Ju Shou said: "Since this is the case, I have a plan, which may help the Lord get what he wants."
Yuan Shao was overjoyed and said, "I hope you will teach me."
Ju Shou said: "My lord entered the court at a young age, and became famous overseas; when Dong Zhuo was abolishing the establishment, my lord, you were able to display your loyalty and go away alone, which frightened Dong Zhuo. My lord crossed the Hebei and got the land of the Bohai Sea. The army of the county won the army of Jizhou. The lord's reputation has now crossed Heshuo, and his reputation has spread to the world. The lord should first raise the army to conquer Qingzhou, Hong Xiuquan and Qingzhou, and then crusade against Heishan to destroy Zhang Yan; Afterwards, go back to the north to conquer Gongsun Zan, and then use it to frighten the Rong and Di, and conquer the Xiongnu. At that time, my lord, you will own the land of the four states north of the Yellow River, and you can recruit all the talents in the world, and then gather millions of troops to send your majesty from Chang'an. Welcome out, and return the ancestral temple to Luoyang. With this, the lord can command the world and punish those who disobey, so who in the world can resist the lord's soldiers?"
Yuan Shao was overjoyed and said: "Gong Yu is indeed a great talent. I get Gong Yu, just like Duke Huan of Qi got Guan Zhong, King Yan Zhao got Le Yi, and the world will be stable."
After Jushou, he served under Yuan Shao's command, and was named General Fenwu by Yuan Shao, and was highly valued by Yuan Shao.Afterwards, Yuan Shao went to visit Tian Feng and the two of them in a humble manner with precious gifts, and successfully recruited them.Qu Yi also recommended Zhang He, a young general in the Jizhou army, to Yuan Shao, who was also used by Yuan Shao.
Chapter 97 Pan Fengtou Cao
In a cave in the east county of Yanzhou.Pan Feng's tall body looked extremely lonely in the reflection of a pair of bonfires.
Outside Ye City, Pan Feng led [-] troops to ambush Yuan Shao, but was met with fierce counterattacks by Yuan Shao's two generals, Yan Liang, Wen Chou.Zhao Fu and Cheng Huan were captured, Guan Chun and Geng Wu were killed by Wen Chou, and even Pan Feng was seriously injured by Yan Liang.
After that, Pan Feng fled back to Yecheng, and after fleeing to Yecheng, Han Fu had already seen Yuan Shao's purpose, but at that time Yuan Shao had already approached the city, and Han Fu had to give up Jizhou to Yuan Shao.And Han Fu already had a premonition that Yuan Shao would not let him go. After Pan Feng fled back to Jizhou, he immediately entrusted his most important son to Pan Feng and let Pan Feng take his son to escape from Jizhou, which can be regarded as leaving a bloodline for the Han family. .
After that, Pan Feng stayed in the daytime and came out at night, and fled to the east county of Yanzhou under the pursuit of the pursuers sent by Yuan Shao.But now after entering the territory of Dongjun, Yuan Shao's pursuers gave up chasing Pan Feng and went back to report to Yuan Shao.Because of this, Pan Feng was able to rest in this cave with Han Xin.In order to avoid chasing soldiers and hide their tracks, Pan Feng had to take Han Xin to run around in the mountains and forests.Han Xin is Han Fu's most beloved son. He is now eighteen years old and has been extremely intelligent since he was a child. Han Fu placed high hopes on him and invited famous teachers to teach him since he was a child.
Looking at Han Xin, Pan Feng couldn't help but sighed, handed a roasted rabbit leg in front of him to Han Xin, and said, "My lord, let's eat something, we have to go on the road tomorrow."
Han Xin raised his head, and what Pan Feng saw was a face with red and swollen eyes that had obviously just cried.Han Xin asked Pan Feng, "General Pan, will my father survive?"
Pan Feng sighed, he didn't know how to answer this question, because even he didn't know if Han Fu would be fine, logically speaking, Han Fu donated Jizhou, if there was a disciple of the Yuan family, there should be nothing wrong.However, Han Fu was once the lord of Jizhou after all, so it is difficult for Yuan Shao to kill Han Fu in order to strengthen his control over Jizhou.Who can say for sure?
Facing Han Xin's questioning, Pan Feng had no choice but to comfort him: "Don't worry, my lord, the lord Ji Ren has his own aura, and Ju Biejia and others are also in Jizhou. I believe the lord will be fine."
Han Xin could only think that Pan Feng's words were just comforting him, so he didn't ask any more questions immediately, but ended up eating the roasted rabbit legs that Pan Feng handed over.
After eating the rabbit legs, Han Xin asked Pan Feng: "General Pan, now that Yuan Shao's pursuers have all retreated, where should we go next?"
Hearing Han Xin's question, Pan Feng held the big ax in his hand and pondered for a while, before he said: "Yuan Shao has to avenge his capture of Jizhou, but there are not many people in this world who can fight against Yuan Shao. Gongsun Zan is one of them, but it's a pity that he helped the tyrant to do evil. , led the troops to attack Jizhou, and helped Yuan Shao seize Jizhou from me, so the young master naturally couldn’t join him, otherwise, when we were at Sishuiguan, I had some friendship with Gongsun Zan’s son Gongsun Xu.”
Hearing Pan Feng's words, Han Xin fell silent. He was smart since he was a child, so he naturally knew that without himself, with Pan Feng's ability, among the world's princes, except for Yuan Shao, he would have nowhere to go.
Pan Feng didn't seem to notice Han Xin's silence, and continued: "The most powerful prince in the world should push Dong Zhuo who occupies Chang'an. Not only does he have a bad reputation, but Dong Zhuo may even kill you and me."
"Yuan Shu, who occupies Yuzhou, has [-] troops and is very powerful, but he and Yuan Shao are both from the Yuan family in Runan. Although the two are at odds, Yuan Shu will not turn against Yuan Shao, who has now occupied Jizhou, for the sake of you and me. .”
"As for the others, Sun Jian in Jiangdong, Liu Biao in Jingzhou, Liu Yan in Yizhou, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, etc. are too far away, and these princes have no clear attitude towards us, so it is not appropriate to go and seek refuge."
Said that there was a gleam of light in every square eye here, and said to Han Xin: "So, the best choice for the two of us to join is Cao Cao Cao Mengde who is now stationed in Dongjun."
"Cao Cao?" Han Xin was a little puzzled: "This Cao Cao's army is only over [-], and the land he occupies is only Dongjun. Will he fight Yuan Shao for you and me? And as far as I know, Cao Cao was still in Luoyang Since I was on good terms with Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu when I took office, wouldn’t it be too hasty for us to join him?”
Pan Feng looked at Han Xin, feeling a bit of regret in his heart. If the lord was not troubled by Xin Ping, Xun Chen and others, how could this Jizhou fall into Yuan Shao's hands.My lord, don't worry, as long as I, Pan Feng, are here, I will definitely keep you safe.
Pan Fengdao: "I met this Cao Cao when I participated in the [-]th Route Marquis League with my lord. He is not a good-looking man, but he has great ambitions. At the beginning, General Xu Zi of Nanyang commented on him as 'a capable minister in governing the world, and a traitor in troubled times'." Although he and Yuan Shao once had friendship, but the two have even greater grievances. When we were in Luoyang, if Yuan Shao hadn't been in the way, how could Cao Cao have ended up losing his troops and losing his general. So you don't have to worry about Cao Cao harming the two of us."
Pan Feng said again: "Furthermore, Cao Cao is very talented. With the talent of a son and the military power of the last general, Cao Cao will definitely value him. And Cao Cao will have a day when he can fly to the sky in the future, so as long as the two of us are together Under Cao Cao's command, it may be that the day has not been reported to the Lord's communique for the day when Yuan Shao took over Jizhou."
Han Xin thought for a while and said, "It's all up to the general."
Pan Feng said: "Okay, now the two of us are in Dongjun territory, rest tonight, and leave tomorrow to find Cao Cao."
There was nothing to say that night, and the next day, Pan Feng took Han Xin to the place where Cao Cao garrisoned troops in Dongjun.
In the big tent of Cao Cao's barracks, in the battle of Xingyang, although Cao Cao suffered heavy losses, he recruited soldiers everywhere after arriving in Dongjun, and finally had 3000 soldiers and horses.With Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xiahou Dun, Xiahouyuan, Li Dian, Le Jin, and Li Dingguo under his command as the captains, each is in charge of [-] people.Moreover, Yingchuan Shenzhi Xizhicai is a military adviser. Although he is not well-known among the many princes in the world, his strength is not weak.
At this moment, apart from himself and his subordinates Xi Zhicai, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Li Dian, Le Jin, and Li Dingguo, there were only two other people in Cao Cao's tent, and one of them was a burly man. Big man, one of them is a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.But it was Pan Feng and Han Xin.
At this time, Cao Cao looked distressed, and said to Pan Feng and Han Xin, "It means that you two are willing to serve me, but I hope I can defeat Yuan Shao to help you two get revenge?"
Pan Fengdao: "That's exactly the case. I also ask General Cao to agree."
Cao Cao couldn't help but wondered when he heard the words: "Then how can you be sure that I can defeat Yuan Shao? You know, Yuan Shao occupies Jizhou at this time. With only 2 people, how do you think I can fight that Yuan Shao?"
But this time, before Pan Feng could speak, a sentence came out of Han Xin's mouth: "A minister capable of governing the world, a traitor in troubled times."
Cao Cao couldn't help wondering: "What did you say?"
Han Xin said: "Based on what Xu Zijiang said to General Cao back then, I, Han Xin, are willing to bet once, General Cao, that you can defeat Yuan Shao and avenge my father."
Cao Cao's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he looked at Han Xin.
After a long time, Cao Cao withdrew his gaze, looked at the stubborn Han Xin, and asked again: "Then if I don't take you two in, what will happen to you two? You two are not afraid that I will tie you up and send you to me." Is it Yuan Shao?"
Han Xin said with a smile: "The reason why the two of us dare to come is naturally because we have confidence in General Cao, and at the same time, we also have confidence in the two of us. As for if General Cao tied us up and sent them to Yuan Shao, it can only be said The two of us saw the wrong person."
Cao Cao saw that Han Xin was neither humble nor overbearing, and his answer was well-founded, so he looked at Han Xin differently.At this time, Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai looked at each other, and immediately sent a clapboard and said: "Okay, just based on your words, Cao Cao will accept you two. As for Yuan Shao, if you offend him, you will offend me. How can he still take me?" How is Cao Cao?"
Pan Feng and Han Xin were overjoyed, and immediately saluted Cao Cao: "Pan Feng (Han Xin) has seen the Lord."
Chapter 98 The Angry Gongsun Zan
In a military camp next to Lecheng County, the Hejian military administration.Gongsun Zan sat in the big tent with an angry expression on his face. Beside him were the advisors Yan Gang, Shan Jing, Tian Kai, Zou Dan and Hong Chengchou who followed him to attack Hejian.
Gongsun Zan was furious and said, "What? That trash Han Fu gave up Jizhou to Yuan Shao?"
Hong Chengchou's face was also a little ugly, and he said to Gongsun Zan: "According to the news from the scouts, this is indeed the case. It is said that Han Fu insisted on giving up Jizhou to Yuan Shao, and his generals Pan Feng, Zhao Fu, Cheng Huan, Chang Shi Gengwu, Don't worry about Guan Chun. Several people disagreed. These people led troops to ambush Yuan Shao outside Yecheng, but they were killed and retreated by Yuan Shao's two generals, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Pan Feng was seriously injured and fled. Zhao Fucheng Huan and Huan were captured, and Geng Wu Guanchun was directly killed. And after Yuan Shao took over Jizhou, he made Han Fu General Fenwu and put him under house arrest in Yecheng."
After hearing Hong Chengchou's narration, Gongsun Zan felt anxious, slapped the table in front of him hard, and said angrily: "Yuan Shao, a villain, I said why he was so kind to share Jizhou with me at the beginning. It turned out that he made this idea and let me Killed people in Jizhou, and then forced Han Fu to give him Jizhou."
Gongsun Zan looked up to the sky and said furiously, "Yuan Shao, I, Gongsun Zan, are incompatible with you."
Seeing that Gongsun Zan was furious, Hong Chengchou couldn't help admonishing him, "My lord, now is not the time to be angry. The most urgent thing now is how to deal with the current situation."
After being persuaded by Hong Chengchou, Gongsun Zan's anger subsided a little, and he said to the generals under his command, "What can you do?"
Shan Jing stood up and said: "Master, in my opinion, we will directly lead the army to the south, fight all the way to Yecheng, and directly beat Yuan Shao out of Jizhou. When the time comes, Jizhou will fall into the hands of the Lord?"
Zou Dan agreed: "I agree with Shan Duwei. Since Yuan Shao is unkind, don't blame us for being unrighteous. We just need to unite with the major generals, and the two armies will go south together, so that Yuan Shao will let Jizhou out obediently." .”
Facing the thoughts of Shan Jing and Zou Dan, Tian Kai held different opinions: "Then Yuan Shao is so easy to deal with, I have seen Pan Feng's bravery in Sishui Pass, although he was defeated by Hua Xiong However, he is also a first-class fighter, and Pan Feng was beaten into the upper middle by Yuan Shao's Yan Liang, which shows that Yan Liang's ability, and Yuan Shao also has a Wen Chou who is also known as the two heroes of Hebei under Yuan Shao's command, and he is even more unbelievable. Look down. It is said that Qu Yi, the former general under Han Fu’s command, has already surrendered to Yuan Shao. Now that Yuan Shao occupies Jizhou, he has several times as many soldiers as our army. There are also generals like Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Qu Yi. In a battle, the outcome is unpredictable, right?"
Seeing Tian Kai's rebuttal, Shan Jing directly angrily said: "The meaning of Captain Yitian, Yuan Shao's behavior like this, we just do nothing and let Yuan Shao show off his power?"
Tian Kai said: "That's not what I mean, but Yuan Shao is not weak, we should take it seriously."
Shan Jing said: "Then how about you talk about the long-term calculation method?"
Tian Kai just felt that sending troops to attack Yuan Shao was not a wise choice, so he refuted it, so what can he do?In the face of the single classic's question, he can only be speechless.
Gongsun Zan watched the generals under his command quarreling endlessly, but couldn't come up with an idea. He knew in his heart that there would be no results if the discussion continued, so he immediately looked at Hong Chengchou and said, "I don't know what plan Yanyan has?"
Hong Chengchou bowed to Gongsun Zan and said, "My lord, the most urgent thing is that we should find out what Yuan Shao is thinking. The decision he made with us to divide Jizhou equally is not worth it. If this Han Fu took the initiative to hand over Jizhou to Yuan Shao, Even though Yuan Shao said that he would not divide Jizhou equally with us, he would not take Jizhou to himself."
Speaking of this, Hong Chengchou turned his eyes and said: "If Han Fu's surrender of Jizhou to Yuan Shao was the result of Yuan Shao's design, then even if we dispatched troops to Jizhou, it was also designed by Yuan Shao, then Yuan Shao probably would not surrender Jizhou to us. But No matter how Yuan Shao did it, my lord should first figure out what Yuan Shao is thinking now."
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