If it weren't for Du He's arrangement, those people would all die when they went to the battlefield, don't you know? "

Li Ji said angrily.

"Don't keep looking for the military, look more at how you took the lead. If I remember correctly,

The last time I went to the peninsula, it seemed that the third son of Mr. Wang's family was also among them.Why didn't you play it then.

Now that the third son of your family is back, there are no relatives in the army, and he will be impeached immediately, what do you mean! "

Hou Junji questioned.

Wang Gui's questioning was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and he was questioned one after another by the military bosses.


I'm just discussing things as they stand, and I'm upright!

Not against anyone.

Let me answer your questions one by one.


Li Er smiled.

"Wang Aiqing is also kind enough to ask, please don't talk about it, let's turn this matter over and let's not talk about it today."

Li Erhe Xi Ni said.

The military has a long face during this time.

Whether it was Li Jing leading troops to attack the Western Turks, or going out to destroy Tuyuhun, they all achieved good results.

Du He led his troops to the peninsula and achieved good results.

The expedition to Shizhou Island got off to a good start, which made the military chiefs happy!

Thus, the military has the right to speak.

In the past, Li Jing was unwilling to argue with civil servants, but now it is different.

Being in good health and being able to live for decades made Li Jing ambitious and changed his old routine of not competing with others.

When encountering the matter of impeachment against the military, immediately argue for it.

It is definitely a good thing for the military.

Not only Li Er is happy to see the success, but also the military is happy.

After all, Li Jing's prestige in the military is too high.

"Xuanling, tell me your opinion."

Li Erdao.

"Your Majesty, I feel that it is necessary to send officials from Yushi Pavilion to monitor the mining and smelting of gold and silver.

It is impossible for Du He to control so much. As long as the personnel sent out don't meddle blindly, what's the matter?

Let's sit down and discuss it. I don't think there will be any problem.In terms of food and grass, the empire does not lack, and it must be supplied in full. "

Fang Xuanling said.

"Xuancheng, your Yushige sent some officials to Shizhou Island to obey Du He's orders. Secretly monitor the gold,

Silver mining and smelting process.If there is anything, it is not easy to tell Du He, but you can send someone to send a memorial. "

Li Erdao.

"According to the order!"

"Auxiliary machine, you have to ensure the supply of food and grass for Du He's army, so that the soldiers are not allowed to go hungry and fight the natives."

Li Erdao.

"According to the order!"

Chapter 405 The North Sea Fleet Attacks

North Sea Fleet:

In order to prevent the aborigines of Shizhou Island from scurrying around on the four islands and causing inconvenience to the imperial army's siege, Lu Xun led a fleet to clear the port and ships on the sea, so that the aborigines could not escape from Shizhou Island.

Once the natives on the four islands run wild, it will be difficult for the imperial army to capture them. It will be much easier to capture them island by island.

Lu Xun led the fleet to clean up the surrounding islands.

To a small island, the Marine Corps landed on the island and checked it out.

If there are natives found, they will be arrested without hesitation.

A stele was erected on the island to show sovereignty.

"General, there is a port ahead, and there are many small boats in the port."

The orderly reported.

Lu Xun took out the binoculars and took a look.

"Tell the other ships to lean in and destroy all the ships on the water."

Lu Xun ordered.

Facing the small boat on Shizhou Island, to be honest, if it wasn't for training gunners and enriching tactics, there was no need to bombard it at all, and it would directly hit it.

The warships of the North Sea Fleet are all powered by steam engines, without sails, and their speed is several times faster than that of small wooden boats.

Once the fleet sees it, the opponent cannot escape at all.

Get within range.


The battleships opened fire one after another.


There was no escape for the native boats on the sea, and they hit one after another. All of a sudden, sawdust flew across and fell on the water.

Some of the natives on the boat were bombarded into slag, and the clever ones jumped out of the boat at the first time, got into the water, and escaped unharmed.

Want to escape!

Dream it!

"Bump into it and don't let the natives escape."

Lawson Road.

"As ordered!"

The orderly responded and immediately sent the order to go.

The battleship turned around and rushed towards the native boat.

a moment.


The next moment, a small boat was directly smashed into pieces and disappeared on the sea.


The screams sounded on the water.


I really don't want to die!

No matter how miserable the cry is, no one will pay attention to it, and can only fend for itself on the sea.

Of course, when the war is over, the imperial army will still rescue them.

After all, those are also captives, and there will be bonuses for capturing them back, and they will contribute more to the empire.


For the devastated natives, small boats sank to the bottom of the sea.

Next, the battleship approached the port and shelled the port facilities.

One after another explosive bombs exploded on the shore, quickly causing a fire.

Lu Xun inspected the port and found that it was not suitable for the imperial army to build a port. The water was too shallow to dock a large fleet.

"Marine soldiers boarded the boat and searched the area, and found that the natives were captured. By the way,

Bring the island traitors and let them communicate and communicate with the aborigines, let the aboriginals know that the imperial army is not here to kill people,

It is to rescue them, liberate them from the dire straits, and live a good life.In the future, I will follow the imperial army, eating delicious food and drinking spicy food. "

Lawson Road.

"General, I understand."

The messenger replied.

The next moment, more than a dozen small boats were lowered, and a marine soldier boarded the boat and rowed towards the shore.


Let the natives shout and tell the natives that the imperial army is a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, and they should not resist.

The benefits of following the imperial army are great.

More than a dozen natives brought by the fleet ran ashore and headed around.

The imperial fleet docked on the shore, waiting to see the effect of the natives.

The marines did not stop, and continued to fight towards the area where the indigenous people gathered.

The island rape entered the local villages.

"My fellow, the army of the Tang Dynasty has come to rescue us, don't continue to sacrifice your life for the land and riches, and don't do it for the evil Shu Ai,

The king did his best.Follow the empire to have food, so you don't have to worry about not being able to eat enough; you also have new clothes to wear, which are better than those worn by the landlord Lao Cai.

Let's go, folks!Don't hesitate, there is nothing wrong with following the Tang Emperor's army, good times are coming soon. "

These are the words of an island traitor.

Island traitor propaganda is more effective than imperial soldiers.

Bewitched by the island traitors, many aboriginals thought about it well, and followed the island traitors to surrender to the imperial army.

Some aborigines who were unwilling to surrender immediately went in with the soldiers of the Marine Corps, and the aborigines were arrested and brought to justice one by one.

A fire burned the village to ashes.

A few days later, more than 2000 young aborigines were arrested through the seduction of island traitors and the arrest of marine soldiers.

The aborigines who were captured were immediately washed and washed, and changed into new clothes given by the LRA.

If you don't wash your body or cut your hair, the imperial army will not let you board the warship.

There is no way, the aborigines are too dirty, and they can smell a sour smell from a long distance, and many aborigines still have itches on their bodies.

It is absolutely not allowed to bring that stuff to the battleship.

"General, why did you capture the natives, but you didn't get a tael of gold or silver, or a grain of grain?"

asked a Marine.

Ha ha!

"The aborigines on Shizhou Island have just left the matrilineal clan society, so they don't know how to plant and lack planting technology.

There will be food on the island.Don't try to get food and grass from the island, we came to the island to capture the natives,

Prospecting for gold and silver minerals.As for gold and silver, there is no currency on the island.

Can only be bartered.The gold is all dog head gold, which is collected by rich people for play.In addition, the empire needs dog head gold,

Only then did the big families on the island pay attention to it, and they searched for dog head gold on the island one after another.

Under such circumstances, if you go to the village to arrest the aborigines, how could you possibly seize gold, silver, etc.? "

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