The only thing he worries about now is that his daughter can't think about it.

She is so proud!

From childhood to adulthood, as long as she wants to learn, there is nothing she can't learn!

Poems, songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Although I dare not say that she is proficient in everything, but as far as the current situation is concerned, none of the sons and brothers in Luoyang can surpass her.

Because of this,

She has high expectations for her future partner!

Cai Yong still remembers to this day,

When I agreed to Wei's family in a muddleheaded way, my daughter's lively eyes lost their spirit in an instant.


Cai Yong is scared!

He was afraid that if it happened again, his silly daughter would really miss it!

"Father, what's on your mind?"

Just as Cai Yong was paralyzed in the living room, thinking about how to explain to his daughter, Cai Yan's cold voice sounded in his ear.


Hearing his daughter's voice, Cai Yong hurriedly sat up straight, subconsciously shook his head and said:

"No, nothing!"


Cai Yan smiled noncommittally, moved slightly to the side and knelt down, staring at her father with big eyes.

"If that's the case, who is the princess Wen Ji that you sir are talking about?"

"Could it be that it's the illegitimate daughter you left behind, Father?"


"Cough, cough, cough..."

Cai Yong, who had just picked up his teacup and took a sip, spit it out when he heard the words. After coughing a few times, he stared and said:

"What are you talking about?"

"In your eyes, is the father the kind of person who flirts with women?"

"Not necessarily~!"

Cai Yan shrugged, not caring about his father's anger at all, and said directly:

"Tell me, who is Qin Feng, General of Zhenbei?"

Chapter 154 Isn't it good to be a free captive?

"General Zhenbei..."

Seeing that Cai Yan made everything clear, Cai Yong couldn't pretend to be confused anymore, and sighed:

"As a father, I only knew that there was such a person after listening to friends talking about it in the past two days."

"It is said that General Zhenbei was just a county lieutenant a month ago, and he was promoted to General Zhenbei in a short period of time by suppressing the Yellow Turbans and foreign races!"

"I was promoted to General Zhenbei in one month?"

Listening to Cai Yong's introduction, Cai Yan's eyes widened in astonishment, suspicion was written all over her pretty face.

"Father, are you serious?"


Cai Yong spread his hands helplessly,

"I knew you didn't believe it a long time ago, but this matter is indeed true!"

"Ha ha……"


He rubbed his temples with some headaches, Cai Yong looked left and right, saw that no one was around, and then said in a low voice:

"A few days ago, you should have heard about the 20 Wuhuan iron cavalry attacking the border?"

Cai Yan nodded, "I heard, is it related to General Zhenbei?"

"You guessed it right!"

Cai Yong sat up straight and said with a very serious expression:

"Good news came from the frontier yesterday. General Zhenbei confronted 20 cavalry head-on with an army of [-], and won~!"


Cai Yan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.



Although her father is stubborn, old-fashioned, and even a little pedantic!

But he has one undeniable advantage, that is, he never lies!

not to mention,

What's the point of telling such a lie that can be broken at the first poke?

Since her father didn't speak, that means, is this General Zhenbei really that powerful?

But this is also unlikely!

Whether it's promotion from county lieutenant to general of Zhenbei in one month, or defeating 20 foreign cavalry with [-] head-on, it sounds a bit fake, okay?


Seeing that Cai Yan was silent, Cai Yong couldn't sit still, and comforted him in a low voice:

"Your Majesty's imperial decree has been issued and announced to the world, you can't do stupid things!"

"What stupid thing can I do?"

Cai Yan, who came back to his senses, glanced at his father indifferently, and said with a light smile:

"Father, although my daughter is still young, I still understand the principle that sacred orders cannot be violated!"


"This General Zhenbei is better than that sick man no matter what, why does my daughter still do stupid things?"


Watching Cai Yan's leaving back, Cai Yong was stunned for a long time without recovering.

Does this solve it?


You Beiping,


This normally inconspicuous small town has become bustling with the presence of Qin Feng and others.

"Hey, did you hear that?"


"The big man is going to attack Wuhuan!"

"real or fake?"

"Nonsense, didn't you see so many troops coming this morning?"

"God has eyes, the imperial court is finally going to deal with those damned Wuhuan people!"

Listening to the people's discussions on the street, Qin Feng, who was sitting in front of the tea stand, had a complicated expression on his face.

This is a big man!

In the land of the great Han, the Han people were bullied by other races, so they can only pray for God's protection?

What a ridiculous thing!

This shows that

Not only those alien races should be damned, but also a guy who implements a soft policy is unforgivable!


Qin Feng took a deep breath, and turned his head to look at Tian Yu, who had the same dignified expression on his side.

"Guorang, do you know why I don't want to take prisoners?"

"Maybe I understand!"

After lightly nodding his head, Tian Yu hesitated for a moment, then sighed:

"But in this way, we will lose a lot of free labor!"

"If those young and strong captives are not killed, they will be good at building roads or digging mines if they are brought back!"

"You, you still don't understand what I mean!"

He stretched out his hand and nodded Tian Yu, Qin Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, saying:

"Let's put it this way, do you think we big men are short of people?"

"Not missing?"

"It's more than lacking?"

Qin Feng spread his hands exaggeratedly,

"Hundreds of thousands of young and middle-aged people have rebelled. It can be said that there is no shortage of people, okay?"


Tian Yu was not attracted by Qin Feng's exaggerated movements, he said thoughtfully:

"My lord, I probably understand what you mean, but it will cost a lot more!"

"After all, we only need to take care of the food of those foreign captives!"


Qin Feng reached out and patted Tian Yu's shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Tian Guorang, you have to understand one thing now, there are many people in Yuyang, us big men who can't even eat enough!"

"Where do you think the hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans came from?"

"Who wants to rebel with his head on his belt if he can eat enough?"


"After bringing back tens of thousands of foreign captives, someone helped us work for free!"

"But you can't let people starve to death, can you? You have to take care of food and shelter!"

"But have you ever thought that even if it is the same treatment, there are many people in the Han territory who are willing to come!"

"When serving as an official, the consideration should not be how to save costs, but to allow more people to eat!"

"As long as the common people have enough to eat, the so-called Zhang Jiao and his ilk can only be a joke!"

"Do you understand it?"

Chapter 155

After some in-depth education, Tian Yu never mentioned the matter of keeping prisoners.

For this,

Qin Feng expressed his satisfaction!

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