Take over prisoners and confiscate weapons.

Of the 10 indigenous soldiers, less than 2 died, and the rest went to civilized schools to receive imperial re-education.

Fang Laoer and Liu Rengui met in Linyi City.

"General, the battle results have been counted."

A messenger said.


Fang Laoer said.

"Reporting to the division commander, 81 indigenous soldiers were captured, and nearly 2 indigenous soldiers were beheaded. Our army suffered more than 2800 casualties, of which 780 were killed or seriously injured, and the rest were slightly injured. The subsequent battles were not triggered."

The orderly reported.

"How was it captured?"

Fang Laoer said.

"More than 20 shi of grain have been seized, countless copper coins, and some gold and silver; there are many weapons, but we don't need them."

The messenger said.

"No! Too little gold and silver treasures have been seized, which is unscientific. Immediately ask the soldiers to search the city,

The focus is on the people of the Zhao family, as well as the homes of officials. Be sure to check carefully, don't miss it. "

Fang Laoer said.

"As ordered!"

Liu Rengui of the 15th Division also issued the same order, asking the soldiers to quickly search and search for valuable rare trees, gold, and silver.

The imperial soldiers were ordered to break open the houses of officials and Zhao clan members one by one.

Chapter 481

inner city:

After receiving the information from the shadow, the situation calmed down.

Du He was also aware of Li Er's purpose, and used it to beat him down. However, the progress of the matter surprised Li Er.

It seems that leaving the center of right and wrong in Chang'an is the right choice.

Li Er is getting older, and his suspicions are getting worse.

"Young master, a large iron mine was discovered in the Lang Son area. The quality is very high and the reserves are huge."



"Is it possible to mine?"

Doo Ho said.

"Well, young master, the road must be built, otherwise, it will be difficult to transport it out."


But what?

No matter how difficult it is, we must build roads, open up passages to Lang Son, and mine iron ore.

The minerals in the core area of ​​the empire can no longer be mined and left to future generations.

Minerals are a non-renewable resource that needs to be mined a little less.

"Organize captives, build a road to Lang Son, and when possible, go directly to the railway. We want to mine iron ore."

Doo Ho said.

"As ordered!"

After the personal guard left, Du He continued to read the information.

"Old Dian, inform the three commanders that they will have a meeting in the inner city in a week to study the next step of the expedition?"

Doo Ho said.

"As ordered!"


In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

In just three months, a small country was annihilated in one fell swoop by sneak attack and other means, eliminating the troubles of the Central Plains.

In the future, there will be no more disputes in the South China Sea, and it will all become the inner sea of ​​the empire.

However, times in this area are reversed and times are smooth, and it seems that they do not really surrender to the Central Plains Empire. From a historical point of view.

He was conquered many times, and when the Central Plains was weak, he went out independently.

An unfamiliar wolf.

We can't let the natives stay here, we must let them go to the Central Plains Imperial Civilization School to completely solve the hidden dangers.

Not to mention the use of indigenous people as officials.

It would be better to send all the natives to civilized schools.

There is a decision in my heart.

A week later, Su Lie, Liu Rengui, and Fang Yiai arrived in the inner city.

Du He asked the kitchen to cook a sumptuous dinner for the three teachers.

"General, what is the next mission of our 15th Division?"

Liu Rengui took a sip of wine and said.

Ha ha!

"It's not just about the 15th division, it's all three divisions that have tasks. First, consolidate the land that has been won,

To completely wipe out the hidden natives, they must be arrested and brought to justice. This matter is priceless and very important.

I don't want to wait until the imperial army leaves, and this area becomes a place for indigenous activities again. "

Doo Ho said.

The three teachers frowned slightly.

"General, this matter is very troublesome. The aborigines are hiding in the dense forest, and we really have no good way to arrest them.

Want to mobilize troops, the problem is that the road is too difficult, they are guerrilla operations, not scale.Once fully captured,

The price is too high, and it will not be worth it in the end. "

Su Lie said.

Du He picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

"Mr. Su, you are right! It is very difficult to arrest, but we must proceed. This area belongs to the empire,

It cannot be allowed to separate after many years, causing troubles to future generations.This time, we completely solve it.

It's okay to be slow, as long as it gets the job done. "

Du He could not doubt it.

"This general knows that you are very difficult, no matter how difficult it is, you have to overcome it, and you must complete the task. This is an order."

Duho added.

"Follow the order!"


"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The three teachers stood up with a snap, stood at attention and saluted, and replied loudly.

"Sit down! Let's go on."

Doo Ho said.

"In addition, the native captives left by the various divisions, even though they have entered the civilized school, remember, they must not be released.

Transferring to other civilization schools can be considered, and the native captives must not be released.This is also included in the military discipline. "

Doo Ho said.

"General, what about the traitors who surrendered to us? If they are not released, it will be difficult. After all, the traitors were promised."

Fang Laoer said.

Ha ha!

"Second Fang, if you ask General Ben what to do, who should I ask? If you can't handle this trivial matter, go home and grow sweet potatoes!"

Doo Ho said.

"General, it's just a joke, why can't this trivial matter be handled, don't worry!"

Fang Laoer said.

"Okay, no kidding. Next, you three divisions will act independently. Of course, depending on the size of the battle,

can act together. After the 14th Division wiped out the natives on the site, it marched westward along the coastline.

The 15th Division advanced along the central region, and the 17th Division advanced westward from the north. In the north of the 17th Division, I will give orders to the county soldiers in Lingxi,

Let it advance towards the west, squeezing the living space of Nanzhao Kingdom.As for where it ends,

When you see the sea, there is no way to go.This is a long-term task, estimated to take several years to complete. "

Doo Ho said.

"General, what is the reason for sending troops?"

Liu Ren track.

Damn it!

There is a fart reason to send troops.

Ha ha!

"The reason for sending troops is to liberate all mankind, to rescue the local people from suffering, and to no longer be oppressed by the landlords.

In addition, like Nanzhao, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, that place was under the jurisdiction of the Central Plains Empire.

Now we are recovering the old land.We are morally tenable, and the rest is liberation, as you understand. "

Doo Ho said.

Liu Rengui despised Du He severely in his heart.

The reason for such a joke can also be said.

But what?

As far as the imperial army is concerned, there is finally a reason to send troops, regardless of whether it is a joke or not.

It's easy to have a reason.

"You have to believe in yourself, we are the teachers of justice, and it is the duty of the imperial army to explain the suffering natives.

Stand up confidently and don't be afraid of others gossiping.In the cause of justice, there are always some people who have nothing to do. "

Duho added.

"General, since we are a righteous cause, what should we do with the local indigenous people such as Lao Wo, Transcendence, Shan Kingdom, and Nanzhao?"

Su Lie said.


This matter is a bit difficult to handle!

Du He picked up his wine glass and took a big sip.

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