As long as the rope is pulled to raise the city gate, the deep ravine will block the enemy's attack.

"Don't let them raise the city gate!"

Gao Shun was anxious when he saw it.

If the enemy is allowed to rise to the city gate, they will return without success!

"Don't worry, they won't be able to go up."

Hua Xiong laughed loudly, and took out the bow and arrow from behind.

He took a deep breath, stretched his bow and nocked his arrow.



Two bows and arrows shot out from Hua Xiong's hands, and hit the ropes of the city gate directly and accurately.

The rope broke, and the city gate fell back heavily with a bang.

This sudden change stunned the Yellow Turban Army in the city.

I am a Nima, riding a horse a few hundred steps away, and shot two ropes, are you still a human?

Gao Shun and the others burst into cheers!

"My lord's divine power is invincible in the world!"

While praising Hua Xiong loudly, they drove their mounts into Rencheng!

Chapter 98 Wai San Que One

Hua Xiong slowly put away his bow and arrow, and rode his horse into Rencheng.

Gao Shun wiped the blood from his face, and said excitedly,

"My lord, there are not many enemy troops in this city."

Hua Xiong chuckled, "Nonsense, otherwise how dare I attack?"

"My lord, how did you know?"

"It's very simple. The enemy has to send troops to escort food and grass, but also to go into the mountains to search."

"The city must be empty, so I decided to take the initiative!"

Hua Xiong's analysis was reasonable and hit the nail on the head.

Gao Shun was immediately filled with admiration.

"The lord is really so intelligent that he is almost a monster."

"Learn more from me, little brother."

Hua Xiong patted his shoulder and laughed.

There were only a few hundred Yellow Turban soldiers in Rencheng, and only a small number escaped.

All the rest were slaughtered!

Soon Hua Xiong found a large amount of grain and grass in Rencheng.

"These should all be shipped to Dongping. If they are all burned, the Yellow Turban Army will definitely be defeated without a fight!"

Let me add a word, the chasing book app I am using recently, !

Gao Shun's eyes were fiery.

"Yes, set fire!"

Hua Xiong ordered in a deep voice.

Five hundred cavalry collected a large amount of tung oil from the city, and poured it not only on the grain and grass, but also all over the city.

As soon as Hua Xiong was set on fire, the entire Rencheng was soon engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

Wang Yu was searching for traces of the enemy, when the men next to him suddenly patted him in horror.

"Boss, look quickly"

Wang Yu was taken aback, and looked in the direction of his finger.

In the dense night, the Rencheng city in the distance is burning into the sky!

Wang Yu's hands and feet were instantly cold.

He didn't dare to hesitate at all, quickly summoned his men and returned to Rencheng.

But when they rushed back to Rencheng, the fire had already burned Rencheng into ruins.

Dongping City.

"You mean Ren Cheng is gone?"

Zhang Rao's eyes were red, and he stared at Wang Yu.

Wang Yu nodded in fear.


Zhang Rao spurted out a mouthful of donated blood.



The subordinates panicked immediately.

Zhang Rao sat back with a miserable smile and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Rencheng is a transfer station for the Yellow Turban Army to transport grain and grass, and a large amount of grain and grass are piled up in the city.

It was destroyed, which means that the Yellow Turban Army has lost this battle!

Just then, another messenger rushed in.

"Boss, Hua Xiong's army has already set out and is heading towards Dongping!"

Zhang Rao's eyes darkened.

He cheered up and led his men up to the Dongping City Wall.

Outside the city, Hua Xiong's [-] troops arrived.

They did not put on a posture of attacking the city, but surrounded Dongping City on three sides and began to set up camp.

Zhang Rao gasped.

This Hua Xiong is so ruthless.

After burning his own food and grass, he sent a large army to suppress the border.

It can be said to be interlocking!

I am neither attacking nor defending.

Wolf camp.

"Hehe, my lord is really a match for the horse. He even captured Rencheng with only [-] elite cavalry."

Guo Jia sighed sincerely.

"That's right, I also burned all the millions of food and grass of the Yellow Turban Army. I really admire the subordinates and others."

Cheng Yu also agreed with a smile.

Others looked at Hua Xiong with admiration.

The five hundred fine riders turned the Yellow Turban Army's food supply upside down.

It even destroyed Rencheng.

Such a move is definitely a great achievement!

"My lord, since the Yellow Turban Army has no food and grass, and their morale is unstable, why don't we take advantage of the situation and attack?"

Ma Dai asked curiously.

"Don't worry. Since there is no food and grass, let's wait for a while, and they will naturally break through."

Hua Xiong said with a smile.

"That's right. Moreover, the lord's arm is surrounded by three corners, which also makes the enemy unable to develop fighting spirit. It's really a clever plan!"

Guo Jia laughed.

Surrounding three ques and one is a strategy in Sun Tzu's Art of War.

If the city is surrounded, the defenders in the city will have no way out, and they will fight to the death.

But once a way out is exposed, their will will be shaken.

Hua Xiong had seen the Art of War before, so he used this strategy.

Time flies like a white horse, and it is another half a month in a flash.

The food in Dongping City was quickly exhausted.

Let alone weeds, even the horses of the cavalry were killed to eat them.

All the Yellow Turban soldiers in the city were as pale as paper, and their speech was weak.

Zhang Rao saw it, but was extremely worried.

But there was nothing he could do.

He felt remorse in his heart, if he had known this, he would not have attacked Yanzhou.

Unfortunately, it is too late now.

While Zhang Rao was repenting, a messenger ran in panting.

"Boss, there is movement in Hua Xiong's army."

Startled, Zhang Rao quickly stood up and climbed onto the city wall.

In the camp of the wolf army on the opposite side, suddenly the gate of the camp opened, and a group of soldiers came out.

Zhang Rao originally thought that the opponent was going to attack him.

But unexpectedly, these soldiers did not carry weapons.

They walked out of the bow and arrow range of the Yellow Turban Army and began to build stoves and grills.

In front of hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers, they even started cooking together.

“Delicious kebabs.”

"There is also roasted whole lamb, brother, why don't you have a bite?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it smells so good!"

"As long as you surrender, you will be guaranteed good food and spicy food."

While grilling meat, those soldiers greeted the Yellow Turban Army in the city loudly.

Smelling the fragrance from the wind, the eyes of the hungry Yellow Turban soldiers turned green.

They kept swallowing, wishing that they were the ones sitting there eating meat.

Food was scarce in the city, and ordinary soldiers only had one bowl of gruel a day.

Although Zhang Rao is the leader, he is not much better.

He looked at the wolf soldiers outside the city who were eating meat and drinking, and almost cried.

This Hua Xiong is too inhuman, isn't he?

In front of so many hungry men, let his subordinates eat barbecue.

This is simply messing with one's own morale!

Sure enough, soon some Yellow Turban soldiers couldn't bear it.

Unable to bear this temptation, the two soldiers secretly opened the city gate and ran towards the wolf army.

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