Li Kairui immediately wrote a letter and sent someone to send it out immediately.

But what?

It takes a week for the letter to reach the king, and half a month for a round trip.

Could it be that he could only stay here and wait to die!

The day lily has been cold for half a month.

There is no order to retreat!

What should we do?

Li Kairui became anxious.

He shook the cup countless times, but still couldn't calm down the fear in his heart.


Can't sit still.

Let's retreat first, as long as the [-] Koguryo army is preserved, the king will not be held accountable.

Once one hundred thousand troops/army are lost, even if they flee back, the king will kill this general.

Weighing the pros and cons, I think retreat is the best way.



Like thousands of horses galloping to kill.

Li Kairui, who was thinking about his thoughts in the big tent, woke up immediately and ran out of the big tent to check.

Damn it!

Twenty thousand cavalry!

All of a sudden, Li Kairui turned pale with fright.

Li Kairui knew in his heart that once he was entangled by the [-] Tang Emperor's cavalry, he would have no chance of escape.

In fact, there are only 6000 iron cavalry, because there are three cavalry for one person, it seems densely packed and countless.

Plus it's far away, so I can't see clearly.

Xue Li and Dian Wei each led 3000 cavalry to kill, and it was really not for the purpose of annihilating the [-] troops of Koguryo.

If there is a decisive battle with the [-] Koguryo Army/Army, there will definitely be heavy casualties.

That was not what Xue Li and Dian Wei wanted.

After the two discussed in Liaoxi City, they decided to entangle Gaoguli's [-] soldiers and horses first, and wait until Du He led the troops to arrive.

Then, consider the decisive battle with the Koguryo people.

"Lao Dian, look! This is the [-] troops of the Koguryo people, with half cavalry and half infantry.

Xue Li said.

Dian Wei picked up the binoculars and looked at it.

"Gaoguli's [-] soldiers and horses are really hard to say. It seems that this Gaoguli commander is cautious!"

Dian Wei shook his head.

"Lao Dian, you're right! Gaoguli, a birdman commander, is very cautious and dare not go into battle lightly.

Wanting to lure the other party out, I have lured him several times, but none of them succeeded. It seems that the other party is very afraid of fighting. "

Xue Li replied.

"Rengui, we don't need to get too close to the Gaoguli camp, so that the people of Gaoguli can't figure out how many soldiers and horses we have.

Just hold back the Gaoguli people and wait until the young master arrives, then we will take care of the Gaoguli this time,

We have a small number of soldiers and horses, so it is inconvenient to fight to the death.After the young master comes, he should teach the people of Koguryo an unforgettable lesson. "

Dian Wei put down the binoculars and said.

"Okay! Let's hold back the [-] troops of Koguryo and continue to use fatigue tactics at night, so that the people of Koguryo will be exhausted and unable to fight again during the day."

Xue Li said.

"Rengui, you need to send more scouts, and kill the scouts of the Gaoguli people completely, and don't let them go back to report."

Dian Wei Road.

"Lao Dian, don't worry! The probing horses sent by Gaogouli can't go back. We will keep as many as we send out."

Xue Li said confidently.


Dian Wei and Xue Li led their cavalry around the Gaoguli barracks in circles, with the purpose of frightening the people of Gaoguli.

Seeing the blatant behavior of the Tang Empire, no one in Gaogouli dared to speak out.

The people of Gaoguli understood that the fighting power of the Central Plains imperial army was too strong.

There is no chance of winning in a field battle.

In addition, the Central Plains imperial army has too many schemes and tricks, and if you are not careful, you will be deceived again.

The Gaoguli people know the strength of the Central Plains army too well. After all, the two armies have fought many times.

For a long time, the people of Gaoguli only dared to take advantage of the weakness of the Central Plains Empire, and did not dare to devour it.

The Central Plains Empire is too big!

It's not something they, a small country, dare to provoke.

Gaoguli is a semi-pastoral settled country with stable settlements, which is fundamentally different from those nomads on the grasslands.

The grassland peoples are mobile and have no fixed place to live.

It is very difficult for the Central Plains Empire to conquer.

Gaoguli is different. It has a fixed place of residence. Once the Central Plains Empire is angered, it will be killed with all its soldiers.

Koguryo has only one way to perish.

"Lao Dian, I found out that there is no such situation. The situation has reversed. Now the people of Gaogouli want to retreat, but we will not allow them to retreat quietly. As long as Gaoguli delays for a few more days, one hundred thousand soldiers and horses will fall into the hands of the young master."

Xue Li said.

How many people are happy!

The crisis in Youzhou has been completely resolved.

Now is the question of how to eliminate one hundred thousand Koguryo soldiers and horses.

As long as he entangled him and prevented Gao Guli from escaping smoothly, when Du He came, he could tear off a piece of flesh no matter what.

() Datang's strongest son-in-law

Chapter 186

The night is deeper!

Koguryo's [-] troops/army began to rest.

Bang bang bang!

The gongs and drums are loud and resound through the sky!

There was a ringing sound within a few miles, four gongs and drums beat hundreds of war drums one after another.

The sound waves spread far and wide.

A sound reverberated, completely breaking the silent night.

Gaoguli's [-] soldiers and horses got up one after another amidst the shouts of their superiors.

Another strategy of the imperial army's fatigue.


Imperials are so annoying!


It's being done by the imperial army every night, black and white are reversed!

Sleepy during the day and excited at night.

Why don't our cavalry go out?

Cavalry is a bunch of cowards, don't expect it.

Dian Wei and Xue Li led their troops to engage in a fight, and then they left.

But what?

After four rounds of harassment, and the Gaoguli people were too tired, the night got deeper.

Many Gaoguli people couldn't stand it anymore, and ignored the loud drums and gongs outside.

Still sleeping like a dead dog.

Even Li Kairui fell asleep, ignoring the harassment of the imperial army.

It was almost daylight.

This time the imperial army beat gongs and drums, and everything went on quietly.

The horse's hoof is wrapped in cotton cloth, and the horse's mouth is caged.

Dian Wei and Xue Li each led 3000 cavalry and approached the Gaoguli camp from two directions.

The sentinel on duty was leaning against the wooden railing to sleep at this time.

Several imperial scouts jumped off their horses, lurked in the past, and easily cut the throats of the Koguryo soldiers on duty.

Open the fence.


Dian Wei saw that the fence was opened, patted Jueying, and led 3000 Han cavalry towards the Gaoguli camp.

A small group of soldiers immediately set fires around.

Under the leadership of the boss Dianwei, 3000 big Han cavalry displayed extremely powerful combat power and beheaded a Gaogouli soldier who was sleepy and dizzy.


A Koguryo man fell.

Many Gaoguli people felt that the army was coming, got up and rushed outside.

immediately slaughtered.

The Gaoguli soldiers panicked, lost the weapons in their hands and couldn't find them all at once, so they had to run away for safety.

It was a bloody massacre.

Using Dianwei as an arrow, he continued to attack the camp of the Koguryo people.

In a short time, the periphery of the Gaogouli camp became a sea of ​​flames.

Xue Li led 3000 cavalry of the imperial army, closely cooperated with Dian Wei, launched an attack at the same time, and charged in from another direction.


The Gaogouli Barracks was extremely chaotic.


Xue Li, who had been holding back for several days, rushed into the Gaoguli barracks with 3000 imperial cavalry, and immediately began to hack and kill.

The sleeping Gaoguli people died one by one.

I don't know how I died.

Kind of pathetic!

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