The national interest is above all else.

Duhe will not trade national interests with Silla.

Besides, diplomatic matters should be negotiated in Chang'an, here is the barracks, what kind of diplomatic relations are discussed.

Shaking his head, Du He was helpless.

Li Er threw the trouble to Du He and made Du He a villain.

It seems that being Li Er's pawn is not bad!

"Please come in with the Silla envoys! This general also wants to hear what Silla is planning."

Doo Ho said.

"As ordered!"

Not long after, members of the Silla envoys, led by the messengers, walked into the tent of the Chinese army.

"I've seen General Du! This is the old mountain ginseng produced in our Silla country. I searched for some. I hope the general will not be disgusted."

Kim Jong, head of the Silla Kingdom's envoys, said respectfully.

Du He nodded slightly.


Seeing that the Koguryo country was retreating steadily and was killed by the imperial army, the surrounding small countries saw the opportunity and ran out to take advantage of it.

At this time, the Koguryo Kingdom lost two main cities, leaving only two.

When Koguryo was at its best, there were five main cities.


Liaodong City was lost, and Heshenggu City was lost, leaving only the two main cities of Wandu Mountain City and Pingyang City.

Marudu Mountain Castle is within the empire.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the area around Wandu Mountain City also belonged to the territory of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Xuantu County!


It was Xuantu County in the Han Dynasty.

"General Du, these old wild ginseng are thousands of years old, specially prepared for the general. This time we,

He also brought some hundreds of years old mountain ginseng and gave them to the general so that the general could bring them and give them to his generals. "

Kim Jong added.

Damn it!


Du He picked up a few boxes and opened them to check.


It is indeed a thousand-year-old wild ginseng.

Excellent quality.

Du He has been inherited by Li Shizhen in medicine, and he is clear about the identification of old wild ginseng.

Silla's sincerity is enough.

The problem is, the weasel greets the chicken with New Year's greetings—with no good intentions.

Sending so many old wild ginseng, Silla has a great future!

Knowing that Silla had something in mind, Du He couldn't turn his back on someone, after all, no one would slap a smiling face.

"Okay! General Ginseng has accepted it."

Doo Ho said.

In the evening, Du He held a banquet to entertain the envoys of Silla Kingdom.

People treat each other with courtesy, but Du He can only treat them well.

Short-handed, soft-mouthed.

The next day.

Du He summoned the four princes to discuss with the envoys of the Silla Kingdom.

"Ambassador Jin, you have come all the way to General Ben to give old ginseng and presents. If there is anything wrong, tell me!"

Du He smiled.


Du He would not be able to guess the intention of the Silla envoys.

Who would believe it!

The war between the Empire and Koguryo has been going on for more than a year. For such a long time, no one from Silla or Baekje has been sent to negotiate.

Now I see the victory of the imperial army, hope, and the opportunity for the demise of the Koguryo Kingdom.

One is to pick up cheap, and the other is to suggest that the imperial army cross the Yalu River and annihilate Gaoguli in one fell swoop.

Once Koguryo is forced into the peninsula, neither Silla nor Baekje can withstand the attack of Koguryo.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

If the empire does not cross the Yalu River, Koguryo will be much stronger than Silla and Baekje once it recovers.

At that time, whether it is Silla or Baekje, they will all face the suppression of the Koguryo people, and the country may perish.

"General Du, the empire has fought a war with Gaogouli for a long time, and Gaogouli is about to be wiped out. We want to ask, will the imperial army cross the Yalu River?"

Jin Qing asked.


"Ambassador Jin, this topic is very sensitive! To be honest, you also know that the Empire is a peace-loving country.

It is also a benevolent country.There was a war with the Koguryo people, and the empire had no choice but to do so.

You also know that the Gaoguli people sent Li Kairui and more than [-] troops to invade Youzhou when the imperial Chang'an army was empty.

It caused great harm to the people of Youzhou.The empire had no choice but to rise up against the Koguryo invasion.

To be honest, His Majesty's order to this general is to repel the Koguryo people and drive over the Yalu River. There is really no plan or plan to fight across the river. "

Du He said lightly.

How could Du He tell the real military plan?

"General Du, you can't! If the empire doesn't cross the Yalu River and wipe out Koguryo in one fell swoop, our Silla will be ravaged."

Jin Qing said hastily.

Damn it!

Silla was attacked, which had nothing to do with Ben.

On the surface, it is a vassal state of the empire, but the problem is that in the past two years, none of the vassal states have fulfilled the annual tribute set by the Ministry of Rites of the Empire.

The vassal state does not fulfill its obligations, and the sovereign state has no responsibility to undertake the obligations for the vassal state.

Ha ha!

"Ambassador Jin, this is difficult. This general confiscated His Majesty's order to fight across the river. Second, my general lacks food and grass.

After nearly a year of combat, the troops have suffered a lot and need to be supplemented and repaired.Even if you want to fight across the river,

I don't have that ability either!In the next step, the imperial army will attack Marudu Mountain City. This is a battle to regain the territory, and the soldiers have no choice. "

Du He said seriously.

Now that Silla came to ask for help, Du He must have more difficulties.

The envoys of Silla were really anxious.

The relationship between Baekje and Koguryo people was ups and downs, while Koguryo and Silla had always been feuds, and the wars continued.

"Lord Du, I request you to lead your troops across the Yalu River and completely annihilate Koguryo. In terms of food and grass,

We, the National Assembly of Silla, support part of it.Your Majesty, we will send envoys again to ask Your Majesty for help.

Besides, the territory now occupied by Koguryo also belongs to Lelang County, the old territory of the former empire. "

Jin Qing said.

Silla was indeed very afraid.

Once Gaoguli and Baekje colluded and the imperial army crossed the river, the situation would be very difficult.


Lelang County!

"Ambassador Jin, Lelang County is an old territory belonging to the empire, but His Majesty has not allowed this general to take it back.

If you want this general to send troops, one is that your Silla country needs to support some food and grass. After all, the imperial army is fighting across the river.

Supply lines are too long.Second, this general suggests that you go to war with Baekje, contain Baekje, and prevent Baekje from colluding with Koguryo.

In that case, the newly conquered Koguryo belongs to the empire, and Baekje and our two families will divide it up. Do you think this plan is feasible? "

Duho came up with another plan.

They just had a bad relationship with Baekje. Once the imperial army fights across the river, maybe Baekje will collude with Koguryo.

This has to be guarded against.

If there is Silla to contain Baekje, the imperial army can take the capital of Koguryo in a short time, and then take advantage of the situation to take Baekje.

Another important point is to pull Silla and Baekje into the water, let the two countries fight for a shopping, wait for the imperial army to take Koguryo, and then take Baekje.

The resistance will be much less.

After all, the terrain and landforms on the peninsula are not ideal.

Belongs to mountainous areas.

As for Silla, other methods and means were adopted.

At that time, send an army to station, let the Silla country pay military expenses, let the Silla country learn Chinese characters, and give up the Silla language.


Over time, Silla was completely integrated into the imperial family.

"General Du, that's a good suggestion! We'll return to Silla immediately and present your Highness."

Jin Qing said.

Ha ha!

"Okay! This general is here to explain the situation to His Majesty and try to get His Majesty's support. However,

You must send envoys to Chang'an and tell His Majesty well.Let's work hard together, and things can be done. "

Doo Ho said.

"Thank you General Du."

Jin Qing said.

() Datang's strongest son-in-law

Chapter 247 Baekje's Thoughts

Baekje Metropolis Suhecheng Palace:

King Fu Yuzhang called his ministers into the palace to discuss affairs.

Baekje is a small country that has existed since the Han Dynasty, but it did not evolve into a country at that time, and it can only be regarded as a tribe.

But what?

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