It is not a short-term solution to the problem.

Chapter 443 Commercial Banning of the Yuan Clan

The military has not moved, and the discussion comes first.

The army has not yet left Chang'an, and the "Chang'an Weekly" and "Chang'an Daily" in the city will immediately publish articles.

Some great Confucian scholars were invited to write the article, talking about Nanyue and Linyi as the sacred and inviolable territory of the empire.

The great Confucians cite scriptures and arguments, detailing how Qin Shihuang sent troops to conquer South Vietnam when he unified the Central Plains.

South Vietnam was established by Zhao Tuo.

Zhao Tuo was a general under Qin Shihuang. When he saw the danger of Qin, he immediately stood by and watched the show.

This kind of behavior is criticized by Confucianism.

The tradition of the Central Plains emphasizes loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. When the country is in crisis, a general stays aside to watch a play.

It is a shameful act.

During the Han Dynasty, troops were also sent out, but they ended in failure.

Now, the Tang Empire has inherited the heritage of the Central Plains and will definitely take back South Vietnam.Severely punish the shameful behavior of the Zhao clan.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion.

Many people didn't know it at first, but after fermentation, the people also knew the detailed situation, and expressed their support for the imperial army's expedition.

Through propaganda, the world knows that Linyi, Nanyue and other areas are sacred and inviolable territories of the empire.

For this reason, Taiyuan College and Chang'an Technical School organized student demonstrations to support the just actions of the imperial army.

There were not many people in the Taiyuan College, but there were more than [-] people in the technical school, plus some ordinary people walked into the parade.

The momentum is huge!

This kind of justice is supported by the empire.

Li Er sent soldiers from the imperial guards to help maintain order.

The beverage factory under Duhe sent a large amount of beverages to the city, allowing the parade students to eat and drink for free.

Once again, Duhe's industry has achieved a huge publicity effect.

Of course, Du He was not present for these matters, and had already led his troops to the expedition.

This time it was the 14th, 15th, and 17th divisions that fought with Du He.

The 14th and 15th divisions were reorganized divisions that followed Du He to the four Yanhuang Islands. After returning to Chang'an, some veterans retired.

After replenishing the county soldiers, he followed Du He again to set off.

The veteran was very excited when he heard that he was going to fight with Du He.

Soldiers benefit greatly from going out with Du He.

The 17th Division used to be a field division under Li Ji, and it is said that its combat effectiveness is good.

As soon as the army left Chang'an City, Du He left the three divisions to Fang Yiai's leadership, and left with Dian Wei and a dozen personal guards.

Du He's army is going to take a boat on the Songjiang River and walk by sea.

Avoid traffic problems.

A few days later, Du He and his party arrived in Runan.


Good name!

"Lao Dian, let's go to Cyclamen and have a good drink."

Doo Ho said.

"Okay! Busy on the road, I haven't smelled alcohol for several days."

Dian Wei Road.

After handing over the horse to the waiter, the group walked into the Cyclamen Restaurant.

More than ten people came in, Du He and Dian Wei sat at a table by the window, and the others sat around to protect Du He and Dian Wei.

Food came out quickly.

The taste is not good.

But what?

This is the period of the Tang Empire, and it is impossible to taste good.

Central Plains food culture is not very developed.

The wine sold in the restaurant is also high-grade liquor brewed in Liaoxi City.

"Master, there is something wrong with the wine, it is mixed with water, and it is not the original taste of the wine when it leaves the factory."

Dian Wei Road.


Du He picked up the wine glass and took a small sip.

Damn it!

This and that are produced in western Liaoning, they are purely counterfeit goods, okay?

"Xiao Er, what's the matter with this wine?"

Doo Ho said.

"Guest officer, the wine we sell has always tasted this way. Is there anything wrong with it?"

The shop is small.

"Xiao Er, don't fool us, this wine is mixed with water, it is not produced in Liaoxi City, shouldn't we give an explanation."

Doo Ho said.

"Guest officer, our wine is purchased from the Yuan family in Runan City, how could it be mixed with water?"

Second Road.


Could it be that the Yuan family adulterated it?

"Call your boss out."

Doo Ho said.

The owner of the cyclamen is called Zhang Tao, and he looks quite honest, not like a liar.

"Guest officer, my name is Zhang Tao, and I am the owner of this restaurant. If you have any questions, please tell me."

Zhang Tao said.

"Boss, your wine has been mixed with water. Xiao Er said that there is nothing wrong with it. You have been purchasing it from Yuan's house."

Doo Ho said.

"Guest officer, you're right! This wine is indeed mixed with water. It's not from our restaurant, it's just like that after purchasing.

We knew it had been mixed with water, but the guests wanted to drink wine from western Liaoning, but they couldn't buy authentic western Liaoning, so we could only buy it from Yuan's family by pinching our noses.

What Xiao Er said was right, and what the guest officer said was also right. "

Zhang Tao explained.



"Boss Zhang, only Yuan's in Runan sells Liaoxi wine, don't other people sell Liaoxi wine?"

Doo Ho said.

"Guest officer, only the Yuan family in Runan sells the wine produced in western Liaoning. Others can't get the wine produced in western Liaoning if they want to sell it. I heard that the Yuan family in Runan specializes in it. Everyone in Runan knows about this, and it's not news. .”

Zhang Tao said.


Openly sell fake wine.

Sell ​​it with water, get huge profits, and your conscience is eaten by dogs.

But what?

Now that the Tang Empire did not crack down on such cases, even suing would be useless, and the Yamen would not bother.

"Okay, Boss Zhang, let's go!"

Doo Ho said.

"The guest officer is slow to use."

Boss Zhang said.

"Young master, the Yuan family is too shameless, why don't we go and destroy the Yuan family, so as not to sell fake wine to harm the people."

Dian Wei Road.

Ha ha!

"Lao Dian, the Yuan family in Runan is a super big family, with people in the court and many people in the local area.

Let's destroy the Yuan family, it will cause controversy, it's not worth it. "

Doo Ho said.

Once Du He made a move, trouble would arise.

"Young Master, why don't you just let Yuan Shi be so deceitful?"

Dian Wei Road.

"Lao Dian, it's very easy to deal with people. Let's notify the four industrial parks that all industries under them,

No matter what the product is, it will not be sold to the Yuan family and will be blacklisted.Then tell the families with whom we do business,

Don't have any business dealings with Yuan, otherwise, you will be blacklisted.In this way, can Yuan Shi still be arrogant? "

Doo Ho said.


Dian Wei laughed.

"Master, give the order!"

Lao Dian said.

With the strength of Du He's industrial park at this time, it is indeed capable of blocking other people in business.


The Yuan family became the first family to be blocked. By then, how many businessmen and families would dare to cooperate with the Yuan family.

"Master, this plan is wonderful! No blood will be seen in killing people. Once the industrial park blacklists Yuan's,

It is basically impossible to operate commercially.It is estimated that it won't be long before the Yuan family will send someone to intercede with the young master. "

Dian Wei Road.

Ha ha!

"When the time comes, just disappear. Such a family conscience has been eaten by dogs. There is no need to cooperate with it. It would be nice to let it fend for itself."

Doo Ho said.


Du He exchanged a few bottles from the system mall again, and let Dian Wei and others have a good meal.

Looking for Xiaoer to bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone, Du He personally wrote a letter to Shen Wansan, asking Shen Wansan to kill the Yuan family.

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