Especially for women like Nie Xiaoqian who have a good family background and know poetry and songs, a beautiful love poem can definitely penetrate their souls and stir their hearts bound by the world.

"In the past, the sea was too difficult to be water, except Wushan is not a cloud. Take the time to look back at Hua Cong, half destined for Taoism and half destined for king."

As soon as the words were unfolded, Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help but muttered aloud.

"Wow, what a beautiful poem!"

Yu'er's eyes are full of little stars.

Although she is a maid, she has followed Miss for many years, and she has a little bit of appreciation under her influence.

"Hehe, thank you Yu'er." Gu Ming thanked with a smile.

Inwardly, he was calm.

There is nothing to be proud of, nothing more than stealing a famous poem from a previous life.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian did not speak, but looked at Gu Ming in shock, and then opened another picture:

"When will this water stop, and when will this hatred end. I only hope that your heart will be like mine, and you will definitely live up to your lovesickness."

"Miss, hurry up and buy it!"

Before the lady could speak, Yu'er became anxious.

As a result, Nie Xiaoqian didn't know whether she didn't hear clearly, or she was distracted, and didn't reply, but still stared at the words.

"Hey, Xiucai, how much do these two paintings cost?"

Yu'er simply came to cut first and play later, asking the price while taking off the money bag from her waist.


Gu Ming was thinking about how much money to charge, but Nie Xiaoqian turned her head and yelled at Yu'er: "Yu'er must not be rude!"

Then he gently put down the writing in his hand, and gave a slight sideways blessing: "I never thought that Mr.'s poems are so outstanding. The little girl didn't know Mount Tai before, so I hope Mr. will not laugh at you."

"Miss Nie, don't be too polite!"

"You still need to have the proper etiquette. If you don't mind, sir, you can call the little girl Xiaoqian."

There is a play!

Gu Ming couldn't help coughing dryly: "Xiao Xiaoqian, since that's the case, don't call me Mr., you can just call me by my name or Xing."

Gu is the surname, Ming is the name, and Xing is the character.

Pay more attention to the number.For example, Li Bai, with the word Taibai and the name Qinglian Jushi.

"The little girl will call you son." Nie Xiaoqian pondered for a moment, then gently parted her lips.

"Hehe, that's fine!" Gu Ming nodded with a smile.

Sure enough, the power of two good poems is inexhaustible, and the distance between the two sides was shortened at once.

"Mr. Gu, since you are so talented, why don't you take part in the imperial examinations and get into an official career, but waste your time setting up a small stall here?"

This sentence can be regarded as touching Gu Ming's hidden pain.

It's not that I don't want to, including the former Gu Xiucai, who dreamed of winning the exam.

It's a pity that the talent is not enough, and he can only stop at a scholar.

Gu Ming also thought about changing his destiny through the imperial examination, but firstly, he lacked confidence, and secondly, he knew very well that this was a world of spirits and monsters.

Even if you are elected as an official, it is difficult to guarantee your safety.

Being alive is more important than anything else.

Of course, these thoughts cannot be expressed in person, and one can only put on a posture of an expert outside the world, and said lightly:

"Official career is too muddy, not what I yearn for.

"What I admire is a kind of indifferent life of picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely"

Saying this casually, and inadvertently quoting a classic sentence from the previous life, once again shocked the beauty's heart

Chapter 7 Tell Nie Xiaoqian the story of "A Chinese Ghost Story"

Speaking of which, Nie Xiaoqian is not an uninformed woman.

Born in a scholarly family since childhood, he has read a lot of poetry and books.

After his father was promoted to be an official, the collection of books in the family increased, and some local celebrities often visited.

Subtly, it can be said that his own talent is rarely matched by girls of the same age.

Therefore, seeing the poems written by Gu Ming will be shocked, shocked, and then admired from the bottom of your heart.

After chatting for a while, Nie Xiaoqian still couldn't help expressing the question in her heart: "Why did the young master call out the little girl's name when we met yesterday?"


"Miss, I'll go over there and have a look."

Yu'er is actually very curious, but she has always been well-behaved and sensible, good at observing words and expressions.

Seeing that Gu Ming seemed to have something to hide, he simply found an excuse to leave, so that the young lady could consult with her slowly.

After pondering for a while, Gu Ming really couldn't think of any good excuses, so he started playing metaphysics.

"Actually, I've seen you before!"

"Ah?" Nie Xiaoqian was a little surprised: "The little girl has only arrived in Guobei County in the past two days, and it was the first time she went out of the street yesterday. I don't know where you saw him?"

"Would you believe me if I said I met you in a dream?"

Hearing this, Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help fluttering her long eyelashes, not knowing how to respond.

"You may not believe it, but this is absolutely true."

On this point, Gu Ming did not lie.

"Then how did we meet in your dream?"

"In a very special place, Lanruo Temple!"

"Lanruo Temple? Where is it?"

After all, Nie Xiaoqian had just arrived in Guobei County, and hadn't heard of the name of Lanruo Temple.

"Just outside the county seat is an abandoned ruined temple

For a moment, Gu Ming actually replaced himself in the role of Ning Xiucai, and told the story of a Chinese ghost story.

Although it may scare Nie Xiaoqian, it is also for her own good to avoid the tragedy from happening again.

Based on the current situation, since her father is the magistrate of Guobei County, he is a dignified eighth-rank official.

How could such a family of officials bury their daughter's bones in the random grave next to Lanruo Temple?

There is only one possibility, the family has suffered misfortune, so that there is not even a relative who collects the corpse.

While Gu Ming was speaking slowly, Nie Xiaoqian's expression also changed constantly.

However, he never interrupted.

Instead, slowly immersed in the story

After Gu Ming finished speaking, he was still in a daze and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Xiaoqian, are you okay?"

"It's nothing, it's just that your dream is indeed a bit weird."

"It's very bizarre. That's why I was surprised when I saw you for the first time.

Xiaoqian, no matter what, after you go back, you still need to remind your father that the official career is dangerous, so beware of villains. "

Nie Xiaoqian nodded silently.

She is an intelligent woman, so she naturally guessed the meaning of Gu Ming's words.

Believe it or not, it never hurts to be prepared.

"If you encounter anything unreasonable, remember to come to me, maybe we can find a way to solve it together."

Hearing Gu Ming's dignified tone, Nie Xiaoqian hesitated for a while, and then asked in a dignified tone: "My lord, can you tell Xiaoqian who you are?"

Gu Ming was stunned, and then said in a self-deprecating tone: "Hehe, in the eyes of others, I am just a poor scholar."

However, this answer, which was not considered an answer, made Nie Xiaoqian even more convinced that Gu Ming was by no means just a scholar.

She witnessed the poems and novels written by Gu Ming with her own eyes, and at the same time witnessed him fighting against two strong men.

And, the dream and the following words.

With all kinds of signs, she couldn't help but start to suspect that Gu Ming might be an expert who lived in seclusion in the busy city.

However, Gu Ming refused to say, and she couldn't ask any more questions.

"Anyway, Xiaoqian still wants to thank the young master for reminding her."

When she said this, Nie Xiaoqian turned her head and shouted at Yu'er who was watching from another stall: "Yu'er, come back!"


Yu'er responded and trotted over.

"Give me the purse."

After taking the money bag, Nie Xiaoqian reached out to grab it, grabbed a handful of copper coins and a few small ingots of broken silver and put them on the stall.

Gu Ming looked puzzled: "Xiaoqian, what are you doing?"

"Of course I bought these two calligraphy and paintings." Nie Xiaoqian smiled.

"Take it back, it won't take so much"

Gu Ming glanced at it, there should be dozens of copper coins, and the sum of silver is probably two taels, which is even more generous than Madam Su.

"My lord, you are too self-effacing. This amount of money is far inferior to these two poems. Besides, you gave a piece of it yesterday. It's just a little bit of kindness from a little girl."

Yu'er didn't seem to expect the young lady to be so generous, she stared at the money on the stall, feeling a little heartbroken.

However, this kind of matter is not up to her to decide.

After being stunned for a while, he simply helped to persuade: "Young master Gu, a scholar, just accept it, and don't disappoint my lady's wishes."

Judging by what I said, it seems that I have abandoned your lady.

At this time, Wu Laoqi's injury seemed to be healed, and he looked at the pile of money with greedy eyes, and his heart could be called envy, jealousy, and hatred!

What kind of luck did this kid have?

Connect two women to your door and send so much

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

Although Gu Ming was very short of money, he was still a little embarrassed to accept it.

"Xiaoqian, I really don't need so much, or I'll just accept the copper coins, and you take the silver back."

"Mr. Gu, don't refuse. When the little girl comes to buy calligraphy and paintings next time, you can charge them at the normal price.


Gu Ming couldn't help explaining, but Nie Xiaoqian had already rolled up the scroll and left: "Okay, my lord, don't delay your business, Yu'er, we're going back."

"Yes, miss!"

"Little Qian"

"Goodbye, Young Master Gu!"

Yu'er waved her hand mischievously, followed the young lady up and down.


As soon as the people left, Wu Lao Qi hummed sourly at Gu Ming for some unknown reason.

This time, Gu Ming surprisingly didn't hate him, instead he happily grabbed ten copper coins and threw them over: "Wu Banxian, take it to apply medicine."

"Are you humiliating the old man?"

Wu Lao Qi had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and even caught nine copper coins at once, only one fell to the ground.

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