Ha ha!

Duhe laughed.

"Uncle Wei, face is more important, or is it more important? You can't earn face with bare buttocks, or you should first clarify the concept of belonging to the country,

There is no benefit, why does the empire need so many vassal states?

Too much money and no place to spend it!

Remember, between countries, there are only permanent interests, and there are no permanent friends. Everything is determined by interests.

The jurisdiction of the empire is not up to whoever decides,

It is determined by the bows and arrows in the hands of the imperial soldiers, as long as the imperial soldiers are within the range of the bows and arrows, they are all the territory of the empire. "

Du He threw out another concept.

Li Er, Fang Xuanling, and Empress Changsun are all thinking, this is Chi Guoguo's interests first, which is hugely different from the tradition.

Wei Zheng wanted to refute, but Du He refuted him to pieces.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the envoys from the East did not pay any tribute when they came to the empire, only a letter.

It is also required to come to the empire to study a subset of classics and history, and to learn various technologies.However, the Imperial Ministry of Rites did not allow him to study a subset of classics and history.

Instead, let the oriental people enter the workshop to learn various smelting techniques, crafts, and skills. Is there such a thing? "

Du He asked.

Li Er nodded, thinking it was right too!

But what?

It seems that he was wrong again after listening to Du He's words!

"That's right! It's true. The officials of the Ministry of Rites feel that the classics and history collections are the treasures of the Central Plains people, and they can't let the Orientals learn from them. Let them go to the workshop to learn the three bad things."

Li Er smiled.


Du He let out a long sigh!

"Your Majesty, you are wrong! Big mistake!"


All of a sudden, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, and Empress Changsun exclaimed.

Looking at Duhe.

Li Er was also puzzled, what went wrong!

"Little bastard, speak clearly, don't be surprised, what is wrong?"

Li Er asked.

"Your Majesty, what the ministers say is the real good thing, it is the key to the rise and revival of the empire.

On the contrary, it is those Confucian classics and Buddhist classics that can be exchanged with the outside world.certainly,

Theories of military strategists, Mohists, legalists, strategists, and yin and yang schools must not be taught to the outside world.

Imagine teaching Buddhist scriptures and Confucianism to Orientals, and those people will be their disciples and will gradually be assimilated.

As for technical things, once the opponent learns various technologies, they can produce good weapons and pose a huge threat to the empire. "

Du He directly pointed out the problem.

All of a sudden, Li Er, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and others became anxious.

All of them have high IQs, and they can understand the importance of the matter with a little help, and they all nodded in agreement.

() Datang's strongest son-in-law

Chapter 127 Recommending Wang Xuance

Damn it!

Seeing Li Er, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Empress Changsun and others looking at Du He together, they were slightly taken aback.

What do you mean!

They are all old, treacherous and cunning, and have experienced countless winds and rains.

Du He was by his side, always being careful.

I really dare not pretend.

"Du He, as far as I know, the Eastern Kingdom is far away from the empire, and you need to take a boat to get there. It seems that during the Qin Shihuang period,

It is an unsolved case that Xu Fu took 3000 boys and girls to the Eastern Kingdom, but they never returned. "

Fang Xuanling asked.


If you want to ask, just say it clearly, why don't you cover it up.

It seems that the production of gold and silver in Dongyang Country makes several people itchy.


"Uncle Fang, you always ask, how to conquer with such a long distance? In other words, even if the Eastern Kingdom learns technology, they will not be able to invade the empire!"

Du He pointed it out directly.

Is it necessary to be shy about such a thing?


Li Er, Fang Xuanling, and Wei Zheng laughed.

Monarchs and ministers cooperate tacitly!

The chancellor of the empire acts as a mouthpiece.

"Yes! Let me introduce the situation in Dongyang Kingdom. Why did Xu Fu never return?"

Fang Xuanling nodded and asked.

"Well, Uncle Fang, what kind of elixir of life is there in the world? It's all Xu Fu's exaggeration in front of the first emperor.

There is no way to achieve it, but to flee overseas. This is why Xu Fu fled with 3000 boys and girls, and thousands of outstanding craftsmen.

The wind and waves at sea were very dangerous, completely beyond Xu Fu's expectations.Xu Fu and his party were attacked by waves, and the fleet probably dispersed.

Some ships did arrive at the Eastern Kingdom, bringing excellent craftsmen, food planting, textiles,

Technology such as medicine allowed the Eastern Kingdom to gradually develop from a primitive society to an imperial age.but,

After all, the number of people who went to Toyo is relatively small, coupled with the constant attacks of local barbarians, there are really not many people who survived.

Therefore, various technological inheritance faults.At this time, the Eastern Kingdom should have just entered the age of emperors, so,

Only then will the second wave of people be sent to the previous dynasty to study, this time coming to the empire, it should be regarded as the third wave!As Uncle Fang said,

The distance is so far that the Eastern Kingdom cannot invade the empire.In fact, from the other side to the empire, it is not too far, only hundreds of miles away. "

After Du He finished speaking, he walked into the study, took out a map, and showed it to Li Er, Fang Xuanling, and Wei Zheng.

"Your Majesty, Uncle Fang, if you want to do business with Dongyang Kingdom (officially speaking), you must first win Koguryo,

Then cross the Yalu River, regain the imperial territory in the west of Dongliao, and then open up the east of Dongliao to reach the sea,

Then go to sea from that place, and it only takes a few days to reach the Eastern Kingdom.However, although the distance is not far,

But the waves are very big, and the whole army may be wiped out.Therefore, after winning the Eastern Liao Peninsula, the empire must form a navy.

Remember that it is a navy, an army that can travel on the sea, not a navy that plays in small ditches and rivers. "

Du He pointed to the map and explained.

I gave Li Er and the others a good geography lesson, which shocked several awesome characters into a daze, dumbfounded, and they were speechless for a long time.

It took a long time for everyone to recover from the shock.

"Little brat, who taught you these things, it seems like Keming doesn't know about them either!

Don't use any books to fool me, tell me, what's going on, Ding You seems to have changed in three years, this is unscientific. "

Li Er asked with a smile.

Damn it!

What answer!

To be honest, it is too mysterious, no one will believe it, maybe it will become a guinea pig?

"Well, Your Majesty, I said that it was in a dream that the white-haired old man taught me, does Your Majesty believe it?"

Du He nonsense said.

I really can't help it, how can I say it if I don't fool around!

Li Er smiled wryly.

Believe it or not.

"Okay, let's talk about how to treat the envoys from the East. Next, the empire will carry out various preparations."

Li Er opened his mouth and settled the tone.


Finally let Li Er have an idea about Dongyang Kingdom, and he deserves to come to Datang for a while.

As long as the Eastern Kingdom can be wiped out and China's worries can be relieved, Du He's coming to the Tang Dynasty will be considered a huge gain, and the trip is not in vain.

"Your Majesty, I feel that Du He's words have some truth, and I can't believe them all, nor can I not believe them.

Immediately impose restrictions on the oriental envoys, they cannot continue to stay in the workshop, only teach Buddhist scriptures, and then teach some superficial Confucianism,

Others are resolutely not taught.After all, according to what Du He said, one day the Eastern Congress will become the enemy of the empire, and we have to guard against it! "

Wei Dafanzi suggested directly.

Damn it!

Dead troll, let’s talk about the matter, why don’t you just talk about the matter with the book?

What a straight man!

"Your Majesty, I also feel that the Ministry of Rites has handled this matter too roughly and must be corrected. The entry of Orientals into the workshop is strictly restricted.

They sent people to spy on them and discovered that some people were colluding with the Orientals and betraying various technologies and interests of the empire.

must be severely punished.In addition, the officials of the Ministry of Rites are too pedantic, His Majesty should consider changing someone to preside over the work. "

Fang Xuanling suggested.

Ha ha!

Li Er smiled slightly.

"You didn't say how to deal with the robbery of the princess by the Orientals. What should we do?"

Li Er asked.

Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng didn't gnaw, they picked up their teacups and drank tea, they didn't care about their own business, they hung it high.

Seeing Li Er looking over, Du He knew he couldn't escape.

"Your Majesty, I believe that within the empire, the law is equal to all, and there is no immunity for foreigners.

As long as you commit crimes within the empire, you will be punished according to the laws of the empire.

This is the attitude that a major country should have.Why take into account the feelings of those dependent countries, small countries, and tribal people.

Why do subordinate countries, small countries, and tribes dare to commit crimes against the wind and do evil within the empire? This is what the officials of the Ministry of Rites are used to. "

Doo suggested.

The officials of the Tang Empire are all elites, as long as they clearly explain the relationship between the powerful, they will immediately understand.

The trouble is that group of downright pedantic Confucianists always use the ancestors as an example.

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