More than ten Nanzhao envoys came in and sat down.

The reception staff of the Ministry of Rites immediately brought tea.

Officials also came in and sat down one after another, waiting for Du He to arrive.

Doo walked in.

The Nanzhao envoys were not asked to wait long.

Officials from the Ministry of Rites stood up one after another and bowed their hands to Du He.

Du He smiled and nodded.

Go to the main seat and sit down.

When the envoys of Nanzhao Kingdom saw Du He, they were extremely surprised.

Too young!

Is this really the Minister of Rites of the Tang Empire?

Before I came to the Tang Empire, I learned about the situation, and only knew that Shangshu was very young, but I never thought that I would be so old.

Shock the soul.

All of a sudden, the envoys of Nanzhao were stunned and dumbfounded!

Du He was also looking at the Nanzhao envoys.

A group of more than ten people.

It looks a little dark!

It's not the kind of black in Africa, it's a healthy color exposed by the sun.

To be precise, it is damaged by the sun's ultraviolet rays and the skin is damaged.

Du He was extremely surprised!

In the impression of Du He in his previous life, the people in Nanzhao area were not considered dark, and their skin was not much different from that of people in the Central Plains.

He is not tall, basically about 16 meters, and his height will not exceed 17 meters.

Very strong, with lumps of muscle.

Especially the headman, with a piercing spirit and a calm face.

It's not easy!

"I've seen Master Du!"

The Nanzhao envoys saluted.

Ha ha!

"Dear guest, you're welcome, please introduce me!"

Du He smiled.

Like a spring breeze.

Du He was very kind, without airs at all, he was a good old man and a hospitable host.

"Lord Du, I am the head of the Nanzhao Kingdom's envoy, Gao Jie, this is Duan Ping, this is Gao..."

Gao Jie introduced.


There was a ray of light in Du He's eyes, but he immediately hid it.

Others don't know, but Du He seems to remember that in another plane, the king of Nanzhao has the surname Duan, the prime minister's family has the surname Gao, and the two surnames Duan and Gao are definitely the main surnames of the Nanzhao Kingdom.

Especially the Gao clan, since the founding of Nanzhao, has been in control of the government.

The surname Duan became a puppet instead

Of course, the Gao clan performed very well, and they were more righteous than the Duan clan. On the contrary, although the Duan clan was a royal family, they did many things in collusion with outsiders, causing Nanzhao Kingdom to be destroyed.

Ha ha!

"Sit down! Sit down and let's talk slowly."

Doo Ho said.

Chapter 362 Nanzhao Kingdom Wants to Purchase Weapons

Information from another plane came to mind.

"Thank you, Master Du!"

Gao Jie said.

"Master Gao, the capital of your Nanzhao Kingdom is Dali, or Jincheng. If I remember correctly, Dian Kingdom was in Jincheng at the time."

Du He smiled.


"Master Du has heard of the Dian Kingdom, which has been destroyed for hundreds of years. However, there are still many people living in the Jincheng area in the Central Plains.

The capital of Nanzhao is now Dali. "

Gao Jie said.

That's right!

Emperor Wu sent troops to the Dian Kingdom, not only making it a kingdom, but also relocating tens of thousands of people from the Central Plains.

It was the people from the Central Plains who entered the territory of Dian Kingdom that made the agricultural technology in Dian Kingdom improve qualitatively.

The people of the Central Plains brought planting techniques, blacksmithing techniques, and various handicraft production techniques, which made the Dian Kingdom develop rapidly.

Including the current Nanzhao Kingdom, if the people from the Central Plains had not migrated there, Nanzhao would still be a primitive tribe.

Slash and burn.

Burn a mountain with a big fire, and then sprinkle the seeds.

That is the way of planting in Nanzhao area.

Even now, there are still quite a few ethnic minorities who practice slash-and-burn farming.

Within the territory of Nanzhao Kingdom, Dali and Jincheng are very developed and densely populated.

Dali has Erhai Lake, and Jincheng has Dianchi Lake.

Ha ha!

"Master Gao, Dali is a beautiful place with picturesque scenery, trees and flowers everywhere.

Especially the Erhai Lake, which is located at the foot of Cangshan Mountain, is rippling, crystal clear, and free of pollution. It is a paradise on earth and a pearl on the plateau.

Jincheng is also good. The Dianchi Lake is 500 miles away, which is very spectacular.There is a dam between the mountains and the mountains, which is suitable for agricultural production. "

Doo Ho said.

All of a sudden, not only the officials of the Ministry of Rites were dull and dumbfounded!

The envoys of the Nanzhao Kingdom did not expect that Du He knew so much about the customs and customs of the Nanzhao Kingdom that it was impossible to fool him.

Know the whole picture since childhood.

"Well, Master Du has been to Nanzhao Kingdom?"

Gao Jie said.

Ha ha!

"Lord Gao, I have never been to Nanzhao, but I like to read books. I have read some books.

Also consulted related information.Knowing a little bit will make you laugh, it's just scratching the surface. "

Du He still smiled.

His attitude was very good, and Du He didn't have the slightest air of arrogance or condescension. It made Nanzhao envoys and his party feel very good.

"Lord Du, you are very knowledgeable!"

Gao Jie quickly flattered him.

Du He just smiled without chewing.

"Lord Gao, there are many tribes and small countries around your country! As far as I know, if you go west from Dali,

There will be many tribes, small countries, and at the end will be the sea.Going down to the south, there are Yueguo, Laowo,

Khmer and other tribes and small countries, those small countries and tribes have always been eyeing your country.Want to make Nanzhao country safe,

Stability, creating a peaceful atmosphere is not easy!Unless the surrounding tribes and small countries are wiped out,

The Nanzhao Kingdom will obtain a peaceful environment.I don't know what the officer said? "

Duhe said again.

He didn't answer Gao Jie's words, but seemed to be talking to himself.

Du Heyue said that the members of the Nanzhao envoys were more and more surprised.

Many of them are facts, and some Gao Jie and others have never heard of them.

Especially like the sea to the west, Nanzhao Kingdom didn't know it at all.

What is diplomacy?

Isn't it just that the two sides are bragging and flattering each other.

Lifting the other party high, making it impossible to get down, just gaining benefits from it.

"Master Du, our Nanzhao Kingdom is a small country, and we yearn for the culture and etiquette of the Tang Empire very much. Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains,

The exchanges between the two countries have never been interrupted.At present, Nanzhao is still exercising the same set of governance concepts and systems in the Central Plains.

Including the handicraft industry, it was also introduced from the Central Plains, which allowed Nanzhao to develop slowly. "

Gao Jie said.


Since Emperor Wu never stopped communicating, why did he become independent again?

Pure nonsense.

It's not about surrendering to the empire!

Ha ha!

"Master Gao, what's the matter with you coming to the empire?"

Doo Ho said.

No interest in inking with each other.

"Lord Du, our Nanzhao Kingdom has indeed encountered a little difficulty and wants to purchase some weapons from your country.

However, Lord Du, please rest assured that we are used to deal with neighboring tribes and small countries, and will not pose any threat to the empire. "

Gao Jie said.

Du He pretended to be aggressive, showing a shocked expression.

"Lord Gao, this matter is not easy to handle! In the past, whether it was the Dianchi Kingdom or Nanzhao, there were indeed exchanges with the Central Plains Empire.

The problem is that now your country has not established diplomatic relations with the empire, and there are no alliances, agreements or other texts.

How could the empire sell weapons indiscriminately, causing turmoil in the surrounding areas.The Empire is a peace-loving country,

A country of benevolence and righteousness, a country of etiquette, does not want to see people everywhere fall into the flames of war. "

Doo Ho said.

The Nanzhao Kingdom severely despised him when he said some lofty words.

The Tang Empire was a peace-loving country, why did it destroy the three small countries on the peninsula?

Although it was Gaoguli who first attacked and invaded the Central Plains Empire.

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