Doo Ho said.

For the Beiwei army and the big Han cavalry who were summoned to the Tang Empire, Du He absolutely believed that they only obeyed Du He's orders.

Will not listen to other people.

Not even Li Er.

This is actually Du He's hole card. Several industrial parks need them, so they have to retire early.

In more than two years, Li Erhui raised his troops to go to the East. At that time, the big Han cavalry should have been well trained.

"Young master, that carriage factory doesn't produce much carriages anymore. It basically produces farm tools and doesn't make much money. It's better to adjust the production type."

Shen Wansan said.

Ha ha!

"Zhongrong, the carriage factory used to be very profitable. After two years of full production, many big families,

They all purchased the carriages we produced.The current production of farm tools and machinery is due to the sparse population of the empire,

A lot of farm machinery is required.In particular, the emergence of the steam engine made unmanned farming possible, which allowed them to develop new agricultural tools.

Give them some time, and they will develop excellent agricultural machinery.Now produce some machetes, pots, sickles, hoes, etc.,

It is impossible to make money. After all, the sales target is the common people. How can we make money from the old rice in the hands of the common people.

To make money, you still have to make it in the hands of the rich, and that is in line with the business policy of our industrial park. "

Du He laughed loudly.

Shen Wansan nodded.

"Master, why don't you build more factories for that building material called cement? Let me check it out.

That thing is in great demand.It's just that we can't produce much a year, so we can consider mass production and make a lot of money. "

Shen Wansan said.

"Zhong Rong, you're right! The problem is that the technical content of cement is not high, and there is too much dust during production.

It is extremely harmful to the production personnel, so, all the time, it can only meet the needs of the park,

Basically no sales.I am going to authorize the technical data of cement production and let those big families do it.

We can charge a technical authorization fee for a year.Of course, the cement plant is still needed, at least for self-use,

No need to outsource.In addition, let the cement factory continue to develop new formulas, and get the cement label up,

Ensure technology leadership and stand at the highest point. "

Doo Ho said.

"As for the textile machine, also called the Jenny machine, we can consider increasing the production capacity. In the Jiangnan area,

Water conservancy developed.It can be produced immediately after purchase, and it is a good thing for weaving.Of course, in Liaoxi city,

We are already producing textile machines powered by steam engines, with 48 shafts, and the efficiency has been greatly improved.

In addition, steam engines can only be produced in Liaoxi City, and the demand is huge. We also need to build a steam engine factory in Chang'an Park.

Increase production to meet market demand. "

Doo Ho said.

"I called you here today not to listen to a report. I told you that we are going to establish the Imperial Commercial Bank in Chang'an City.

Li Er has [-]% of the shares, and the other [-]% is the equity pool, which is reserved for outstanding employees, and the remaining [-]% is on me.

Let you, an expert, handle this matter.However, there is a shortage of manpower now, and the affairs of other industrial parks,

You still find time to ask questions.

I am going to form a holding group, and you will be the CEO.On the surface, I am the chairman of the board, but in fact, I will not participate in the management, and you will be responsible for everything. "

After Du He finished speaking, he took out a document from the bookcase and handed it to Shen Wansan for him to read first.

Those are some rules and regulations, operation mode, etc. for the establishment of the bank. ??

Chapter 360

Li Er is an extremely decisive king. Once he has a decision in his heart, he will arrange it immediately, and never procrastinate.

Discuss with more than a dozen important officials, obtain the support of the direct line important officials, and immediately mobilize troops and horses without discussing with the officials.

On the way back to the 14th Division in Chang'an, Lieutenant General Li Dejian, commander of the division, was on the way. After receiving an order from Li Er, he turned around and hurried towards Shandong.

Qin Li, the commander of the 13th Division, and Xue Li, the commander of the 12th Division, received the order to dispatch troops and horses to Jizhou to cooperate with the local government in preparing for the establishment of rural organizations.

Bingzhou was stationed by the field army under General Li Ji.

Chang'an is guarded by the imperial guards.

The four places acted together, which shocked many officials from the DPRK and China.

When the field army was in place, Li Er issued another order to cancel the salt monopoly in four states, and the empire would no longer interfere.


The officials of the DPRK and China were shocked!

How can it be!

Once the monopoly is cancelled, the price of salt will definitely rise without thinking about it. This is the worry in the hearts of officials.

All the ministers played Li Er one after another, demanding that Li Er take back his will.

Li Er turned a blind eye.

Some great Confucian scholars even quoted scriptures and discussed the pros and cons of canceling the salt monopoly. For this reason, Chang'an Daily, under the instruction of Du He, published a series of commentary articles.

Discuss the disadvantages of salt monopoly.

Why does the price of salt in the empire remain high and rise every year, but the national tax revenue does not increase.

Where did the money go?

The daily newspaper pointed out sharply that the salt monopoly has fattened salt merchants, salt lords, and local salt government officials.

Du He's shadow was dispatched to secretly search the crime facts of salt merchants, salt lords and officials in various places, and announced them one by one in the daily newspaper.


All of a sudden, the officialdom of the four states was shaken.

unambiguous evidence!

Li obtained the evidence second-hand and issued a series of orders to arrest the suspect and bring him to justice.

The salt merchants, salt lords, and officials involved had no way of resisting the evidence, so they had to confess their guilt obediently.

Many officials in the DPRK and China are worried that the price of salt in these four places will skyrocket.

Unexpectedly, immediately afterwards, Lu Xun dispatched merchant ships and warships to transport boatloads of sea salt as white as snow to the four states.

In just a few days, a large amount of salt appeared in four places, and the price was only more than 20 yuan a catty, which was a fraction of the original price of salt.

All of a sudden, the salt merchants and salt lords, who were already in trouble, were still thinking about raising prices to fight against the imperial court, but they were caught off guard.

Immediately afterwards, another commentary from "Chang'an Daily" came out?

Disclose the cost of well salt in various places, who is corrupt and who is taking advantage of it.


A comment that shocked the government and the public brought salt merchants, salt lords, and officials from all over the country into trouble.

By name and surname, the facts of the crimes were revealed one by one.

Li Er got the evidence and acted without hesitation.

When the eyes of the people, scholars, and officials were focused on the salt merchants and salt owls, Li Er issued an order to prepare for the establishment of rural organizations in Jizhou, Bingzhou, Shandong, and Chang'an.

The regulations stipulate that the candidates for the second-level rural organizations are elected by the people, and some veterans have taken office one after another.

Four states implement a stepped agricultural tax policy.


A lot of people got dizzy.

too fast.

Wei Zheng, Wei Ting, and Wang Gui brought the selected officials and carefully selected some students from Taixue.

They went to Jizhou, Shandong, and Bingzhou respectively, and the governor inspected the implementation.

Tai students went from village to village, propagating the policies of the empire to the common people.

The field armies in the four states are on high alert. Once turmoil occurs, they will be dispatched immediately to suppress it and eliminate future troubles.

The fiefdoms of Jizhou, Shandong, Bingzhou, and Chang'an were taken back together, and the conferees were transferred back to Chang'an and no longer released.

Some gods did it.

Before anyone objected, the work was already halfway through.

Rural secondary organizations were launched smoothly.

The land was distributed to the common people free of charge and won the support of the common people.

The big families in many places just wanted to confuse people's hearts, but they were immediately suppressed, and one by one local rich families were pulled down from the altar.

Many big families and official families originally occupied a large amount of land. Seeing the implementation of the ladder policy, they had no choice but to do so.

They gave up their land one after another.

If you don't give up, you won't succeed!

The detailed rules stipulate that the per capita land is 20 mu, and the tax is only 20%. Once the per capita land exceeds [-] mu, the tax will skyrocket.

The per capita area exceeds 100 mu, and the tax rate is more than [-]%.

The two most important points are that it is stipulated in the detailed rules, one is that people are not allowed to be enslaved in the Tang Empire, and the minimum wage must be paid.The second is that the lease fee for one mu of land shall not exceed 10%, which is [-]% of the lease fee.

In this way, it is meaningless for big families and official families to occupy the land again, because the land will be abandoned for a year, and the empire will take it back and issue high fines.

Li Er is very determined.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the policy, Li Er ordered the princes, princes, and princes from all over the country to return to Chang'an.

As soon as people arrived in Chang'an, they were immediately monitored.

Don't even think about passing a piece of paper.

Want to leave Chang'an, just kidding!

How can it be?

Li Er managed to get these people back to Chang'an, how could he let them go back?

When the overall situation is settled, what is the use of those princes, dukes, and marquises going back, the fiefs have been taken back to the state.

I had no choice but to live in Chang'an for the elderly.

The "Chang'an Daily", which never commented, was uncharacteristically, and one comment after another appeared in the daily.

Do our utmost to cooperate with Li Er to carry out relevant policy implementation.

"Chang'an Weekly" was no exception. It also closely cooperated with Li Er's actions and published a large number of articles in support of Li Er.

This time, the actions of "Chang'an Daily" and "Chang'an Weekly" made Li Er see the importance of newspapers and magazines.

Immediately ordered to the Ministry of Rites to rectify the newspapers and magazines on the market, and all newspapers and magazines must be supervised by the Ministry of Rites.

A license is also required.

To put it bluntly, the threshold for newspapers and magazines has been raised.

For this reason, Du He established a new information department in the Ministry of Rites, and appointed Wang Xuance as the director to be responsible for this matter.

Two years ago, Wang Xuance was only a seventh-rank official, but now he is a fifth-rank official.

Who made Wang Xuance the direct descendant of Du He.

If you don't promote the direct lineage, who will you promote!

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