In the game, he has seen a scene where a single voodoo giant drives a pterosaur to attack a human ship.But it was also the first time he saw the amazing scene of hundreds of pterosaurs hitting and attacking.

A "rune bomb" can easily blow up a ship. What is the concept of these hundreds of bombs?

This... It's like a bomber formation dropping bombs, the power is unimaginable... This kind of devastating blow is definitely a devastating disaster for the steel island on the sea below!

"Air supremacy! Why did you forget this thing..."

It is not surprising that giants are good at controlling beasts.

But Lei Meng didn't expect that the giant tribe would actually raise so many pteranodons, and also used the tactics that the world was almost "blank" - large-scale cluster bombing tactics.

If it weren't for this war, no one would know how powerful they already have air superiority.

Sure enough, no matter which world, air supremacy is the most powerful existence.

Hearing Lei Meng's words, Ke Lin's eyes lit up, obviously realizing something.

He murmured to himself: "Sky control... This should be the general direction of the future development of mechanical technology!"

Nicole also realized it, and echoed: "That's right! As long as you fly high enough, you don't have to worry about the attack of sea monsters. The existing top airship technology in Hex City can't fly that high, and there is room for improvement." Big..."

"Perhaps... the idea of ​​the airship is wrong, we should..."

"Indeed, existing inflatable airships are too clumsy and slow to move. Flying machinery is meaningless if it cannot have 'speed' and 'height'..."

"Well... this is the breakthrough direction we are going to study..."


Chatting with these two scientific madmen, they actually began to discuss the feasible direction of "aircraft manufacturing".

There are many low-altitude urban airships in the world of great sailing, but it is impossible for the airship with the highest kilometer to fly in the sea outside the human territory.

Swaggering in the air, the target was as big as a bright moon in the night sky. The only result was to attract some powerful existences on the bottom of the sea, and they were destroyed every minute.


"Look, those meteorites are about to hit the ship island!"

After a while, the meteorite in the sky had fallen to the extent that it was visible to the naked eye.The runes on those stones were already extremely bright, as if the fuse of a gunpowder barrel had been burned out, and the violent reaction had reached the extreme, and it was about to explode immediately.

At this moment, the person on the ship island naturally also discovered the vision in the sky.But the larger the island, the slower the reaction. It is absolutely impossible to avoid this sudden directional air strike!Kanjima can only choose to resist hard!

At this moment, the ships moored in the temporary harbor were also in chaos, and the major adventure groups and pirate groups hurriedly drove their ships and fled in all directions to avoid the dense fireballs that soared into the sky.

The originally planned defensive battle circle was instantly destroyed because of this chaos.


The rune meteorite with a diameter of several meters has fallen to an extremely low altitude, and the desperate rumble sounded the beginning of the war.


Lei Meng and the others heard the sound of hail falling to the ground from a distance, and the violent explosion sound waves shook the water droplets on the sea surface, jumping up and down like dancing.

In the field of vision, dense rune bombs hit the defensive mask of Iron Ship Island densely, and burst open.

Those rune stones fell from a high altitude, and they could easily smash through a steel ship with the force of the fall alone, let alone the "rune bomb" secret made by the secret refining giant voodoo priest?

"It's too exaggerated..."

From a long distance away, everyone on the "Golden Ghost" looked at the clusters of flames bursting above the steel ship island in the distance, and with a bang like fireworks, a huge cluster of sparks would explode, one after another.

Every time there is an explosion, the mana defense mask of the steel ship island will be dimmed. This round of hundreds of "rune bombs" directly bombed the mask above a steel ship island.

Those "rune bombs" were not blocked, and fell directly between the buildings on the city island, like missiles, exploding everywhere...

Finally, the worst scene of the great war appeared.

Under this kind of devastating intensive bombardment, top-level transcendents can still survive, while mid- and low-level transcendents can only wait to die in despair... Explosions are everywhere, and there is no way to avoid them.

Like firecrackers thrown into a hornet's nest, the flames and explosions harvested human lives...

At the same time, many "rune bombs" fell into the sea.

The ships in the temporary harbor were too crowded, and a single boulder could easily hit the ship, and when it exploded, it would immediately set off a burst of flames, and even the surrounding ships would be affected.

Even if the "rune bomb" failed to hit the ship and fell into the sea, the local huge waves caused by the violent explosion were enough to overturn the large ship...


"My God, the big war is really scary..."

It was almost the first time for Anna and the others to see such a high-level large-scale war. The violent explosion made everyone pale.In their eyes, there was a sea of ​​flames rising and falling.The feeling of ruining the world is beyond human ability to resist, and it makes everyone feel powerless.

They dare not imagine that if the "Golden Ghost" arrived at the Davis Family's Iron Ship Island port a few hours earlier, wouldn't it be inevitable that it would encounter this "air raid?"

The consequences can be imagined...

With rune bombs as dense as rain, no matter how excellent the performance of the Iron Toad is, the situation will definitely not be better than those sunk ships.

"It's a good thing we missed it... If we entered the port earlier, I'm afraid it would be dangerous at this moment."

Everyone was rejoicing, and their panting became a little rough.

"The action of the giants caught the David family by surprise..."

Lei Meng didn't expect that the giants would have this kind of "air attack", and only this unexpected attack method could break through the heavily defended warship island!

He was also very happy.


If you want to be an idiot in the dangerous world of great navigation, strength and luck are indispensable.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of coolness coming from the green leaf pendant on his chest, and he couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that this is the benefit of high luck?"


This round of "air strikes" directly led to the breaking of the steel defense circle of the David family's island, and the fleet's defense line was also smashed to pieces.Even the defense mask of a major city island was smashed...

The impenetrable defense line has been torn open, and the decisive battle is about to begin!

Anna exclaimed: "Look, those are... giant sailboats of the giant race!"

At this moment, everyone in Raymond watched countless white giant sailboats emerge from the vicinity of the Davis Mining Iron and Steel Ship Island. They were blessed with wind-attributed magic lines. They sailed as fast as speedboats, leaving trails on the sea surface. white spray.

"It is very difficult to manufacture the rune bombs of the giant race, and the reserves are definitely not too much. After the air strike, there will definitely be a fierce battle."

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