But what?

The first few rounds of attack were to fatigue the people on the city wall.

The second round of attack began.

In this round of attack, the Koguryo people dispatched 5000 people.

When the distance is 700 steps.

Ballista shooting!

Whoosh whoosh!

With one order, more than 400 thick crossbow arrows were shot out, piercing the body of a man named Gaoguli.

Puff puff!

So cool!

Ballistas are extremely efficient.

A round of arrow rain left the lives of more than 600 Koguryo people.

The offensive battle formation was too dense, and many crossbow arrows directly penetrated several people's bodies.

The powerful lethality caused the attacking Koguryo people to pause slightly.

Too brutal!

The kind that is shot by a crossbow arrow will leave a huge blood hole in the body.

It makes people look terribly scary.

But what?

There were 5000 Koguryo people attacking. It doesn't matter how many people die. There are still a large number of Koguryo people rushing to the city wall.


Whoosh whoosh!

Another round of arrow rain shot through the Koguryo people, leaving more than 400 corpses.

Damn it!

High efficiency!

Two rounds of arrow rain killed more than 1000 Koguryo people.

One in five died.

At this time, the Gaoguli people were still hundreds of steps away from the city wall, and they had to pay a certain price if they wanted to get under the city wall.

When the Gaoguli people killed under the city wall, they lost as many as 2000 people on the way.

3000 people were killed below the city walls.


Still have to be baptized by the continuous crossbow on the city wall.

Repeater Free Fire!

Whoosh whoosh!

Veterans of the Beiwei Army will definitely not use the Liannu, as that weapon has a short range and cannot block the enemy, and can only shoot at close range.

Puff puff!

Another piece of Koguryo fell.


Shouts, screams, calls for help, and groans sounded together and merged into a battlefield music.



Smash it hard, don't be afraid of material consumption, there are too many rocky mountains in the city.


Stones of different sizes were thrown down from the city wall one after another, and smashed towards the top of the Koguryo people.

After several days of fierce fighting, the common people fought well and transformed into an experienced veteran.

Practical experience is summed up slowly.

Not born with it.

Those craftsmen are very hostile to the barbarians.

Many craftsmen's families died at the hands of the grassland peoples in the east and north.

In addition, the people of Youzhou are tough and have a strong sense of resistance.

In particular, these industries and cities are Du He's private property, and the craftsmen and common people are grateful to Du He.

Most of the craftsmen are the people saved by Du He.

It's really cool to fight back.

The log!

Throw it down.


The rolling logs were thrown down one by one, breaking the ladder and knocking people over.

The veterans of the Beiwei Army retired on the city wall, armed with a magic arm bow, kept shooting and killing the hidden magic archers.

In terms of weapon performance, the weapons used on the Liaoxi city wall are several grades higher than those of Gaoguli.

Among other things, the crossbow bed, divine arm bow, liannu, and Tang knife are definitely the most powerful existences in this era.

The magic arm bow can shoot [-] steps away casually, which is more than three times the effective distance of ordinary bows.


A Koguryo sharpshooter hiding in the dark fell.


A Mochang, Wuchang, and Tuenchang who were from Koguryo were shot and killed.

I saw several Koguryo soldiers running towards the city gate pushing a cart with a log on it.


puff puff!

Two Koguryo people fell.

Rolling log lost!

The smashing of huge logs not only stopped the progress of the Gaoguli people, but also killed several people.

Pour gold sauce!


The hot golden juice poured down, stopping the running Koguryo people.


It really stinks!



While the people of Gaogouli were panicking, the veterans of the retired Beiwei army opened fire on the people of Gaoguli with their bows and arrows.



A Gaoguli man who was screaming and running around fell down.

Everything went smoothly.

Pour kerosene!

Countless hot kerosene was poured on the heads of the attacking Koguryo people.


Screams resounded through the sky.

It was a piercing cry.

The hot kerosene poured on my body, that kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

Shoot the rocket!

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless flaming sharp arrows shot at the Koguryo people who were covered in kerosene all over their bodies.


A loud bang.

Under the city wall, a sea of ​​flames instantly formed.



Countless Gaogouli people who were on fire ran around, begging for help everywhere, but no one was willing to help.

The last one was burned alive.

That's horrible!

It's really miserable!

The remaining Gaoguli people saw that they could not attack, so they had to retreat.


The retired veterans and common people on the city wall sat down to rest.

Everyone understands that the Zhuguli people will still attack.

() Datang's strongest son-in-law

Chapter 181


The attack started again.

Koguryo people are taking stimulants today!

Regardless of casualties, one attack after another.

The 1000 imperial cavalry in the distance did not dare to move out easily. After all, there were [-] Gaogouli people, and even if thousands of people were killed or killed, they still had an overwhelming advantage in terms of military strength.

The cavalry of the imperial army waited for the opportunity, and once they had the opportunity, they would charge and harass without hesitation.

Reduce the pressure on Liaoxi City.

Ballista ready!


Whoosh whoosh!

Nearly a hundred Koguryo people fell.

The Koguryo people became more experienced as they fought, and the formation was sparse, but they were not one by one, and there was a certain distance between them.

Let the power of the ballista cannot be fully exerted.

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