The wall to the north receded slowly, and as the field of vision widened, this terrifying scene became more and more apparent.

The first thing that caught my eyes was an empty hall. The most important thing was that there were dead bodies everywhere in the hall. They had different expressions and hideous faces. It must have been very painful when I thought about it.

No wonder Ding Yin screamed in fright, after all, women have a natural fear of dead bodies.

At this time, my heart was still calm. After all, I have robbed so many tombs, and I can be regarded as someone who has seen big scenes.

Soon, a question appeared in front of my eyes, who are these people, why are they lying in this tomb, and after such a long time, why are the corpses not decomposing?

A series of three questions were placed in front of me, which made me make up my mind to enter the hall to see what happened.

Ding Yin buried her head deeply in front of my chest, trembling all over.I tried my best to calm down Ding Yin's mood, patted her on the back, and said to her: "Yin, it's okay, these are just dead people, there will be in every tomb."

With my gradual comfort, Ding Yin's mood quickly calmed down.

The north wall quickly receded to the end, and the whole hall was exposed before my eyes. The place we were in seemed to be a small passage, a platform to enter this hall.

I took Ding Yin's hand and slowly entered the hall.

The entire hall was full of dead bodies. They were lying on the floor of the hall in a mess, looking a little disorganized. I checked one of the corpses carefully and found that he was a strong man, and he was wearing ancient clothes.

Those clothes should be made of linen. The deceased's facial skin was rough, and he should be around 40 years old. His eyes were wide open when he died, as if he had seen something horrible.

Such a gloomy expression made Ding Yin and I feel fear in our hearts, but out of instinct, I still planned to study the corpse carefully.

I asked Ding Yin, "Yin, can you tell which dynasty this man is wearing?"

At this time, Ding Yin's fear was also eliminated a lot. After all, as a member of the family of tomb robbers, she had been influenced by her ears since she was a child. If she was a girl from an ordinary family, she might not even be able to walk now.

Ding Yin picked up the flashlight and shined it on the corpse, then said: "The clothes seem to be from the Ming Dynasty, but they don't seem to be very similar. You see, people in the Ming Dynasty wore clothes with wide sleeves, but this man What he was wearing was short and strong clothes, which seemed to be the clothes of a barbarian.

If it is the clothing of the Hu people, it is more difficult to judge. China has a vast land of cultures, and there are many ethnic minorities. It is not so easy to know the clothing of each ethnic group.

Ding Yin continued: "Judging from his attire, this person looks like a humble person, why did he die here?"

I found another body inspection clue. This person's entire chest and face were tightly pressed against the ground.I turned his whole body over and was taken aback.

It turned out that this person's entire face was bloody and bloody, and his facial features could not be distinguished for a long time.More importantly, I saw two blood holes on his neck.

I stroked these two blood holes gently with my fingers, and suddenly thought of a very terrible thing.

There is a saying about vampires in Western legends. Combining these two blood holes, I suddenly thought of the existence of vampires.

Could it be that the vampire really sucked all the blood from this man?With this question in mind, I quickly cut open the body of the deceased with a knife, and found that there was no blood in it.

The facts are so consistent with my guess. Could it be that there are vampires in this tomb?

Thinking of this, the hairs all over my body stand on end.

But I deeply understand that now is not the time to be afraid. After all, in such an environment, knowing the truth of the whole thing is the most important thing.

So, I turned my attention to the man's face again, trying to get some clues from his face.

First, I had to determine how exactly his face was destroyed.

The entire face of the deceased was bloody and bloody. Judging from the deep paw prints at the end of the face, it was obvious that the entire face was destroyed by something with sharp claws.

Could it be that there are some terrible creatures hidden in this tomb?

My heart hangs in my throat again. Although I don't believe in ghosts, evil things do exist in real life. For example, the refined mummy in the tomb of the Marquis of the Ming Dynasty is a good example.

How did these people enter this tomb, and the dead were all strong and strong men?

With this question in mind, I continued to walk towards the center of the hall, because I saw something black in the hall.

The surrounding space was quiet, even the breathing of Ding Yin and I seemed very deep.Neither of us dared to speak at this time, even the sound of walking was extremely careful, for fear of disturbing some evil things.

The flashlight we brought is a special flashlight for tomb robbers. This flashlight is characterized by relatively high brightness and durable batteries.With this flashlight, I saw two black coffins lying quietly on the coffin bed.

These two black coffins seem to be the center of the entire hall, maybe I can find the answer I want from these two coffins.

Could this be the inner and outer coffins of the owner of the tomb? I was so excited that I held Ding Yin's hand tightly and slowly moved towards the two coffins.

All the mysteries seem to be solved. Why did the Marquis of the Ming Dynasty not die? What does he have to do with this kind of tomb collapse?This mystery has always troubled me, and I can't even sleep well.

Whose tomb is this? It took so much manpower and material resources to build a mausoleum of such a scale. Who is this prominent tomb owner?

As the footsteps slowly approached, two huge coffins finally appeared in front of us, and I finally had a chance to see their true contents.

The two black coffins were about two meters high, and the whole body was painted with black paint.The entire body of the coffin is painted with some strange patterns, which express some bloody scenes, but I always feel that these patterns seem to be closely related to religion.

At present, I don't care about the patterns themselves, what I care about is the secret in the coffin, who is the owner of this tomb?

Before opening the coffin, I thought carefully whether the owner of the tomb would be the same as the one in the tomb of the Marquis of the Ming Dynasty, still alive, and more importantly, breathing?

With this suspense in mind, I began to push the lid of the coffin.

My strength is a thousand catties to say the least, and under my tremendous force, the huge coffin made a strange noise, and then the entire coffin lid was slowly pushed open.

At this time, I couldn't see what was inside the coffin, because the giant coffin was two meters high, and I was only 1.7 meters eight, and Ding Yin was only 1.6 meters seven.

Ding Yin and I were very curious about what would be inside the coffin. I grabbed the coffin lid and jumped, looked inside, and then I saw clearly that the things in the coffin were completely wrapped in quilts.

I only saw that the coffin was densely packed with quilts.

The owner of the tomb is hiding under the quilt. Just as we were having doubts about what could be underneath, the entire quilt suddenly began to swell.

"No, the things inside are alive." Ding Yin and I were terrified, and I even took Ding Yin's hand and retreated to a corner of the hall.

As the entire quilt expands faster and faster, the "monster" in the quilt will soon appear, and there are extremely strange roars from the surrounding voices of space.

This is really scary to the extreme!

Chapter 14 Battle Blood Corpse

Both Ding Yin and I were tense, and Ding Yin held my hand tightly. I could feel the cold sweat in her palm.

As the expansion speed of the quilt accelerated, the entire quilt was finally broken, and Ding Yin and I saw a black shadow rushing out of the quilt at the same time.

The black shadow rushed out very fast, before Ding Yin and I had time to see what was going on, the black shadow had already disappeared from our field of vision.

Now, our fear is even worse, because the enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light.

What exactly is that?The flashlight in my hand kept shooting around, trying to find out where the shadow was hiding.

For this black shadow, now I have some preparations in my heart. It must be some kind of evil thing, maybe it is a refining zombie or something.

Therefore, we must find it, because I know very well in my heart that the longer the refining zombie is resurrected, the harder it will be to deal with.

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