At this time, the people of Gaoguli had killed within 100 steps of Jieyue formation, and could kill the front of the formation at any time.

"Archers, shoot!"

Peng Yue roared again.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the sky in three directions, tens of thousands of arrows were thrown into the void, and then fell down one after another.

Puff puff!

People from Koguryo kept falling.

There were ferocious crossbow arrows in the middle, and they smashed into the body of the Gaoguli people.

The crossbow carts and archers fired together with great power.

The galloping Koguryo cavalry, and a large number of knights fell off their horses.

The unmanned war horses were shot, and they were frightened all of a sudden, and rushed around one after another, knocking the Gaogouli battle formation to pieces.

The knights on horseback were hit by the startled horse and fell off their horseback one after another.

Then, he was hit by the cavalry behind him.

In an instant, everyone on the battlefield was turned on their backs.


Extreme chaos.

100 steps.

The short distance of 100 steps became a dead zone.

As long as they enter this area, more than [-]% of the Koguryo people will die, and only a few lucky people will survive.

Whoosh whoosh!

A steady stream of arrows rained, covering the entire sky, which looked dark.

Scattered Gaoguli infantry and cavalry rushed to the front of the formation, but were blocked by four-wheeled carriages and were assassinated by pikemen.

Puff puff!

Under the command of their superiors, the pikemen shot forward one by one.

A Koguryo man was assassinated, and a Koguryo horse fell.

Du He put down the binoculars in his hand, with a faint smile on his face.

If you want to break through the Moon Tribulation Battle Formation, just dream!

Once Liu Yu used 2000 infantry to block the attack of the prairie cavalry, and finally ended with the failure of the prairie cavalry.

What's more, the Moon Tribulation Battle Formation at this time, through improvement, is more powerful and more vigorous than before.

Among other things, just those 200 ballistas are absolutely killer weapons.

Whoosh whoosh!

Fall down one piece.

In an hour of fierce fighting, the people of Gaogouli paid tens of thousands of lives.

The attack was unfavorable, and the soldiers fled back one after another.

Li Kairui was also depressed.

The surviving soldiers can only be rested, and another wave of soldiers is ready to attack again.

What about the Imperial Army?

Seeing the retreat of the Gaoguli people, Peng Yue immediately adjusted his troops, called the archers down, and replaced them with fresh troops.

"Du Er, will the Koguryo people still attack?"

Li Deqiu asked.

Ha ha!

"Do the people of Gaogouli have a choice? As long as they dare to escape, the iron cavalry under this Young Master are not vegetarians."

Du He smiled.

"If the Koguryo people left the infantry and fled with only the cavalry, we can't do anything about the Koguryo people."

Li Deqiu asked another question.

This is true.

If the people of Gaogouli are willing to leave the infantry behind and let them fend for themselves, Du He has nearly [-] cavalry in Gaoguli, and there is really no good way to keep them.

Ha ha!

"Female general, do the people of Gaogouli have the courage? Even so, the generals of Gaoguli will definitely be impeached, devalued, or even beheaded when they return to China."

Doo Ho said.

Abandoning tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, not everyone has the courage.


"That's right!"

Li Deqiu said.

Chapter 193 Continue to defend

After a day of attacking, he didn't achieve much effect, and even lost tens of thousands of lives, Li Kairui was so angry!

As the commander of Koguryo, who doesn't want to win a great victory when the troops are superior.

As long as the Tang Emperor's army in front of him is defeated, Gaoguli will take the initiative.

When negotiating with the Tang Empire, he will have an advantage.

Carrie understands this.

After returning to the army, Li Kairui and his generals studied countermeasures.

"General Li Kairui, if we don't build a catapult and use it to attack and smash the defensive positions of the Tang Emperor's army, then our cavalry can play a role. Letting the cavalry attack is a waste."

Gao An suggested.

Gao An was the cousin of the king of Koguryo, and he led [-] cavalry for reinforcements.

This man is brute force, very brave.

Li Kairui nodded slightly after hearing this.

I think Gao An's suggestion is feasible.

The accompanying craftsmen built the catapult vehicles overnight, and at dawn the next day, dozens of catapult vehicles were built.

It looks rough, but it works.

It's just that the shooting range is a little closer, only more than 200 steps.

A new day is coming, and the offensive and defensive battle continues.

Du He saw through the binoculars that dozens of catapults appeared from the people of Koguryo, and he was very surprised.

But think about it, hundreds of years of wars, things like catapults, have no technical content, and have spread.

"Old Peng, pay attention to the catapults of the Koguryo people, let the ballista pay attention, and destroy the catapults of the Gaoguli people as soon as possible."

Du He exhorted.

"As ordered!"

1000 steps.

900 steps.

800 steps.

Ballista shooting!

The effective range of the ballista is 800 steps. As soon as the catapult of the Gaoguli people entered, Peng Yue immediately ordered to fire.

The crossbow bolt poured with kerosene was fired after being ignited.

The catapults were shot one after another, some were directly damaged, and some were still blazing and began to burn.

There are also Gaogouli soldiers who were attacking, who were pierced by crossbow arrows, not only leaving a huge blood hole on their bodies, but also burning on their clothes.



Screams sounded.

The war horses were terrified and kept charging around. All of a sudden, the orderly team in Gaogouli became chaotic.

A wave of crossbow arrows destroyed five catapults, plus the lives of hundreds of Koguryo soldiers.

Attacked by crossbow arrows, the Koguryo people accelerated their pace of attack.

I want to enter the 200-step range in the shortest possible time, so that the catapult can fire and deal a severe blow to the imperial army.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

The 200 crossbow carts fired one after another, causing the Koguryo people's catapults to break down before they entered the battle.

Dozens of crude catapults became piles of burning fires on the battlefield.


The Gaoguli people returned without success, leaving more than 1000 lives behind.

Li Kairui was very angry.

Continue to build catapults. This time, Li Kairui plans to build hundreds of them before starting to attack. He must win in one fell swoop.

One day and one night, under the coercion of Li Kairui, the people of Koguryo built hundreds of catapults.

Reorganize the offense.

In the telescope, Du He shook his head endlessly.

is that useful?

The catapult is a good thing, but the Koguryo people made it too rough and needed a lot of soldiers to push it together.


The key is to bear the shooting of the imperial ballista along the way, how many vehicles will be able to enter the position, it is hard to say.

Ballista shooting!

More than 200 crossbow carts were ordered to fire at the catapults of the Koguryo people together.

The flaming crossbow pierced fiercely into the catapult, and then burned instantly, turning into a pile of fire.

The shooting of crossbow arrows not only burned down the catapults of the Koguryo people, but also shot and killed the Koguryo people next to them.

The Gaogouli people were speechless.

This crossbow arrow is too cruel.

be afraid!

Many Gaogouli people were frightened and did not dare to move forward.

When Li Kairui saw it, he was immediately scolded by his subordinates.

Under Li Kairui's strong pressure, the Koguryo people pushed the catapult and moved forward.

But what?

Still have to bear the killing of the imperial ballista.

When the Koguryo people entered the designated position, hundreds of catapults were damaged and thousands of soldiers died.

"A ballista, aim and shoot again, first destroy the catapults of the Koguryo people, and then shoot the Koguryo people."

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