些人几乎都能将那篇手稿被的滚瓜乱熟。而且这一天时间也基本完全弄懂了这政策的好处! 每个地方至少都会有一位说书人驻留在哪来摆摊,而他们说的事情很快就能引起围观。 虽然这些百姓对朝廷大事几乎不关心。但是这一次不一样,这一次关系到了他们每个人的切身利益。听说常将军都因为这个政策反了。 他们听过最多的就是常将军是为了他们百姓。这个政策是要抢他们手中的土地,与民争利。若让这个政策实施下去,那百姓将再无地可种,这是要亲手送葬掉西昌国啊! 反正他们听的是越来越邪乎。越来越觉得朝中那新上任的总统是一个妖女。她居然想要收回他们手中的土地,这是不可忍的事情。 很多人现在都在等着常将军能够快点到来了。若按照这趋势发展下去,那位常将军到达都城的时候,恐怕裹挟的百姓将会达到七万以上,加上原本的军队,将会有十万之众! “母亲,你这次就不要出手了。我出手也要隐蔽一些,还记得父亲曾经说过,你是这个世界的人,受这个世界的天道束缚吗?” 王昭君点点头:“那不知依依有什么灭敌之策呢?” “嘻嘻,那就麻烦娘亲去帮忙送一封信了。”石依依狡黠一笑,从怀中拿出一封早已写好的信:“母亲向西南便可进入女儿国,将这封信交到女儿国国王手中,自可破敌。不过母亲得快些才行。” “这个你就放心吧。为娘的御剑术虽然比不了你爹,但也能瞬息百里!” 这一代女儿国国王已经苍老。王昭君来的时候正好赶上她们的大朝会!立刻便有侍卫进来报告道:“报告陛下,外面有一人自称是来自西昌国的使者!” “西昌国?哼,他们竟然还敢拍使者过来。让他进来,寡人倒是想要看看他们想要干嘛!” 王昭君进入殿中对女儿国国王微微一礼:“国王陛下。我们总统请我将这封信交给你一阅!” “总统是哪位,寡人从未听说过西昌国还有什么总统!” “国王陛下久不闻外事,自然不知。我西昌国现在实行的是总统制度。总统实施国王权利。国王象征意义大于实际意义!” “呵呵,真是没想到西昌国王如此窝囊,竟让让臣子架空了自己。那不知你们现在的总统要和寡人说什么呢?” 打开信封一看,女儿国国王大怒:“混蛋,你们可真是好大的胆子。竟然对我们女儿国还是贼心不死!竟然敢向我们女儿国宣战。我们必将应站,四水峡谷,我等着你们。送客!” 而这边石依依这边却用间谍给叛军送去了假情报,小队伍正面诱敌,大队伍绕道从后方突袭叛军。前军在掩杀而上,一举破敌! 石依依这次的情报用的很巧妙。根本没有被人发现任何破绽。常将军在地图上端详半天,瞬间眼睛一亮:“哈哈哈哈,这朝中的妖女还真是有两下子,若不是老夫战阵经验丰富,说不定这次还真的要吃大亏了。” “将军是用兵如神!” “将军真乃我西昌战神也!” 常将军满脸笑容,谦虚的摆摆手:“哎,不要这么说。不过你们还是来看看吧。若对方绕路,到达四水峡谷,正好可以包抄我们的后路。说不定还真的就让他得手了。但是那妖女却不知道,这四水峡谷却是一处死地!只要我在这里埋伏下重兵,消灭他们将不费吹灰之力!” “将军真乃神人也。” “如此一来,将军必将清除这妖女。皇帝昏庸无能,到时候皇帝理应退位让贤!” 一通通马屁拍的常将军飘飘然。果断下令派出两万正规军,两万平民向四水峡谷赶去! “报!探子查看到常将军率领死亡人马向四水峡谷而去了。” 石依依一笑:“让大家养足精神,凌晨发起总攻!” 虽然石依依这里只有1万人。但对付现在也只剩下五千正规军和一万他们裹挟的百姓!这些百姓没有受过任何专业训练。打打顺风仗还可以。 一旦有一点点劣势,瞬间就慌乱了。直接就会溃败!1万人对5000人,即便是胜,也会有不小的损失。 但是对方的5000人还带着一万平民就彻底不一样了。一旦被袭击,一万百姓瞬间溃败。而溃败的趋势将会瞬间冲毁那五千正规军的军阵。五千正规军也就变成一盘散沙。丝毫形成不了战斗力。 第二天陵城,天边开始翻起鱼肚白的时候。石依依已经带着一万军队悄悄靠近了对方。在一声:“冲啊!”的命令后! 一万军队直接冲杀了进去。这场战争比想象的更加简单快速。原本以为对方那5000人能够快速组织起军阵反击。然后他们可以先不管这5000人,直接向将一万百姓杀溃败再说。 但是万万没有想到,他们冲进来。那些正规军好多连盔甲都还没有穿好。慌乱成一片枪都找不到。 在百姓溃败之后,正规军也被裹挟的一路向后方奔跑。其中50.00%的正规机都是衣衫不整,盔甲都没有穿戴。甚至还有几百人连武器都不在手里。 就这样石依依带领这军队一路追杀二百里,杀的对方胆战心惊,全部投降才作罢。 “总统,我们杀敌三千,俘虏1万多。其中八千都是百姓,还有3000多的士兵。该如何处理?” “就在这里开设讲课吧。这些百姓也是受奸人蒙蔽,让他们认识到错误就好。让后遣送回去。至于军人押回最近县城关押每天批评教育。最后拆分开来加入别的军队中吧!” 四水峡谷这里。常将军信心满满的带着大部队来到这里。却直接和女儿国的女军撞上了。对方一看西昌大旗,二话不说便率领着大部队冲杀而来。 郭将军立刻组织军队迎敌。双方瞬间打的不可开交!常将军是懵逼的。他完全不明白为什么会在这里遇上女儿国的女军。这里是属于两国双不管的地带。按理来说女儿国的军队从来都不会出来的啊! 他很想知道这一切都是怎么回事。但是谁也回答不了他的问题。现在虽然打得不可开交,但是他们这一方却是处于绝对劣势! 将这边俘虏的事情处理完后,石依依留下了2000人看守,带着剩下的八千军队一路狂奔四水峡谷! 来到四水峡谷,石依依果断带着人向常将军冲了过去。因为都是一个国家的军队,军服都差不多。而且现在打红了眼。叛军只知道敌人是女兵,石依依带着面具倒是没有被阻栏,而且石依依率领的可都是男兵啊! 轻松冲到前方,一把便将常将军扔下了马,然后被身后自己军队的人给绑了。石依依这才运足内力大喊一声:“全部助手!” 这一声后让马匹都受惊了。但场面也慢慢安静了下来。石依依走向侧面,面向两支军队说道:“我乃西昌国总统。也急速向着西昌国的领导者!之前我接到情报说我们的常将军率领军队来到四水峡谷。我就觉得有些奇怪,不知女儿国军队为何也在这里。又为何与我军发生冲突?” 一女将军出列冷哼一声说道:“阁下就是西昌国的总统。难道不是你写信给我们国王在这里交战,要报当年之仇的吗?” 石依依一愣:“我什么时候写信给你们国王了?当年的事情我也有所听说,对错暂且不说,但这好像和我也没多大关系。再说我也是女人,为何要为这样的事情找女儿国报仇!” 这时候一位将军跑过来找石依依的耳朵上假意耳语几句。石依依大骂一声:“混账!” “你们立刻将这般混账压下去!免得丢人现眼!”石依依立刻吩咐自己军队的人将常将军的3万多人全部压了下去。这时候因为常将军被俘虏,所以倒是没有出什么幺蛾子! 石依依这才催马来到那位女将军面前说道:“真是非常抱歉。我当上这个总统也没有多少时日,我现在正在国内进行变革,不免有太大的阻力。所以就想要将这边的兵马调回去! 毕竟女儿国我也是了解过的。你们只想在女儿国中安稳生活,并没有想要扩大地盘的想法。所以这边我其实是很放心的。 但是无奈镇守这边的常将军却假传我的旨意想要在临走之前报当年的仇。竟然造成如此恶劣的影响。实在太抱歉了!不过你们可以放心,罪魁祸首我们绝不姑息。这次他逃不了人头落地的下场!”
Chapter 437: Changes in Xichang
The female general was taken aback, it turned out to be like this.Then how to calculate this confusing battle: "Since this is the case, this battle was also provoked by your country. Many of our heroic soldiers were killed and injured. Would you like to give us an explanation, Mr. President?"
"Explain? Isn't killing the main person who provoked this incident an explanation for the Daughter Kingdom? That is the number one general of our Xichang Kingdom!"
"The villain should be killed by himself, but you must pay for our casualties and soldiers, and you must also pay for the material food and grass we used here! Otherwise, I will report to the queen, and we will never let it go!"
Shi Yiyi bargained and said: "Xichang is currently undergoing reforms, and it is a difficult time, but we will not let the soldiers of the Daughter Kingdom sacrifice their lives in vain. Don't worry, I will pay the casualties of your country according to Xichang's pension. To the Xichang Kingdom! But material compensation is a bit too much. Your army can’t be mobilized for a hundred miles. You hardly use your materials, why do you want us to pay for them?”
"Also, you shouldn't be able to decide these things. If that's the case, please ask the king of your country to discuss it with me personally. Whether it's a letter exchange or a face-to-face meeting!"
"Okay, since that's the case, Ben will report the truth to the king!"
After the two sides ended, Shi Yiyi returned to the capital with the army.Originally brought 1 horses, but returned to the city with more than 3.Of course, most of them were defeated troops under General Chang's command.
This time General Chang was completely defeated, and was beheaded by Shi Yiyi the next day.At the same time, publicity to the people has also been strengthened to let those people know.The nationalization of land has only advantages and no disadvantages for them.Instead, it is to take away the land of the rich, because the rich occupy 90.00% of the land in the country.
In the face of a piece of data, all the people's spearheads have turned to the rich.I just hope that they can quickly hand over the land in their hands, and then wait for the court to distribute it to them.
Shi Yiyi also won this public opinion battle in an all-round way.Originally, many of those rich landlords and court officials were engaging in some small tricks.For example, to confuse the people.Or to take away the land in their hands and so on.
But under Shi Yiyi's discussion.These far-fetched claims are self-defeating.Can't stand at all.Without the resistance of the common people, these rich landlords are just chickens and dogs.Under Jin Yiwei's tight control, many officials were imprisoned.Now no official dares to steal, rape and play tricks.
The policy is very thorough.Before the spring plowing, not only all the land was counted in the register, but it was evenly distributed to the common people.During this period, another entry statistics were made.This time I heard that the land will be distributed, and many invisible populations are highlighted.The population directly exceeded one million.
Spring plowing has been sown.At the same time, Shi Yiyi ordered to open the warehouse to release the grain.It is necessary to ensure that there will be no famine with a big mask before the autumn harvest this year.
Shi Yiyi didn't know that the so-called poverty is relative until she opened the houses of those rich merchants and landlords.The people in this country are poor, so they really can't represent everything. Looking at these rich merchants and landlords, they are almost rich.
But this is also good, and the urgent need can be solved in an instant.Of course, these wealthy businessmen are not enough to feed millions of people even if they store more food.All Shi Yiyi immediately ordered to form more than ten caravans.Go to other countries to sell colored glaze.At the same time, there will be a lot of food.It doesn't matter whether it is exchanged for money or not, the main thing is food!
As for the so-called glass.Hehe, everyone knows that it is just glass.For such a simple thing, Shi Yiyi is still at his fingertips!
During this year, more than a dozen caravans made a lot of money in several surrounding countries.There is no need to worry about food.If we went out to interview those people, many young people would say with tears in their eyes that this is the best year they have ever lived.
Older people will definitely say that they have not lived such a good life for many years.They can actually eat white rice too.
Eat white rice of course.Think back to the days when you used to eat bran swallowing vegetables.As I said before, they rent the land of the landlord, and the rent is [-]%, and they can only keep [-]% of the grain.
How could such [-]% of the grain feed a family?Just go for bran and other rough food to get by.This is the portrayal of the vast majority of people.
Many people have eaten rough food such as bran since they were young, and they didn't know what white rice tasted until they grew up.In Shi Yiyi's first year in power, the whole country has undergone earth-shaking changes.
Public opinion has also reached an all-time high.The call for enthronement is also growing.Although for women to rule, women were still very resistant to being their king at first.After all how can a woman be king?This is common sense!
But they also just know it's common sense.Speaking of it, it is not as extremely repulsive as the Han Dynasty.After all, next door to them is the country of daughters.There are only women there.And they are all women that cannot be underestimated, so their status to women is not as low as that of big men!The status of women here is generally good!
Shi Yiyi was in power for one year, especially after the autumn harvest, the imperial court only collected [-]% of the grain tax, which made the people all rejoice.They clamored for Shi Yiyi to become the king of Xichang.
What president, they are unseen and unheard.I don't feel like this position is safe.What if Shi Yiyi leaves one day, or is rebelled by someone.They are going back to the old days.
And in their impression, the king is the biggest, Shi Yiyi is so capable, such a good person, how can she not be allowed to be the king?
By the way, let's talk about the issue of compensation to Daughter Country.After some negotiation, Shi Yiyi directly pulled two carts of colored glaze to the king of the daughter country.Although the king of the daughter country is old.Glass products are really women's favorite.Of course, the key is worth the money!
In fact, there is nothing ridiculous about the value of colored glaze in this world.After all, rare things are expensive, as long as the output is controlled, the price of colored glaze can be kept high for a long time.
Modern people feel that the ancients were stupid. A piece of broken glass was only made of sand and stone, and they bought it at a sky-high price.Don't you know that people in the future will laugh at us with a diamond weighing two catties.Just a broken diamond.It can be sold at a sky-high price. When was the person stupid?
In modern times, there is a saying of diamond scams. Although it is not known whether it is true or not, it has not affected the price of diamonds in the slightest.Another 100 years, 200 years.The situation mentioned before will definitely happen.
It's actually just a luxury item.It is not an antique in itself, so there is no need to be responsible for the future.It is impossible to say that the longer the time, the more valuable it is.
So there is no psychological burden to buy colored glaze.In the second year, Xichang International Trade was established.Wine, soap, perfume, start dumping!
In the fifth year, Xichang International Trade alone recruited 150 civilian workers.Many private enterprises have appeared in succession.In the eighth year, the population of Xichang reached 30 million.The employed population reached [-].
Xichang became the richest country, of course, the army did not fall behind.In the second year, Shi Yiyi began to reform the army, replacing batch after batch of new weapons.In the tenth year, the army's standard weapons have changed from spears and broadswords to rifles and cannons.
Although these rifles and cannons are not compared with modern times, they are completely incomparable with World War II.But for the world that is generally still in the era of cold weapons.That's enough for everything.
It is almost impossible for those gods, ghosts and monsters to participate in human wars.That will only cause boundless karma to them.
In ten years, the territory of Xichang has tripled.Some are bought with money.Now Xichang is so rich.And some are because some countries have used their brains, which eventually led to the cession of land and compensation.
The Xichang army has fought many battles over the years.After all, who can't be tempted by those countries seeing that Xichang is so fat?But they obviously think too highly of themselves.Every battle must be won!The opponent who hit him knelt on the ground and called Dad!
But the Xichang army has never launched any aggressive war so far.Shi Yiyi likes development, but she doesn't like war and plunder.
"Father, your daughter is great! Look at how much Xichang has changed in the past ten years. There are no more beggars on the street."
Just as he was talking, a beggar walked over in front of him, unkempt and in tatters.Holding a broken bowl in his hand, he reached out to Shi Lei and the others: "Master, please, I haven't eaten for three days."
Awkward! !
Shi Yiyi immediately frowned and asked, "You are only thirty years old and have healthy limbs, why are you begging here?"
"I can't find a job"
"Can't find a job? Even so, the imperial court gave everyone a field to cultivate. Does anyone dare to embezzle your land?"
"Yes! It's the head of our village. He took over my field, and I have no land to grow."
"Okay, let me ask you again. Passepartout is recruiting migrant workers to build roads, so you should be fine. Textile factories are also recruiting migrant workers. Many companies are recruiting migrant workers. Don't tell me, they don't want you?"
"Hey, miss you!!" The beggar quickly left in a desperate manner.
Shi Yiyi sighed and said: "Daddy, you are right, there are always those idlers who want to get something for nothing. Will beggars be cut off forever?"
Shi Lei smiled: "There is no need to pursue absolute perfection in anything. Flaws can't hide their strengths. Since this kind of people want to be beggars, why bother with them?"
"But they're begging here like this, and I'm annoyed to see them! It's really affecting the appearance of the city! I must definitely stop such things!"
Wang Zhaojun said with a smile on the side: "Yiyi, these people are lazy. They don't want to do things. Do you still want to force them to do things?"
"This is possible. I will introduce a law when I go back. If there are still able-bodied, young and strong people begging in the city, they will be sent directly to labor reform! Force them to experience the hardships of working people!"
Shi Lei smiled, disapproving of these things.Looking at the brand-new Xichang Kingdom, he also sighed and said: "I really didn't expect you to be able to lead Xichang Kingdom to this point. It's really good. Then when I was the emperor, I didn't do as well as you did, so outstanding." !"
"Daddy was the emperor back then? Tell me about it!"
Wang Zhaojun also looked at Shi Lei expectantly.She had never heard Shi Lei talk about the past either.
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