
"Listen up, everyone, don't listen to what the Tang people say, it's a lie to you. Once you surrender, the Tang people will kill you.

Only by resisting to the end and repelling the Tang people can everyone gain a new life. "

Inuya Taro scolded.

But what?

Inuya Taro's words didn't have much effect, after all, many aborigines came to the city to promote it before.

The natives all knew that the Emperor Tang's army had come to liberate them, and they had completely rescued them from the landlord's house.

The emperor who surrendered to the Tang Dynasty had clothes to wear and food to eat, so he didn't have to worry about life and death all day long.

The aborigines looked at Inuya Taro more and more unkindly.


A wooden thorn pierced the back of Inuya Taro's heart.

Kouya Taro's eyes were wide open like bull's eyes.

Don't die with peace!

Du He held a telescope and saw the situation on the city gate clearly.


The gates opened.

Groups of natives dropped their weapons and stood in front of the city gate, waiting for the imperial soldiers to capture them.

The soldiers of the Tang Emperor Army were astonished.

Just surrender!


"Why are you in a daze, go and receive the captives!"

Peng Yue roared.

Soldiers from one regiment took the captives, while soldiers from the other regiment rushed into the city, heading towards the Dogya family of the city lord's mansion.

Facing the soldiers of the Tang Emperor Army who were armed to the teeth, it was useless for the Fangya family to resist.

After beheading a few resisters, the members of the Cangya family put down their weapons one after another and surrendered to the soldiers of the Tang Emperor's army.


Captured [-] natives.

Not bad!

Du He took Dian Wei into the city, heading towards the Houndstooth family.

Find the warehouse.

open the door.

Damn it!

So much dog head gold!

There are also some colorful stones, conch and other messy things.

Shizhou Island is really a good place that mainly produces gold and silver.

Seems like no silver.

Of all the things seized, the most valuable is the dog's head gold.

Don't the natives on Shizhou Island know how to smelt silver?

Not right!

Didn't Xu Fu bring smelting technology?

"General, there is only a little in the grain warehouse. It seems that the native people's planting technology is very poor."


Du He nodded.

The aborigines captured from various villages did not capture decent food and grass in the villages, and many of them lived on hunting.

Du He understood that Shizhou Island was still in a primitive society.

After receiving the support of the Tang Empire, he slowly embarked on the road to rise.

Go back to the Houndstooth lobby.

"Master, more than 2000 catties of dog head gold and some supplies have been seized."

Peng Yue said.

"Distribute the dog's head gold to the soldiers, and ask the people in the Imperial Army Development Bank to keep accounts for the soldiers and issue deposit certificates."

Doo Ho said.

This time, Du He led the people from the LRA Development Bank to follow.

Once the seized materials are distributed to the soldiers, they do not need to carry them with them, as long as the bank staff issue a receipt.

The supplies will be sent back to the Imperial Development Bank by merchant ships.

"As ordered!"

"Old Peng, take care of the captives and find out where the gold and silver mines are, so that experts can explore them."

Doo Ho said.


In more than a month, the imperial army explored two gold mines.

At this time, the captured aborigines are looking for with prospectors.

When gold and silver are mined, they must be handed over to the Imperial Household Department.

As for the gold captured, it was the spoils of war for the soldiers.

"Young master, there are some top-quality beauties in Quanya's family, why don't I ask someone to send them over to have a good time at night."

Dian Wei Road.

Ha ha!

"Lao Dian, let's get active! I'll forget it, my lord."

Doo Ho said.

"Master, you are really beautiful, you will regret it if you don't move."

Lao Dian said.

"No need! Take care of your activities, and I will be on duty at night."

Doo Ho said.

"Report to the general, General Li sent someone to send information."

The messenger said.

Du He took it and looked at it.


A silver mine was discovered, and a prospector said that it has a large reserve and can smelt thousands of tons of pure silver.

"Tell Li Dejian to mark the location, and we will mine and build a smelter after taking Shizhou Island."

Doo Ho said.

"As ordered!"

The orderly went out.


Not bad!

In more than a month, two gold mines and one silver mine were discovered, and the harvest was huge!

Not long after, Cheng Chusi also sent the situation of the 15th Division.

Damn it!

The 15th division was attacked by the indigenous people!

Why was it attacked?

It's not scientific!

Isn't it better to let the natives promote the imperial army?

Du He continued to check the information.

It was careless again.

Why doesn't Cheng Chusi have a long memory?

Hundreds of soldiers were sacrificed in one night.

If they had taken precautions, there would not have been so many casualties.

It was only after the natives were killed deep in the camp that they woke up.


It seems that if you don't give a punishment, you won't remember it.

A lesson in blood!

The sacrifice of hundreds of soldiers was all caused by lax defense.

"Order, Cheng Chusi will be punished for a major demerit, and the post of commander of the 15th Division will be canceled. The 15th Division will be temporarily taken over by Cheng Chusi.

If you make another mistake, you will be punished together. "

Doo Ho said.

My son is too kind to them.

Make them forget about vigilance.

We are here to conquer, not to play.

The messenger took Cheng Chusi's punishment and quickly walked out of the big tent.

Cheng Chusi was punished by Du He.

Suddenly dumbfounded.

Couldn't speak for a long time.

There was a blank in my mind, and I looked dumbfounded.

"Brother, what happened?"

Cheng Chubi asked.


Cheng Chusi let out a long sigh.

"My brother was punished by Du Er. I will record a major demerit once, and I will be the teacher. If there is another offense, I will be punished severely."

Cheng Chu said.


"How could Du Er do this? It's too much. If Du Er didn't take the initiative to report it, would Du Er know?"

Cheng Chubi said.


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