In the lobby of the front yard, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Li Ru and others are counting the harvest of this war.

Seeing Hua Xiong coming, they quickly stood up and bowed their hands together.


"You are Welcome."

Hua Xiong waved his hand and asked with a smile,

"How was the result of this battle?"

"My lord, all the rich and noble families in Tan County fled with Liu Bei.

The real estate and land deeds they left behind are enough for the lord to form an army of 10 people! "

Guo Jia laughed.

Hua Xiong was a little surprised, he didn't expect such a rich harvest.

But he changed his mind, Xuzhou has many plains, and there are rich families like the Mi family, so it is only natural that the harvest is rich.

It seems that copying the house is still a big gain. Did I look for an opportunity to copy Jingzhou, Yangzhou and other places.

Hua Xiong couldn't help showing a wicked smile on his face.

Guo Jia and the others on the side looked at each other and felt a chill on their backs.

I don't know who is missed by the lord again.

Being missed by the lord, even if you don't die, you will have to peel off your skin.

"By the way, where is Liu Bei fleeing now?"

Hua Xiong asked.

"Reporting to my lord, according to the news reported by the spies, Liu Bei led the defeated army to retreat to Xiapi.

They have already set up camp there and built fortifications. "

Guo Jia replied.

"Since this is the case, then we can't give Liu Bei a chance to develop into a climate."

Hua Xiong waved his hand and ordered,

"Pass down the order, the army will rest for a day, and will go to Xiapi tomorrow to pursue Liu Bei."

"My lord, what about Xuzhou?"

Li Ru asked.

"Xuzhou, just leave it to Cao Bao to take care of it.

In addition, 3 people were drawn from the Suzaku Military Region and the Xuanwu Military Region each. "

Guo Jia was taken aback, "Master, are you planning to take Xuzhou?"

"Not bad!"

Hua Xiong nodded heavily, with a firm and authentic attitude,

"This battle is bound to take Xuzhou and drive out all Liu Bei's forces!"

Xuzhou has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

It guards the traffic hubs, controls the North China Plain in the north, attacks Jiangnan in the south, enters the hinterland of the Central Plains in the west, and has the sea as a barrier in the east.

After taking Xuzhou, passing through the Grand Canal that Huaxiong ordered to build before, it can greatly save trouble in transporting troops, food and grass.

This is of great significance to Huaxiong's next plan for Yangzhou and Jiangdong.

Guo Jia, Li Ru, Jia Xu and others also understood this truth, so they did not object, but immediately began to draft government orders.


Hua Xiong's army rested in Tan County for a few days, then embarked on the journey again, heading south.

After seeing Hua Xiong's departure, several Xizuo who guarded near Tan County did not dare to delay at all, and immediately rode towards Xiapi on horseback.

Several horses died of exhaustion along the way, and finally passed the news to Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and others in Xiapi City.

Chapter 366 Eight Diagrams Formation

"you sure?"

Liu Bei stared at the spy and asked seriously.

"My subordinates are very sure that all of Hua Xiong's troops have been mobilized, leaving only the traitor Cao Bao's [-] Danyang soldiers stationed in Tan County."

The spy said respectfully.

"Understood, let's go down."

Liu Bei waved his hand, looked at Zhuge Liang who was beside him, and said frowningly,

"Kong Ming, Hua Xiong is going to drive us all to death."

"Hua Xiong only has 5 horses, which is equal to the number of our army.

Don't panic, my lord, we haven't reached the end of the mountain yet. "

Zhuge Liang comforted softly.

"Then what do we do, in your opinion?"

Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang stood up, shook the feather fan lightly, thought for a moment,

"This Xiapi is not as good as Tanxian County. It is basically impossible to defend the city."

Pang Tong nodded in agreement,

"What Kong Ming said is not bad at all.

It is said that the artillery developed by Hua Xiong is astonishingly powerful.Ordinary cities can't really resist the bombardment of artillery. "

Hearing the two military advisers say that, Liu Bei frowned even tighter.

"As I see it, there's only one way to go..."

Zhuge Liang looked at Pang Tong with a smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying in unison,

"Out of town to fight!"

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were stunned when they heard this.

"Military division, are you joking?"

Liu Bei said with a bewildered expression.

"Going out of the city to fight, isn't that a dead end?"

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were also at a loss.

Hua Xiong's army has strict military discipline and amazing combat effectiveness. They are the first-class elite soldiers in the world.

Although the tens of thousands of horses led by Liu Bei were trained with a lot of money, they were still not as good as Hua Xiong's army.

Otherwise, they could choose to go shopping with Hua Xiong in Tan County.

But now Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong proposed to give up the advantage of the city and go out of the city to face Huaxiong.

How could it not surprise the three of Liu, Guan and Zhang?

"My lord, if you want to rely on Xiapi City to resist Hua Xiong's attack, you will definitely lose."

Zhuge Liang looked serious and authentic,

"So our army must take the initiative to attack, so that we can put them to death and survive."

"Kong Ming is right." Pang Tong nodded in agreement, "You didn't even think of my lord, and Hua Xiong naturally didn't expect our army to go out of the city to fight, just in time to catch him by surprise."

Although what they said was very reasonable, Liu Bei still looked a little hesitant.

"Master, do you have any plans?"

"There is no specific plan yet, but according to my observation of the sky at night, there will be heavy snowfall in a few days.

At that time, we will have the right time and place, and we will not be able to deal with Hua Xiong easily. "

Zhuge Liang laughed.

Liu Bei couldn't help muttering in his heart, last time you said you had the right time, place and people, but in the end you lost to Hua Xiong and even lost your nest.

He hesitated for a moment, but there was no good idea, so he could only nod his head in agreement,

"Since this is the case, everything will be according to Kong Ming's orders."

When Zhuge Liang was about to discuss with Pang Tong about the next move, Chen Dao suddenly hurried in from the outside.

"My lord, Zilong has returned."

Upon hearing this, Liu Bei stood up with a "chuckle" and strode out.

"Zilong, Zilong!"

The rest followed behind him.

When a group of people came to the lobby, Zhao Yun was resting with a tired face.

Liu Bei hugged Zhao Yun, tears of excitement streaming down his face.

"Zilong, I've been worrying about you for the past few days. I don't think about food or tea!"

Zhao Yun was also a little moved in his heart, and said quickly,

"Thank you, my lord, for your concern."

Zhang Fei on the side snorted softly,

"Zilong, how did you escape from Hua Xiong? Tell us quickly."

When Liu Bei and others evacuated from Tan County, they saw Zhao Yun surrounded by Hua Xiong's men.

If it was said that Zhao Yun could escape from Hua Xiong's grasp, no one would believe it if he was killed.

The lobby was unusually quiet, and the atmosphere became a little tense.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yun, full of doubt, puzzlement, and indifference.

Zhao Yun felt a little uncomfortable for a moment, but he still pretended to be nonchalant, and explained in detail how he fought Hua Xiong and how he let him go.

"So it is."

Liu Bei smiled easily.

"Brother, don't believe his words. Maybe he has already taken refuge in Hua Xiong, and he came back this time to act as an internal response."

Zhang Fei said with a vigilant face.

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Bei's face sank, and he shouted in a low voice.

"Where am I talking nonsense? Maybe he is just like Cao Bao!"

"shut up!"

Liu Bei gave Zhang Fei a hard look.

You still have the nerve to say Cao Bao, if it weren't for you, how could Tan County be lost so easily?

"My lord, if you doubt Zilong, you can arrest Zilong."

Zhao Yun said seriously.

"Zilong, you are loyal, how can I not trust you?"

Liu Bei comforted.

"Third Brother, if it wasn't for the Empress Zilong, how did you and I escape from Tan County? How can you doubt him so casually?"

Guan Yu also looked at Zhang Fei dissatisfied.

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