"My lord's words are very true, but Xu Huang thought too much."

"The will of our soldiers is stronger than you think, go!"

Hua Xiong laughed.


Xu Huang didn't hesitate any longer, and as soon as he patted his horse's belly, he and Zhou Cang led [-] cavalry and followed Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang away.

Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang originally thought that after Hua Xiong led the army to attack Wuchao successfully, they would retreat.

After all, this is the rear of Yuan Shao's army, surrounded by Yuan Jun.

But they never expected that Hua Xiong would be so powerful.

Five thousand cavalrymen clenched tightly behind them, showing no intention of letting go.

The two were furious and wanted to turn around and fight Hua Xiong to the death.

But the Qingqi they brought knew that the granary had been destroyed, so they had no will to fight at all.

The two were also surrounded by a crowd of cavalry, and they retreated wildly towards Yuan Jun's camp!

This gave Xu Huang and Zhou Cang a chance. They commanded the cavalry and carried out a frantic massacre behind them.

Yuan Jun's soldiers had no idea of ​​fighting at all, they just cared about running for their lives.

For them, rather than fighting Hua Xiong's army, it would be better to run faster than their allies.

It was a spectacle for a while, [-] cavalrymen were killed by [-] cavalrymen, all of them ran away with their heads in their arms.

Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang wanted to cry without tears!

In this way, Xu Huang, Zhou Cang and the others took advantage of the situation to hide and kill, and chased for forty miles, and pursued them abruptly to Yuan Jun's camp.

Originally fled outside Yuan Jun's camp, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang were originally relieved.

But the sergeants in the camp saw that the situation was wrong, so they closed the gate of the camp tightly and did not let them in.

This made Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang furious!

One must know that Hua Xiong, the god of death, is chasing after him!

"Open the fucking door!"

"I'm going to die, I'm blinding your dog's eyes, right?"

The two generals pointed at the sergeants on the watchtowers on both sides of the camp gate and cursed loudly.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, we have sent someone to ask the lord for instructions"

Before a corporal leader on the watchtower could finish speaking, Lu Kuang interrupted him.

"You're blind, right? Let's see who these old men are?"

"If you don't open the door now, you will die when I enter the barracks!"

Lu Xiang was also on the side, his face getting angry.

The corporal leader knew that the two were generals in the army, hesitated for a moment, and finally opened the gate of the camp.

As the gate opened, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang finally settled down and fled into the camp.

But the [-] cavalry led by them stretched out in the process of fleeing.

When Xu Huang and Zhou Cang rushed to the gate of the camp, more than half of them hadn't even had time to withdraw.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Zhang roared,

"Close the camp gate!"

But alas, it was too late.

Xu Huang was told by Hua Xiong, how could he let go of such an excellent opportunity?

One by one, he rushed to the forefront.

Several sergeants who tried to close the gate of the camp were cut into two by him with a single swiping of the knife!

Such a bloody scene and such a brave momentum directly frightened the soldiers at the camp gate.

They didn't even have the thought of resisting, they turned around and ran back.

Xu Huang touched the blood splashed on his face, and said sharply,

"Brothers, make contributions, right now.

And follow me into Yuan Jun's camp and capture Yuan Shao alive! "




Five thousand cavalry broke out with overwhelming momentum.

They rushed into Yuan Jun's camp full of fearlessness!

Yuan Shao's military camp stretched for dozens of miles, with a total army of nearly 20.

The sergeants in the camp never expected that there would be enemies rushing in.

Facing the red-eyed Xu Huang and the five thousand cavalry, Yuan Jun's soldiers were dumbfounded.

They didn't wake up until the weapons fell on them, it was an enemy attack!

"Clang clang clang!"

The sound of the gong representing the enemy's attack sounded in the camp.

Xu Huang led five thousand cavalry, and by virtue of the advantage of the surprise attack, caused quite a commotion in Yuan Jun's camp.

But Yuan Shao's generals and advisers are not idiots.

They quickly saw the situation clearly and knew that there were only a few thousand enemies rushing into the camp.

So they organized resistance, and slowly resisted the offensive of Xu Huang and others!

Xu Huang naturally sensed that something was wrong, and tried to lead his men to rush out.

It's a pity that he has gone deep into Yuan Jun's camp at this moment, and there are enemies in all directions.

Coupled with the complexity of the camp, they lost their way.

Seeing more and more enemies around, Xu Huang's heart sank.

My life is over!

Chapter 233 Let's Fight With Me

Just when despair was growing in Xu Huang's heart, suddenly there was a neighing sound of a war horse in the distance like a dragon chant.

Xu Huang and Zhou Cang were taken aback for a moment, and when they looked at each other, they could see the joy on each other's faces.

"It's the lord!"

"My lord is here to save us!"

The [-] cavalry, who were a little desperate at first, also became excited.

At this moment, Yuan Jun's soldiers not far away suddenly burst into commotion.

A white dragon horse rushed in unstoppably, and the silver armored general on the horse was Hua Xiong!

The Tianlong Breaking City Halberd in his hand didn't stop for a moment, forcibly killing a bloody path!

"Gongming, Zhou Cang, are you two alright?"

The majestic Hua Xiong didn't stop attacking until Xu Huang and Zhou Cang were around.

"My lord, we are both fine." Zhou Cang said hastily.

"My lord, I didn't expect you to be in danger for us."

Xu Huang looked at Hua Xiong, his eyes were red and his voice was choked up.

The five thousand cavalrymen behind them also blushed, too excited to speak.

They never expected that Hua Xiong would single-handedly rush into the siege of thousands of troops for them!

How could this not impress them?

"Why does a man act like a little daughter?" Hua Xiong laughed heartily, "Do you still have the energy?"

"Of course there is!"

"That's good." Hua Xiong nodded with satisfaction, "Follow me and charge in Yuan Jun's camp. Don't be reluctant to fight, just create chaos."

"Yes, my lord!"

"There should be some fuel oil left from last night, I'll use it all up!"


Hua Xiong laughed loudly, clamped his horse's belly, and rushed out again brandishing his weapon!

Five thousand cavalry followed closely behind!

Xu Huang and Zhou Cang were trapped because they were too fond of fighting.

Now they change tactics, just to create chaos.

In addition, Hua Xiong, a monster with extremely terrifying force value, opened the way.

Soon Yuan Jun's camp was lit up with smoke, and there were fires everywhere, and it fell into chaos!

At the same time Hua Xiong and Xu Huang rushed to kill, Yuan Shao camped.

"Report to my lord, the two generals Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang are outside the camp. I wonder if they should be allowed in?"

A messenger asked for instructions.

Yuan Shao, who was studying the map, frowned and said angrily,

"Bastard, why did you stop the two generals outside the camp?"

"My lord, the two generals are in a state of disarray, and the ten thousand Qingqi they took away are chaotic.

Some even said that Hua Xiong led his men in pursuit.

So we dare not let them in. "

The messenger hurriedly explained.


Yuan Shao suddenly stood up with a shocked expression on his face.

Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang were sent by him to rescue the siege of Wuchao.

But now that the two have retreated in defeat, there is only one possibility.

The Wuchao is gone!

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Yuan Shao's eyes were still darkened, he felt his world was spinning, and he almost fell down.

Fortunately, Jushou, Guo Tu and others nearby helped him up.

"My lord, you have to take care of yourself!"

Guo Tu comforted him.

Yuan Shao sat down slowly, with a dejected look on his face.

He would rather not take care of his health than lose Wuchao!

That was worse than death!

Ju Shou said softly, "Master, the most important thing right now is not to let Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang in.

Their subordinates were still rebels, and Hua Xiong's soldiers might have mixed in with them.

Let them organize their troops outside the camp first to resist Hua Xiong's attack. "

"Yes, you are quite right."

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